Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Jan 5, 2023


Chapter 7 : Ankit's POV

I grabbed that faggot by the waist, picked him up and slammed him into the floor like wrestling. It was pretty easy too. The bitch offered little to no resistance and I'm strong enough.

"On your back. Knees bent." I got him in my favorite humiliating position where I'll sit on his stomach with my back to his knees. I put my freshly washed soft feet on his face and made him lick all the stuff my wet feet had picked up. I kicked his face.

"Fucking thank me you stupid cunt."

"Thank you Master Ankit for giving this worthless faggot the opportunity to lick your great feet. This slave doesn't deserve the dirt from the soles. Oh you are so generous master.........." He went on. I fucking love verbal praise and worship like that. It shows me how far superior I am compared to this bitch and how desperate he is for me.

I swiped my feet,now doused with his spit,all over his face. After a while I got bored and start playing with my phone while the bitch kept licking and worshipping my feet. There's this older fag who's been begging me for a chance to worship me for quite some time. Today he offered me quite a sum of money so I decided to take him up on his offer. I stood up and ordered the faggot to open his mouth and spit in it multiple times then I ordered him to dress me. After getting into a nice shirt and tight jeans, I made him slip my socks on and tie my shoes while I kept chatting with other subs. It's fun how fucking pathetic all of them. If I lived in a big town, with many of these faggots, I'd live like a king. As a superior alpha male, I deserve to live like a king with faggot slaves taking care of my every need with no expectation of anything in return.

Finally I took the condom filled with cum that I had purposefully hidden so that faggot couldn't find it, and I stuffed it in his mouth.

"Now as punishment for not finding that, you're clean the entire bathroom while sucking the cum out of that condom." I was gonna make him clean that entire bathroom anyways. "Then if you beg hard enough when I come back I might just forgive you."

He nodded because he couldn't open his mouth to speak. I slapped him a few times. Before leaving I grabbed his head, spit in his face and said, "Enjoy sucking your best friends pussy juice, faggot."

I spit on the floor a few times and left knowing full well that he'd be licking it off the floor while sucking my cum and his best friends pussy juice. Man! Faggots are pathetic.

End of Chapter 7

Keep them emails coming. Get in touch to tribute and serve this powerhouse of a man at Peace out!

Next: Chapter 8

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