Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on May 24, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 25 Cruise Day 6, Port Day (St. Maarten), after dinner (teen, m/f)

Adam had just gotten his boxers off when he heard the door lock click. "Fuck!" That's just what he needed - to get caught butt naked by his parents. It was bad enough that his dad had seen him naked yesterday, but now his mom too? Who did he piss off in a past life?

Hearing the doorknob engage, he frantically tried to stuff his lanky legs into his bathing suit before the inevitable, but then was relieved to hear a satisfying thunk as the door was prevented from opening by the deadbolt. Relief washed over the teenager as he remembered turning the lock after shutting the door behind him. As he stuffed his dick into his board shorts, he heard a knock on the door and his mother calling out for him.

"Adam? Are you in there?"

"Of course he's in there, dear, the deadbolt doesn't lock itself..." his dad chimed in. Adam smiled as he heard his mum giggle and smack her husband on the shoulder.

"Be right there!" he called as he tied the drawstring. "I'm just getting changed!" Satisfied after fixing his junk so it was sitting comfortably, he strode over to the door and unlocked it and let his parents in. "Sorry about that, just protecting you from seeing something you didn't want to see!"

His dad coughed and suppressed a smile, causing Adam to blush slightly. "Nothing I haven't seen before," his mum said as she passed by him in the narrow hallway. "I changed your diaper, remember."

"Y-yeah, w-w-well," Adam stammered. "I-it's gotten a little b-bigger since then." He blushed, not believing he just said that... to his MOTHER of all people. She just smirked.

"I'll say," his dad muttered, smiling again. "You take after your old man."

"Jesus Christ, dad, I did not need to know that," he muttered back. "Anyways, I'm off to the pool, see you later," he said as his slipped on his flip-flops.

After he left, his parents shared a look and burst out laughing. "Did he honestly just say he's got a big dick?" Mrs. Kasimer asked.

"He does," her husband replied, and recounted seeing their son naked the day before, coming out of the bathroom when he thought the room was empty. "And he shaved his pubes, too."

"Ha! You haven't done that in a while." She turned her back towards her husband and moved her hair out of the way so he could unzip her dress. "Why haven't you?"

"I don't know," her husband replied, thinking back to that last time. As a surprise for her on their anniversary, he'd shaved everything south of his ears, and the two of them had had a great laugh about that. And following that great laugh, he remembered the weekend they had spent in the hotel suite, stark naked and fucking like bunnies for three days.

As her dress slid sleekly down her body, revealing a lacy bra and matching panties, she turned to face him and grabbed a hold of his half hard cock through his dress pants. Leaning in close, she lustily whispered in his ear, "Remember that last time? ... wanna go fire up the razor...?"

Just past 7:00, Rachel arrived at the secluded part of the Sun deck where she and Adam had arranged to meet after dinner to catch some sun before it set for the day. For once, Adam had gotten there first and was stretched out on a lounger, smiling as he watched her arrive.

Even though she'd seen his dick hard many times this week, she was still flattered as she noted a bulge forming in the front of his trunks as he drank in her womanly form clad only in an electric blue two-piece bikini. "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Come on over and find out! Nope... just happy to see you, of course," he said with a big grin. "Y'all are looking pretty hot tonight, you had to expect that."

"Oh, I did... and I'm not the only hot one here, mister," she said as she took a moment to take in his body. She would never get tired of looking at her boyfriend's body. This evening he was clad only in his red and grey board shorts, shirtless, his toned pecs with their pert little nipples welcoming her. With a bit of imagination, she could see the hint of a six-pack, and she felt - no, she knew - that Adam was perfect.

Plus, having a big dick didn't hurt his case, either.

He stood up and turned his lounger around to face the sun, then, being the gentleman that he was, turned a second one around for her. Laying her towel down on the lounger, matching his, with a grand sweep of his arm he invited her to her throne and laid down beside her as she got settled in.

This part of the Sun deck was generally pretty quiet as there weren't many loungers there and there wasn't a lot of foot traffic either, being tucked away where it was. They had the deck to themselves, and after a few minutes of idle chatter, the two laid there basking in the early evening sun, fingers intertwined as they held hands and generally just enjoyed each other's company in silence.

