Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Dec 28, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 33 Cruise Day 8, Disembarkation Day, 7:00am teen (m/m), but only in passing :)

For once in his life, Andrew didn't have any trouble waking up in the morning. Then again, he usually didn't have someone sucking his cock that early. Or ever, before this week.

Looking down, the duvet was moving up and down obscenely as Eric was really going to town on his dick, and Andrew knew that he wasn't going to last long. He didn't know how long Eric had been at it before he awakened, but within a minute, his orgasm burst forth and with a grunt, he emptied his teenage load into his boyfriend's hungry mouth. Once every last drop had been dealt with, Eric popped up from below the sheets and leaned in to give him a kiss. Andrew could taste himself on Eric's tongue, and fuck, it was hot.

Under the covers, he reached over and grabbed Eric's dick and started to jerk him off, but Eric stopped him. "As much as I'm sure I'd enjoy that, we kinda have to get our asses in gear... we have to vacate the cabin by 8:00, and it's twenty after seven already," he said.

"Aw, man... I was looking forward to that one last time," Andrew replied, wistfully.

Eric took one look at his disappointment and his heart melted. Doing a little quick mental math, he capitulated. "Okay, fine, but we have to be quick, and then we have to be in and out of the shower in about 5 minutes each. Sound good?"

"Fucking right it does!" Andrew exclaimed before diving under the covers and eagerly returning the favour.

"He's gotten pretty fucking good at this," Eric thought to himself, knowing that his own climax wouldn't take too long.

Freshly out of the shower, Mark wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom, dripping slightly on the carpet as he padded over to the bed. Turning his attention to waking his sister, he knew he was in for a fight when he gently shook her shoulder, and the response he got was a groan, followed by her rolling over away from him and farting. "Classy," he thought. Megan was never a morning person at the best of times, and after last night's escapades, she was sure to be a handful today. The noises from the hallway of people already leaving their cabins and heading to breakfast before disembarkation was getting louder, and a quick look at his phone indicated that they were running out of time before they were kicked out.

He turned on the main overhead lighting, which was enough to give you a tan if you stayed there long enough, but his sister did not stir. He went from gently shaking her shoulder, to less-than-gently shaking her shoulder, until eventually it got to a vigourous shake. "How the fuck do you sleep through that?" he wondered aloud.

It was almost twenty to eight, and they had to be out soon, so he had to resort to the nuclear option. He ripped back the covers, and after taking a moment to admire his sister's naked form, did something that he hoped she would forgive him for. Pinching her nipple between forefinger and thumb, he twisted sharply.

"Jesus, what the fuck?" Megan exclaimed as she bolted straight up in pain, wrenching her breast away from her brother. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"Because you have twenty minutes to get up, get showered and get the fuck out of this cabin," he explained, "and I tried to wake you up gently, but it just wasn't working. I don't know how the hell you sleep so soundly, but I'm sure the pharmaceutical companies would love to find out. They could market the shit out of that."

Rubbing her injured boob, she scowled at him, then smiled. "Well, thanks for getting me up, but we definitely need to find a better way to do it in future," she said with a leer before practically leaping out of bed and shoving him aside. "Now move, I gots ta pee!"

Jon sat in the theater, his parents in the row in front of him, alternating between furiously scribbling ideas down in his notepad and just as furiously crossing them out as he looked for the right words for the thing he was writing. He'd been working on something for Megan for a few days now, but now it was crunch time as he was running out of time before everyone disembarked the ship for the final time.

"You alright there, dear?" his mother asked. "You're going to tear a hole through the page if you keep scribbling like that," she added with a smile.

"Yeah, fine, mom," he mumbled, clearly on another planet. His parents looked at each other and shrugged, and went back to their conversation, leaving him to his work.

Adam had just finished up his customary two-inch-thick plate of bacon and eggs when Rachel bounded over to the table where he and his parents sat. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Kasimer," she greeted them.

"Ma, dad, this is Rachel, the girl I told you about," Adam said, introducing her. They cheerfully returned her greeting, after which, he turned to face his friend (with benefits). "How are you this morning?"

