Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Mar 22, 2020


dThis story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 17 Cruise Day 5, Port Day (St. Thomas, USVI), lunchtime (teen, m/f, m mast)

Jon was so excited he could barely focus enough to eat the little bit of lunch he'd brought to his table from the buffet. After pushing his potato salad around in circles, he gave it up as a lost cause and checked his watch for the fiftieth time in ten minutes. "Close enough," he thought to himself. They'd made arrangements for "after lunch", and just before one o'clock, counted, right?

He arrived at Mark and Megan's door and knocked gently. He was not prepared for what happened next.

The door opened, and before him stood Megan wearing nothing but a smile. "Well, howdy, stranger, come on in," she said invitingly.

Jon could do nothing but nod and stare at her nude body, frozen in place. Eventually, she reached out and grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the dimly lit cabin. His eyes quickly adjusted, the bedside lamps lighting the room more than enough to see, and he certainly did like what he saw. His cock was threatening to rip through his shorts, almost painfully getting caught in the material.

"Need a hand with that?" Mark asked. Jon snapped out of his trance and turned to see his friend sitting on his bed in his boxers.

"Uh, sure," Jon said, stepping over to the bed. Mark reached out and slowly undid his friend's belt.

"You sure you're ok with me being here?" Mark asked quietly.

"I'd be upset if you left," Jon muttered back. The belt undone, Mark moved on to the button and zipper to undo Jon's shorts, dropping them to the floor.

"Hurry up, you two," Megan exclaimed, "I'm fucking horny!"

The boys laughed as Jon pulled his shirt off as Mark pulled down his boxers, leaving the freshly minted fifteen-year-old as naked as the day he was born. Mark eyed Jon's throbbing cock and his own twitched with excitement.

Megan moved over beside Jon, putting his arm around her. Her naked breasts pressed up against his side, the two teens enjoying the sexual tension building as bare skin touched bare skin. Jon leaned his head down and kissed Megan, their tongues dancing in and out of each other's mouth. Her hand snaked down his chest, across his stomach and came to rest on his dick, grasping it with her small hand, giving it a few strokes for good measure. Jon gasped at the contact and kissed her even harder.

She gently led him towards her bed. The two teens barely broke contact as they first sat, then lay down, their naked bodies almost shooting sparks with the electricity they generated. Megan's hand was still wrapped around Jon's prick, his uncut six inches standing at full attention. She continued to stroke him slowly, eliciting a moan from Jon.

By this time, Mark had shed his underwear and was watching his sister jerk off their friend. He squeezed his cock, rolling his eyes in pleasure.

Jon broke the kiss and gazed into Megan's eyes. With a hint of a smile, he slid down the bed until his head was in line with her tits. Gently cupping a breast in each hand, he gently licked one of her nipples, then nibbled lightly, which caused it to quickly became hard with the attention he was giving it. She cooed with pleasure, and he moved to her other breast and gave it the same treatment.

After a few minutes of moving left and right, switching back and forth, licking and nibbling at her nipples and massaging her tits, Jon continued his journey southward. Crossing her flat tummy with his tongue, he gave her navel a few licks with his tongue, causing Megan to arch her back and gasp. At the same time, Mark gasped as well, almost as though he could feel what his sister was feeling. His dick was leaking precum, which drooled down into his pubes.

Jon eventually reached his goal, between Megan's legs. Her cleanly shaven slit was like a feast to his eyes, and after a few tentative licks, he began to explore her most intimate spot with his tongue, which earned him a moan. With a little coaching from Megan, Jon's oral stimulation was driving her crazy, leaving her gasping and writhing constantly with her eyes screwed shut. He slowly inserted a finger into her secret garden as his tongue continued to work its magic, then soon after, a second finger. He slowly fucked her with his fingers as she began to grind against his hand, her back arched in ecstacy and her hand firmly planted on the back of Jon's head, not letting a second of his oral action go to waste.

