Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 2, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 5 Cruise Day 2, Port Day (Key West), evening (teen, mutual mast, inc, m/f)

After the evening's show wrapped, ten o'clock approached. Andrew was the first to arrive, with Amy ambling along not long after, calling out a greeting to him. She stood by the lounger and started removing her bathing suit, which prompted him to leap to his feet.

"Shit, I forgot," he exclaimed, and started struggling with his drawstring. "Fuck, I got it in a knot."

"Give me a sec, I'll help you," she replied, and climbed into the hot tub and sat in front of him. Taking the drawstring from his inept fingers, she leaned in to get a better look, and started to use her fingernails to try and loosen the knot.

"Am I... interrupting something?" Eric said as he approached the jacuzzi. He was completely naked, with his trunks slung jauntily over his shoulder.

Andrew barked a laugh and his jaw dropped wide open. "Jesus, Eric, did you come up here from your cabin like that?"

He laughed. "No, I just took them off around the corner here. Seemed like it'd be funny." He shrugged his trunks off his shoulder and climbed into the jacuzzi.

"THERE! Got it!" Amy exclaimed as she pulled the knot out of the drawstring, then yanked his trunks to the ground, his dick almost slapping her in the chin in the process. "Whoah, there, cowboy, soon enough!" she laughed.

He blushed slightly as he stepped out of his shorts, hooked them with his foot and brought them up to his hand. He tossed them over towards the chair with a big wet splat.

A few minutes later, Mark and Megan arrived together and had an awkward moment where they looked at each other, then pointedly looked anywhere EXCEPT at each other as they each took of their swimsuits and got in the hot tub. Naturally, the conversation revolved around what each of them had done during the day, until they were joined by Jon. He quietly took off his shirt, as if he was hoping nobody would notice he was there, then dropped his trunks as well. He quickly got in the water and sat down, and Megan winked at him and he smiled back and blushed slightly.

Finally, Rachel and Adam showed up, approaching from opposite directions and got undressed together as if they'd been dating for months.

"Hey, guys," Eric called out in greeting. "How goes? How was your day?"

"Hey, y'all... I had a great day... a GREAT day," Adam replied with a sly smile towards Rachel.

"Oooh, something happened... do tell!" Amy prodded for details.

Adam glanced to Rachel, who smirked and silently gave him permission to share the events of their day. She started to climb into the hot tub as Adam started to recount their morning.

"Well, Rachel and I met for breakfast, which was great. We talked for like an hour, I learned all sorts of stuff about her. It was really nice," Adam said, then added, "and then we went back to her cabin to get changed to go swimming."

"Oh, really?" Andrew interjected. "You got changed together?"

"Sort of... on the way there, she grabbed my dick in the hallway."

"Well, it was sticking out and looked like it needed to be grabbed," Rachel added.

"Wow!" Eric exclaimed.

"Wait, there's more," Adam continued as he mounted the steps. When we got into her cabin, she practically ripped my clothes off, and..."

"Go on!" Eric prodded, leaning forward in excitement. He wasn't the only one.

"She gave me the best handjob I've ever had in my life," he continued. "Both hands and everything!"

The group looked at Rachel for confirmation. "It's true, guys. And he's huge - my hands don't even fit around his dick!"

Adam blushed at the compliment and was visibly starting to chub up, then took his seat in the hot tub. "She was fucking amazing. It was my first time, too, y'all... I'll always remember it."

Adam spun a tale of how hot it was how she had taken control of the situation, while Rachel demonstrated how big his cock was and how she couldn't wrap her hands around it entirely. After a while, they all settled back into their seats and enjoyed the warmth of the hot tub.

The conversation turned to their families. "Our parents are pretty easy going, for the most part," said Megan. Mark nodded in agreement. "As long as we don't kill each other or rack up a huge bill, they trust us to pretty much do whatever," she continued. "In fact, they got us our own cabin across the hall from theirs. They've got a balcony, and we're in an inside cabin, so no window, but at least we have some privacy."

"The not killing each other is the hard part," Mark added with a smile. "We tend to bicker a lot."

"Man, that sounds awesome," said Andrew. "I'm trapped in a cabin with my mom and two younger sisters. I knew things were going to be tight, but I didn't expect them to be THIS tight. My dad doesn't live with us and isn't around much, so it's just mom and us," he added. "As it stands, mom and me are sleeping in the beds, and there are two more that drop down out of the ceiling for the girls. It's a royal pain the ass to get in bed or go to the bathroom in the night without cracking your head on one of the beds or the other. And no offense to you guys," he looked at Megan and Mark, "but my sisters take bickering to a whole new level. Because mom works, I get to deal with them after school until she gets home. And they're constantly at each other."

"Aw, man, that sucks... I don't mean to rub it in, but I've got a balcony all to myself," said Eric.

"Oh, wow, that's amazing," Rachel interjected. "How'd you swing that?"

"My parents own their own pretty big company, and they're loaded. But owning a company means working a lot of the time, so they don't get to spend a lot of time together - or with me. That's why we do these cruises, it forces them to stop working for a while."

"Oh, Eric, I'm sorry. Do you get lonely?" Amy asked.

