Seth and Frankie

By moc.loa@cramckcirtap

Published on Dec 2, 2009



Note: The story you are about to read is fiction. Any similarities between the character or events in the story and actual events are strictly coincidence. If you like this story, you may also enjoy my other story "Punk Pleasure".

Seth and Frankie by Patrick Marc Copyright 2009 patrickmarc

The alarm goes off, it's 7 a.m. I'm still in the bed half asleep; I slap the top of the clock to shut the music off. I think I hit the snooze button. It falls to the floor and I leave my arm dangling off the bedside. I know I'm not safe to stay this way because in two minutes my mother will be knocking on the door, opening it before I moan `come in' because she wants me up. I wait for it. I know the sun is bright, I can feel it on the side of my face even though the blinds are down, somewhat I guess. The crazy lady walking around outside my door knocks again and yells something inaudible to my ears, I think it's a warning she'll be back in exactly four seconds. Yeah that's got to be in it... four, three, two, one, it's a fucking science. I don't even need to open my eyes to know exactly what's happening. She's in my room, going about everywhere, telling me to get up in the process. She opens the blinds and I get smacked with bright light that makes me want to stick my head in a black hole just to avoid the painful beams from sixty trillion miles away. It's not helping the hang over from last night's party much. If I'm ever in charge, the sun is the first thing to go. I roll over because she's still squawking and moving around, picking up whatever clothes I have on the floor and sending them air mail to whatever available space there is off the floor, telling me to clean my room. Whatever, I wonder if she's going to find the spread of porno mags and tapes under my bed. I finally open my eyes, but close them again. The room is too fucking bright for my taste, but I have to piss badly. It feels like I'm about to let it out before I make it to the bathroom. I tell her I'm up so she can leave. She says one more thing and then goes to wherever mother's go once their naked sons show some degree of functionality in the morning. I'm glad because I don't want her staring at my hard dick. She's my mother and that's just weird. I won't make it to the bathroom, my bladder says so, so I get out the bed and go to the window instead, open it half way and stick my dick out. I'm semi hard, throbbing with an ache to piss or come I can't be sure which, but I settle for the light yellow stream showering the begonias. I stare out the window, holding my dick and trying to remember what happened last night because it's all a blurry memory of alcohol, "E", sweat, and sex. I don't even remember everybody who was there at the party... the sex party. Outside, across the way, Frankie the fag is watching me. I don't care. I snicker quietly, crack a small crooked smile, and nod so he knows I know he sees me, watching me. I shake my dick a few times and walk away. I check my room for my cleanest come stained shirt and put it on. My jeans are still thrown over a chair, I get them and put them on too, socks and sneakers, check my face in the mirror and go downstairs. Breakfast smells like a fucked up mix of fried pig and liquid chicken babies, mom's special. I pass, preferring the pills in my pocket I down when I'm outside. The sun's equally bad outside, but I don't think about it anymore. I already have a plan for it when I'm in charge. Instead I walk down the block away from my house. It's quiet. Frankie's leaning against a car close to the corner. So that's where he went after the window show. We make eye contact when I get closer. "What's up?" He says. I say it back. He shrugs his shoulder and asks if I want to trip out. Frankie always wants to get high; it's like a specialty of his. For as long as I've known him, it's been that way. I stare at him. It's real early, 7:20 