Serving the Swim Team

By glacierturtle

Published on Sep 22, 2022


Chapter 2

James furiously rubbed his arms in an effort to stay warm. Doing so only made his current predicament worse, resulting in more cold water splashing on his body. Every splash felt like a cold, icy slap against his skin. His teeth chattered. His entire body involuntary convulsed with shivering. His skin was wrinkled. He was miserable. To make matters worse, his main source of heat was rapidly disappearing with the setting sun. He had no idea just how long he had remained in the pool. He did know that in addition to feeling frozen he was becoming exhausted. He had been treading water since Brad had left him with his ominous message. Every passing moment James felt more panicked, he was frozen in fear of being discovered naked.

He was thankful at least that his teams pool was within the school grounds, meaning there should be no visitors to spot him huddled naked in the pool. The only people who used it were the swim team students who had long left.

James had tried multiple times to gain the will power to get out of the pool and make a dash for the locker room. Each time, this was squashed by fear of being found. His school was an elite, exclusive, only boys school. Prospective students were chosen due to their wealth, family connections, athleticism, or in James' case, academic ability. Ravenwood Academy thought of itself as `producing the leaders of tomorrow'. Discipline, honour, and conducting ones self in a moral upstanding manner were emphasised above all else. The mere chance of being caught in a comprising position jeopardised James' scholarship - the only reason he could attend the school; as tuition and board were well outside his parents financial means. Being caught naked in an inappropriate area would go against the school's virtues, risking expulsion.

James considered waiting until night fall before leaving the pool to reduce the chance of being spotted. He reconsidered when he felt himself slipping under the water due to fatigue. Slowly he moved each foot up the side ladder, simultaneously using his arms to pull himself up and out of the water. Exhausted he lay flat on the cold, hard floor next to the pool catching his breath. Anxiety quickly took over, urging James to get up and move as quickly as he could to the locker room.

Every muscle in James' body ached, making movement painfully slow. He gradually reached the corridor leading to the locker room. Relief filled his mind with his target insight. Encouraged, he continued to hobble as quickly as he could towards his goal.

"What the fuck is this!?" James froze in dread as the bellowing voice called out behind him. He dared not move. He heard hurried footsteps getting closer until the voice was right behind him.

"What...what are you doing?" a gruff voice said directly behind him. James was cold, tired, dripping wet. He felt defeated and hung his head down.

"Young man, I asked you a question. What are you are doing?" the voice said, emphasising each word as its own sentence, with venom like ferocity. James could see him more clearly as he spoke coming into his view, mere centimetres from his face. James recognised him as Mr Eldritch, a history teacher at the school. He loomed over James with a look of exasperation. James looked up and saw his mouth curled into a snarl.

"Are you deaf? I asked you a question!" Mr Eldritch boomed out at James.

James did not know what to say or do. His head hung limp, with slumped shoulders. He was completely naked. His penis and testicles lay small and shrunken due to fear and cold. Reluctantly he stammered, "sir...I was trying out for the swim team...but lost my swim suit."

Mr Eldritch slowly eyed him up and down. His eyes narrowed as he looked at James' pubic hair. Extending a finger out he slowly brushed his finger against the matted hair bringing the white substance closer to his eyes. James could see his facial reactions turning inquisitive to furious, his nostrils flaring and eyes locking back on James with disgust.

"With me now" Mr Eldritch hissed at James.

He grabbed James by the ear and dragged him down the corridor naked. James' mind was a whirlwind. He had been caught and soon to be expelled. His ear ached as he was quickly dragged further from the locker room. Thankfully, the school was empty, as the majority of students were in their dorm rooms for the evening. James nearly slammed into the back of Mr Eldritch as they came to an abrupt halt, turning and entering a classroom. Marching forth, the pair made their way to the back, into a connected office.

"Stay!" James was ordered as he was lead into the centre of the room as Mr Eldritch went to sit on the front of his desk. He was thankful the room was warm and was now inside, away from potential prying eyes.

As he warmed, James became more aware of just how naked and exposed he was as the man silently eyed him up and down. Shifting awkwardly where he stood, James covered himself with his hands and stared at the floor. As quickly as he covered himself James was shocked when he felt the teacher's hands slap his own away, remarking "you want to parade naked around campus and now you show some modesty? Hands to your side. Do not move or talk while I think about what to do with you."

Despite wanting nothing more than to crawl into his bed and forget the entire day James became more aware of the man in front of him: his large chest and broad shoulders that was barely contained by his tight shirt and tie, with hints of wisps of hair peaking through the cracks; his hairy, large forearms exposed by his rolled up sleeves; his thick thighs that nicely filled out his trousers; and most noticeably his sizeable package that become more well defined due to his tight pants. As James' mind and eyes began to wander lust soon took over and he felt his penis slowly engorging with blood. Desperate to stop his growing erection James thought of the most vile thoughts possible; anything but the man in front of him.

Despite his best effects James stood erect before the man in front of him. A small glob of precum moistened the tip of his penis. An inquisitive look appeared on Mr Eldritch's face, quickly replaced by a lascivious smile, "'re the new swim team bitch, this makes more sense now" he stated factly.

James' embarrassment was quickly replaced with curiosity, thinking to himself "what kind of reputation does this swim team have in this school? What the fuck is going on?!"

