Serving Real Men

By Duncan Jules

Published on Sep 28, 2016


Please remember this is a fictional story and non of the characters are designed to be anyone real also remember that does require donations.

Part 20


As the lift stopped and we got out the lift I smiled at Sebastian as he smiled back, "You should sort the shirt out before..."

"It's to late Brinn. I noticed!" Nile said walking up to the door in front of us and opening it.

Sebastian blushed as he unruffled the shirt from our kiss earlier, "Yeah, soorry I should have." He said shyly.

Nile looked over at Brinn, "You need the Penthouse not down here for your special guests remember... Nile said about to close the door, "You owe me!"

I smiled an ecstatic smile, "Oh I do!" Not really caring he had sold my arse for a grand to whomever was in the pent house.

As me and Sebastian turned back to the lift to head up to the penthouse suite of the hotel I looked at Sebastian as I pressed the button to call the lift, "I'll take all the punishment up here it's the least I can do and they will pay more for me."

"No I am not letting you take the punishment, we did this together, we finish it together." Sebastian demanded.

"But..." I spoke as the lift arrived.

"No if's, no buts." Sebastian placed a hand on my shoulder and looked lovingly into my eyes. "If there is anything you cannot do then I will, you have a great career ahead of you and from what I heard you are covering your half with that ass."

"I am." I walked into the lift and continued, "I can take it tho."

We didnt speak again until the lift reached the top floor and the entrance into the Penthouse.

As the doors open and we strode into the penthouse in front of us stood five naked men wearing animal masks, the one on the left was wearing an owl mask he had silver hair and a chubby belly. Next to him stood a complete stud of a man his toned muscles even left mine looking small his eleven inch cock and his face was covered by the mask of a hare, his dark hair wet from obviously just been in the shower.

In the middle stood a guy who was toned but not as much as the hare, he also had dark hair but he was only about seven inches hard. He wore a red foxes mask as he run his hands up and down his stomach.

To the left of him stood a man who wasn't toned and wasn't in awful shape the panda mask with his quiffed almost black hair really fitted in with the mask he had a standard six inch knob and you could see he was shaking slightly and far more nervous then the others.

The last one stood confidently with his bear mask and hair covering all his fat body he had a really small five inch hard cock but had the feeling that he was in charge.

"Hi, I got told too bring.." I said shyly before the bear placed his fingers to his mask.

As he waved off the other guys who all seperated into the vast room with a king sized bed, jacuzzi, massage bed, swing and a large cross just to mention some of the decoration. "You shall speak when I ask you to. Each time you speak and you are not permitted you will lose a hundred from me tapping that arse of yours." He walked up to me and circled me, "There are twenty five balls in the black bag, each with a number. Each number is a sexual act only you.." He said pointing at Sebastian. "Can decide who does these tasks, so if you want to protect your friend you can collect ?125 per task or if you don't mind him taking the..." He sniggered, "Punishments than you will collect ?200 per task."

I shouted out , "No we do one each."

The bear smirked, "As I thought you are the mouthy one, ?900 for that ass now."

"You can't I'm his master." I declared.

"?800... You want to continue."

"No, okay I..." I stopped realising my mistake.


Realising there was no way to reply I kept my mouth closed.


I could have slapped Brinn for speaking and losing three hundred for his ass but I wasn't going to let him get hurt. As I looked at Brinn and then at the bear I dropped to my knees within seconds Brinn had joined me on our knees.

The bear walked over and said confidently, "You will have to collect the first ball while I take him into the master bedroom and tap this arse." I was glad it was him who was going to be fucking Brinn as his five inch thin cock was by far the least impressive in the room.

"Now both of you strip, you collect a ball.." He said looking at me. "You can actually give me a strip tease in the bedroom." He said grabbing Brinn by his hair as Brinn was forced to crawl behind him.

I quickly stripped and made my way to the black bag on the table and picked out a ball, "It feels like the FA Cup Draw." I laughed looking at them. I noticed the panda tapping the hare on the back and laughing. "So I pick a number and then one of you gets to commit the act on me, sounds simple." I picked up a number as the fox stepped forward. I nervously glanced at the number, "Nine, is that good?" I asked trying to break my own fear.

The fox stepped forward and walked towards me grabbing my arm twisting it behind my back dragging me into the bathroom, he threw me onto the floor and demanded in his London accent, "Crawl into the shower put your arse in the air and wait for me."

I crawled into the shower as he stepped over me unattaching the shower head from the pipe. "Here sir."

"Good boy, you will learn to obey and occasionally you may join us animals in the future, I like to tip you if you are willing to take risks. As are most the lads out there. Bear less so he is always in control he owns this suite, I say owns he rents it." Fox continued talking as he turned on the water, "This water is going in your ass it will leave it nice and clean but I will double the money if you suck me off for three minutes while I play something acoustically on the guitar for the lads, but you must keep that water in. If you fail you get nothing other than to lick it all up." He then proceded to shove it deep into my ass, "So when your full should I get my guitar?"