A.M. Is there a schedule of time on when you can start getting high? Not that I know of so what the fuck, let's do it. We walk around the corner, down a few blocks and go in between two boarded up houses, close to the backyards. We size up our surroundings before Frankie pulls out a bag of white powder, coke no doubt. He dabs in it, offers me a taste; I lick my pinky and stick it in, good stuff. He shakes some on his fist, the spot right above the thumb and snorts. I shake some on mine and snort. The stuff wakes up the inside of my nose, but I'm used to it because I've done it before. We snort again to even out the sensation in each nostril and let it run through our systems. I close my eyes for a minute feeling lighter than before. I feel Frankie's hands touching me, tugging my shirt near my pits. I open my eyes and don't say anything. He shoves me back against the wall and drops in front of me. I know where this is going, but don't stop it because I like getting my dick sucked. I want it as much as he wants to give it. Who gives a shit it that he's a dude? Some kids go by and a yellow bus drives by. I can hear them. Frankie takes my dick out and starts sucking. It grows in his mouth; he's good at giving head really good. I stare at the wood board covered window of the other house. My mind is in a field of tripped out dreams. I grab his hair, yank, and come in his mouth. He swallows and wipes his lips with the back of his hand. I zip up and walk away before he says anything. I don't want a fucking relationship so I don't bother to look back; his dick sucking is great, but ultimately a dude's not on my menu. ............................................................................ .......................................................................... In school, I'm bored in every class I attend and leave after third period to find something else to do. The day is young; I'm a teenager, a lethal combination when you're me. I walk over to the park and hang out on a bench. It's practically empty but it's cool, I can handle it. I like the park, a lot happens here. My body starts wanting some attention again so I walk around; find a tree somewhere and lean up against it. The area is empty, unusual since it's a cruising ground for park hook ups. I've seen a few since I'd been going to the park. I open my jeans, slide them down part way, lift my shirt and start jacking off. It feels good in the soft breeze, especially when it rolls over my butt cheeks and under my balls. I come for the second time that morning. I pull my jeans up and walk away right as some guy is headed in my direction. A few feet ahead I look back. I see him, he's staring at me. I think he saw me. The thought of it actually excites me as I'm headed to God knows where. I can feel my dick rubbing against the denim of my jeans and my leg. I think about it. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. My biological father didn't do much but he got my dick size superbly right. Thanks dad where ever the hell you are. The day is long; I'm still bored. I find my way to my friend's house. He's home and lets me in. He's high already, it's his talent; he's a fucking artist when it comes to drugs. He has friends over. They're sitting around smoking pot and doing whatever. A bunch of pills lay in between beer bottles on the coffee table. He knows why I'm here and ready for me. I still feel something from the hits with Frankie before, but I still want something more. I follow him into his room where some dude is fucking this girl face down on the bed. She's sounds like she's in pain, but I don't know for sure. I stare, feeling my dick get hard. He pulls her hair, she cries out, she' s crying but he doesn't stop thrusting behind her, a closer look when I walk near them shows he's ass fucking her. My friend comes back and pulls me by the shirt. I'm meant to follow him. We hit his bathroom, close the door and seconds later he's cutting up on a

