Seth from High School

By Tim P

Published on Apr 28, 2010


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All the usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of pure fiction and a fetid imagination. If it is illegal to read this where you live, don't read it. If you are under legal age where you live, don't read it.

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, all minors. It is written for the entertainment of mature adults. Passing through Nifty's main page to get here is your way of saying it is legal for you to be reading it.

Seth from High School - Part IV

Well yeah, today has been a journey and I thought it was pretty much over. I mean how much grander can it get, when I woke up this morning I had never kissed a guy or touched a penis besides my own; now I've kissed two guys and not just any guys, but two hot athletes from my school and I've touched my first penis. It couldn't get any better, right?

That was when Justin leaned back into me and kissed me again. Seth giggles.

"Don't worry, I'll get back to you too," Justin says, barely lifting his lips off mine. That wasn't the surprising part. The surprising part was when Justin's hand slid up my bare thigh , under my towel and found my rapidly hardening cock.

I moan into his mouth as his fingers explore my shaft. The fingers drift down my length until Justin finds my sparse, dirty blonde pubic hairs. He feels around for a bit and now starts back up my shaft to the red head that is starting to leak pre-cum. The exquisite feeling goes to new heights as Justin's thumb and forefinger spread the natural lube around my sensitive head. Justin lets out a low groan, wait, I'm the one getting the hand job.

I break off the kiss and see the source of Justin's groan, Seth has opened Justin's towel and starting to play with that hard, teen toy. So now I do see Justin hard and kinda like I suspected, it isn't that long, maybe 5 1/4 to 5 1/2 inches, but it is nicely thick. Justin has his head thrown back in ecstasy so I attack his neck with my lips and tongue and that elicits an even deeper moan. Justin opens my towel and starts to jack me in earnest.

"No," I say.

"NO!?" say a shocked Seth and Justin in one voice.

"Not on my mother's Pierre Deux couch, how am I going to explain cum stains?"

"I wasn't planning on letting a drop of your cum get away," Justin says with the wickedest grin.

I cock my head that way dogs do when they are confused.

Seth laughs, "I think Justin means he is going to swallow every drop."

"Swallow?" I am blushing before the word is out of my mouth, 'oh, swallow'.

"Let's go to my room," I can barely choke the word out. Am I about to get my first blow job? Hell I hope I get to suck someone too. Both I hope.

I stand and pull my towel off, Justin stands and his falls off and Seth rips his off too.

"Grab your towels and follow me."

I lead us up the stairs and drop my towel at the top of the stairs and tell the guys to drop theirs there too and we make the right turn to my room. I beeline for my bed and naked Seth and Justin join me. All three of us are harder than the NY Times Sunday crossword and the cocks are pointing up to our chins.

"Fuck are you big Seth," Justin declares as he wraps his fingers around it and Seth lies back and lifts his hips a little in pleasure.

This gives me a chance to touch Justin's hard cock for the first time. I love his thick bush of black hair and I run my fingers through it before I fondle his equally thick cock. Justin is spouting some pre-cum too so I move the droplet around his purplish head, 'fuck yeah Brad', is his response.

"Who wants it first?"

Seth and I just look at each other. Want what first. Neither one of us says anything.

"A blow job, which one of you wants it first." Justin asks with more clarity.

Seth blushes, I giggle. Now Justin looks scared or nervous.

"I.... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....." Justin stammers.

"No, no it is ok," I stop him, "it's just that neither Seth or I has a clue about any of this stuff. Today was both of our first times doing anything and we didn't quite get that far."

Justin relaxes and grins, "there isn't much to getting a blow job, you just lie back and enjoy."

Now Seth speaks up, "ummm, do you say anything or move or...."

Justin looks suddenly shy, "you can do what feels right, you can say what feels right, if you want to move your hips you can, if you want to hold my head you can, there aren't a lot of rules really. Wanna see."