"Not too bad... ummm, can we talk for a sec?" she asked.

"Uh, sure," he said. "I'll be back in a sec, okay?"

"Sure, honey, take your time. We'll meet you down in the theater, that's where we wait until our number's called to get off the ship. It was nice to have met you, Rachel," his mother said.

Adam grabbed his backpack and Rachel said goodbye to his parents. Watching them walk away, Adam's father leaned over to his wife. "She's smokin' hot... I can see what all the fuss is about," he whispered. She gave him a playful slap on the leg and laughed.

Amy and her sister Nancy were struggling down the hallway with their carry-on luggage towards the elevators - these girls did not know how to pack lightly - when a voice behind them offered to help. Like a knight in shining armor riding out of the mist, Marco had appeared out of nowhere to help them carry their (admittedly self-inflicted) unreasonable load. "Oh my God, you're a lifesaver," Amy cooed.

"My pleasure," he replied with a smile as he took one of her bags and offered a hand to her sister to take one from her as well, who gratefully handed it over to him.

"Thanks so much... Marco, is it?" Nancy asked.

"Si, senorita," he replied. Taking the lead, he strode down the hallway with the girls in tow. Nancy turned to look at Amy and tilted her head to the side. She pointed first at him, then at Amy, then back and forth again with a quizzical look, and Amy blushed a little and nodded. Her sister gave her a silent knowing nod of approval.

"He's got a fabulous ass," Nancy whispered. Amy blushed further and nodded.

The small group arrived at the elevator and struck up a conversation as they awaited their chariot to take them to the theater.

Rachel and Adam found themselves strolling aimlessly past the hot tub they had come to call home for the past week. The ship was abuzz with passengers everywhere, now that everyone had to be out of their cabins, and most of them were congregating either in the theater, in a lounge or on the pool deck, but the hot tub area was quiet for the moment.

"I'm really going to miss you," Rachel said, a tear welling up in her eyes. "Promise me you'll keep in touch?"

"Of course I will," Adam said with a cough, trying to hold back his own emotions. "Y'all are, like, my girlfriend now, or something," he said with a wistful smile.

"Or something," she agreed. Grabbing his shirt, she pulled him in for a kiss, quieting any further awkward conversation. For the moment, they were the only two people in the world, and they enjoyed every second of their embrace, until the world decided that was enough and they heard some other guests approaching. Breaking the kiss, Adam stood straight and fixed his shirt.

"I love you, Rachel," he whispered.

"I love you too, Adam," she whispered back.

Jon was finally happy with his work, and had copied it onto a fresh page free of scribbles and corrections. Reading it over, he was finally satisfied with it, and jotted "Love, Jon" at the bottom of the page before carefully tearing it out of his notebook. Now all he had to do was hope to find Megan before each family went their separate ways.

The last day of a cruise is a day full of "hurry up and wait". As passengers trundled into the theater in dribs and drabs, waiting their turn to disembark, they were treated to CNN on the projection screen where the same news repeated over and over every ten minutes - at least, that's how it felt. Jon kept an eye out for his friends and was getting more and more antsy as each minute passed. Finally, he saw Amy and Marco wander in with a ridiculous amount of carry-on bags, and leaned over to speak with his parents.

"Is it alright with you if I hang out with my friends until it's time to go?"

"Sure, honey," his mother replied. "Just keep an ear out for Gold 8, that's us."

"Great. Thanks!" he exclaimed as he grabbed his backpack and darted - well, as quickly as one can dart in a somewhat crowded theater - over to where he last saw his friends. By the time he found them, Amy and Marco had found seats and waved him over when they saw him approaching. "Hey, guys!"

"Buenos dias," Marco called. Amy greeted him with a great big kiss on his cheek, causing Jon to blush.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Do I need a reason to give my friend a kiss?" she teased. "Here, look, I'll do it again," and did just that on his other cheek. He glanced over to where his parents were sitting, and saw them watching, quite amused at his situation. He gave them a sarcastic smile, leaned over and kissed Amy on her cheek, then scowled back over towards his parents.

"Where have all these people been all week?" he exclaimed to his friends. "This is the first time that it's really felt crowded on the ship."

