Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on May 4, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 23 Cruise Day 6, Port Day (St. Maarten), morning (teen, m/f, m/m/m/f)

Amy leaned against the railing on the pool deck, enjoying the sunshine while she waited for Marco. It wasn't long before she felt an arm snake around her waist and a quick peck on the cheek. "Did you have a good time last night, senorita?" Marco asked with a wink.

"You know I did. I haven't cum that hard in ages," Amy whispered. "In fact, my sister asked me if I was okay, because apparently I was walking funny."

Marco laughed. "I am only too happy to oblige, whenever you like," he said. The pair headed towards the gangway, noted the time to return to the ship, and walked ashore.

"So, do you have a preferred beach on this island? I hear many of them are very beautiful, like you," Marco asked.

"I haven't been here before, so no. How about you?"

"I, too, have not been here before. Perhaps we can ask the taxi driver for recommendations." The two teens walked in a comfortable silence towards the welcome center, where a series of taxis were waiting for customers. Amy reached over and took Marco's hand, to his pleasant surprise, and after a short walk, the pair arrived at the taxi stand.

"Oui, monsieur et madamoiselle, do you need a ride today? I take you, very good ride!"

Marco spoke to the driver in French, arranging a fair deal. Once they had come to an agreement, the driver switched to English. "So, you wish to go to a nice beach. May I recommend Maho Beach, very beautiful, white sand, where the airplanes fly very close over your head? Is very popular. Or perhaps Mullet Bay Beach, a little more private, but a little farther away?"

Amy, with a twinkle in her eye, asked, "Is there a clothing-optional beach?" Marco raised his eyebrows at the request, but smiled and didn't say anything.

"Oy! There is, madamoiselle, Orient Beach. Would you like to go there?"

Amy looked to Marco for confirmation, who nodded in agreement. "That settles it. Yes, please, we'd like to go to Orient Beach."

With that, they piled into the cab and left for the nude beach.

"Alright, monsieur, it is 10 o'clock now. I shall return to pick you up at 2?"

"Yes, please," said Marco. "Muchas gracias, senor."

The pair set off down the beach, which was almost empty at this time of the morning. Amy playfully shoved Marco and knocked him off balance, then ran off, leaving footprints in the wet sand. After regaining his balance, he took off down the beach after her. When he caught up, he pulled the two of them into a laughing heap, then asked if this spot was to her liking. She agreed, and they laid out their towels on the empty beach. The only people in sight were a small family far down the beach.

Playfully, Marco pulled Amy in for a hug, then reached around her back and undid the bow holding her bikini top in place. Her ample breasts now swung free as her top fell away onto the towel. She squealed in delight.

"Two can play at that game!" she cried, diving for his shorts. Nimbly dancing out of her reach, Marco doubled over in laughter, which increased her resolve. Feinting to the left, she was able to catch Marco on her second attempt, which resulted in her yanking at his shorts, pulling them down past his knees. His semi-hard penis peeked out from below his T-shirt. "Oooh, going commando, are we?" Amy taunted.

Marco kicked his shorts off all the way and danced behind Amy, catching her in a bear hug. Laughing until their sides hurt, they both stripped off the remainder of their clothes and lay side by side in the nude.

Rooting around in her beach bag, she pulled out some tanning oil and applied it first to her arms, then her legs, and then to the front of her body. His cock twitched as he watched her rub lotion onto her stomach, then onto her tits. When she had finished, she offered it to Marco. "Could you do my back, please?" She handed him the bottle and lay down on her stomach, her pert ass greeting the sun. Marco warmed the oil in his hands, then began to rub it in, starting at her shoulders, Amy moaning with pleasure.

Slowly, he moved down, giving each inch of her back the same loving attention. By the time he reached the small of her back, Amy was purring like a kitten. Unconsciously, she spread her legs, giving Marco an excellent view of her cunt, her labia becoming engorged. This did not go unnoticed by Marco, whose dick stiffened to full mast when he began to massage Amy's luscious ass as she gasped in pleasure. He spent a good deal of time on her behind, sensuously caressing each curve, every second lasting a lifetime. Grasping each globe in a hand, he separated them and gazed upon her rosebud, glistening with oil, calling out for attention.

After Marco had finished rubbing oil on her legs, Amy surprised him by quickly turning over, sitting up and giving him a sensual kiss. Their tongues danced with each other and their bodies responded immediately. His cock throbbed in time with his heartbeat, her cunt began to become moist and the sexual tension in the air grew to a crescendo.

She put her arm around his neck and gently pulled him down on top of her without breaking the kiss.

She reached down and gave his manhood a few strokes before guiding him into her. Her skin tingled with electricity as she was penetrated for the second time in twelve hours by her lover's thick cock. Inch by inch, he slid into her, until she could feel his balls laying against her. Gasping his name, Amy threw her head back in ecstacy, her eyes screwed shut.