Justin says the 'wanna see' very softly and demurely. All Seth can do is nod. Justin moves closer to Seth and kisses him on the mouth once, briefly and then kisses his neck, his chest, bites and licks a nipple. I am so hot right now I can hardly stand it. Justin finally reaches Seth's large cock, it is 7 to 7 1/2 inches, and swallows it whole his first go at, Justin's nose goes all the way to Seth's pubes and when his tip hits the back of Justin's throat Seth moans loudly, his hips buck up a little and a quite 'fuuuuck me' escapes his lips.

"All in due time, all in due time," Justin responds.

Fuck, this is too much for me to take. Justin is kind of lying on his stomach sucking Seth and I roll Justin's hip up and his dick pops up leaking cum like crazy all over Seth's thigh. I don't do all the fancy kissing stuff Justin did I just land my lips on his thick, mushroom head and slide down from there. He reaches down and affectionately rubs my head and runs his fingers through my hair, but I don't think he misses a beat in sucking Seth. I kinda mimic what I've seen him do and what I think would feel good knowing what parts of my penis are more sensitive than others.

I lick around Justin's head, around the lip of it and at the base of the 'piss slit', I know it has a real name, frenu something, I'll Google it later, fuck, I can't believe I am thinking about Google with my tongue on a dick, but my mind is racing anyways. I mix up the licking with swallowing and bouncing. After about fifteen minutes the only noise is the slurping of Justin and me. Then Justin starts to moan and moves his hips to my motion, after a bit I stop moving my head and just let Justin drive his cock into my mouth, I just provide some friction with my tongue and lips. I reach between his legs and cup his ass with my left hand and feel those glute muscles working. He starts pumping in a frenzy so I know he is close.

"I'm gonna cum Brad," he says quickly.

Okay, but I ain't moving my mouth, like hell you're gonna splooge all over my Ralph Lauren comforter. Note to self, next time you have hot naked boys on your bed move the compf..... oh FUCK! I feel hot streams of cum hitting the back of my throat. It is hot, gooey, funky and oh fuck I like it. I swallow every drop. When I think Justin is done with the major squirts I move my mouth off him and milk him with my hand and lick his tip that I know has to be sensitive. He squirms as I lick it and I hear noises, but he doesn't push my head away.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, ok stop Brad, fuck."

I guess he wants me to stop.

I snuggle into him as he works on Seth, my hard-on is on his hairy ass and maybe I am pushing my hips a little, rubbing my dick on his ass and maybe in his crack a little too. Seth dips his head back and he is gripping the comforter (cum stain free so far due to my diligent job on Justin) so tight I think he is going to rip through it. Justin can sense Seth is close so he speeds up his bobbing. Then Seth gurgles and I think maybe his tongue has rolled so far back in his throat he is choking, but since he shot his hips up and Justin has stopped the intense bobbing, I guess Seth is cumming.

Seth's hips collapse back to the bed and a grinning Justin rolls off him with a satisfied look on his face. Justin moves to kiss me, I am like 'eww he just had his mouth on Seth's dick' but then I remember I would love to have had my mouth on Seth's dick (and I will soon, I am sure) and I just had my mouth on Justin's dick, so ok, I kiss him. He breaks the kiss and whispers in my ear, 'your turn.'

I grin and Justin starts to kiss down my body like he did with Seth, Seth leans over and kisses me while Justin does his kissing the body thing. I jerk as Justin nips at my nipples, I had no idea they were so sensitive. Justin finds my cock, but after a couple of cursory licks and swallows he keeps heading south. Where the hell could he.... WOAH SHIT! His tongue hits me on that area between my balls and my hole, who knew THAT area was so sensitive! Obviously Justin does because he is there. He pushes my legs even higher, oh no, oh no, he isn't, he isn't... oooooooooh yes shit he is! He's LICKING my hole, oh gawd, oh my stars in heaven. I am gasping for air. His tongue penetrates me. I might cum without touching my dick.

But Justin drops my legs back down and starts on giving me head, but I am still shaking from the rimming he gave me, I am wiped out and I know I can't last. Five minutes into the BJ and I start erupting in Justin's mouth. He swallows every drop and I think my Ralph Lauren comforter has survived cum free.