Adam's mind wandered as he lay there. He realized how lucky he was to have found a girl that he liked - well, loved, really, he thought. She had introduced him to a world that he hadn't expereienced before - he'd given her his virginity, for one - and he couldn't imagine what this cruise would have been like without her. He was absolutely smitten with her.

And she with him, truth be told. She'd been with other boys before, but Adam was different - she could tell that he cared for her, and not just for her body. "And a bangin' body it is!" she thought to herself and smirked. There was depth to their relationship that she hadn't felt from past boyfriends. She mentally chalked that up to him being more of a man and less of a boy, and he was all hers - for the week, at least. She shook her head, pushing the thought of the cruise coming to an end out of her mind. "Focus on the now, girl," she admonished herself.

"What?" he asked, seeing her shake her head out of the corner of his eye.

"Nothing... nothing important, anyway," she replied. She looked deep into his green eyes and was struck once again at how pretty they were, with his long eyelashes and the way they twinkled when he smiled. And they twinkled a lot, because he smiled a lot - especially when he looked at her.

Like now. He smiled at her again and raised their joined hands to his mouth, kissing the back of her hand gently before lowering them back down again. He's absolutely perfect, she thought again.

The pair laid there quietly watching the sun slowly sink down towards the horizon, the sky painted in hues of reds and purples as the day slowly came to an end. After the horizon had finished feasting on the sun, she released his hand from hers, flipped over on her stomach and propped herself up on her arms, facing him. "Hey."

"Hey yourself," he replied.

"I've got a question for you."

"What's that?"

"It's a naughty question," she said with a coy smile.

"Ooh, I like naughty questions. Hit me," he replied, interested in where this was going.

"What do you fantasize about?"

"You mean, when I'm..."

"Jerking off, yeah."

"Wow, I didn't see that coming," he exhaled. "Well, it varies, depending on my mood -"

"Of course," she interjected. "Tell me one or two... and maybe I'll tell you one or two of mine," she said with a wink.

To nobody's surprise, a lump started to appear in his shorts as he began his story. "Well, let's see... This week, I've been fantasizing about this hot chick that seems like she's into me... I'm not really sure, but I think she is..."

He got a smile in return.

"But before that... well, one that I've thought about a few times would be getting tied up," he continued. "Not, like hog-tied - I mean, like, spread-eagle on a bed, no shirt, blindfolded. Not painfully tight, just... so I can't move my arms, really."

"Who's there with you?" she asked, coaxing him on.

"Depends. Sometimes it's one of the cheerleaders from school, sometimes it's this girl that does co-op in the library, sometimes it's an older woman. It depends."

"Tell me about the girl from the library," she cooed.

"Well, she's about your height, long brown hair, past her shoulders..." he trailed off, closing his eyes so he could imagine the girl better. "She wears these glasses that make her look all nerdy and stuff, and God, that turns me on." He paused for a moment to breathe, then continued. "She's usually wearing a button-up shirt, like what a guy would wear, and it fits her body so well... and usually wears a skirt... like, something short-ish, but not short enough to get her in trouble."

Rachel could tell that talking about this girl was getting his motor running. His face was slightly flushed, his chest raised and fell more as he took deeper breaths, and most obviously of all, his dick was fighting with the fabric of his board shorts. "What's her name?" she asked quietly, egging him on.

"Katie. Katie Hodge," he breathed.

Rachel could feel herself getting a little wet downstairs at the erotic nature of the conversation and seeing her cruise-boyfriend getting turned on. Shifting her weight slightly, she stretched out her right arm and gently touched Adam's stomach. He jumped slightly at the unexpected contact and goosebumps raised on his smooth skin, and she could definitely feel the electricity in the air. "Tell me about her body. Does she have big tits?"

"Not really... yours are bigger, but the way those shirts hug her body..." Adam bit his lip, his eyes still closed, wrapped up in the fantasy. "She sometimes wears this red bra that you can see through her shirt... and this one time she bent over to put back a book, and... I caught a glimpse of her panties... and they matched..." He wriggled under her hand a little, the bulge in his shorts looking like it was becoming uncomfortable.

