Set Up

By moc.liamtoh@9351sonaht

Published on Oct 31, 2000


The Set-up Chapter One

Alec threw his duffel in the back of the jeep and hoisted himself into the seat next to it. He had been waiting for this week since his best friend Trey had suggested it, and the fact that he was unable to wipe the grin from his face, as his buddy started down the road was proof enough of his excitement. At last their junior year of High School had come to an end, next year they would be seniors and would rule the school. Yeah Baby, life was fuckin' great!!

The suggestion that the three of them spend their first week of summer vacation at Trey's parents house up at the lake had come up after gym two weeks ago. He, Trey and Juan had stayed late to do some weight training in the school's sparse universal gym, and had just hit the showers, when Trey snapped him squarely on the ass with his towel causing him to yelp suddenly in pain.

"Payback's a bitch," Alec threatened, his hand rubbing the welt his pal had no doubt left him.

"Yeah, anytime you think you can take me, just try dipshit!" Trey shot back at him, flashing his trademark grin, one eyebrow cocked. That was the look that had more than half of the girls in school lusting after him. At a little under six feet tall with blue eyes, blonde hair and a body that could only be gained from countless hours at the gym, Trey was easily the best looking guy in their school. Captain of the baseball team and wrestling team had also made him pretty much the most popular boy in school also.

"Ooohh, now that's got to hurt," Juan piped in, laughing and feinting with his own towel, causing Alec to flinch and sending the other two into giggles. He tossed his towel over the low tile wall and got under the shower next to Alec.

"Fuck you both," Alec spat back at them in mock indignation smiling a second later. The three of them had always enjoyed throwing insults at one another in banter since they were kids and had first started hanging out together. Now ten years later they continued and the insults hadn't changed by much.

"Note even on your best day, bitch!" Juan laughed lather up his dark hairy legs. As boy next-door as Trey looked, Juan was just the opposite in the small New England town. Juan was the co captain of the wrestling team and as near as he got to the baseball field was when he sat in the bleachers cheering his to best friends on. Puerto Rican, and extremely good looking in his own right Juan was exotic in the small town, and that to his credit was how he attracted a goodly percentile of the school's female population. His short black hair and bright green eyes, he used to the best of his advantage even going as far as to flirt with some of the stodgy older female faculty. It was all in good fun, and he enjoyed every minute of it.

Alec, the third in the school's infamous trio, was anything but a jock like his two friends. He played baseball with Trey but knew he would never reap the scholarship rewards his best friend would, but knew that some sort of team sport would be needed to flesh out his collage applications. He did enjoy the time working out with his buds and that had earned him a tight swimmer's build. Everything else was pretty much average as far as looks were concerned light brown hair that never seemed to want to lie right, and eyes to match with a lopsided grin, some of the babes found him cute but he could never match the attention his two friends got. But when it came to brains, Alec was clearly the leader, there was little doubt that he would be the Valedictorian of their class, and go to some nice Ivy League school. And for the most point not being as popular with the girls as his two friends was to his advantage, as he spent a lot of time concentrating on his schoolwork, and being president of the senior class along with other myriad little extra curricular activities he could find.

Alec finished his shower first and headed into the locker room to change into his street clothes as the other two finished rinsing off under the steaming hot spray. He had just started to dry off when the other two back together from the shower, towels wrapped tightly around their trim waist. 'God those are two good looking guys' Alec thought suddenly, surprising himself. He shook the thought out of his head and continued drying off.

"Yo dude," Juan came up, water bringing a shine to his tan skin, "Trey just had a killer idea! You're gonna love this. Go on man." He said poking the other boy in the side.

"Yeah," Trey said. His tongue flicking out to wet his lips in what seemed to be a nervous gesture that Alec quickly dismissed. "I was uhh, thinking, how about going up to my parent's cabin for the weekend. Kinda celebrate the end of the school year and all. I'm sure they won't mind and it would be you know, a lot of fun and all.

About three seconds was all the time that Alec needed to think about it, the cabin was sweet and they spent time at it nearly every summer. "Killer is definitely the word for it. That would be great. Do you think your parents would mind? You know three of us up their alone."

"Probably not, they trust me and think of the two of you as surrogate sons anyways so I doubt they would put up much of a fuss about it."

