Seven Days of Pleasure

By moc.liamg@wocoomrd

Published on Feb 9, 2020


This story is intended for reading by people who enjoy these stories, and is legal in your part of the world. You know whether you should be reading it or not, I'm not here to stop you.

The entire story is fiction, including all characters (though I wish they were real and I were a fly on the wall). They live in a world where pregnancy and diseases are not a real worry, but we don't - so be safe!

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Chapter 7 Cruise Day 3, Sea Day, lunchtime (teen, m/m, f/M)

It was just before noon when Amy opened her eyes. As disoriented as only the freshly-awakened can be, she turned on her bedside lamp and checked her Fitbit to figure out what day it was, what time it was, and what planet she was on. Discovering the first two (but sadly not the third), she shivered and examined her surroundings.

To nobody's surprise, she was naked and uncovered, and as such, was somewhat cold. She had a habit of kicking off her covers when she slept, and being on the cruise had been no exception. The difference here was that her sister insisted on keeping the thermostat set somewhere between "icebox" and "witch's tit", so when the covers came off, hypothermia started to settle in. She idly wondered if she'd kicked off the covers before her sister had left for the day and given her a good show.

Her nipples were so hard she was convinced they would cut diamonds. Busting for a pee, she leapt out of bed and strode the three feet (or so it felt) into the bathroom and relieved herself. Upon returning to the bedroom, she turned the thermostat up to something mildly reasonable and took stock of her situation. She found a note on the desk.

"Aim, I'm off to the spa for a couple of hours. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Oh, and you might want to go sunbathing nude sometime, your tan lines are really starting to show. :) -N"

Well, that answered that question, she thought. She stepped over to the desk and looked in the mirror located above it. "Well, she's not wrong," she said aloud. Her tan lines really were starting to be pretty prominent. Her just-big-enough tits had somewhat white triangles surrounding her areolas from where her bikini sat, and as her eyes drifted farther down, she checked out her tightly trimmed Brazilian, which was looking tidy. She'd gotten it waxed just before she left, so it should be good for the entire trip, she thought.

She rubbed her hand over her flat tummy, with its cute little innie belly button, kept that way from running track at school. "I'll have to go for a run today," she mumbled to her reflection. "I haven't been in days. All in all, though, you're a pretty hot chick, babe."

Returning to the bathroom, she reached into the shower and turned on the faucet and stepped back, waiting for the water to warm up. Once she found the temperature she liked, she sighed happily and poured some shampoo into her hand. Rubbing it into her hair, the hot water coarsed down her body, waking her up fully. She closed her eyes as she always did when she washed her hair, enjoying the scalp massage she was giving herself. She really did enjoy this part of her morning ritual - it made her feel so calm as her day started.

After a few minutes of the scalp massage, she rinsed out her hair and moved on to washing her body. As she rubbed shower gel over her breasts, her nipples were still extremely sensitive from sleeping in the Arctic, and just the mere contact of her hands really got her motor running. The more she rubbed, the hornier she got, but the shower stall was a bit small for really spreading out and enjoying herself, so she put that aside for the moment and finished up washing her body and turned off the shower.

Stepping out of the stall, she started drying off when she heard a knock at the outer cabin door. "Housekeeping!" she heard through the door, then a pause, followed by the room steward entering the cabin. Her sister must have forgotten to put the "do not disturb" placard out for her.

She was about to call out that she was in there, but something stopped her... She'd met her room steward the previous day and found him somewhat attractive. Stephen was black, in his early 20s, from Martinique, and spoke with the sexiest French accent. He was pretty damn fit, too, she recalled, having slyly checked out his ass as he bent over to make the bed one day. "Perhaps this might turn into something interesting," she thought...

Andrew was awakened by a low buzzing noise and was convinced he was about to get stung. He'd been dreaming about bees, but as he became a little more with it, he realized that it must have been that noise creeping into his dream. He spent a few moments trying to place the noise, before giving up and sat up to go investigate. He noticed he was alone in bed.

He got up and his morning wood pointed the way as he crossed the room towards the bathroom. "Umm, Er?" he called softly as he knocked gently. He was rewarded with the door opening and his lover standing before him with an electric beard trimmer in his hand. "Morning, bud... can I piss real quick?"

"Sure, man," he said, stepping out of the way to let Andrew in. Pushing his piss hard-on in the right direction, Andrew sighed with relief as he peed, wishing getting in the bathroom were this easy with his sisters - but if it had been, he might not have moved in with Eric, so there is that aspect of it. Turning around, he was surprised to see hair all over the sink. He looked at Eric, who stood there grinning, his dick no longer surrounded by pubic hair. "Surprise!" he cheered.

"Wow, that looks great... I mean... wow," Andrew said, his cock starting to stand up on its own again. "It looks so much bigger now."