"Kinda, yeah. Most of the time, it's just me and James at home... he's the butler, officially, but mostly his job is to take care of me. Mom and Dad leave early in the morning and sometimes don't get home until like ten pm, if they even come home at all. They're always flying all over the country for work."

The kids sat in silence for a few seconds, letting what Eric said sink in, realized how they all took their families for granted.

"Oh, hey, I've got an idea!" Eric exclaimed. "Why don't I asked them if you can move in with me?"

Andrew thought about it for a moment. That really did sound awesome - a little space from his sisters would definitely make this week a TON better, but there was no way his mom was going to let him go. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not sure that my mom would go for that. She can be kind of over-protective sometimes."

"It doesn't hurt to ask, though, if you're interested. I'm sure my parents won't have a problem with it, it won't affect them in any way. No pressure," Eric countered. "If accommodations are as tight as you make it sound, your mom might appreciate the extra space."

The more he thought about this idea, the more desperately Andrew wanted this to work. And really, the worst anyone could say is no, right? "Ummm... Okay, yes, please. If you wouldn't mind checking with your parents and see what they say, then we'll ask my mom if they're okay with it. I really appreciate the offer." Consciously, Andrew was trying to not fall in love with the idea, but in his heart, he'd already moved in with Eric.

Adam chimed in that he was in a cabin with a window with his parents, sleeping on the sofa bed. "I'm glad I don't have one of those ceiling beds, I'd probably fall out of it. And I think we'd all probably bump into it, both my mom and dad are as tall as me," he said, "and I'm six two." Rachel's and Jon's situations were similar, except Jon and his parents were in an inside cabin.

Amy, on the other hand, was sharing a cabin with her older sister. "She's 21 and isn't around a whole lot - I think she's found some friends too and they're off at some bar most of the day," Amy said.

They continued chatting until quarter to one, when the talk turned more into yawns, and Megan finally was the first to throw in the towel. "I'd love to stay, but I'm beat," she said. The others agreed that it was probably time to go, and one by one they climbed out of the hot tub and started toweling off.

Once she had her swimsuit on, Megan made her way over to stand beside Jon, who was standing on one leg in the middle of putting his trunks back on. She got a quick glimpse of his dick before he covered it up, and when he stood up, she gave him a quick hug. "Good night, monkey," she whispered in his ear.

Jon felt his face flush as he realized that she had a pet name for him already. A smile spread across his face and it would be half an hour before he stopped smiling.

As Jon walked along the pool deck towards the aft of the ship, where his cabin was located, Amy caught up with him and asked to chat with him for a minute. They sat down at a table by the pizza stand, which had closed for the night. They were the only people around for what seemed like miles.

"What's up?" Jon asked.

"Well, I don't mean to put you on the spot, but I wanted to check with you about something. I saw how you looked at Megan when she hugged you. You really like her, don't you?"

Jon smiled wistfully, and said, "Yeah, I do, but... I'm not sure if she likes me or not. I talked with her yesterday for a bit, one on one, and she said she did, but I really don't know if she's just being nice to the loser or something. I don't know if she could ever really like a guy like me."

"What do you mean, a guy like you?"

"Well, look at me. I'm short, I'm fat, I wear these stupid glasses, I'm a nerd... why would a pretty girl like Megan give me the time of day?" Jon's eyes started to well up again.

"Jon, you need to listen to me, and listen to me now. You're not a bad guy by any stretch, and in fact, I'm pretty sure Megan finds you attractive. I've seen the way she looks at you when you talk.... She's not just being polite. I think there's something there."

"Yeah, right," Jon said with a sniffle.

"No, really. I wouldn't bullshit you about something like this. I think you'd be surprised if you just gave her a chance."

"Are you sure? You're not just messing with me?" Jon asked as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I don't think I could handle it if you're messing with me."

Amy wiped away the tear from his face and grasped his head with both hands, forcing him to look directly at her. "Jon, I like you. I wouldn't set you up like that. Do you believe me?"

"Y.. Yes. sniffle Okay, I'll talk to her again and see what she says," he said with a big dramatic sigh. "Thanks, Amy... I appreciate you looking out for me. Nobody does at home, so... I'm not used to it."

"You bet, man. Anytime." Amy stood, pulled Jon up and gave him a hug, which he returned. She could feel his cock poking her in the hip. "Better holster your weapon there, hoss, don't want it going off until you're ready," she said with a smile.

Jon pulled away and smiled, a little embarassed. "Sorry about that."

"No worries. NOW I'm just messing with you."

"Thanks for everything, Amy. Please don't tell the others I started crying with you, though."

"No problem, it's our little secret."

Walking back to their cabin, Megan was walking next to her brother. "I think we've really got some good friends there, Mark. I'm really surprised at how quickly I've become attached to them - you know how I am, it takes me a while to feel comfortable with new people."

"Me too, Meg. With Jon, I swear, it feels like I've known him for years, we just click. Speaking of Jon, what did you say to him at the end there?"

"I just wished him a good night," she said, keeping her pet name for him to herself for now. "We had a great talk earlier and he really opened up to me, and... yeah." She blushed a little.