Realising this would save me another task I replied happily, "Yes sir." When I was full I was in agony he pulled it out and I clenched my arse cheeks together he took a seat on the king size bed as I crawled over in agony desperate to keep the water in my ass, as he started playing I clenched more and more as the gang gathered round watching me suck there friend while he played guitar and I was tensing my ass to keep the water in. Half way through my stomach cramps was almost destroying me, but the shock was the thing that almost made me stop clenching as piss poured down the back of my throat for the next minute. As he stopped strumming I stood went over to the toilet and opened my arse letting it all explode out my ass.

The fox called over to me to come over to him as he was now stood by the bag of balls, he opened the draw beneath them and handed me ?400. "No one has ever managed to keep it in after I start pissing you deserve it..." He looked at me and then at a bowl, "It's safe in there."

I put it into the bowl and placed my hand into the bag of balls suddenly hearing spanks coming from the bedroom, "He didn't say about spanking him." I argued.

The chubby owl stepped forward, "Just imagine each of those spanks is worth ?5 and it means the bear is done fucking him so when they leave there it is your choice if he takes any more punishment. Our Panda over there made his master take all the punishments now he occasioanlly joins us this side." As he rubbed my arse I felt disgusted as he took the ball I was about to pull out the bag, "Six, nice number where's your phone?"

I looked at him in total fear, "In my trousers sir." He nodded towards it and I went over to fetch it.

He smiled at the Hare as he said, "He's fucking lucky it wasn't your turn I remember last time we had a play toy here they had you for this one. His misses thought he was having a heart attack if I remember right."

I stuttered, "M.. M... My Misses."

The Owl walked over, "Now again you could claim ?125 and phone a friend as I fuck you or you name someone and I will give you a price to add to that ?400 you already have but remember I don't earn as much as him."

"Well..." I said scrolling through my phone book and then looking at his cock. "My father..." I said remembering he never understood what anyone was saying on the phone anyway.

"One seven five."

"My brother?"

"Two two five."

"My step brother?"

"Two hundred."

"My future wife?"

"Three hundred."

"So you name them I will ring them whose top dollar?"

"How about you Skype your wife from our laptop for four hundred."

"Never!" I argued.

I heard the hare jump in, "?500 and you have to keep her talking till me and Owl there fuck you."

I looked at them both, "No way you will split me in half I will take the three hundred."

With that I noticed the owl lay on the bed his cock pointing straight up as he slipped on a condom, "Ride me and make the call then!"

As I sat on his cock and began to make the call I clenched my arse cheeks to really massage his cock each time I went up and down, it didn't feel that bad as I rode up and down on what felt like a very small cock.

"Hi, hows you thought I would give you..." I said as I moved up and down on his cock not really feeling any issues even tho he had started moaning already like he was about to cum. "A quick call cause I am on the train and theres a prick making loads of noise and I wanted to hear your beautiful voice." With those few sentences the owl had cum into the condom. "I have to go we are cumming in a tunnel."

The owl was panting under me, "Your arse is so tight it milked me in seconds. You have a skill."

I lent over and whispered into his ear, "I dont have a skill you just cum very quick, I've been told all about it oh and I would give me a tip because I know who you are and I dont plan on letting my friend take any abuse."

The Owl stood and walked to the draw and pulled out a wad and placed it into my bowl, "Your upto ?900."

The bear walked out the bedroom followed by Brinn who was on a lead, "He earned you ?900 aswell."

I looked at Brinns ass it was red and I felt like crying for him, yet his arse hole looked like it had hardly been stretched. "So one more task and we are free and clear and we can head off. I will take the task."

The bear looked at Brinn and then at me, "Shame his tight hole is lovely maybe you can let the other guys have a go and we will give you extra."

I stared at bear and shouted, "Never, do not touch a hair on his head."

Bear smirked, "You angry, you actually care."

"You leave him alone."

Bear smiled, "I have an idea we will give you ?1,100 if you can beat our hare in a fight if you lose Panda and if the Hare hasn't fucked you to make you submit the Hare get to fuck you then all you have to do to leave is drink whats in all of our condoms."

"But we only need a hundred canny I just pick another ball" I ask quietly.

"No it's either this or find another way to pay your friend back and think of what you can use the extra on."

"Deal." I confidently said knowing I would most likely lose.

The bear undid Brinns leash and smiled, "I will give the money to this little fuck toy."

"Don't you call him that you arsehole."

He laughed as he looked at Brinn, "No I used his arsehole get it right."

Something flicked in my head I was about to charge when all of a sudden I felt myself getting tackled to the floor, I was trying to get up turning over so the hare was behind me baying to want to hurt the bear I shouted, "You wait..."

Before I could do anything more it was to late I had been impailed on the whole cock, I screamed in pain, "Oh it's a nice tight goal to use."

"Aghhhhhhhhh.... Nooooo..." I screamed as the bear started recording me on a hand held camera aiming it in at my face. "Stop fuck oh please oh fuck..." I cried out in complete agony I began to feel hazy until the point of passing out when I felt for one last time the balls hitting my ass.

If you should have any questions or theories please feel free to contact me on

Next: Chapter 21

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