Seth from High School

By Tim P

Published on Mar 31, 2010


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This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, all minors. It is written for the entertainment of mature adults. Passing through Nifty's main page to get here is your way of saying it is legal for you to be reading it.

Seth from High School - Part II

Ok, so a couple of guys thought that what happened next with me standing there naked and erect in front of Seth might not be boring so they asked, 'what happened next'; which is kinda funny, that is pretty much what Seth asked.

"What do we do now Brad?"

Should I be insulted that he wasn't looking me in the eyes when he asked the question?

He called me Brad, which makes a lot of sense when you think about it because that is my name, Brad, Bradley Chapman Carpenter to be exact. Seth (I'd give you his full name too, but I don't know it, just Seth Connolly) and I are juniors in high school in Santa Barbara and until about six days ago I thought I had to be the homo sporto in the whole school. Yeah there are the guys in drama and choir who wear the Lady Gaga t-shirts (talk about obvious) and yeah some of them are cute too and definitely doable, but I am just not into the obvious femme ones and since I play water polo, a sport with lots of 'personal' contact, being known as a 'mo wouldn't be a good thing.

Now Seth, there is nothing femme about him. He is 6'1", light brown hair that is a mop right now, deep blue eyes and he has to weigh at least 160 I am guessing, he is pretty solid. I've seen him many times at East Beach shirtless playing beach volleyball and I've even played with him more than once. I've also seen him naked in the locker room both at school and at the YMCA, but I didn't take any more notice of him than I did any other naked teen in the locker room because there was no need to I guess. I had no idea he might enjoy me looking at him or enjoy looking at me. I'd be lying if I said I had ever picked up any vibe from him or from any athlete in the locker room, well except for the cross country guys, they're all fags. I am not saying that is a bad thing mind you it is just if I started hanging out with a cross country guy than everyone would know I was a fag too.

But yeah, I notice everyone in the locker room, in the showers. If you showed me pictures of soft dicks I could put a name to every one for the water polo team, most of the basketball team, most of the volleyball team, all of cross country and all the cute football guys, but just the cute ones which means none of the lineman, they are all way too fat. I've even jerked off to this buffet of dicks I have in my head and who I center on when I cum changes all the time. I can start off thinking about Chris from cross country, switch to Justin from basketball and have Chad the quarterback flash into my mind as the eruption starts. Kinda weird, hunh?

I know, I know, enough already.... you just asked a simple question, so did Seth, but you have to understand, this has been sixteen years building to this point, no guy has touched my dick since the doctor snipped off that extra skin the day I was born. So I give Seth my big answer, sixteen years in the making.

"I dunno." (ok so maybe Seth isn't the quickest guy on his feet, but maybe I am not either standing naked and erect three feet from a totally hot guy)

Yeah, yeah, the correct answer was, 'why now you touch it' or 'now you wrap your pouty lips around it, but 'I dunno' was what came out. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"Can I touch it?" he asks barely above a whisper.

Now why didn't I think of that? Of course you can touch it! Hold it, fondle it, caress it, stroke it, milk it, massage it, rub it, finger it, polish it, knead it, STIMULATE IT!

So why can't I say anything? I just move closer and Seth looks me in the eyes finally and now he touches it. The electric shock it sends through my body to my brain threatens to knock me out. I am quite sure I gurgled. He pulls it down from its pointing at the ceiling position and examines it and then examines it with his fingers. After thirty seconds of his soft caresses, because he is handling it like a Ming vase that he could break he stops.

"Now what?"

Now what? Really Seth, I thought you had more imagination than this. I know you aren't quick on your feet, but you ARE sitting down now. The glib me returns.

"Well actually Seth I tricked you."

He looks perplexed, "tricked me how?"

"We came here to get even because I had seen your erection, you saw mine, but then you touched mine, according to etiquette we are no longer even."

Seth sits back on the bed with his two hands to support him and a concerned look crosses his face.

"I see..... damn," he curses, "do you have a suggestion to remedy this breech of etiquette?" Okay, so maybe he is catching on faster now, because he is trying hard to look stern, but he just can't suppress his grin.

"I think we only have one course, I think I HAVE to touch your penis too, just to be fair of course."

"Of course. To be fair."

He stands and removes his shirt and I move to undo his pants. My hands are shaking a little as I unsnap them and push down the zipper. He sees my quivering.

"Nervous," he asks quietly.

This is no fooling around and no jocular banter; this is just me and Seth now.

"Terrified," I answer, "I've never done this before. Feel my heart."

Seth places his right hand on my chest and I feel that electric jolt again just as his pants hit the floor. My heart is beating a mile a minute as I thumb into his boxers and slip them past his cute bubble ass and pull them out to get over his very hard erection.

Moment of truth, I place my hand on the first hard cock I've ever felt besides my own. Seth lets a little gasp out as I wrap my fingers around him. He is considerably larger than me. I am a comfortable 6 1/4" on a good day, but I am guessing that Seth is approaching 7 1/2" and decently thick. We are both looking down as I manipulate him, seemingly mesmerized by the action, it is just so dang cool, but as I look up Seth looks to me too and now leaning in to kiss him seems the most natural thing in the world.

I've kissed girls, but never a boy. I am scared, but thrilled. My lips brush up lightly against his and I feel them part, allowing me to slip my tongue past his lips into his mouth where it meets his tongue coming from the other direction. As our tongues wrestle in increasing passion and aggressiveness Seth slips his hand from my chest down to my cock and resumes his exploration of it.

I know what I want next, I lean into Seth and that topples him back onto the bed. I am in between his legs and I remove my hand from his cock and he does likewise, our kissing intensity increases as we grind our hips into each other. This kissing boys thing is great, I have an exhilaration I've never felt with a girl, Seth pushes up me into and as I grind down into him. I roll to my back, pulling him over on top of me now, he adjusts to his new role and moves inside of my legs instead of straddling me. I love this feeling of him taking control, our kisses are insanely passionate now and we aren't just grinding our hips, Seth is thrusting with a passion and purpose. I wrap my legs around him and try to not disrupt his rhythm, he picks up more speed, as if that was even possible, and I can feel him gasping in my mouth and I know the end is near and hang on tight.

Soon I feel an explosion of hot cum squirting onto my belly and up to my chest, this causes my own mini Krakatoa. We each squirt five or six times and then he collapse on me in a heap, his chest heaving. We lie there, messy and sticky, not caring, our arms wrapped around each other. After about five minutes of recovery time Seth speaks.

"Are you gay Brad?"

Ok, so we know standing Seth is a slow thinker, sitting he isn't much better, but lying down, this boy is sharp as a tack!

"Yeah, you?"

"No, I'm totally straight."

He lifts his head off my chest and busts up laughing.

"Okay, so maybe a smidge gay," and he kisses my nose and settles back down on me.

My hands roam his back, sides and ass and I can't believe how great he feels, how normal and natural this feels to me.

"What now?"

I look at the clock and it is barely past 12:30PM.

"You wanna get some sandwiches at Three Pickles and head to the beach?"

It is early September and perfect beach weather, even better because all the tourists are gone for the summer.

"Sure, East Beach," he replies.

"No, I was thinking More Mesa."

His head snaps off my chest and he looks to see if I am serious. More Mesa is a nude beach and attracts a lot of gay men supposedly.

"I just don't feel like seeing any of our friends right now. I am so happy I feel if they saw us together in the mood I am in they'd know in an instant."

He considers a moment and nods his agreement.

"I'm in if you are in."

I kiss him again and say, "let's shower."

His eyes light up, "together?"

"Yeah, together."

Next: Chapter 3

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