Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 6, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 6 Cruise Day 3, Sea Day, morning (teen, m/m)

Andrew sat on the small couch in his cabin, concentrating so he wouldn't piss himself. His sister had been in the bathroom for almost 45 minutes - what the fuck was she doing in there? - and attempts at hurrying her up had only resulted in being screamed at from the other side of the door. Finally, she emerged and was almost bowled over by Andrew in his haste to get to the toilet.

"The fuck, Andrew?" Emily cried.

He didn't even have to close the door before he ripped his shorts down and aimed his dick at the toilet as his bladder had finally had enough and was threatening to lose structural integrity. He couldn't hold the stream back any longer even if he'd tried.

"Nice ass, fuckface," his sister commented as she walked past the open bathroom door and headed out of the cabin for who knows where. He was just so relieved that he didn't care even an iota at that moment.

After what seemed like an eternity, his bladder finally emptied. He stood there for a good thirty seconds, leaning with one hand against the wall, straight-armed, the other holding his dick, aiming as if he expected it to suddenly fire up again. He was weak in the knees after holding his piss in for so long that he was almost afraid to move. Eventually, he shook off the remaining drops and put away his boyhood and washed his hands.

Returning to the bedroom part of the cabin and looking around, he was amazed once again at how little space there was. There was a queen size bed that he and his mother shared and two beds lowered out of the ceiling for his sisters, all in a space that didn't look like could support it. "Man," he thought to himself, "I really hope Eric's parents are cool with me moving in with him. This is ridiculous."

After getting dressed for the day in his shockingly-orange Adidas shirt and a pair of blue basketball shorts, he threw on his sandals and made his way up to the Horizon Court buffet for breakfast. He was enjoying a little quiet time by himself - he hadn't had much peace and quiet in his cabin, with the squabbling sisters going seemingly 24/7, so this was a nice respite for him. And hey, bacon.

Suddenly, he felt a hand rustle his hair, and then Eric pulled out the chair opposite him and plonked down. "Hey, man, how's it going?"

"Well, apart from almost pissing myself this morning waiting for my sister to finish in the bathroom, I'd say pretty good. How about you?"

Stealing a piece of bacon from Andrew's plate, Eric smiled. "I talked to my parents this morning, and they're cool with you moving in, if you want to."

Andrew sighed in relief. "That's great, man. You have no idea how awesome you are, you're such a great friend. Now I guess all I need to do is talk to my mom about it. I really hope she's cool with the idea..."

The two boys chattered on about nothing in particular while Andrew finished up eating. After the ninja waiter cleared his plate without anyone seeing him, they went in search of Andrew's mother. They found her poolside in her bathing suit, her lower half covered by her towel, reading a James Patterson crime novel. "Hey, mom," Andrew called as they walked up to stand in front of her.

"Hi, dear... oh, and who's this?" she asked as she put her book down.

"Mom, this is Eric. Eric, my mom."

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Farriss," Eric said, offering his hand.

"Ooh, such a gentleman," Andrew's mom said, evoking a slight blush from Eric. Andrew was barely able to contain himself.

"So, Mom, Eric and I have something to talk to you about. You know how we're crammed into our cabin like sardines, right..."

"Andrew told me about the tight conditions that you guys are living in at the moment, and I offered that he can move in with me, if you're alright with it, ma'am," Eric piped up.

"What do you think, mom?"

"Hold your horses, buster, that's not exactly a small favour. Eric, I'm sure your parents wouldn't want to have to put up with another boy in their cabin. And wouldn't that be just as cramped as we are now?"

"Actually, ma'am, I spoke with my parents this morning about it. I'm in my own cabin, by myself, in an adjoining cabin to theirs. They don't mind the change, if you're alright with it as well," Eric countered.

"Weeeeellllll... I don't know. That's a pretty big ask," his mother said. She paused for a moment, thinking, then continued. "Well, it WOULD make things easier in our cabin, and I know Andrew is having problems with three of us girls and only one bathroom."

"Yeah, just this morning..." Andrew trailed off as he received a "mummy glare", indicating she wasn't quite finished yet. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"I'd have to speak to your parents myself, though, to make sure for myself that they don't mind," she said.

"That's no problem, Ms. Farriss. If you're going to be here for a few minutes, I'll go find them and bring them up to meet you."