"Yeah, it's called 'the magic inch' - your dick looks about an inch longer when there isn't hair to hide the base," Eric informed him. "I was just about to shave off the stubble - oh, and clean up, of course," he said.

"Hold off on cleaning up, I'm going to do it too," Andrew said, reaching out his hand for the trimmer, but then had an idea and smirked. "Actually... would you do it for me, since you have the trimmer and all..." Andrew waggled his eyebrow at Eric.

"Thought you'd never ask," Eric replied, getting on his knees.

Amy stood quietly in the bathroom, giving Stephen enough time to get started on tidying the room. She wrapped a towel around her midsection, but high enough so that it was very obvious that she wasn't wearing anything under it, then opened the bathroom door and walked out into the room.

"Oh, my! Mon Dieu!" Stephen exclaimed as he turned at the noise and saw Amy standing there. "Miss, I'm so, so sorry, I thought you were out of the cabin." Stephen quickly averted his eyes. "I'll leave you alone right now, please excuse me..."

"Stephen... stop. Just wait a minute," Amy said, trying to calm the poor young man down. "I knew you were here, I was, umm... kinda waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? Pourquoi?"

"Because..." She took a breath - was she really doing this? Oh well, too late now... "Because I find you really attractive, and I'd like to do something for you," she said, untying the towel and letting it fall to the floor. "That is, if you'll let me."

Stephen stood, studiously not looking at Amy, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. If his skin hadn't been so dark, his face would have turned bright red. "Miss, I cannot... I am not allowed to..."

"Not allowed to what?" she asked.

He quickly glanced at her, locking eyes with her for an instant, then looking away again. "Mon Dieu... I did not expect this as I got up this morning..." he muttered to himself. "Could you cover yourself for a moment, madamoiselle?" Convinced and disappointed this wasn't going anywhere, Amy picked up the towel dejectedly and tied it around herself again.

"Merci. So, let me explain," he started, now looking her in the eye. "I can lose my job if anyone ever found out that I did something inappropriate with a guest. I could get in trouble simply for being in here, with you, with the door shut. I promise, it's not that I don't want to, you are a very attractive girl - a VERY attractive girl - but I fear for my job. I send money home to my mother every week to support her," he said.

"I can understand that," Amy said. "I apologize for putting you in this position, Stephen, really I do. But who would know? I'm not going to tell anyone, and if you don't, then nobody will find out."

Stephen swallowed. "This is true, but... my cart is in the hallway... someone might notice it in the same place for so long..."

Amy could tell there was an internal battle raging inside him. She could see a bulge forming, pushing out the front of his pants, and it was getting bigger by the second. "What time are you finished?" she asked.

"I have your cabin and one more to do, then I'm fini," he said.

"Why don't you do the other cabin, drop off your cart and come back here? I can wait," Amy said, hoping desperately that he would agree. She really, really needed to have an itch scratched.

Stephen looked up and ran his hand through his hair as he considered her offer. His pants twitched as he turned back to Amy and said, "you promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise - not without your permission, anyway," she gushed, thrilled that he looked like he was going to go through with it.

"Alright, then... oui, madamoiselle, I will return after I am off for the morning. Vous êtes... you are very beautiful. And very persuasive," he said.

"I look forward to it," Amy said excitedly. She ran over to him, dropping the towel again, stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. Simultaneously, she rubbed the front of his pants with her hand, feeling his cock.

"Eh! I still have one more cabin to clean, and I cannot go out like this!" he said, smiling. "Soon enough, madamoiselle."

Amy smiled cheekily and let him pass. "I'll be waiting," she said.

Eric had been busy with the trimmer, removing Andrew's pubes in large swaths until his pubic area was reduced to stubble. Several times he'd had to manhandle his lover's boner out of the way so he could reach some hair, and now both boys were rock hard and hairless.

"Let's clean up this hair," Eric gestured to the sink and floor, "and then I can finish you off." Eric set to picking up the hair from the floor with a couple tissues while Andrew did the same with the sink. Once the bathroom was presentable again, Eric pulled out the shaving cream from the cabinet. "Stand in the shower, this'll be easier," he said.

Andrew complied, stepping into the stall and leaving the curtain open. Eric returned to his knees, and lathered up Andrew's former bush and nut sack. Taking the handheld shower off the hook, he turned the water on, as hot as it went and low pressure. Just enough water dribbled out the end to support the task at hand.

Using Andrew's cock as a handle, Eric approached carefully with a razor in his other hand. With each stroke, shaving cream and the stubble of Andrew's pubic hair came off only to be rinsed down the drain. Andrew watched from above as his genital area was carefully shaved smooth as a baby's behind. "There's something really intimate about this," Andrew thought to himself, feeling closer to any human being than he ever had before. "This is love."

