Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Mar 8, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Author's Note: Before we get started on this chapter, I need to show you something. This is what the scoring area of a shuffleboard court looks like:

_____ ...---- ----... | 10 OFF | |-----------------| | 7 | 7 | |-----------------| | 8 | 8 | |-----------------| | 10 | |----_________----| | | | (shoot from | | this direction) | | | | | | |/ |/ | | ~ ~ |

Each team has four pucks, where they take turns shooting, trying to either land in the highest scoring space or knocking their opponent's pucks out of play - think of it like curling or crokinole. That'll help explain part of this chapter. As you were!


Chapter 14 Cruise Day 4, Port Day (San Juan, Puerto Rico), after dinner (teen, m/m, m/f)

After dinner, Eric and Andrew met up outside the dining room and headed up to the sports deck to have a stroll in the warm evening air. "God, I'm going to miss this weather when it's time to head home," Andrew opined. "Grand Rapids fucking sucks when it comes to snow."

"I can imagine," Eric said. "There have been times when my dad travelled there to check on the plant, and he's been stuck there for a few days. In.... MICHIGAN," he teased.

"Hey now, I resemble that remark!" Andrew exclaimed, then smiled. "We can't all be city slickers like you in your fancy Manhattan penthouses."

"So true. I'm just glad I get to slum it this week with you," said Eric, following it up with a one-armed hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Mmmmhmmm. And don't you forget it," came Andrew's reply with a smack on his boyfriend's ass. "Anyways, I made arrangements with Rachel at dinner to meet up with her and Adam at 8:00 to play some shuffleboard."

"Shuffleboard?" Eric exclaimed. "What are you, 75 years old?"

"Shut up, it's fun!" Andrew retorted. "Don't knock it 'til you try it."

"Fiiiine... I guess it's something to do, anyways," Eric responded. "Maybe we'll discover I'm a shuffleboard savant!"

"Maybe we'll discover you're an idiot savant.... or maybe just an idiot," Andrew teased, then punched his friend in the shoulder and ran away.

The boys arrived at the court a few minutes prior to eight o'clock and found Adam and Rachel there already, sat off to the side making out like a couple of horny teenagers. "Are we interrupting?" Eric called.

"Nah," Adam called back, "we're just getting warmed up!" When he stood up, the bulge in the front of his shorts was nothing short of obscene. He looked down at it, then back at his friends and smiled mischievously. He and Rachel met the boys courtside. "Have y'all ever played this before?"

Rachel and Eric shook their heads, and Andrew replied, "I have, once. I wasn't great at it, but it was fun."

After consulting the rules posted on the wall, the teens paired up into their respective couples and played a couple games, getting accustomed to how the game was played and how the puck reacted. When everyone was comfortable with the game, Eric, ever the instigator, piped up with an idea. "How about we make this.... interesting?"

"How's that?" asked Rachel.

"Well, I would say 'strip shuffleboard', but that might be a little hard for you, Rachel. Us guys could get away with it for a while, but explaining why you're in a bra and panties might be a little difficult if we get caught," said Eric.

"Bra," said Rachel, smiling mischievously.

"Well then!" Eric smiled back. "So what I was thinking was this. We'll play best of seven games, and the losers have to give the winners oral. Tonight, during the show, in the theater."

"Wow, that's a big one," said Adam. "So if we lose - and I'm not saying y'all are good enough to beat us - I'd have to give one of you guys a blowjob?"

"Yup, that's about the big and small of it. Well, big for me, anyways," replied Eric as he grabbed his crotch. Everyone laughed.

Adam looked at Rachel. "What do you think?"

"I think we can take them. Should we go for it?" she replied.

"Fine. You've got a bet, sir," said Adam, shaking hands with Eric.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Andrew protested.

"No!" the other three exclaimed, then laughed.

"Fine then!" Andrew smiled. "Set 'em up."

It was a see-saw battle, Eric and Andrew winning the first set, then Rachel and Adam won the next two. The fourth and fifth sets saw Andrew and Eric as the winners, and on the verge of victory, leading the series 3-2.

"So, Adam, I like having my balls fondled when you're going down on me, just so you know," Eric taunted, demonstrating by fondling the air in front of Adam's face.

"Not gonna happen!" Adam retorted, slapping Eric's hand away.

