Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Dec 25, 2022


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Chapter 6: Jason's POV

After school on Friday, I was waiting for Master Ankit in his car. I wasn't allowed to turn on the heating so I just sat there rubbing my shoulders. Master Ankit arrived still in his soccer uniform and cleats. He opened the door and yelled "Get out." Two things it me immediately: the biting cold and the smell of my master after practice. Before I could get a full taste of the smell he dragged me by my hair, opened the trunk and pushed me inside. Then he got into the car and drove out of the school.

On the drive I got a chance to be familiar with the smell while he explained that I can't ride shotgun because I'm not his girlfriend, he can't let me drive his precious car and I obviously can't sit in the back while he's driving so the trunk was the only place for me.

"I'll be wherever you want me to be sir." I said.

He snickered, "fucking faggot you are."

He drove to his home. We got out of the car and he jumped on the bumper and ordered me to take off his cleats so it doesn't track mud on the carpets. Then he handed me his bag. So here I was carrying his dirt cleats and both of your bags up the stairs in Ankit's house. Nobody was home yet. He took me to his room saying it was a mess would be an understatement. There were dirty plates and takeout containers, wrappers and clothes everywhere. It smelled like sweat. He carefully navigated the stuff on the floor to crash on his bed. I put the bags down. He ordered me to take the cleats to the bathroom. Afterwards I was ordered to knell at the foot of the bed and massage his feet, still in his long soccer socks. The. suddenly he kicked me so hard that I fell on the floor. He snickered and said , "I'll go take a nice long shower. When I come back I want to see this room clean and organized or else you'll be eating the mud from my cleats."

"Yes sir." I said. He slapped my cheeks with his foot on his way to the bathroom.

I got up and got to work. Had he seen his own room? How did he expect me to clean all this up my myself. He didn't even bother telling me if I could find any cleaning supplies anywhere. I looked around and found some garbage bags in the kitchen and started collecting the trash. As I was collecting all the stuff, I found his crumpled piece of tissue at a corner under the bed. The smelled confirmed my suspicions it was cum and it wasn't the only one. I kept finding them over the room. There were maybe half a dozen of them. I imagined him jerking off and wiping it with this piece of tissue. I doubt he does that anymore now that I'm here to take care of it. For the first time since I started serving Master A, I felt proud to be his slave. I was making his life better, easier and he deserved it. I started organizing things. All the clothes in the laundry basket. I even took the liberty to start a load in the washing machine in the basement. Of course I smelled each and every dirty sock before throwing them in the hamper. They were Divine. I stuffed a pair of ankle socks into my pocket. I doubt he'd notice. He quite literally has a hundred pair of socks. Long short ankle socks, different thickness different materials different colors. No wonder he can go a long time without having to think about washing them. Just as I was making up the bed, I saw my master walk into the room with all his after shower glory with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked around, inspected my work.

"It's fine I guess." He said and I took a sigh of relief.

"Although.." He started walking around. He pulled the dresser away from the bed and there in the space in-between was a used Faggot. "I think you missed something."


"So you're cutting corners cleaning my room. Are you faggot?"

I kneeled down in front of him. "No sir. I'm so sorry master didn't think to-"

He slapped across the face. Once. Twice. Three big slaps. My face was all red by this time.

"You'll face the consequences of this."

End of Chapter 6*************

My master only wanted to publish this chapter after we finished writing about the entire event but I convinced him to give you guys half the event as a Christmas gift. He was in a good mood after some healthy tributes from a couple of you. Especially want to highlight the one in the East Cost and the one in Germany. Feel free to add or continue the tributes through this email:

Merry Christmas!

Next: Chapter 7

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