Once all the hair had been removed from above and around Andrew's rock hard member, Eric moved on to his balls. Carefully stretching them down to make the skin tight, he motioned to Andrew to move his feet apart. "There's only so much room in here to spread my legs, y'know," Andrew said with a smile.

Eric smiled in return, saying "just trying to make this bit easier... I mean, you don't want me slipping or anything..."

"No, definitely not," Andrew agreed.

Eric returned to the work at hand, carefully running the razor over his lover's ballsack until it was as smooth as the day he was born. "One last little bit, then I'm done," Eric said, as he attacked Andrew's perineum. Once that was as smooth as the rest of his gentlemen bits, Eric adjusted the temperature of the water and rinsed off the last bits of shaving cream. Before Andrew could move, Eric all but swallowed his cock, making his knees buckle.

"Ohhh, that's soooo good..." Andrew moaned. "I'm so fucking randy, I'm not going to last..."

Eric sucked on Andrew's dick like his life depended on it, gently tugging on his now baby-smooth ballsack. With that, Andrew grunted and filled Eric's mouth with blast after blast of hot cum, which Eric swallowed gladly. When Andrew had finished shooting, Eric disengaged, looked up at him and smiled. "I think I enjoyed that as much as you did," he said.

Andrew looked down at his friend with a goofy post-orgasmic smile on his face. "Give me a minute, then it's my turn."

"Take your time," Eric said. "We've got until two thirty."

"What's at two thirty?"

"Can't tell you, that would ruin the surprise," Eric smiled enigmatically.

Amy was laying on the bed, naked, waiting for Stephen's return. He'd been gone long enough that she was wondering if he'd changed his mind, when a quiet knock came at the door, followed by it opening and Stephen quickly slipping in. He put a package down by the door and turned to look at her.

"You came back," she said as she sat up, smiling.

"How could I not, madamoiselle? Your offer was very... tempting..." he said, with a big smile on his face. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I've never been more sure of anything," she said. "Now get your ass over here."

Stephen approached the bed and stood before her. This time his eyes did not look away, rather, they looked down, taking in her naked form. Amy reached up and started undoing the buttons on his vest, then followed his gaze and smiled. "Like what you see?"

"Oui, Mon Dieu. Oui," he said, his pants starting to bulge again.

She pulled his shirt out of his pants and started on the buttons. Once they were undone, he shrugged his shirt and vest off and dropped them on the other bed. She sat back and admired his naked chest. It was defined without being overly muscular; meaty without being fat, just the way she liked it. She reached out and ran her hands through the small patch of coarse hair in the middle of his chest as she leaned forward and kissed his stomach. Moving her hands to the either side of his chest, she felt his quarter-sized nipples grow hard as she lightly pinched them.

Leaning back, she took hold of his belt, slowly slipping it out of its loops so she could undo it. After a brief struggle, she finally got it undone and pulled it all the way off. His pants were next, followed closely by his boxer shorts as Amy purred. Stephen stood nude in front of her, his uncircumsized 7" cock proudly standing at attention at a 45 degree angle out from his body. Amy hadn't seen a black penis in person before, and she was turned on by how much darker than she'd expected, which made it all the more exotic and erotic for her.

Her pussy was drenched at the sight of this new wonder, which she quickly engulfed into her hot mouth, rolling his foreskin back as she took in about two thirds of his missile. "Ah, it's been so long..." he moaned as he put his hand on the top of her head. She took this as a sign that he was enjoying it, and bobbed on his dick, getting it all wet and sloppy.

Her mouth getting tired after stretching around his thick black anaconda, she laid back down on the bed and beckoned seductively. He lay down beside her on the narrow twin bed, their heat combining into one raging inferno where their bodies touched. She leaned in to kiss him, and he responded instantly, their tongues dancing between each other's mouths. Their hands explored each other's bodies in a growing frenzy as each of them yearned for the other's touch.

Once Andrew had recovered enough to not be weak in the knees, he traded places with Eric. On his knees, his friend's throbbing dick in his face, he grabbed the can of shaving cream and lathered him up. He soon realized that having a dick bouncing in your face could be rather distracting while trying to perform such a sensitive task, almost like a cat looking for attention. Eventually, Eric's body had been shaved, with only the stubble on his ball sack remaining. Andrew stretched the skin and was about to continue when suddenly Eric grunted. "Unghhhh..."

Eric came like a freight train, his cock twitching violently, sending cum everywhere. Some landed on Andrew's face, some in his hair, some shot clean over his shoulder and landed on the counter near the sink. Andrew fell backwards in surprise, flat on his bare ass, the razor dropping from his hand into the shower stall. "Dude! Some warning might have been nice."

Eric sighed contentedly. "Sorry about that, man, I didn't even feel that building," he said, looking at his cumsplattered friend. "Wow, you look like a cupcake that someone's frosted," causing the two to bust out laughing. He reached out his hand to help his lover up, and once he was vertical once more, Eric licked a large bead of his cum from Andrew's face. "Doesn't taste like buttercream, though."