Eric shot first, landing his disc in the 7 spot. Adam followed it up by missing Eric's puck, sending his disc out of bounds. Andrew's first shot stopped on the outside line of the 8 spot, but because it was on the line, it didn't count. Rachel's shot knocked Andrew's clean out of the playing area, then followed it out of bounds.

Eric's second shot landed in the 8, giving his team a commanding lead of 15-0. "Boom!" he celebrated.

Adam's next shot looked good, but just barely nudged the disc in the 8 spot, then sailed out of bounds. Andrew followed that up with a blocker in front of the left side of the board, so it would be difficult for Rachel to knock the 8 disc.

"It all comes down to this shot... no pressure!" called Eric.

"Shut up, you," said Rachel as she lined up her shot.

It almost happened in slow motion. Rachel launched her disc, which slid clear by Andrew's blocker and knocked Eric's disc in the 7 spot. Eric's disc moved forward slowly, coming to a rest just inside the "10 OFF" spot, with her disc taking the 7 spot previously occupied.

"Woo! That's 7 to -2, Eric. In your face!" Rachel celebrated, jumping around with Adam.

"Yeah. Well. It all comes down to this last game," said Eric weakly.

They lined up for the last set.

Rachel shot first, and landed her disc solidly in the 8 spot. Andrew followed up, knocking both her disc and his out of bounds. Adam's shot landed just before the scoring area. Eric's shot knocked Adam's into the "10 OFF" spot, then bounced out of bounds. Adam's disc slid just a bit too far, and landed on a line and did not count.

As Rachel's last turn started, she was presented with a clean board - no pucks were in the way. She took aim and took her shot, which landed neatly in the 10 spot. She stepped aside and Andrew took her place; he aimed for her disc and missed, and his disc slid harmlessly past the end of the scoring area. Adam also aimed too far left and went out of bounds, and it came down to Eric's last shot.

"No pressure, Eric... no pressure!" called Adam.

Eric didn't respond, but instead lined up his shot. His shot looked good... he knocked Rachel's disc out of the 10 spot and into the 7 spot, leaving his in the 10 spot. "Yeah!" he celebrated and jumped around.

"Uh, Eric, you may want to come look at this," said Andrew quietly.

All three teens went to look at what Andrew was looking at. Eric had knocked Rachel's disc cleanly into the 7 spot... but his own was touching a line in the 10 spot, and therefore, did not count.

"Yeah!" Adam and Rachel jumped around celebrating. "Oh, and Eric, just so you know, I like my balls fondled as you go down on me," Adam taunted.

Eric hung his head and smiled. "Fine, you got me. Congratulations, you guys are the better shuffleboarders."

Fiften minutes before showtime, the four teens arrived at the theater. They selected seats in the balcony near the back, where it was already somewhat dark. Adam and Rachel sat next to each other, with Eric and Andrew acting as bookends.

Once the show started, the theater dark and everyone else's attention faced forward, Eric went into action. Andrew and Rachel watched the show that was about to unfold in front of them.

Eric put his hand into Adam's crotch and felt that he was already hard. Adam unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, then raised his hips off the seat and pulled them down to his ankles, followed by his boxers. Now unencumbered by pesky clothing, Eric grasped his friend's throbbing dick and stroked it up and down a few times, getting a feel for what an uncut cock felt like. He rolled back Adam's foreskin to expose the sensitive glans, then leaned over and licked it. Pulling back and wetting his lips, he enveloped his friend's member in his warm, wet mouth, his tongue flicking across the slit. Adam gasped quietly and threw his head back, overwhelmed at the intimate contact.

Eric started slowly bobbing up and down, each time getting a little more of Adam's cock in his mouth. Reaching up with his right hand, Eric gently cupped Adam's balls and gently squeezed, then fondled them as he had mimicked by the shuffleboard court. After a minute or two of this intense attention to his junk, Adam was breathing deeply trying not to cum too quickly. Eric was fucking amazing at the task in front of him, Adam thought, and he didn't think he was going to last a whole lot longer. He placed his hand on the top of Eric's head and ran his fingers through his hair, unconsciously giving him a head massage.

Andrew and Rachel watched in rapt silence as Eric worshipped his friend's dick. Andrew in particular was fidgeting as his own penis was trapped in his shorts and was starting to get painful. Rachel looked over at him and smiled, then they both turned their attention back to the main event before them.

