Serving my High School Master

By Jagat Singh

Published on Feb 13, 2023


Jason's POV

I woke up to a ringing hard slap on my face and the gorgeous hot face of Master Ankit. He had me by the collar and was yelling into my face. "Get up you bitch!"

Since his session with the Older flag that he explained in great detail while I was scrubbing his feet in the bath, he has become ruthless. He was hot before but now I could sense some innate power emanating from within it. It was attractive sure but it was also scary.

I was fully awake by the time globes of spit landed on my face. I immediately scrambled to my hands and knees and apologized.

"I'm so sorry master. I'm merely a pathetic useless Faggot slave sir. Please forgive me master....." I didn't know exactly what I had done wrong but that's irrelevant. He is my master. I am always wrong and he is always right.

He pushes my head down and I start licking his bare feet. I keep apologizing and he keeps kicking in between.

"You cunt-faced pig. You'll learn to be more disciplined. That's your one job in life; to serve me and obey me and you dare slack off."

After two minutes of this flood of humiliation, he pulls me by the hair and orders me on the bed.

"On your back. Head over the edge."

I immediately get into position and he wastes no time taking off his boxers. He comes just close enough that his balls are dangling over my mouth. So I extend my tongue and lick it. He seemed pleased so I kept licking. Master Ankit's balls covered in their morning sweat taste fucking amazing. Of course my whole body was aching and hurting. Sleeping on the hard floor, being woken with slaps and humiliated with kicks does that to you but whatever pain I receive in his service is nothing compared to the pleasure of licking his balls and serving him. It's truly an honor for a faggot like me.

After a while of that, he orders me to open my mouth and with no warning shoves it all the way in until start choking. He takes it out and shoves it in again just a little further. He keeps going stroke after stroke, I try to get a taste with my lips while he's pulling out but I don't get much. Tears start building in my eyes and I feel this need to cough but I withstand and just focus on sucking. Between thrusts I can catch a smirk in his face and it motivates me to keep going. I suck and suck and he thrusts and thrusts untill it's there.

Thick warm cum squirts out of his cock and onto my face. He moves it around so it's all over my face then he shoves it in to feed me the remainder. I am still trying to catch my breath and focus on breathing now that it's over but he pulls me by my hair and pushes me into a kneeling position.

He shoves his cock back again and before I know what's happened I can feel a warm stream at the back of my throat. I didn't have time to register or think about it because if I didn't start swallowing I'll choke or it'll spill out so I kept swallowing. Gulp after Gulp and he kept going. Finally when he was done he shook the last drops onto my face.

As I lay on the floor recovering, he took his used sweaty underwear and spit on it. He took off his shirt and slung a towel over his shoulder and then threw his dirty underwear onto my face.

"Next time, don't make me get up just to pee."

I sniffed the first whiff off the underwear and determined never to do that again.

End of Chapter 8

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Next: Chapter 10

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