"Yeah, plus it'll be early in the summer season anyhow and there won't be a lot of trouble to get into anyways." Juan said pulling on a pair of Jeans over his black Calvin Klein briefs.

"I'm sure my parents won't mind if yours don't dude so count me in!" Alec said pulling on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt.

"Cool then, two weeks and we're outta here for a while."

Two hours after they left, the three of them pulled up to the log cabin and started unloading the Jeep. Juan had gotten his older brother to pick them up a couple of cases of beer and some whiskey and Trey had already produced a huge bag of dope. Alec was never one to smoke very much other than the occasional bong hit, but had said what the fuck, and the three of them had already smoked two good sized joints and were feeling extremely happy when they started piling their duffels on the porch. From the outside the cabin looked isolated and rustic, but inside all of the latest gadgets and toys ruled the domain. From a full sized pool table to satellite TV and computers, when it came to roughing it Trey's family knew how to do it in style. The caretaker had stocked the kitchen, mostly with junk food at the teenagers' behest, but also with some more substantial items on his parents' orders.

"My parents said to stay out of their room, so that leaves my room and the guest room," Trey informed them "so you guys can throw your stuff in the guest room, of course. Hope you don't mind sharing a bed. They wouldn't like anyone sleeping on the couch, my dad's kinda anal about the leather."

Neither boy complained as they normally would do that or crash on Trey's floor with sleeping bags, and the bed was a hell of a lot more comfortable. They threw their stuff in the room not bothering to unpack as they had all week anyways. Within a few short minutes they were lounging around the living room passing yet another joint around and knocking back some cold beers that they found in the refrigerator. Obviously the caretaker knew what three 17- year-old boys would need besides junk food and veggies. The afternoon passed in a stoned dazed playing pool and computer games and before they knew it the evening of their first day had arrived.

"All right boys, now it's time to do some serious drinking. Who's up for some cards?" Juan asked pulling a deck from his back pocket.

"Sounds good," Trey quickly agreed sitting down at the table "Deal me in. How's about you Alec old boy, up for a gentleman's game?"

"I'm pretty fucked up already but sure why not." Alec sat down at one of the empty seats.

Juan took the last seat and started shuffling the cards. "Okay, here's the game. Straight Poker, deuces wild. But lets make it a little more interesting. Loser does a shot of Jaeger and a bong hit." He set the cards aside and put a small water bong already packed onto the table and poured a liberal amount of the strong whiskey into a water glass. He quickly dealt the cards.

Alec hoped this wasn't a sign of how the rest of the game would go when he lost the first hand and dutifully took his shot and did the obligatory hit from the pipe skyrocketing his buzz. The three friends laughed as his coughing fit ended and they dealt the next hand. By the end of the first hour the losing had been pretty even and all three of the boys were feeling no pain. Alec had no doubt that he was getting more fucked up than the others as he had not built up the level of tolerance the others had been building for years.

"This is getting kinda old," Trey said, his words slurring slightly "It's almost bedtime, let's up the ante a little shall we fellows."

"What do you have in mind?" Juan asked getting up to do something at the counter. Alec just looked at Trey ignoring his other friend in anticipation of what he was thinking; a slack jawed expression inspired by copious amounts of alcohol and refer.

"Loser does a bong hit, chugs a beer and loses one item of clothing per hand." Trey's grin came to his face as he looked to his two friends.

Juan came back to the table and looked thoughtful for a minute. "Sure, why the fuck not. I've been doing pretty well and it's not as if we haven't showered together nearly every day for the past seven months at school. I'm game; you Alec."

Alec wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol and smoke, but he found himself unable to refute his friend's logic. Plus he had had enough of the whiskey and wouldn't mind switching to beer even if it was chugging, not to mention that he didn't want to look like a wuss in front of his friends. So he nodded and sat up straight to try to clear his head as Trey dealt the next hand.

A pair of fives was not up to par with his friends' hands and Alec found himself pulling off his shoes that he had been informed counted as one item. The beer went down easily and the hit even easier and before he knew it the next hand was dealt. For the next few rounds were pretty even and by the time Alec was pulling his t-shirt over his head to bare his chest, all three boys had lost their socks and shoes. After that the next hand lost Alec his Jeans and he stood to unbutton them and slide them down his hips and off. His friends whistle well naturedly as he stood before them in his white jockeys and nothing else, blushing slightly. Trey lost the next two hands and was tossing his jeans to the floor to sit there in a pair of boxer briefs, feeling not the slightest bit self-conscious. Juan lost his shirt and then Alec found himself on the losing end again. Breathing deeply, he stood up and slid down the briefs to stand in the nude in front of the other two guys. If they had poked fun at him in his shorts, they really razzed him now about his nakedness.

