Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Dec 15, 2022


After that day at the auditorium, Ankit always kept me on my toes. I never knew when and where an order would come from. One time I was walking to one of my classes when he pulled me into a janitors closet because his white high top Nikes were dirty. I didn't have to be told more. I got on the floor and started licking it. After a few minutes, he said "Since you're already late for your class, might as well stay here until the next one." "Yes sir." I said and continued licking but he kicked my face.

"Dumb bitch, you didn't thank me for caring so much about you." He then spit in my mouth.

"Sorry sir. I'm just a dumb little bitch for you sir. Thank you sir for caring so much about me. You're my kind master sir. You're great. You're glorious..........."

He ordered me to lay on my back with my knees bent and then sat with his back to them and his shoes on my face. I licked everywhere even the dirty soles. Every once in a while he would order to be open my mouth and show him all the dirt and grime inside and then he'd just spit in it and order me to swallow. It somewhat tasted like mint because he was chewing gum. Once his shoes were clean, he made me take off my shirt and turned it inside out. He made me dry his shoes with them, turned it back and ordered me to wear it.

"You'll wear it till I tell you otherwise."

"Yes sir."

He slapped me. "Good boy. Now get to my dick. Don't have much time."

I unzipped his pants and reached for his dick. It was a quickie. Even though it lasts for a shorter period of time, it's actually harder for me because he keeps fucking my face with no rest in between. I have to struggle for every breath while also watching my teeth and insuring his pleasure. Despite visibly struggling he keeps on pounding and pounding because he doesn't care. Finally he came in my mouth and I got to take a full proper breath.

"Open up" He ordered and spit the gum he was chewing into my mouth.

"Swirl it around" I did.

"Now swallow but not the gum. You'll keep chewing on my cum flavored gum until I tell you to take it out."

I swallowed and said "Yes sir."

"Fag I'm adding a new ritual. You'll thank me for giving you the privilege of serving me."

By this point I knew what thanking meant so I got down and kissed both his shoes that I just cleaned with my tongue and dried with my shirt. "Thank you so much Master Ankit."

He kicked my face and stepped over me towards the door. Right before he opened it he said ," By the way, I've decided that you'll be doing my English and History homework this week so cancel any plans you might've had."

He left before I could say " Yes sir"

***End of Part 5

Once again thanks for reading fellow faggots and Sirs. I like seeing Master A interact with other faggots. He wanted me to thank the cash fags who sent him money and gifts because in his words that is my job but I am inadequate to do it so thank you all. As well keep reaching out. We love to hear back from you @ this email

PS: We use different names, racial profiles and settings deliberately to avoid any identification.

Next: Chapter 6

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