Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 12, 2016


Please remember this is a fictional story and non of the characters are designed to be anyone real also remember that does require donations.

Part 15


As I picked up my phone I looked down at it and smiled, "Text Bitch One... Get to the hotel now bring three of the lads I have a plan to get those two on their knees." I glanced at my phone and proof read the message before stating, "Send."

Heading down to the bar as I was ordering my drink I noticed Sebastian and Brinn heading out the hotel within ten minutes. As they arrived at the hotel I must have provided them with the most corrupt smile as I sat back relaxing my legs crossed my arms relaxing back against the leather chair in the bar. As they arrived I lean forward taking a sip out my drink.

Josh looked at me a worried expression on his face, "How can we please you sir."


As we entered the pub and I pulled a seat out for Brinn as I smiled at him jokingly, "What you want to drink?"

"Just a pint please."

"I am gonna regret this arn't I! What of?"

"Fosters and make sure the heads good."

"You really are bad." I said walking away from the table reaching the bar nervously waiting to be served.

A bar man who was in his mid twenties gave me a kind smile before speaking in a strong irish accent, "What can I get for ya today?"

I smiled as the accent reminded me of the bar I had met my fiancee in, "A couple of pints of Fosters please and a couple of food menus."

"Sorry sir, we arn't serving food today our kitchen is closed. We are sorry tho." He spoke as he continued pouring the two pints. "Theres a cracker of a takeaway just down the road, I guess your staying round here for a few nights pop in tomorrow and I am sure we can give you a sweet discount for your trouble."

"Might just do that." I say as I fished a tenner out of my wallet to pay him. As he placed the drinks on the bar I asked, "You got any menu's for these takeaways then."

"Here you go and don't worry I wont ask for your brothers ID, just make sure I serve you tomorrow. I think my sister will be having some drinks with her friends he might like to come along. If you know what I mean."

"Yeah, yeah hes not my br....... Thanks I will tell him." I say stopping myself from saying anything that could get myself in even more trouble.

Holding both drinks I took them to the table placing one in front of Brinn and one in front of my seat I sat down and looked at him, "I'm your brother you say. Incest turn you on." Brinn smirked.

"Please Brinn not whatcha...." I stop as I feel his foot rubbing my groin.

"So if I was to tie you to the bed, place the head of my cock by your lips." My cock twitched even tho I was desperate for it not to. "Slowly start pushing it in and out slowly at first." Now hard I looked deep into his eyes as he continued, "If your good I might even fuck you hard and deep like you loved it the first time."

"I didn't ohhhhh." I moan in pleasure with his foot rubbing up and down my crutch.

"Make you moan my name, then pass you to a few other members of the pack." He must have felt my cock go down slightly before he tilted his head, "Oh you just want to serve my cock do you." Not been able to help it my cock twitched back to fully hard.

"I'm not gay, I want to get married." I reply playing with my ring.

"Not what your cock is saying, your cock says you want me someone who you know you shouldn't have." As he rubbed his foot in my groin I felt pre slipping out my cock. "So what you want to do tonight then, seems as we cannot eat here."

"Lets go get a few beers and takeaway and watch a film... ohhhhh please stop doing that here." I moan.

Within seconds he took a massive gulp of his beer leaving it at half full. "Make it a crate and lets have some fun try some of those toys I brought." He took a smaller sip, "Your the man supposidly you best finish before me and get to the shop to get that crate. Ill head back and get dinner ordered."

"Not yet." I say half begging as he is still rubbing my groin, "Please it's obvious people will notice."

Brinn gave a slightly evil smile before finishing his pint and leaving out of the bar leaving me sat there with half my pint remaining.

Anyone with any ideas out there for future stories or back stories you would like to hear drop us an email. Whats your favourite punishments or challenges to hand to a sub or maybe your least favourite as a sub.

Will Sebastians submission be all plain sailing or is it only a matter of time before something or someone de-rails the process and makes his life hell again. If so who should that be. Someone new or someone whose already been mentioned if it's someone new send me your character ideas.

If you should have any questions or theories please feel free to contact me on

Next: Chapter 16

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