We lie there with Justin in the middle Seth and me cuddled up on either side of him our legs up on Justin's body and I am rubbing Justin's chest, it is so dang manly with the hair on it. I can't believe all three of us are the same age, I barely have any body hair and Justin is like a man and Seth is just in between us with his little happy trail. After about twenty minutes I decide we can't just stay like this.

"How about we go to Gelson's, get some steaks, corn and salad and grill the steaks in the backyard by the pool." I suggest. Both the guys agree.

I roll over, I mean literally roll over, naked Justin and naked Seth to get out of my bed and pull them up. I lead them back to the hall where we dropped our towels and lead them into my parent's bedroom because the shower in their bath room is huge, big enough for four or five people comfortably. We mostly shower, but we also do a good bit of groping and soaping with a little kissing thrown in.

Seth and Justin call home to check in and get permission. I hear Seth tell his mom he'll probably just spend the night here. Yippy skippy, my day of discovery looks like it is going to extend into the wee hours. We go back down stairs where we left our back packs and dress. I go totally commando and Justin does too, Seth throws his boxers on and I make a face at him

Justin drives since he has the biggest car, the BMW X5 and I ride shotgun. On the drive down I am running my fingers on his bare thigh and up inside his sorts. I have him freaking hard. I can't damn believe I can just reach out and touch a guy like this. He grins but swats me away as we get close to the bottom of the hill. He doesn't want to walk into Gelson's tented out. My parents left me the Gelson's card, so we are set, three giant rib eyes, sushi for an appetizer, Caesar salad and corn on the cob.

The minute we walk back in the house the shorts and shirts are gone and we are back in naturist mode. The sun is lower and because of the tall trees around my parents house we are out of the direct sunlight and the temperature is perfect. It is too early to throw the steaks on so I put all the groceries in the refrigerator next to the built in grill, but dang if there isn't enough room! I have to pull out a six pack of Heineken just to make room for the food. Now what could three teenage boys do with cold beer? Can't really let it get hot again, dad says that ruins it.

"Hey guys, do you mind drinking some beers? They're just going to go to waste otherwise."

Seth who is getting used to my sense of humor rolls his eyes and Justin starts giggling. I like this kid, he laughs at my jokes.

"Ugh, don't encourage him Justin, laughing just makes him he is a comedian" Seth says while smiling at me.

"Hey Seth, if you think I am funny now, I am a riot after two beers."

"Let's find out!" is Justin's contribution.

I crack open the first three and hand one each to Seth and Justin and then take mine and slip into the pool. Justin and Seth decide to join me. We've all known each other for a long time, we've been in the same schools and classes since 2nd grade at least, but we've never been buddies. I mean yeah we've been at some of the same birthday parties and stuff like that, but no sleepovers (that's what guys call slumber parties 'cuz only chicks do slumber parties) or any of those things. Still we have common memories, the school cat at Adams Elementary, lunch time food fights at La Cumbre Middle School, the whispered scandals of which teachers were doing whom. We had a great time reminiscing.

Seth jumps out of the pool and picks up our empties and grabs the next three beers. I feel pretty happy from the first one already, the day alone has been intoxicating and a warm glow is settling in me.

"Can I kiss you again?" Justin asks me quietly.

I muster the best look of disgust I can, "well aren't you the greedy one? I've already kissed you once today. I should think that is good enough to hold anyone for a week."

Justin grins shyly, "oh is good enough for this coming week, but what about all the past weeks? I've known you nine years and at fifty weeks I figure I am 450 kisses behind."

I roll my eyes, "468 kisses, no wonder you're getting a B in...."

I don't get to finish because Justin has laid his mouth on mine and his tongue is already exploring my mouth. I taste the beer in his mouth and his tongue is slightly cold. For a boy who never kissed another boy before today, he is a quick learner because whatever he is doing has me melting into him. He pulls me tighter and I can feel he is hard again, but then again so I am so I grind my cock into his. After a couple of minutes he pulls gently away and looks at Seth who is looking amused.