Mark was so turned on by the sight of his sister approaching orgasm that he had to stop stroking his dick for fear of cumming too soon. His cock was as hard as a steel rod, bouncing in time with his heartbeat, a small puddle of precum forming on his stomach.

Megan felt her climax approaching. She reached up and pinched her nipple as the initial wave of her orgasm crashed over her. A cry escaped from her and her juices gushed all over Jon's face and hand, physically shaking as her muscles clenched as she came.

Without even touching himself, Mark's own climax overtook him as he watched his sister cum, the second time he'd seen her that week. His cock sprayed his hot splooge all over his chest and stomach, eventually starting to dribble out as his orgasm wound down. As he enjoyed the afterglow, he reflected on how this was the second simultaneous orgasm he'd shared with his sister and wondered if it would continue after they went home. He hoped so - he felt closer to his sister now than he had ever before. They shared a bond beyond brother-and-sister now.

As Megan's climax subsided, she pulled Jon back up the bed and planted a long, wet, sloppy kiss on his lips. She could taste herself on his lips, and that turned her on again. Ending the kiss, she fell back to the bed, letting out a huge sigh of contentment. Jon smiled and asked, "Did I do good?"

"Uh, hello... did you miss that giant orgasm I just had? Of course you did well," Megan said, once she could speak again. "That was awesome."

Jon smiled as he accepted the compliment. Looking over at Mark, he saw his friend covered in his own cum. "It looks like you enjoyed it too."

Mark nodded. "You bet. It's pretty awesome having a live sex show." With that, he scooped up a giant glob of cum with his finger and stuck it in his mouth. Jon's cock twitched in anticipation.

The three teens lay there, naked, not saying a word, listening to each other breathe and just generally enjoying each other's company. Jon gently rubbed his hand on Megan's stomach, revelling in how smooth and soft her skin was.

Mark had finished cleaning his cum off his body and lay there with his cock at half-mast. The joys of being young - you were ready to go again not all that long after you came. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Megan turned her head and kissed Jon again, her tongue finding its way into his mouth. Jon returned the kiss, and his own semi-hard dick slowly inflated to its full size. Breaking the kiss, Megan whispered, "Are you ready?" Jon nodded in response.

Slowly and carefully, Jon manouevered himself between Megan's legs. He could feel the heat emanating from her hot cunt, her legs spread wide open to allow him access to her treasure. He reached down and rubbed his rock hard cock up and down Megan's slit, spreading her juices around. He lined up with her opening and gently pushed, and both teens gasped as the head of his dick slipped into her.

With great restraint, Jon overcame the urge to slam himself fully into Megan; instead, after a moment to allow the two of them to get used to his invading member, he very slowly pressed in, pausing every so often to extend the pleasure they shared. Eventually, she felt his pubes ticking her clit and knew that he was now fully inside her. Jon concentrated to overcome the urge to cum, then after a moment leaned down to kiss her.

From the other bed, Mark teasingly fondled the head of his cock gently as he became fully erect again. He'd never gotten hard again this soon after orgasm, but then again, he'd never watched people have sex in front of him, either. This was a new experience for all three of the teens.

When the two of them were ready, Jon pulled out, and slowly thrusted his raging hard-on back into her, the two of them moaning. Gently, almost delicately, Jon continued his in and out motions, gazing deep into Megan's eyes. He leaned down to kiss her again, and quietly said in her ear, "I love you."

"Mmmm... I love you too, Jon..." she gasped back with a sharp intake of air. The sounds and smells of sex filled the small cabin.

After a few minutes, Megan motioned to Jon to change positions. As he pulled out of her, his cock exited her pussy with an audible "pop", causing the three teens to smile at each other. He laid on his back, and Megan swung a leg over and climbed aboard. Slowly, she lowered her body down reinserting Jon's dick into her as he moaned in pleasure. As she got settled, he reached up with both hands and cupped her tits, lightly pinching each nipple between his forefingers and thumbs, earning a gasp from Megan.