Slowly and sensuously, they eased into a comfortable rhythm of fucking, each thrust bringing waves of pleasure to the two of them. After a few minutes, Marco leaned down and kissed her deeply, then whispered in her ear, "Senorita, it would appear that we have an audience..."

Amy's eyes flew open, and Marco motioned with a slight nod towards a grassy hill not too far away at the edge of the beach. She slowly turned her head and looked over in that direction, and could barely make out two heads in the grass. "Let's give them a proper show, then, shall we?" she asked.

"I thought you'd say that," he replied with a twinkle in his eye.

With that, he pulled out of her and they swapped positions. Marco laid down on his back, his prick standing up obscenely from his torso. Amy straddled him, easing him back into her, and the teens resumed their lovemaking. From this angle, she had a much better view of the grassy hill, where she could now see two boys watching them. One had blond hair, while the other was a fiery redhead. As she began fucking Marco harder, her big tits bounced and jiggled with each downward thrust, and she could see the red haired boy nudging the blond one with his mouth agape. Amy smiled to herself as she watched the two of them with her peripheral vision, not wanting them to see that they were being watched... yet.

Marco reached up and grabbed a breast in each hand, gently pinching her nipples, causing her to gasp loudly. Amy bit her lip and gazed into his eyes, and Marco gave her a lopsided grin as he panted with desire. They continued to bump and grind, their eyes locked. Amy began to shudder as her first orgasm of the morning washed over her, her cunt gripping Marco's cock like a vice. Her grool rushed down his cock and scrotum, soaking the towel in a matter of seconds. When she stopped shaking from pleasure, she leaned down and kissed Marco again. When they broke the kiss, she motioned towards the boys with her eyes. "Should I?" she whispered in his ear. He nodded and smiled.

Amy resumed her bouncing on Marco's cock, which hadn't softened at all. Her tits resumed their sensuous dance as she fucked her lover with renewed energy. When she was sure she had the boys' full attention (not that it was in much doubt), she suddenly sat still, turned her head and locked eyes with the blond boy. A look of panic came over the redhead's face as he dove for cover, but the blond boy simply blushed and held her gaze. Amy raised her arm and beckoned to the boy for him to come over to them. After a momentary hesitation, he slowly got to his feet and crossed over the hill. "Your friend, too," she called out, and the sheepish redheaded boy also got to his feet and shuffled over towards her.

As they approached, he got a better look at them. The blond boy appeared to be about 13, and was dressed only in a pair of blue board shorts. The redhead looked to be a little younger, and was in a yellow tshirt and swim trunks. It dawned on her that these two kids were part of the family they had seen earlier, far down the beach. She got off of Marco, and the two naked teens sat down crosslegged on the towel, making no effort to cover themselves. When the boys had almost reached the towels, she invited them to sit. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Blushing furiously, both boys nodded.

"You know it's not nice to spy on people, right?"

"Y-yes, ma'am, we're sorry," the blond boy replied. "We didn't m-mean to - it just kinda happened..."

As the blond boy was talking, Marco snorted in amusement as he caught the redhead staring first at Amy's chest, then at Marco's cock. The boy looked at him and blushed even more, if that was possible.

"Don't worry, guys, we're not mad," Amy reassured them. Both boys visibly relaxed, relieved that they weren't going to get chewed out. Amy introduced herself and Marco, and asked about their names.

"I'm Nicholas," the blond boy replied, "but you can call me Nick. This is my best mate, Aaron. We're here with my parents."

Marco looked around, wondering if they'd have another pair of unexpected visitors. "Don't worry," Nick said, noticing his concern. "They're down the beach quite a ways, and they've settled in. They won't be looking for us. In fact, they're probably glad we're gone." Marco nodded and leaned back, stretching out his legs. His cock began to soften slightly, but not by much.

The four teens chatted a while, each of the boys stealing glances at Amy's and Marco's bodies when they thought they could get away with it. It was quite obvious to Amy and Marco that both boys had raging erections inside their swim trunks.

Nick told his new friends that they were vacationing on the island from jolly old England - from Manchester, specifically. They were staying in a villa on the far side of the island; Nick's parents brought him to the Caribbean each year for vacation, and this year his friend Aaron had been allowed to join them. Both boys were 13.

"Have you ever seen a naked girl before?" Amy asked with a mischievous grin. Both boys shook their head and blushed again. "Then I'm honoured to be your first," she said, stretching her arms above her head and did a little dance, her breasts swaying seductively. She smiled as Nick and Aaron's eyes immediately became fixed on her tits again.

"So, guys, we weren't finished our little show - poor Marco here hasn't cum yet, and he's probably getting blue balls," she said. Marco smiled and nodded, his now flaccid cock starting to stir at the prospect of fucking Amy again. "You're welome to watch some more, if you like, but it's only fair if you... y'know..." Amy indicated that the boys take off their clothes as well.