Justin blushes and steps towards Seth, "Seth......"

Seth doesn't have my flair for drama, he just pulls Justin right in and picks up where he left off on my mother's Pierre Deux sofa. The kissing they do is faster, more intense than what Justin and I were doing and it gets me thinking about how there are so many ways to explore and please each other. I hope I get to have these two as my guides and companions on the trip.

While they are doing tonsil exams with their tongues I decide it is a good time to fire up the barbeques. They are gas so I just need to get the grills hot enough to sear the steaks. I am pulling the food out and Seth and Justin appear next to me, both fully erect from their kissing and none of us care. I am still a semi from my kissing of Justin. If you had told me 24 hours ago that I would in my backyard with two boys with erections, I would have thought you were crazy.

"What can we do? Seth asks.

Really? Now how am I supposed to give a straight answer to that? What would YOU say to two naked teens with erections looking at you expectantly.

I come back with my snappiest line of the day, "uh you could take the Caesar salad and sushi into the pool house, there is a kitchen in there, and get them ready. I'll put the corn and steaks on."

Oh what? You think that isn't cleaver and snappy enough? FINE! You try to think what to say to two naked hotties and let's see how you fare. Ok, so maybe I am a little bitter I didn't have a great comeback, but I did have a great view when Justin bent to pick up the salad off the bottom shelf (no pun intended). He wants to grab the sushi too.

"No, no," I blurt a little too quickly, "leave the sushi for Seth and Seth, you have to get the sushi from THIS side of the refrigerator."

Seth is catching on to things faster now because he does come to my side of the refrigerator and as he bends to get the sushi he displays his ass nicely for Justin and me and takes his time getting the sushi out as he wiggles his amazing bottom. I sigh and lean into Justin, with my head on his shoulder, who just grins.

"Where's that corn Brad?" Justin says loudly.

That snaps Seth upright quickly and gets all three of us howling. They head into the pool house and I prep the steaks and wrap the corn in foil and God help me I can't help but think what it would be like sliding it into either one of those bottoms in the pool house and maybe wonder what it would be like to have one of them slipping it in me.

I take everyone's order on how they want their steaks cooked and it pleases me to know both boys are obviously well bred because they both ask for medium rare. That is great because I was going to cook them that way anyway. The doors to the pool house slide all the way open to the corner on three sides so it is almost like eating outdoors when they are all open. I also have the fans on overhead, they are those funky ones you see in fake tropical restaurants that go the whole length of the room, but they do work pretty well.

I've been thinking, which generally I am against on weekends unless it is absolutely necessary, but I think this might be important. I lift my glass of pinot noir, it is a lovely 2007 Sea Smoke Southing pinot that is a combination of dried and fresh flowers, then blueberries, fresh chanterelle, and a hint of guava. The voluptuous mouthfeel and fine tann.... What? Oh come now, did you think we were going to drink BEER with prime dry aged rib eyes? Do you think we are barbarians? No, we are indulged Santa Barbaran kids and we know our manners and protoculs... ANYWAY as I was saying, I lift my glass of pinot and say to my two naked compatriots.

"Where do we go from here boys?"

"The bedroom?" Justing helpfully suggests.

I like the boys' thinking, I'll give him that.

"I think he means long term Justin and do you have an idea Brad?"

"I do lots of them actually. Earlier today Justin Seth and I agreed we don't think we are ready for relationships yet, we'd like to be friends first and see where it goes. I don't know about you two, but I've had a great time with you both today and I'd like to do this hanging out naked and touching each other again."

I get nods and grins of agreements.

"But with our sports schedules and parents and everything else it might be hard to get all three of us together, so I think we should be able to see each other separately too without anyone getting jealous or hurt. I've known you both for a long time and after today I want to know you both better, but I also don't want to lose either of your friendships."

They nod some more and contemplate the seriousness of what I am saying, or maybe just contemplating that I do have a serious side.