"I know, right?" she agreed. "They must have been towed behind us in the lifeboats or something."

Before long, they were joined by Adam and Rachel, hand in hand, clearly smitten with each other. The five teens struck up an easy conversation as CNN droned on in the background, every once in a while a color group being called to disembark. Jon still kept an eye out for Megan, but there was still no sign of her.

"Are you about ready?" Mark called as he knocked on the bathroom door. "Mom and Dad are waiting on us, it's after eight!"

He heard her say something unintelligible before almost being bowled over her as she burst out of the bathroom, still naked, but showered now, at least. "Oh! I didn't realize you were standing there!" she exclaimed. "Sorry to keep you waiting, but as you know, you can't rush a woman in the bathroom!"

"Clearly," he muttered to himself before smacking her bare bum, earning him a yelp. "Hurry up, they need to get in to clean the cabin."

"I'm going as fast as I can, dear brother," she stated matter-of-factly as she slipped into her panties, then threw a sundress over her head. Taking a quick look in the mirror to make sure everything was covered and in the right place, she finally grabbed her backpack. "Ready?"

"I have been for twenty minutes!" her brother exclaimed, as they vacated their cabin for the last time.

Eric and Andrew had wandered in with their families, then come over to join the rest of the teens in their little corner of the theater. There was still no sign of Mark and Megan, and Jon was really starting to get antsy. His anxiety went through the roof as the first Gold number was called for disembarkation.

The kids chatted with a subdued energy, each of them disappointed to be leaving their friends soon, but each of them carefully avoiding the elephant in the room as long as they could, but before too long, reality set in as Gold 8 was called. Jon was disappointed that he hadn't been able to give Megan her gift before leaving, but he did at least have her address, so he could mail it to her. With a deep breath, he stood and addressed the group. "Well, guys, that's me... I've had a real blast this week with you guys. I can't imagine it.. without.. without you guys.." he managed before breaking down. Amy immediately leapt up and gathered him into a hug.

"Don't cry, Jon, it's okay," she comforted him, stroking his hair. "We've all got each other on WhatsApp, we'll be talking before you know it."

He gave her a crooked smile. "You're right, I'm being silly," he agreed, "but I can't help it. I'm going to miss you all." With a deep breath, he pulled himself together, then one by one worked his way down the line and gave each of them a hug and said his goodbyes. He made his way over to where his parents waited by the theater entrance, turned and gave one final wave to his friends before heading towards the gangway.

If you've ever seen Ocean's Eleven, that scene at the end where they're all gathered around the fountain at the Bellagio with Clair de Lune playing in the background, each leaving one by one - that's what it looked like in the theater over the next few minutes. First Marco's number was called, and he did the row of goodbyes, followed shortly thereafter by Adam who did the same, except for a long kiss goodbye for Rachel. There was a break before Amy's number was called, then Eric and Andrew at the same time, leaving Rachel all by herself until it was time for her and her family to disembark.

Customs was always a treat, but to everyone's surprise, the line moved somewhat quickly as the 3,000 passengers filtered off the ship, invading the terminal as everyone rushed to find their luggage and then on to find their transportation out of the port. Once all their luggage had been retrieved, Andrew's family followed Eric and his parents out of the terminal, and instead of turning left towards the taxi stands, Andrew's mother steered him and his sisters towards the private transportation section, following the Stevens clan. Andrew tilted his head at his mother quizzically, but she just smiled and beckoned.

They didn't have to wait long before finding out why. A stretched limo awaited them, with a uniformed driver standing by it holding a sign that read "Stevens & Farriss". Andrew's sisters' eyes bugged out, and while he would like to think that he kept his cool... Andrew joined them in gawking at what was apparently their ride to the airport. He sidled up to Eric and nudged him. "Dude, what the fuck?" he whispered.

"Mom and Dad always get a limo after a cruise... and because you're family now, you ride with us," Eric explained. "You didn't think I'd let you take a taxi like the commoners, did you?" he added sarcastically.

Internally, Andrew was squeeing like a little girl. Externally, he played it cool and just leaned over and gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, man," he cooed.