Nick and Aaron looked at one another. Nick shrugged, but Aaron looked a little unsure. "I, ehm... I'm a little nervous," Aaron said.

"It's ok if you don't want to, Aaron," Amy said. "It's not mandatory."

"I'll do it," Nick said, "like you said, it's only fair." Amy could tell that he was nervous, but was putting on a brave face in front of his friend. He stood up and pulled on the drawstring to undo the knot. Looking around to make sure there was nobody else on the beach, he took a deep breath and pulled his board shorts down to his ankles and kicked them off to the side. His 4 1/2" uncut cock was erect and hard as a nail, pointing straight up towards his belly from below a small patch of pubic hair. His marble-sized testicles hung below in their sac. Aaron openly stared at his friend's crotch, his mouth hanging agape.

"What, you've never seen a wang before?" Nick said to his friend, snapping him out of it. Aaron stuttered and looked embarrassed, and mumbled an answer that nobody heard.

"Pardon?" Nick prodded. Aaron mumbled something again, to which Nick replied, "I still can't hear you."

"I said, yours is much bigger than mine," Aaron almost yelled.

Nick looked at his friend in silence for a few seconds, and apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you," Nick said.

"Bodies mature at different times, Aaron," Amy chimed in. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Your time will come."

"It is true, my friend," Marco added. "I was... how you say..." He looked at Amy for help.

"A late bloomer?"

"Yes, a late bloomer. I was the smallest" - he indicated towards his half-hard penis - "in my class, always. Once I turned 14, everything changed, and now you see..."

"Really?" Aaron asked. Marco nodded. "I wish my body would hurry up. Other boys make fun of me in the changeroom because I'm small... down there... and I don't have any hair yet."

"Don't wish too hard for the hair," Amy said. "My friend's boyfriend did that and now he's got way too much hair." Marco raised his eyebrows, and Amy responded with a light smack to his shoulder. "What? She told me! We tell each other everything."

Aaron thanked his new friends for their helping words. "You promise you won't laugh, if I, ehm, get undressed?" The other three teens readily agreed. He stood and nervously pulled at the hem of his tshirt. With a deep breath, he pulled his shirt up over his head and quickly looked to see if the others were going to laugh. When they didn't, he tossed his shirt over with Nick's shorts, then started to finger the waistband of his trunks. He looked over to Nick for reassurance, who gave him a smile and a nod. With that, he pulled his trunks down to reveal a completely hairless body, his thin, 3 inch cock pointing straight away from his body, his foreskin partially rolled back, half-exposing his pink head.

Now that he was naked, Aaron's face was pale, he was sweating, but he had a huge grin on his face. "I can't believe I'm doing this!" he exclaimed. "This is awesome! I feel so free!" His body shivered with excitement.

Nick and Marco cheered him, and Amy leapt up and gave him a big hug. His hard cock got even harder, if possible, as Amy's tits pressed into his face. She also caught a glimpse of Nick licking his lips, out of the corner of her eye.

Nick and Aaron sat on the warm sand with their legs stretched out. Both boys were stiff as a board as they watched Marco fucking Amy from behind. She was on all fours, moaning as he pounded her. The sound of his balls slapping her cooch with each stroke was almost obscene.

Aaron seemed to have shed his inhibitions like a snake sheds its skin. Not 15 minutes before, he was so shy that he wouldn't take off his shirt on a beach, and now, he was sitting naked side by side with his friend, in front of two strangers, with a stiffy. It was like a switch had flipped inside his brain. He'd never imagined this trip with Nick's family would be so exciting. He'd hoped to catch a glimpse of his friend in the nude, changing for the pool maybe, but never in a million years did he expect to be sitting naked with him, their legs almost touching, watching two people he'd just met having sex on the beach. It was almost overwhelming.

Aaron looked over at Nick, and wasn't surprised to see the blond boy grab his cock and give it a squeeze as the sexy scene unfolded in front of them. Aaron did the same, which didn't go unnoticed by Nick, who turned his head and smiled at his friend. He too knew that this vacation just got a lot more interesting. He could only imagine the type of mischief the two of them would get into together back at the resort, now that the ice had been broken.

Gasping and moaning, Amy looked over at the boys and smirked as she watched the two of them stroke their hard cocks. She was excited to have an audience - she'd wondered what it would be like to be fucked with people watching her, but was somewhat nervous about trying it at home. Her friends were great, but some of them couldn't keep a secret if their life depended on it, and it was sure to get around school sooner or later - probably sooner.

She suddenly had an idea and mentally added another item to her bucket list, that she was about to cross off. "Hey, guys, c'mere," she gasped as Marco paused his assault on her cunt. She had Marco lay on his back and mounted him again, then had the boys stand on either side of her. Both boys were literally quivering with excitement at the prospect of a girl paying attention to their private parts for the very first time.