As Eric bobbed up and down, Adam was breathing heavily, his back arching in pleasure. And then, suddenly, with a soft "pop", Eric pulled away and Adam whimpered quietly as his dick swiftly traded a warm mouth for the cool air of the theater. He didn't have to wait long, though, as Eric shifted slightly and had started lapping gently at his ball sack hanging below while continuing to jerk Adam's cock.

Eric sucked first one nut into his mouth, giving it some private attention, then the other received the same treatment, all the while still stroking his friend's dick. After a few moments, his greedy mouth returned to Adam's cock, his tongue dancing around the head, paying particular attention to the glans. Not a minute had passed before Adam tapped him on the shoulder, warning him of the impending climax.

Eric simply sucked harder, slower, until his friend grunted, shuddered, and filled his mouth with spurt after spurt of hot cum. He swallowed every drop, careful not to miss any, and after he was sure there was no more, he released Adam's cock from his mouth.

Adam lay like a ragdoll, arms and legs splayed everywhere, his nearly naked body uncovered for everyone to see, if anyone had bothered to look. As he regained his composure, he pulled up his boxers and pants and reconnected his belt, then leaned over to Eric and said in his ear, loud enough to be heard over the music, one simple word... "Thanks." Eric nodded and patted Adam's crotch.

"Jesus Christ, I have to follow that? I have no fucking clue what I'm doing!" Andrew thought. "I've never even seen one of these things up close before!"

He motioned for her to lie down on the couch-like seat, and she complied. He raised her skirt up to her stomach, revealing her cooch, which was already dripping wet from having watched Adam being pleasured. He backed up and lay on his stomach, with his head strategically positioned between her legs. With two fingers, he spread open her labia and revealed her inner sanctum. The scent of her musk filled his nose, causing his rock hard cock to twitch with delight.

Taking the plunge, he stuck out his tongue and tentatively explored her cunt, dancing from top to bottom, bottom to top, trying to get a feel for what she liked. He took note that every time he reached the top end, she shuddered. Figuring that was a good sign, he continued to pay attention to that area, and each time his tongue came into contact with her sensitive button, she shook as if she was being electrocuted. Her moans grew louder each time Andrew flicked his tongue across with her clit, and the other two boys grew concerned that someone might hear her.

Emboldened, he slowly inserted one finger into her tight passage and moved it around, followed shortly by a second and then a third. Starting slowly, and gradually getting faster, he fingerbanged his friend while continuing to flick her clit with his tongue. Writhing almost frantically, moaning louder and more frequently, Adam finally had to put his hand across her mouth to try and deaden some of the sounds she was making.

As the show reached its climax, so did Rachel. She started shaking uncontrollably as she came, hard, her muscles clenching down on his fingers. His tongue kept up the attention it was giving her clit, and she came again, in quick succession, her hot cunt filling with more of her juices. Rachel inhaled suddenly to scream, and Adam had to move quickly to cover her mouth with both his hands to muffle the noise.

Finally, her climax subsided and Andrew was able to remove his fingers from her love opening, with a soft, wet pop. Rachel lay on her back, out of breath, and stayed that way as the final number of the show came to a close, breathing heavily. The audience applauded and cheered, almost as if they'd been watching Andrew and Rachel instead of the singers and dancers. As the house lights started to come up, Andrew reached over and pulled her dress down to restore her dignity.

"Come on, Rachel, get up... we need to go... it smells like sex here," said Adam, trying to rouse her from her trance. The four got up and, before the crowd had finished clapping, slipped out the exit at the back of the theater.

"So, I guess you liked that, then, did you?" asked Andrew, trying to look innocent.

"Oh. My. God. I thought it was intense the other night when Amy got me off... I swear, I almost blacked out tonight, it was so powerful," she said. "It's almost a pity that you're turning gay, Andrew, you really have a gift."

"Hey, now, that's my boyfriend you're talking about there!" Eric said, indignantly. "Those oral skills are transferrable, I have to say." He tapped his forehead, then his crotch. "I know."

The four teens laughed.

Eric had to admit, shuffleboard WAS a lot more fun than he'd given it credit for.

I told you things would start to pick up... ;) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 15

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