"Well, Eric, that's very kind of you. Yes, I'll be here for at least another hour or so," Andrew's mother said, smiling. "Andrew, you could do well for yourself to be as polite as your friend here."

"Yes, mom," Andrew replied, barely able to contain his excitement.

The boys went off just slightly below the speed of sound in search of Eric's parents. In the elevator, Eric turned to Andrew. "So just making sure... you're okay with me being gay, right? I mean, I'm not going to try anything on you, but some people..."

Andrew raised a hand to interrupt. "Eric, it's fine. You don't need to worry about any of that. But I do have a question for you, if that's alright."

"What's that?"

"It was something I noticed the other night... Were you checking me out?"

Eric blushed deeply. "I'm sorry you saw that... I was trying to be subtle about it."

"Eric, really, it's fine. I don't mind. In fact, I'm flattered. I actually kinda liked the idea of it."


"Really. And between you and me...?"

Eric nodded earnestly.

"Well, uh, the feeling is kinda mutual. I've wondered what it would be like with another guy, so... who knows..."

Eric perked up at that, his eyebrows raised and his head tilted like a puppy fascinated with a toy. He opened his mouth and was about to reply, but right then the elevator doors opened and an older couple got on the elevator. Eric closed his mouth and looked at Andrew with a twinkle in his eye and a huge smile on his face.

The Medallion app on his phone told Eric that his parents were in the jewelry store, and the boys went in to greet them. It appeared that Andrew had been taking notes, as he offered to shake their hands when he was introduced. Pleasantries exchanged, Eric told them what Andrew's mother had said. "She'd like to meet you, though, just to make sure everything's okay with you."

"Oh, that's fine, dear, let me just pay for this and we'll go meet her," Eric's mother said. She brought the bracelet she was trying on up to the cash desk, and Andrew's eyes bugged out when he saw the price ring up at $899.

"I told you they were loaded," Eric whispered to Andrew. "That's nothing, she's bought stuff for over two grand on a whim." She tapped her Medallion on the kiosk and signed the receipt, and then they were off.

Waiting for the elevator, Eric's father chatted with Andrew about where he lived, how was school, the usual stuff you'd talk to your friend's parents about. When he found out that Andrew's family was from Grand Rapids, his face broke into a big smile. "We've got a manufacturing plant there, I've been there many times. Nice little city." The elevator dinged and the four of them proceeded out onto the pool deck.

As they approached Andrew's mother, she spotted them, put down her book and stood up.

"Ms. Farriss, please meet my parents, Gary and Anne. Mom, Dad, this is Andrew's mother... ummm..." Eric stumbled, realizing he didn't know her first name.

"Patricia, or Pat, please. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance," she stepped in and bailed him out. She offered her hand to Eric's parents, who greeted her warmly. After the introductions were exchanged, along with the usual "are you enjoying your vacation" chat, the topic of the boys rooming together was raised.

"Are you absolutely sure you don't mind Andrew moving in with Eric? That's a big undertaking."

"Oh, no, dear, that's perfectly alright with us. Eric's got the room in his cabin, and really, having Andrew there will keep Eric out of trouble. After all, keeping an eye on two 15 year olds can't be any harder than one, can it?" Eric's mother said. Andrew and Eric exchanged a look, each thinking that Eric's mother must have no idea what two 15 year old boys can get up to.

"Well, if you're okay with it... I guess I'm fine with it too. Thank you very much for your hospitality. If anything happens, please don't hesitate to send him back," Andrew's mother said, giving Andrew another mummy glare, driving her point home. At this point, the boys were only half listening, because they were on cloud nine with giant grins on both boys' faces.

"Think nothing of it. Whatever makes Eric happy, as long as it's reasonable, we're pleased to do for him," Eric's father offered. "Both his mother and I work so much that it's not fair to him, so we try to be flexible where we can, and it appears that both our sons are happy with this arrangement."

"Well, Andrew, I guess you've got some packing to do," said his mother, "if you're going to be moving cabins, you'll want all your stuff with you. And remember, behave yourself. If I get a call from Eric's parents, I'm not going to be very happy with you. And we'll still have dinners together as a family, just so I know you're still alive and all that." Andrew nodded repeatedly, agreeing to all his mother's terms.

"And we'll need to get you a key," said Eric's father. "Let's go see about that, and then you boys can work out the logistics." Turning to Andrew's mother, he said, "It was a pleasure to meet you. We're in C322 if you need us, and the boys are in C324, up on deck 10." They said their goodbyes, and went down to the guest relations desk to get Andrew his new Medallion.