"Don't thank me, it's all my parents doing... but I'll have one more of those, if you don't mind," planting a big smacker on his lips.

Once everyone's luggage had been stowed and everyone piled into the back of the limo, the sleek black car departed on its journey to the airport.

Jon sat dejectedly at the gate, waiting for his flight to Baltimore that wasn't going to depart for another three hours. He was lamenting that he hadn't had chance to say goodbye to Megan - oh, and Mark, too, of course - and to give her what he'd been working on. Yeah, he could send it, but it wouldn't be the same. He longed to hold her just one more time in his arms, and to tell her once more how much she meant to him. He'd grown a fair bit this week, and she had played an important part in it. She had been his first - first girlfriend, first kiss, first everything. He was never going to forget her.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear someone call his name. Not the first time, not the second time - and it wasn't until he felt a hand on his knee that he snapped back into the present and looked over to see the girl of his dreams sitting beside him. "Megan!" he yelped, a little too loud. People around them turned to look, and as usual, he blushed, but this time he didn't care. "I missed you this morning!" he exclaimed at a much more appropriate volume.

"I missed you too! I was late getting out of the cabin, and then my parents wanted to hang out on the pool deck, and by the time we made it down to the theater I guess you'd all gotten off the ship," she explained.

"Excuse me, your parents? They were my parents first, you know," Mark interjected, smirking as he sidled up. His sister stuck her tongue out at him.

"Where's your gate at?" Jon asked. It turned out that they were on the same flight as Jon, catching a connecting flight in Baltimore back to Philadelphia. Excitedly, the three teens asked for and were granted permission to wander the terminal instead of waiting at the gate. The three grabbed their backpacks and wandered off down the concourse.

After getting a coffee (tea for Megan), they found some quiet seats by an unused gate. "I made something for you," Jon blurted out excitedly.

"Really?" Megan questioned. "When did you have time to do that?"

"I've been working on it for a few days now... it's not much, but it's all I can offer at the moment. Here, let me dig it out," he added, before leaning over and pawing through his backpack. Finally he found his notebook and extracted the page he had put back in to protect it, and bashfully gave it to Megan.

In his chickenscratch handwriting, which surprisingly she had no problem reading, he had written her a poem.

The most beautiful girl in the world

makes my heart soar and my spirit sing,

her siren song drawing out my soul

baring it to her loving embrace.

She shines upon me like the smile of the sun,

warming me from my cold, lonely despair;

lighting my path from the darkness

calling me forth into her light.

Her touch is the gentle caress of the rain,

soothing my cracked skin after the drought;

quenching my thirst for companionship

and easing my pain for all eternity.

She speaks the whisper of the wind,

a lilting melody heard once so long ago,

a memory seared into existence

that comforts my fears and loneliness.

She brings me the drops of the morning dew,

my tears once shed in sadness but now in joy;

she has opened my eyes for the first time

ne'er to be shut again.

The most beautiful girl in the world

is you.

Love, Jon

When she finished reading it, she read it again, and then a third time, before looking up at him, tears streaming down her face. "You wrote this for me?"

"I did. I wanted to show you how much I love you," he replied, barely choking back tears of his own. "I..." Before he could utter another word, she threw herself at him and locked him in a tight embrace.

After the passengers disembarked in Baltimore, the three teens faced the moment that none of them wanted to admit was coming, where they would have to part ways. Tears were shed, laughs were had, and hugs were shared. Tearful goodbyes were exchanged, and promises made to keep in touch online and to get together when they could - after all, it was only an hour and a half by train between their cities.

As his new friends headed towards their gate, Jon knew that his life was forever changed, and he was the luckiest boy in the world.


Well, that's about it... As much as I hate to say goodbye to these teenagers that have become my friends, like the cruise, all good things must come to an end. I hope that you've enjoyed the journey as much as I have.

I don't know what the future holds, but I'm not fully saying goodbye to the Seven Days universe... I'm working on a spinoff story about Mark and Megan and friends, and who knows, maybe a few cameos will pop up. :) Not sure what I'm going to call it yet, but I'll add a little note in the folder for this story once I start posting them.

If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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