She planted her hands on Jon's chest and began to fuck his thick cock, her clit rubbing against his pubic bone which caused her to moan in ecstacy with each downward thrust. The two teens locked eyes on one another, neither wanting to be the first to break eye contact. The lust was practically dripping from the two of them.

By this point, Mark was jerking his cock with abandon. He was so turned on watching his sister ride their friend, he was leaking precum all over his hands and body. The sight of his sister's tits bouncing was driving him crazy.

"I'm... ungh... not going to... ungh... last too much loooohooohoonger," Jon grunted. His breathing became ragged as Megan fucked him harder, his hips bucking off the bed to meet her downward motion. Megan could feel her next orgasm approaching as well.

Not thirty seconds later, "Ohhhh..." was all she could manage as she climaxed again, her vaginal muscles clenching around his dick. With the added stimulation, Jon was pushed over the edge and he grunted as he came, his spunk exploding into Megan. Spurt after spurt of his thick cum sprayed into his lover, whose own apex was causing her to shake violently. Megan collapsed onto Jon, completely spent, as their respective orgasms subsided.

The two teens lay there for a few moments, basking in the afterglow. Jon could feel his cock start to deflate and then slide out of Megan, at which point she swung her leg over his body and lay beside him on the bed. Without a word, Jon turned his head and kissed Megan. "Thank you," he said.

"The pleasure was all mine," she replied.

Jon smiled and shook his head. "Not all."

A whimper from the other bed attracted their attention. Mark was madly flailing at his cock, on the verge of orgasm himself. Megan propped her head up on her arm, and the two lovers watched her brother finish himself off for the second time that afternoon. With a grunt, a thin rope of cum erupted from Mark's cock and landed solidly on his stomach, followed by a few weakening dribbles that coated his hand. After a minute or two, he opened his eyes and smiled weakly at his sister and her lover.

"I enjoyed that," he said, provoking a laugh from the other two.

The three teenagers took turns in the shower, cleaning up after their fun-filled afternoon. After they were presentable, Jon hugged Megan and gave her one last kiss, then departed, promising to see the two siblings after dinner.

After flopping down next to each other on the couch, Mark flipped on the tv and channel surfed for a few minutes. After it was clear there was nothing interesting on, he flipped the tv off again and turned to his sister.

"You know, that was easily the hottest thing I've ever seen, you and Jon," he said. "I'm half-hard again thinking about it."

Megan smiled. "Yeah, that was great... I really like Jon. He's such a good guy. So innocent... did you like how he asked if he did good after getting me off the first time? Haha!"

"Yeah, that was hilarious... Ah, well. It was his first time, I'm sure he didn't know what to expect," Mark replied with a laugh. He paused, then added, "Megan... I really love you... I mean, more than a brother should love his sister, know what I mean?"

"I love you too, Mark... I feel the same way," she said, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. She repositioned herself so that she was laying down with her head in his lap, looking up at him. He began to gently stroke her hair.

"I have something to ask, Meg, and I hope I don't freak you out... Do you wanna... y'know... do it, tonight, after the hot tub?" Mark asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

"Really? You want to have sex with me?" Megan asked incredulously. "I thought I was the only one that wanted that between us. I was afraid to ask, not sure how you'd take it."

"Yeah... I do. You're easily the hottest girl I know, and it kinda seems like the next step, after watching you this afternoon. You got me so cranked up it wasn't funny."

Megan could feel Mark's cock starting to get fully hard under her head. "You don't say," she said with a smile. "Anyways, yes, I would love to have sex with you tonight. In the meantime, however, I'd better start getting ready for dinner. I need to do my hair, it's formal night."

"Ah, right... Oh, and don't forget to go commando, we're hanging out with the gang after dinner, remember." Megan nodded and found her way into the bathroom to start getting ready.

Mark sit on the couch for a while longer, thinking about what a lucky guy he was.

So.... did I do good? If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 18

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