Not leaving James much time to think on this Mr Eldritch stood and came closer to James, slowly encircling him and assessing him up and down. James had a small jump when he felt the mans hands on his ass, pinching and kneading it, as though appraising for ripe fruit. His hands slowly traced upwards along his spine. Next, his fingers traced around James' throat and up to his mouth, circling around his lips. His large, fat finger gently poked into the surprised gaping mouth, tracing his teeth and the tip of his tongue and moved out again. The man lingered and then moved to James' nipples, lightly touching at first then pinching more firmly. James let out a yelp, which was met with a "quiet, boy."

James winced in pain as the man twisted and tugged on his increasingly sore nipples. He starred in James' eyes watching for a reaction, but was met with silence. Mr Eldritch, moved lower and traced along the erect penis, slowly moving the foreskin up and down. The elder continued fondling his penis, but with another hand slowly tugged on his balls. James let out a soft moan. Encouraged, the older man gently used his forefinger to collect the growing stream of precum leaking from James' cock. He used it as lubricant to massage the head of the cock. Moving the glistening finger up he presented it to James mouth. Hesitantly, James took the finger in his mouth, licking it clean.

"Let's be clear, do you want me to stop?" the teacher asked. James felt conflicted. Mere hours ago nothing like this had ever happened, nor would he expect it to happen. Now, he felt his lust and desire quickly taking over, urging him to continue. "No..." James quietly replied.

"I can see why the swim team picked you to be their new play thing. You look like you get off on submitting. Remember this boy, even though you're a member of the swim team, it doesn't mean you can never be punished, nor does it protect you from any repercussions. You still should be punished for indecently frolicking naked around campus, no?" the teacher asked almost rhetorically. James just silently nodded, unsure of what to do.

Quickly, Mr Eldritch shoved James forward and over the desk in-front of him, bending him over at the waist. Startled, James hardly had time to register what was happening as he felt hard slaps raining blows down on his exposed buttocks. Again and again he felt each slap alternating on each cheek, echoing around the room. James began to squirm, trying to get back up but was forced back down by the mans burly hands. James futilely tried begging the man to stop, but nothing intelligible was heard. Just as quickly as the blows had begun they suddenly stopped. Tears filled the pupils eyes as the stinging sensation in his ass remained.

James' eyes suddenly flicked open when he felt he cool air on his hole, followed by a wet, warm sensation. Stunned, he remained rigid as the exquisite new sensation slowly began to relax him. The man slowly circled his tongue around James' hole, darting up and down. His tongue advanced further, forcefully pressing its way into his hole. Moving down, the man slowly moved his tongue down and up along the crack of James' ass, paying special attention to linger longer around his hole.

James felt his erect penis being pulled backwards as the man worked his tongue down from his hole over his balls and base of his penis. This continued for several minutes until James could feel the head of his penis being engulfed by the warm mouth. The man's tongue hungrily flicked around as he worked back and forth on the cock.

Spurred on by the moaning from the boy under him, Mr Eldritch got up and moved his body closer. Sensing the uneasiness from James the older man spoke, "relax, for now you're taken, but once the swim team has had their go I expect mine."

James was slightly relieved at the announcement, but wondered just what exactly the swim team had planned for him. He felt movement, with the mans pubic hair pressed up against his buttocks and thighs, and his erect cock began to slide between his ass cheeks. This continued with the mans hands squeezing his buttocks and hips. James felt the man slightly reposition himself, and felt the cock sliding under his own. Looking down James gasped, and was quickly thankful the man would not be fucking him today; the teachers cock dwarfed his own in both length and girth.

Sliding back and forth the man continuously thrust his cock on the underside of James'. Fascinated and enjoying the sensation James watched as the older man rubbed his cock against James' continuously. He watched as his large hairy hand gripped both James' and his own cock, using friction to get them both off. Sweat began to drip off the man landing onto James back. The pair began to groan as the older man hasted his thrusts and tightened his grip.

James for the second time today would orgasm, but not by his own hand as he felt the approaching wave of pleasure about to wash over him. Above him, loud primal grunts erupted. James could feel spurt after spurt of warm cum wash over his cock and abdomen, which in turn set off his own orgasm, mixing with the man's juices above him.

The room was filled with heavy panting and the smell of sex. Slowly, the teacher stood up and moved his hands collecting the semen from his own cock and from James' body. "Kneel" the teacher commanded, which James obeyed. James watched as the man moved his cum covered fingers towards his mouth. He instinctively moved his head, disgusted and now thinking more clearly after coming down from his orgasmic high.

The man reached out and held James' hair in position and forced the fingers in, "suck", he commanded. James gagged slightly from the taste but complied due to fear. Mr Eldritch held his cock in his hand and directed it to James' mouth, shooting him a look that dared the younger man to challenge him. Complying, James cleaned the mans cock with his tongue and mouth, ensuring no trace of cum remained. Upon finishing he resisted the urge to spit.

"I assume your clothing is in the locker room?" The older man asked. James simply nodded an affirmative whilst kneeling on the floor. "Good", the man continued, "head directly there, get changed and back to the dorms. And remember what I said, don't let being on this team make you think you can get away with anything. I also expect a go at your ass once the team is done."

Wide eyed James quickly nodded and scurried for the door, almost running back to the locker room.

Next: Chapter 3

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