Rachel was really digging this, leading his fantasy and watching her sexy-as-fuck boyfriend respond to the images running through his head. Even though it wasn't her he was fantasizing about, having this power over him was intoxicating.

"What does she do to you when you're tied to the bed?" she whispered.

"She'll run a fingernail down my chest, just dragging it, barely touching me..."

"Like this?" she asked quietly as she took one of her fingers and did exactly as he was describing. She could visibly see his skin respond, goosebumps rising following the path her finger took along his chest, tracing the outline of his pec.

"Fuuuuck... yesssss..." His chest heaved as he took in a sudden breath, very obviously aroused. With a suddenly dry mouth, he swallowed hard. He tried to adjust his hardening cock, but she gently pushed his arms back down to his sides. She didn't have anything to tie him up with, so this would have to do.

"What happens next?"

"She gently pinches my nipples... mmmm... and then she rubs my abs... and then slowly works her way down to my pants..."

Rachel was really getting into this, and Adam most definitely was. His nipples were erect as she tweaked first one and then the other, hard as pebbles, and she could feel his breath hitching with anticipation as she felt his muscles on his taut stomach. A wet spot was starting to form at the tip of the lump in his trunks. "Go on..."

"She slowly undoes my belt..." He bit his lip a little harder, making the skin turn white. Rachel took this as her cue and slowly slid her hand down to the waistband of his shorts, she could see the little hairs on his tummy standing on end. She gently pulled on the drawstring, and with a gentle 'pop', the bow came undone and the string was loose.

"Then she loosens my pants, really slow like... it drives me wild..." Rachel gently pulled on the waistband of his board shorts, loosening the drawstring fully. The lump had graduated first to a bulge, and now to a tent. She could feel a tingle in the pit of her stomach knowing that she had this effect on him.

"Once she's got the zipper all the way open... she slowly starts to pull them down..."

Rachel quietly stood up and looked around to make sure they were still alone. Satisfied, she grabbed hold of his shorts on either side and, similar to his fantasy, slowly started to pull them down, and before long, his rock-hard dick slapped up against his belly. She continued her mission, and then she had them off and he laid naked on the lounge chair on the open deck, exposed to the world if anybody happened along. She quietly sat down again and admired her boyfriend's body once again. "Keep going...."

Adam was gasping for air by this point. "Once she's got my pants off, she runs her fingers up the insides of my legs towards my... my..."

"Your cock?"


"Say it. Say 'my cock'."

"She'll work her way up to my... my cock. Mmmmm... she'll grab my cock... unnnnngggh...." And when Adam said 'cock' the second time, Rachel gently wrapped her warm hand around his fully engorged member, causing his back to arch as he groaned.

Unbeknownst to the teens, a pool attendant happened to be coming up the stairs just off to their left. Nearing the end of the day, one of his job tasks was to stack up the loungers for the night and swab the deck. But as he reached the top of the stairs, he happened to glance over to his left and got a reeeeeeally good look at what was going on there.

"Fuck, dude, you go for it," he muttered to himself as he saw a teenage boy clearly getting a handjob from a hot girl in a bikini. His own cock started to inflate a little at the sight.

Quickly making a decision, he turned and quietly retreated back down the steps. Reaching the bottom, he put up the "Area Closed for Cleaning" sign across the bottom of the stairs in order to give the two lovebirds some privacy. He decided he'd keep an eye out for them coming downstairs and would stack the chairs afterwards.

Guest satisfaction was job one on Princess Cruises, after all.

"Tell me what she does next."

Adam was having trouble forming words, he was so aroused. "She... she rolls back... my foreskin and... ungh... and she licks the tip of my cock," he managed to get out.

Rachel did exactly as he said, gently pulling down on his dick and exposing the sensitive head of her boyfriend's prick. It was glistening with precum, and without hesitation she greedily licked it up, savouring the salty sweet flavour on her tongue as he arched his back. She was as into this fantasy as he was - her cunt was practically sopping wet by this point.