"Well, seems like we have our first loser. You're next Trey," Juan laughed as Alec sat back down. The polished wood of the chair chilling his bare ass and raising goose bumps on his arm. "Well, seems like Alec is out of the game unless he has something else to bet?"

"I seem to be all out of clothes, so unless you got a suggestion I guess I am done guys," Alec said trying not to look to embarrassed.

"How about this," Trey said suddenly looking very serious "if you lose another hand than you have to do whatever we say. Kinda like truth and dare without the truth part. Are you man enough for that?"

"Sure, why not, my luck's gotta change," not wanting to shrink from a challenge to his manhood, Alec agreed hoping that he looked more confident then he felt. So the next hand was dealt and Alec was relieved when Juan joined them in their state of undress in the same black briefs he had been wearing the day they had planned he trip. His relief was short lived as his next hand crapped out.

"So what's it gonna be guys," he said after finishing his beer.

"Why don't we play one last hand, just Trey and I? That'll finish the game anyways and the winner can decide what your little task will be."

The winner turned out to be Trey and Juan stood and stripped off his briefs. Alec had seen Juan naked plenty of times in the shower, but it seemed as if Juan was sporting a bit of a half hard erection when he tossed Trey his briefs stating 'to the winner go the spoils. He did his bong hit and then passed it to Alec. Alec intent on smoking his pot didn't notice as trey gathered the rest of the boy's stray clothing and started out of the room. "Finish off the bowl and then meet us in the living room for your task, Alec. That'll give us sometime to figure out something properly humiliating for you to do." He laughed as he left the room with the boy's clothing. Juan had already gone into the next room leaving him alone with a nearly full bong and a very powerful buzz in his head already. ******

Five minutes later a very naked and very stoned Alec walked into the living room where his two friends sat on the couch. Juan was still naked as the day he was born and Trey still had his boxer briefs. Obviously he wouldn't be getting back his clothes anytime soon. Instinctively his hands covered his cock and balls futilely. He didn't know if it was the pot that usually did make him horny or standing there being ogled by his two best friends, but he could feel his dick growing hard against his hand.

"Stand there in the middle of the room, Trey said pointing to a spot in front of the big screen television. Alec obediently did as he was told, wanting to get this over as soon as possible. "Okay, so let's see what we got here, hands on top of your head and turn around. Slowly." Reluctantly, knowing that they were just trying to embarrass him as they had seen him naked countless times, of course never with a quickly growing hard-on, Alec lifted his hands and put them on top of his head and began turning around in a slow circle.

"Looks like someone is enjoying this," Juan said, staring at his naked buddy

"Speak for yourself, you seem to be getting off on it a bit yourself Chico!" Trey pointed out Juan's quickly growing cock as Alec finished turning. "Okay, seeing as how you are already somewhat excited. Here's what you have to do. I wanna see you put on a show for us. So jerk-off, but do it slowly, if you cum in less than twenty minutes, then you'll have to do something else for the rest of the time."

"You gotta be kidding, c'mon guys don't make me do this." Alec begged his two best friends.

"I ain't kidding," Trey, informed him, his face looking cruel suddenly. "And seeing as how you're trying to weasel out of your bet, make it twenty-five minutes. Wanna shoot for thirty?"

Alec just shook his head, dumbfounded that his friend was being such a dick. With resignation, he wrapped his fingers around his hard cock, and began to slowly pump it. After a minute or two of the slow stroking, Trey got up and turned on the stereo, putting on some slow rock music to accompany Alec's show. Even though he was degrading himself in the worst way he knew how in front of his friends, after a couple of more minutes, Alec started to get into and really enjoy himself. There was no way he was going to last for twenty-five minutes; he knew that for a fact after the first ten passed. The nervousness of what his friends would make him do next, helped slow his quickly approaching explosion but another five minutes were all he was able to go before his leg's clenched and his cock spewed a hot load into his palm and onto the hard wood floor. He groaned as he orgasmed like he never had before and sank to his knees as the climax came to a close leaving him panting with waves of pleasure flowing over his body.

