Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Nov 18, 2022


Master Ankit and I have been amazed by the feedback we received on the last chapters. It has good to hear about some of your own stories of submission. The only thing I'll add for everybody is to embrace the Hierarchy and serve in any way possible. For us , it's beyond just a sexual kink. It's the true nature of life. Some men deserve to served and you won't there's were made to serve. Embrace this truth and you'll be way happier in life.

Chapter 3: Jason's POV

I woke up to the sight of trees. Long stems, lots of branches hiding the sky in between and clouds. It was a nice sunny day. Then my view was blocked by the treads of a shoe sole. I turned to the side to see Ankit's smirking face and everything came back to me.

He lowered the sole onto my face. "Kiss it" He ordered.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Ankit was literally stepping on my face and I was rock hard. Even though the grass scratched my neck and his sole was rough on my lips, I'd never felt this rush of fulfilment before. I had been missing on so much for so many years.

He pulled his feet away and then sat down on my stomach so that my head was between his feet.

"You want to be my slave. Don't you?"

"Yes Ankit."

He leaned closer and spit on my face. "Call me sir bitch."

"Yes sir. Sorry sir."

I get a tap on the forehead with the toe of shoe and specs of dirt fell into my face.

"Since when?" he asked.

"Probably since forever but I only realized it a while ago."

He put both his feet on my face and ordered me to lick. I felt the shape of the treads on his soles and the dirt in them. It felt disgusting but in my periphery I could see his smirking hot face and I had never been harder than that in my life. I continued licking.

"Smile bitch" He said and I noticed he was taking pictures. He stood up and took some more pictures with his shoes in my face then he took them away.

"On your knees" He said.

I get on my knees and he slapped me and then spit on me. I felt that glob land on my face and make it's way down my cheek.

"Look at your disgusting little face. Covered in my spit and dirt from my shoes."

I didn't say anything so he slapped me."speak!"

I didn't know what he wanted me to say so I just said "Thank you sir"

I literally saw his bulge grow at that moment and he smiled.

"That's right" He said "Suck!"

I tried to lower his pants but he slapped me again.

"I didn't tell you you could do that. Just suck"

So I started licking and sucking his dick from outside his jeans. I angled my mouth and lips at a weird angles but it's really hard to suck a dick like that. Nevertheless I tried because it was Ankit and my need to please him had no bounds. He was laughing now.

After a while of this, he gave me permission to lower his jeans but told me to keep the underwear on. It was much more doable and I began sucking his dick through his underwear. Of course it was still hard but I gave it my all. It took way longer than last time. Probably because he had just cum some time ago and probably because I didn't have full access to his cock but after quite a long face fuck with his underwear on. He finally cum. I could taste but onlu some of the cum through the fabric and needless to say it was amazing.

He pulled me by my hair toward the card and told me to get in. Before he got in my n my driver side he tool off his cummed in underwear and pulled his pants back on. Once inside he looked me and asked how his cum tasted.

"Oh master it was amazing." I said.

"Open" he ordered and I hoped he meant my mouth because that's what I did.

He stuffed my mouth with the underwear, put on his sunglasses and began driving.

"That's gonna stay there, the whole drive." He said and laughed.

I didn't even care because I had the taste of his cum and sweat in my mouth and I was in fag heaven.

End of Chapter 3***

Like I said in the beginning, we are happy to receive all the positive feedback for our stories and the cashfags who've made tributes to Master Ankit. If you want to me among them, contact my master via email. Thanks for reading and Embrace the Hierarchy!

Next: Chapter 4

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