He needed no further prodding by this point - he carried on describing his fantasy to her. "She takes my cock... in her mouth... unghhhh!" Fireworks exploded in his head as his girlfriend followed along, engulfing his dick with her hot, wet mouth.

Rachel couldn't control herself any longer. Keeping her left hand on Adam's cock while she gave him the blowjob of his life, she plunged her right hand down the front of her bikini bottoms and furiously rubbed at her clit. The two of them were so close to orgasm that neither one was going to last much longer.

Opening her throat wide, she pushed down as hard as she dared, willing herself to take as much of his dick in her mouth as she could, and both of them were surprised when her nose touched the shaven skin of his pubic area. She'd never tried deep throating before - never had to, with her past boyfriends - but here she was, with every inch of her lover in her down to the hilt.

Coming up for air, she took a moment to smile as she jerked his cock before diving in and bobbing up and down with gusto once again. Suddenly without warning, her mouth was filled with warm boy cum as he grunted, gripping the sides of the lounger for support so hard his knuckles were white. Surprised, she pulled off his dick as it continued to spasm, spurting jets of semen up his abdomen while she swallowed what was in her mouth.

The taste of his seed and her hand flailing wildly inside her bikini brought her to her own crescendo. Throwing her head back and gasping, she came with the force of a freight train, her already soaked bikini not doing anything to contain the flood of her juices.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two teens slowly started returning to earth from their most intense orgasms of the week so far. Turning on her lounger, she flopped back into a laying position, one boob half out of her top and her legs splayed obscenely as she recovered next to her boyfriend, who was naked and covered in cum. The two lay like that for a few minutes, breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath while simultaneously trying not to let the afterglow slip away. Alas, it did, as it always does, and they rotated their heads to look at each other.

"Fuck me, that was amazing," Adam gasped. "Thank you so much for that."

"Well, I'd say the pleasure was all mine, but it obviously wasn't," she said with a smile.

"I'd say not," he agreed as he looked down at his torso at the mess he'd made.

"Give me a second and I'll take care of that," she said. "I just need a minute to recover."

A few minutes later, they had reassembled themselves as best they could. Adam's hair was all tousled, and Rachel was forced to wrap her towel around herself despite the giant wet spot on it that she'd made - her bikini was in such a state that she'd be arrested if she walked around in it right now. As they decended the stairs, they noticed the chain across the bottom, preventing people from going up.

"You don't think someone..." she turned to ask him.

"Oh, I think so," Adam replied. He'd made eye contact with the pool attendant who had smiled and given him a thumbs-up. He grabbed another towel and trotted over to meet the teens at the foot of the stairs. He opened the chain to let them out.

"Would you care for a fresh towel, miss? That one looks a little... wet..." he tried to say with a straight face, but lost it when Rachel cracked up.

"Did you see what we were..." she asked as she accepted the towel.

"Si. But is okay, nobody else did, I made sure of it."

"Thank you," she said, glancing down at his nametag, "Roberto. I appreciate your... understanding... about this." A mischievous smile spread across her face. Glancing around once more to see if anyone was looking, the coast was clear. She untucked the knot holding up the towel she was wearing and revealed her bikini-clad body to Roberto.

Her tits were sitting comfortably in her top, barely contained by the fabric, but the bottoms were absolutely drenched and sticking to her skin. Her pussy lips were clearly visible, a fact not lost on Roberto, whose shorts were obviously tenting as he enjoyed the unspoken thank-you that she was giving him.

Affixing the new towel around her body, she leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks once again, Roberto, you're a champ."

Blushing, he smiled and thanked her as well. "I will remember this for later," Roberto said, waggling his eyebrows.

"Not too much later, I hope, you look like you're going to tear through your shorts," Rachel replied, and the three of them laughed. The teens bade him farewell, and as they departed, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the pool stand. He made the immediate decision that she was right, he did look like he was about to tear through his shorts, and made a beeline for the mens room to deal with his "problem".

I wish I could have been there to witness this... and I hope you do too. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 26

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