"I think we should start seeing more of each other socially, movies and all that and we need to talk a lot. I know we guys don't do talking well, but I think friendships and relationships go bad when there isn't good communications. So if one of us is spending time with another, we just have to let the third guy know and if one of us starts to develop deeper feelings then we need to be honest early. Seriously guys, I could so fall for either one of you it isn't funny. I already feel so connected."

Justin speaks first, "I'm in. I am just happy I found you two. I know I am not ready for a serious commitment yet so your plan sounds good."

Seth is resting back comfortably in his chair, "like Justin says I am in too. I agree with you about talking a lot and I know what you mean about falling for one of us, I feel the same way, both of you are so like me I am just really comfortable. It's a deal."

Seth leans forward and holds his wine glass out and we seal our pact with a clinking of the wine glasses.

"One last serious moment and then I promise I'll be a sarcastic dick again. I think we should ummm... get .... you know.. tested and stuff. I just don't know how."

Justin looks down and blushes, "I guess I know how. Because I've been with these older guys I've gotten tested three times. There is a place down on Haley near State that does free, anonymous testing. It is kinda weird the first time because you have to tell the guy or even girl all the stuff you've done sexually and did you pay for it, did you get paid, all kinds of embarrassing questions. But yeah, it is cool and they don't judge, they just have to know, ya know?"

"Cool, so can you find out more and then let Seth and me know and all three of us can go next weekend if you guys aren't busy."

We agree and finish up dinner. Seth heads off to the bathroom and when the door is closed Justin leans in to me a little and he is blushing again.

"You know earlier today when I was finishing up on Seth, you had your dick on my ass and in my crack?" I nod and now I am blushing. "I'd like it in there really sometime Brad. Soon."

If I was blushing before, now I am crimson.

"I'd like that too and that tongue thing you did," Justin sees my crimson and ups it to purple, "I'd like you to do that again and maybe teach me how to do it on you."

Seth comes back and sees too boys who look ready to pass out any minute with raging hard ons.

"Wow, what did I miss?"

Justin, under the terms of our new full disclosure pact says, "I kinda just told Brad I want him to ummm fuck me. I want to you to too, but you are going to take a bit more practice, no one as big as you has ever done that before."

Seth doesn't catch up to us in the blushing department, but he does hit a nice shade of pink.

"Is our club open to new members?" Seth wants to know.

I shrug my shoulders, "if one of the cool cross country fags wants in or one of the non dramatic choir or drama guys, I am cool, but non dramatic doesn't quite fit with the choir or drama guys since that seems to be what they are all about. I do think we need to be careful though because I am not ready to be out my sophomore year and I don't think you guys are either."

They both nod in agreement.

"I need to get going though guys, it has been an amazing day." Justin stands and comes to give me a goodbye kiss and hug, but I push him away and he looks perplexed.

"Justin, if you start kissing me when you are naked there is no way you are getting out of here anytime soon."

He looks sheepish, "yeah, I guess hunh."

We all go into the family room where we left our clothes and back packs, Seth and I put on boxers and Justin gets fully dressed. When he is we make our way to the front door, Seth goes first this time and pulls Justin into a gentle kiss, One hand cups Justin's neck and the other slips into his back pocket. Their lips slowly undulate for about forty-five seconds before they reluctantly part. Now it is my turn, I too cup Justin's neck, but my other had goes to his mop of black hair. I am not sure what it is, maybe because I am so hairless, but the curly top of Justin, his dusting of hair on his chest and that hairy ass are major turn-ons for me. I too break off at about forty-five seconds. As I do, I am happy Justin got dressed because he is rock hard in his pants and Seth and I are both tenting too. We all grin at each other and off Justin goes. As the door closes I pull Seth into me and kiss him too.

"You know what my grandfather told me on my 16th birthday?" Seth shakes his head no.

"He has only learned two things in his old age, never pass up a chance to piss and never ignore an erection. Wanna go up to my room?"

Seth doesn't answer, he just grins, laces his fingers into mine and leads me upstairs to my bedroom.

End of Part IV

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