"What do you mean, you're leaving?" Emily asked incredulously when they returned to Andrew's old cabin to pack up his stuff.

"I'm changing staterooms, moving in with my friend. I just couldn't stand mornings with you two hogging the bathroom," Andrew said as he started tossing his clothes into a suitcase. "Now I won't have to worry about it anymore."

"Well, that's not fair! Does mom know you're doing this?"

"Of course, duh. She just met with Eric's parents, and everything's fine. Now leave me alone so I can get packed."

A few minutes later, after chirping back and forth with his sister, Andrew was ready to go. He handed his backpack to Eric and picked up his suitcase. "So long, sucker."

"Whatever," Emily pretended to be aloof, while quite obviously being rather envious.

As soon as they were in the elevator and the doors closed, Eric exploded, "Were you serious about what you said before? About being bi-curious and all that?"

"Serious as a heart attack. I don't think I could tell any of my friends back home about that, though, at least not yet. So this might be my only opportunity to experiment."

As they approached the cabin door, the screen now proudly displayed both of the boys' names, and then the Medallions in their pockets wirelessly unlocked the door for them. Entering the cabin, Andrew was amazed when he saw how much larger this cabin was than the one he'd just left, with a wall of windows leading out to the balcony. Eric dropped the backpack onto the bed and invited Andrew out onto the balcony. They leaned on the railing, watching the waves gently slap the side of the ship, and after a moment, Eric asked, "So, I guess we should call the cabin steward to split the beds, or...?"

"Hmmm. Nah, I'd say leave it configured as a queen bed, like you have it now, unless you think your parents would wonder about that," Andrew replied.

"Let's leave it as is, and if they say anything, we'll tell them we haven't seen the cabin steward yet. I doubt they'll even notice, though, they never come in my cabin."

The sun shone in, bathing both boys in its warm caress. Andrew took off his shirt and tossed it back into the cabin. Eric soon followed suit. "So, Eric... When did you figure out you were gay?"

"I guess I've known for the last two years or so, when we started showering after phys ed in school. I would sometimes check out the other guys in the locker room, and luckily I haven't gotten caught yet. It's not easy, though, because I start to get hard when I see them in the showers. This one kid got a full blown hard-on once, and let's just say that his nickname is Stiffy. I'm afraid that will happen to me sometime."

"Heh, yeah, I hear ya. I sometimes go skinny dipping with my friends at my friend Skipper's place, and there's usually one or two of us chubbed up at any given time. Luckily there's only a little bit of teasing, as it's happened to all of us at one point."

The boys reflected on this for a moment, then Eric said, "Andrew, can I, uh, put my arm around you?"

"Go for it."

Eric slid over and put his arm around Andrew's waist. The contact of the bare skin of their torsos was electric. Andrew put his head on Eric's shoulder, savouring the closeness shared between them. Before long, Andrew's arm found its way around Eric's waist as well, extending the embrace.

Almost of its own accord, Andrew's hand began caressing Eric's skin, raising goosebumps on both boys. "Wanna go inside?" Andrew murmured.


The boys re-entered the cabin and closed the balcony door. Eric went to lock the deadbolt on the hallway door, then ensured the adjoining door was locked as well. The two boys sat on the couch, close enough so their legs touched, with their arms around each other's shoulders. Andrew could feel his insides quivering with excitement and adrenalin, and when Eric leaned over to kiss, he tilted his head and met him halfway.

They parted their lips slightly, their tongues duelled and danced, eagerly welcoming the other into their mouths. Eric placed his other hand on Andrew's hairless chest, and explored until he came across a nipple. Without breaking the kiss, Eric's gentle pinches brought the nipple to attention, ready to cut glass. At the same time, Andrew could feel his cock engorging with blood and straining within its fabric prison.

As Eric's hand slowly trailed down Andrew's torso, the skin felt warm and flushed below his fingertips. Soon, it rested on Andrew's thigh.

"Mmm?" Eric asked wordlessly.

"Mmmhmm," Andrew consented.

Eric's hand moved from Andrew's thigh onto his crotch, where his cock had awakened to full mast. Eric slowly undid the drawstring in Andrew's shorts with his left hand, then reached in and took hold of the growing cock through the thin fabric of his underwear.