"You don't need to be embarassed. You two are good for each other," he said, smiling, as they reached their door. He unlocked it and let the two of them in. "So, speaking of the others, are you okay with what we're doing there?"

"What do you mean?" She carefully shifted the towel elephant off her bed onto the desk, then sat down and looked at her brother.

"Well, I mean, being naked with everyone, especially me. It's not like brothers and sisters lounge around in the nude together every day."

She sighed and took a minute to think about what she wanted to say. "Okay. That did make me stop and think, and I have been thinking about it a lot. But the more I've thought about it, weird as it sounds, the more I'm enjoying it. There's a certain freedom involved in it," Megan replied. "Does it bother you?"

"I think I'm okay with it, as long as you are. I'm a bit surprised that it hadn't happened accidentally earlier, to be honest - like, sharing a bathroom, it's odd that we hadn't accidentally walked in on each other before. I guess we've just been good at locking doors, except for when little sisters and their friends spy on big brothers, that is," he smirked. "You're lucky I'm a bit of a showoff, heh," Mark said, putting down his towel. "Okay, another question for you. Would it bother you if I didn't go into the bathroom to change?"

"I don't think it really matters at this point - unless there's more that you didn't show me last night?" she said with a laugh. "As long as you don't mind me doing the same."

"I'm fine with that," Mark said as he dropped his swimming trunks to the floor. He was half hard already, and he was on his way to becoming fully erect.

Megan stood and followed suit, and removed her one-piece swimsuit as well. For the first time in good light, the siblings stood in the middle of the room, checking out each other's naked bodies.

"Fuck, sis, you're kinda hot, if you don't mind me saying," Mark said. His dick proved he wasn't lying, and shortly was pointing at the ceiling.

"You too, Mark," she said quietly. "I can't believe we're doing this... Brianna would be so jealous!"

Mark sat down on his bed, a mere two feet away from hers. His hard cock throbbed with his heartbeat. I think I need to deal with this, then get some sleep."

"Ummm... Mark... no, nevermind."

"What, Meg? Go ahead and say whatever it is - it's not like this can get any weirder than it already is."

"Well... umm... can I watch? I read about it in health class, but I've never seen it for real."

"Okay, scratch that, it just got a little more bizarre," he said. "Uh, okay, sure, I guess, if you want. I'd like to turn off some of these lights, though, if that's okay."

Turning off the overhead lights, the room was lit only by the bedside table lamps. He pulled down the covers on the bed and laid down on his back, his sister doing the same on her own bed, facing him. "Man, how did we get here," he thought to himself. He spit into his hand and grasped his cock gently yet firmly. Stroking it slowly, he gasped at the feeling of his hand combined with the thrill of putting on a show for his sister. He closed his eyes and increased the tempo of his stroking.

Watching her brother masturbate was something that Megan never thought she'd see, let alone enjoy. And enjoy it she was - her pussy was tingling and she could feel herself getting moist down there. She placed her right hand on her mound, and traced around her close cropped pubic hair, teasing closer and closer to her sensitive clit until her finger made direct contact, which caused her to moan quietly.

Hearing his sister's moan, Mark opened his eyes and looked over to see her hand in her crotch, her fingers tracing around her engorged labia. Entranced, he moved his left hand to his mouth, licking a finger, and then rubbing his nipple, making it almost as hard as his rigid cock. He watched his sister do the same thing - lick her finger then rub her nipple - as he continued to stroke himself faster. Without stopping jerking off, he turned on his side to face her. "Enjoying the show?" he whispered. She simply gasped in response.

The siblings continued to masturbate themselves for a moment, then she raised her left leg, bent at the knee, and inserted her middle finger deep into her cunt, followed shortly by a second. All the while, she continued to rub her clit, gasping and shivering with lust and adrenaline.

Mark's voice hitched as he licked his lips and whispered, "I'm getting close." He increased the speed of his stroking as he rolled onto his back again. Not thirty seconds later, with a grunt, he came, his cock exploding with cum flying, leaving streaks up his stomach and chest. Four, five, six powerful spurts erupted until he was spent, and the remains of his orgasm trickled out over his hands and landed in his pubic hair.

Seeing her brother climax sent Megan over the edge. It was like a thunderclap had gone off in the cabin, her head thrown back, eyes screwed shut, mouth open, and her muscles clenching and releasing. Her cunt flooded with her natural juice, soaking her fingers.

Mark was the first to recover from his climax, and looked over at his sister. "Wow," was all he could manage.

Megan opened her eyes and looked into her brother's eyes. "Wow indeed."

"It would appear that you liked what you saw," Mark said, as he sat up. Cum started to trickle down his torso and pooled in his pubes. "I think I need a shower."

Megan nodded and watched Mark's ass as he gingerly walked to the bathroom, trying not to let any cum fall on the floor.

By the time Mark had finished showering, he returned to the bedroom and found his sister fast asleep, still naked. He smiled and took a long look at her tight body, and pulled the covers up over her, then climbed into his own bed, still naked himself, and turned off the lights.

That's it for chapter five. It's starting to gather steam - but you're only here for the story, right? ;) If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 6

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