mirror. We do a line each and he hands me a small valve. I don't have cash so he tells me to pay him later; he knows I'm good for it. I go home, pass out on my bed, and dream that I'm walking on the edge of a high rise building in a city, probably New York. I'm bare foot, in jeans with no shirt, socks, or sneakers. Below me people are gathered around and lights are shining up at me. I jump and land in a grass field somewhere. I'm naked, I'm free. In reality I'm stuck in my room, the day has left me. I strip down, go outside and lay on top the lawn staring up at the stars. I can't stop thinking about the girl getting her ass ripped by that guy. It turns me on, but I don't jerk off, I just lay there letting the cooler night air molest my body. I don't mind it, I welcome the sensation. I close my eyes, only the crickets' sounds surround me. It's like a chorus of nature that in a few hours will be lost to the rising sun. Eventually I'll go in. ............................................................................ .......................................................................... In school the next day some girl is checking me out. I catch her looking and stare back. She smiles and breaks into one of those stupid girl laughs.

I smile back. I don't know her name, but it's not important. I hang around at the end of class and when I see her, I take her by the hand and we go to the back stairwell, I know it well. We go all the way up until we get to the roof gate; it's not locked so I open it. We sit on the steps. I bring her to me and we make out, her tits feel nice, but it's not what I really want. I take my pants down and push her against the wall, grab her leg to get her panties off and slide my dick inside her. It all happens in a second and I'm fucking her hard. She moans loudly and I cover her mouth. I stare at her while I'm fucking her, she's hot. It makes me go faster until I come. I walk away when I'm done, who gives a shit if she got off? I know I don't. All day I think about the ass girl from my friend's house, it drives me crazy. I try to forget about it when I get home, but its there, sitting in my head. I need to fuck again it's that intense. Jacking off won't do this time and I jack off a lot. I don't think anyone does it as much as I do. I once jacked off in the stock room of a convenient store I worked at, shooting my wad in between the mayonnaise and ketchup jugs. I'm sure some of it leaked down to the jars below, I didn't stay around to check, but like I said, it wouldn't help anyway. I want to fuck. My prospects look grim and all day into night, my body ached for it. I can't sleep because I keep thinking about fucking a girl up the ass. I go to the window and look out. The houses around mine are dark. I climb out the window and light up a pot cigarette. My basketball shorts are the only things I have on. I take a few pulls and feel good. Frankie comes home while I'm outside in some car. Whose car I don't know and I don't give a shit because it's not mine. I pull again and watch him. I wonder if he notices me. I get my answer when he walks over. "Hey," he says, his hands are in his pockets. He's wearing baggy jeans and a tank. I offer him my joint, he takes a few pulls. He sits next to me, I don't tell him to leave. He wants to know what I'm doing outside. I tell him I can't sleep and throw him a look. I want him to pick up on something. Not sure what, but I'm too horny to care. He sets off a short laugh; I pass him the joint again. He smokes some and passes it back. We smoke it out and I tell him I got coke in my room and ask him if he wants some. He's all smiles and willingness. He follows me through the window and we

hit it up. I'm feeling it; Frankie's sitting on my bed. I go over and stand in front of him and lift his head up by his chin. He reaches for the front of my shorts and gropes my dick, kissing it over the material while he slides his

hand up my thigh through the leg opening. No words. He's sucking me off in seconds and I like it. I pull him off me by his hair and stare at him.

He gets up and stares at me. He touches my shoulders, my neck and my bare chest. He kisses my nipple, my shoulder, the side of my neck. He tries touching his lips to mine, but I pull away. He fights me to do it again and I let him kiss me. I never made out with a dude before, but I' m aggressively horny and his mouth is better than no mouth at all. It'll do. It gets too intimate though, too romantic, like he wants it to go on forever. I just want to fuck something. I shove him to the bed and grab his

jeans and pull them down, he doesn't resist it. I hold his hands above his head, I look at him, am I really going to do this. Fuck it, he's willing. I spit on my hand and rub my dick, and shove it up his ass. He moans in half pain and half pleasure. I plow into him hard, his hole is tight. He's breathing hard and moaning hard, letting me fuck him the way I want.

I do him harder and deeper. He tries to move, but I have his arms pinned down by the wrists. I tighten my grip and shove my dick in as far as it will go until I come and moan out loud because I feel every stream that shoots out. I pull out and fall on the bed; he's next to me, breathing as hard as I am. He rolls over and looks at me. "Go home," I tell him without looking at him. I can feel him staring as he fixes his clothes, but he leaves without saying a word. I open my eyes when I hear him land in the begonias, whatever. I'll trip out with him again. I wake up the next morning feeling like the night was a non stop party. I don't remember everything, but I remember Frankie the fag, he was here. I get up, look at the spot on the bed and get a flash back of him pinned down on it, he's moaning, my grip on his wrists is tight. I fucked him and I liked it. I take a few steps feeling my dick slapping between my thighs and look out the window. The smoke from the cigarette irritates my eyes so I put it out and get ready for school. Another day of a fucked up, horny, teenage male with nothing left in this fucked up town, village, city, or whatever you want to call it. At least my dick will be handled well, regularly. Between jacking off, girls in school, and Frankie at home, I'm set. Why am I so sure about Frankie? That's easy. He's waiting for me outside by the corner, leaned up against a car.

He smiles when he sees me. I smile back. He's a dude, whatever, but he 's willing and I liked it enough. Too bad we don't go to the same school, it would've been fun. Maybe I'll drop out and get into the program he's in, maybe. I sit in the back of the bus with a picture of some girl's pussy plowed with some guy's dick. It's from one of my magazines and it's practically worn out from me shooting on it so much. There are a few students sitting up

front, oblivious to me jacking off. Usually I come on the page, but I don' t this time. Instead I let my gooey squirts hit my shirt. I wipe my chin with the back of my hand where the first shot hit my face. I think of Frankie for some reason and taste it. It's different, warm, a little brackish and sweet at the same time, weird, whatever. I think I'm some kind of freak and not just fucked up from the drugs in my system, whatever. I enjoy it, all of it.

  • End -

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