She first grasped Nick's cock in her left hand, giving it a quick stroke or two, followed by Aaron in her right. Both boys gasped at the contact. Aaron's knees buckled slightly, but he quickly regained his balance. Nobody had ever touched either boy's dick before, other than himself, and they were both in heaven.

Amy raised and lowered herself on Marco's prick, her juices flowing freely now. She started to slowly jerk off both boys simultaneously, not wanting them to blow their loads too quickly. She knew they wouldn't last long, and she wanted to prolong this as long as she could.

Marco was enjoying himself immensely. He figured that they'd be having sex today, after last night on deck. He hadn't expected company, however, but he was okay with it. He wasn't into guys himself, but he saw how much fun Amy was having, and these kids seemed to be having a blast as well. Every time Amy lowered herself onto him, Marco raised his hips and thrust his cock as far into her as he could. At the rate they were going, he wasn't going to last much longer either.

After a few minutes, Amy noticed a drop of precum ooze from Aaron's cock. She leaned over and gently licked it off, eliciting a muffled squeal from the boy. Seeing the reaction she got, Amy leaned over and engulfed his cock with her mouth, easily taking his entire boyhood at once. Aaron reached out and grabbed Nick's shoulder for support as his eyes rolled back in his head. She bobbed her head as she sucked him off, and before long was rewarded with a grunt, followed by Aaron's thin cock exploding into her mouth. She could feel his small penis throb as each jet of the boy's watery, sweet sperm blasted into her hungry mouth.

Aaron's hand gripped Nick's shoulder tightly as he came, almost hurting. The sight of his friend obviously cumming into Amy's mouth was too much for Nick, causing him to orgasm as well. With a grunt of his own, his balls emptied themselves. The first two spurts shot all over the side of Amy's face, followed by the remainder of his cum oozing out onto Amy's hand and running down his scrotum, then dripping down onto Marco's chest.

After the boys had finished ejaculating, she pulled her mouth off Aaron's dick, looked up at him and swallowed what he had given her. Turning to Nick, she let go of his cock, brought her hand to her mouth and licked his cum off. First Aaron, and then Nick backed up a step or two and sat down, their faces flushed and a dopey grin on each of their faces. Amy smiled at them both and turned her attention back to Marco.

With renewed vigor, she planted both her hands on his chest and fucked him for all he was worth. Within a minute or two, Marco could feel his climax welling up, and he started bucking Amy so hard she almost fell off. He grabbed her hips with both hands to keep her in place, and with one mighty thrust he came like he had never cum before. His cock blew stream after stream of his hot seed into her sopping cunt, mixing with her juices into a frothy lather. With that, Amy came like a freight train, her body shaking uncontrollably and she gasped as waves of ecstasy washed over her. Her pussy milked Marco's cock, trying to get every last drop out of him.

When her orgasm subsided, she collapsed onto him, the remainder of Nick's cum smearing between their bodies. After a moment, she rolled off of Marco onto her back, and the four of them lay there in the warm Caribbean sun, covered in cum and sweat, as they tried to catch their collective breath.

Fifteen minutes before they were to meet their cab driver to return to the ship, the four teens had gone for a swim in the ocean to wash off the evidence of what they'd been up to that afternoon, and were getting ready to go their separate ways. Both boys had put their shorts back on, but in a change of events, Aaron was carring his tshirt over his shoulder.

Nick and Aaron thanked Amy and each gave her a hug. Aaron then asked Marco to have a private word.

"Marco, I also wanted to thank you for what you said earlier, ehm, about you being a late bloomer," Aaron said. "That helped me a lot. I mean, we learned about puberty in health class, and they told us that sometimes people start later than everyone else, but..." he trailed off.

"You are welcome, my friend. I was once like you - shy, self-conscious - but all I can tell you is that it will happen, sooner or later, and that there is nothing wrong with you and nothing to be ashamed of," Marco replied. "You may not be able to control how others treat you in the changeroom, all you can control is how you react to it. If you don't let it bother you, they will get bored and stop teasing you."

"Yeah, I know, it's just hard sometimes. No pun intended," Aaron added with a smile. "I'm feeling better already - I mean, I opened myself up to you guys and Nick, and nobody laughed at me. That helped." He looked over at his friend, who was conversing with Amy, and smiled. "We were good mates before, but this has brought us a lot closer together."

Marco could read it in Aaron's face that from here on out, the two boys would be a lot closer than friends.

When the taxi arrived, the new friends waved goodbye to each other, and the two older teens got into the cab. After watching the cab drive off, Nick asked, "So... do you want to mess around again later?"

"Absolutely I would," replied Aaron, and put his arm around Nick for the walk back down the beach.

And there's 23 done. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 24

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