"Mmmm, hold on a sec," said Andrew, breaking the kiss momentarily. He removed his arm from Eric's shoulder, raised up off the couch and slid his shorts down and kicked them off, leaving him in his boxers, tented wildly in the front. He replaced his arm around Eric's shoulders and settled back into the couch.

Eric now had easier access to Andrew's cock, which now was standing at full attention. He reached into the leg hole of the boxers retrieved his prize and pulled it out into the open. Breathily, Eric whispered, "Wow, man, you really have a nice cock."


Eric stroked Andrew's dick a few times, then bent down and licked the head of Andrew's boyhood. "Mmmm, that feels good," Andrew moaned. Eric moved down to the floor onto his knees, between Andrew's legs. He pulled Andrew's boxers off completely, and for the first time was able to get a good look at his friend in all his glory. What he saw was a blond god, in his eyes. Andrew's cock was about six inches long, circumsized, decently thick, standing below a naturally tidy bush of light brown hair. His ball sac hung down low, with the two egg-shaped orbs contained within. Eric stuck out his tongue and licked from the base of Andrew's cock to the head, provoking another moan.

Gaining confidence, Eric enveloped Andrew in his mouth and sank down, taking in about three quarters of the length of his cock, then pulled up. Andrew whimpered in ecstacy as Eric slowly bobbed his head up and down. Andrew, breathing heavily, pulled Eric off his cock.

"Need to take a break, or I'm going to lose it. Let me do you for a bit."

Eric took his seat on the couch once more, and Andrew sank to the floor and moved between his friend's legs. He reached up and undid Eric's belt and shorts, then gently pulled everything down past his knees, freeing his member and allowing it to stand free. Not quite as long as Andrew's, but just as thick, his prick stood pointing towards the ceiling, a drop of precum glistening on the end. Andrew leaned over and tentatively licked the tip, tasting precum for the first time. The flavour wasn't repulsive, he thought, so he took the head of Eric's dick into his mouth and started sucking. He went down, and was able to take about half in his mouth before feeling it poking the back of his throat.

"Mmm, are you sure you haven't done this before?" asked Eric, breathlessly.

Andrew removed the cock from his mouth, and murmured, "No, first time, but I'm really enjoying this," then wasted no time putting his mouth around his friend's boyhood again.

Wanting to prolong the feelings, the two boys switched positions a few times as orgasm approached. Finally, Eric ignored Andrew's warnings of a pending orgasm and kept twirling his tongue around the head of Andrew's penis. He tongued the opening and, as promised, Andrew grunted, and was rewarded with a mouthful of hot cum. Eventually, Andrew tapped his shoulder, saying he was too sensitive.

"My God, that was amazing, you're an expert at that," Andrew gasped as he tried to catch his breath. "Give me a minute to recover and I'll finish you off."

True to his word, Andrew resumed his place with his face buried in Eric's crotch. To his surprise, when he went down, he found his nose buried in pubic hair, and it felt like he had more of Eric's prick in his mouth than he did before. A few moments later, Eric grunted and unleashed his load into Andrew's mouth. Andrew wasn't prepared for the amount of cum, nor the force behind it, and it dribbled out both sides of his mouth as he tried to keep up. About half of Eric's load ended up on his body, in his pubes or on his balls. Andrew took his time licking up each drop, not wanting to miss a bit.

When he was finished, he plopped down beside Eric on the couch, leaned over and planted a kiss on Eric's lips. Each boy was able to taste his own semen in the other's mouth. Breaking the kiss, they looked deep into each other's eyes. An unspoken bond had been formed between them.

A few minutes passed as each basked in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. Finally, Eric said, "I guess we should get you unpacked. Shower first, though," and hopped up and into the bathroom. Andrew heard the shower start, then dozed off, his body spent.

When Eric finished up in the shower, he emerged into the bedroom and gently shook Andrew awake, who then took his turn in the shower. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he saw Eric on the balcony in the nude, his white ass staring back at him in the morning sun. Throwing caution to the wind, he joined Eric out there, also still in the nude, and wrapped his arm around Eric's waist and pulled him close. The two boys embraced silently, sharing a new love, looking off into the distance.

That's a wrap for Chapter Six. I have to say, it's my favorite so far. I really dig the relationship budding between Andrew and Eric. If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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Next: Chapter 7

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