"Not long enough, dude. You really need to work on your control there, minuteman," Trey laughed standing up from the couch and walking over to him. "But I'll tell you what. Your show was impressive, so I'll give you a choice." Trey knelt next to the still somewhat shivering youth and put a hand on his sweaty shoulder. "Here's what you can do. Either you can help Juan and me out with our own dicks or you can clean up the mess you just made on the floor. And I don't mean with a towel." Trey pawed at the thick bulge that had grown underneath his underwear from his enjoyment of Alec's show making sure he knew exactly what he would be in for.

Alec looked up at Juan who was lightly stroking his own seven-inch thick cock on the couch, a look that said sorry bud, but you got to do it on his face. He knew that there was no way he was going to service either of his two best friends. It would already be hard enough to face them again after this, but doing that would tear apart their friendship and he valued that more than anything. So he looked up at his friend, knowing what he had to do. "I'll clean up the mess."

"Too bad, I could of used a hand job, but your choice is made. Start with your hand." Trey stood pulling Alec upright with him.

Once before, just out of curiosity Alec had tasted his own cum before. He knew it wouldn't kill him, but the combination of alcohol and drugs made arguing his case seem pointless. Tentatively he put his hand to his mouth. His tongue slowly came out and licked one of the salty globs from his finger. He really couldn't believe he was doing this, but he knew neither Trey nor Juan would ever tell anyone, hell they had been friends since they were seven, they would never betray him like that, or so he thought. And, truth be told, it actually didn't taste that bad. To his amazement, he was actually getting hard again. Quickly he finished licking the sticky substance from his hand, trying not to make to many slobbering noises in the process.

"Okay dude," Trey said pushing him down by the shoulders to his knees, his voice sounding somewhat sad "just finish it up and we can all go to bed."

Alec walked on his hands and knees to the first gob of cum and bent his head to the floor. Christ, he had never been so fucking humiliated in all his life. So why was his did getting so hard as he lowered his head to the floor, and his tongue licked up the first puddle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Juan steadily rubbing his own cock and knew that Trey was rubbing himself through the thin cotton of his own underwear as he finished the degrading job of cleaning up his own cum. He stood, wiping a couple drop from his chin with the back of his hand. Shooting a dirty look at Trey he licked the back of his hand clean and walked out of the room to the bathroom. He didn't know if it was his imagination but he could have sworn he saw an apologetic look on his friend's face.

Alec grabbed another beer and a joint from the pile they had pre-rolled before heading to the bathroom. His mind was reeling from what had just happened and he didn't know how to deal with it. Alone in the tiled spacious room, he lit the joint and cracked the beer. 'Fuckin' Christ, what did I just do' he thought to himself as he took a long hit from the j and a swig of beer. It wasn't what he did that was bothering him so much. Deep down he knew that, the problem was the fact that he had enjoyed it, obviously as his dick twitched at the memory of it. He allowed the drug and alcohol induced fog to cover his mind in hopes of forgetting the past half hour of his life and deciding to deal with these thoughts later as he absent-mindedly stroked his cock. By the time the joint was nothing but an ember to close to his fingers to smoke and the beer in his stomach he had willed the erection down and returned to the living room.

"Trey went to bed," Juan informed him as he walked in. "He thinks you're probably pissed off at him."

Alec noticed that Juan's own hard on was gone yet he still sat on the couch naked. "Fuck it," he said trying to act cool like the whole scene had meant nothing to him. "A real man lives up to his debts, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Let him worry though, at least for tonight, it'll all be forgotten in the morning."

"Umm, yeah.sure" Juan agreed not seeming as convinced as Alec hoped he would be.

"Where are my shorts?"

"Trey said that the stuff was his and we would get it back in the morning. Took our duffels too, so I hope you don't mind bunking in the raw."

Alec could tell his friend couldn't believe he was taking it so lightly, so he just shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I can handle it, not like I have a lot in the ego department right now anyways. Let's turn in." With that he turned around and headed to the guest bedroom. He pretended he was already asleep when he felt the covers lift and his friend slip into the queen sized bed next to him. Silently he rolled onto his side, not as much from shame as to hide his hard cock that had sprung up from the thought of his hot latin friend sleeping naked next to him. 'What the fuck is wrong with me' he thought as sleep overtook him.

Next: Chapter 2

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