"I'd eat a cupcake that you frosted any day," Andrew replied, also laughing. Turning to look in the mirror, he scooped up a glob from his and popped it into his mouth. "You're right about the flavour... not sure what it is, but I love it!"

"That could be arranged, if you like," causing the two to roar even harder.

Still wearing a decent amount of Eric's spunk, Andrew returned to his knees and re-entered the Splash Zone to finish shaving Eric's balls. It was much easier now with Eric's cock now only half hard and no longer getting in the way, but by the time he'd finished, it was threatening to stab Andrew in the eye again.

"As much as I'd love to do a repeat performance," Eric said, "get cleaned up, we have to go out. Two thirty, remember." Passing all the shaving gear out to Andrew, he continued. "I'll shower first. Oh, and you've got a little something, there, on your face..." and with a big shit-eating grin, he quickly closed the shower curtain.

Amy writhed from the attention that Stephen was giving her body. Once he had broken the kiss, he moved to nibble on her neck, which caused Amy to moan subconsciously. Just when she thought she couldn't take much more of what he was doing, he started moving lower once again, trailing his tongue down past her clavicle until he reached her left breast. Kissing and gently nibbling on her nipple was driving her fucking wild as she involuntarily arched her back and bit her lip, holding back a scream of ecstacy. Shortly, he moved to her right breast and gave it the same attention. By this time, her cunt was absolutely dripping wet, and he wasn't even halfway there yet.

When he stuck his tongue in her belly button, she just about went through the ceiling and out the other side. She squirmed uncontrollably as her hands grabbed the sheets and involuntarily clenched into fists. Her skin was on fire everywhere he licked and nibbled, and the noises she was producing bordered on obscene. A little voice in the back of her head hoped that people couldn't hear her through the cabin door, but was quickly overridden by the rest of her mind and body, which really didn't care, and goddamnit, hoped that someone DID hear her.

Eventually, he arrived at her most sensitive bits. He spread her legs and took a moment to behold her sopping ladyhood, which by this point was causing a wet spot to pool on the bedsheets. Just as she almost couldn't bear it before when he was touching her, it was twice as bad now that he wasn't. The sexual tension in the air was so thick it could almost be seen, and Stephen was enjoying every second of it. She was about to mewl in agony, pleading with him to continue, when finally he did, but on her inner thigh, making her wait yet again for what she longed for.

The teasing continued for what seemed like an eternity - a pleasurable eternity - until finally, he gave in to her silent demands and touched her womanhood with his tongue, gently separating her labia and inserting it as far as he could into her gash. Writhing around on the bed and practically quivering, with a loud moan escaping from her, she came - hard - her first orgasm of the day. Her cunt flooded with her juices and splooshed all over Stephen's face, who - like a trooper - followed her around and did not break contact.

Stephen's tongue apparently didn't get the message, as he continued to fuck her pussy with his tongue, eliciting moans, groans and squeaks from her as his reward. The other boy she'd been with hadn't shown much interest in eating pussy beyond a pathetic "let's get it over with" attempt, so this was uncharted territory for Amy - and she had never imagined oral sex could be like this. Not. Even. Close.

She almost cried when his tongue vanished from her sex, until it reappeared, making contact with her hypersensitive clit. It only took seconds for her to blast off a second time - this time she felt like the room was spinning as she climaxed, her eyes tightly screwed shut. Wave after wave of ecstacy crashed across her body as he continued his ministrations on her cunt, enjoying every last bit.

She didn't realize she had been holding her breath until her orgasm subsided, when she finally let it go and breathed a huge sigh of contentment. Stephen pulled back and looked up at her from between her legs. "Très bien?" he asked.

"Jesus Christ, Stephen... très bien," she panted. "Très, très bien." She paused, then continued - "Encore."

Andrew did not have even the foggiest clue where they were going. Eric had been leading him all over the ship, from their room to the conference area, then up to the buffet, down to the gift shop, then up to the hot tub, which was occupied by a number of older folks. "I wonder if you'd all have heart attacks if you knew what happened here at night," Andrew thought.

As they left the open deck and it appeared that they were about to board an elevator for the fifth time, Andrew finally cracked. "Okay, fuck, where are we really going? It's almost two thirty!"

"Told you... can't ruin the surprise!" Eric said with his now-trademarked shit eating grin. Andrew rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine, let's go to our final destination," Eric said sarcastically. "Wouldn't want you to get bored or anything." With that, he surprised Andrew by curtly turning on his heel and started to descend the staircase. "Are you coming?"

"Finally!" Andrew exclaimed internally as he followed his friend down one deck, and through a set of doors marked "Lotus Spa". Andrew cocked his head like a confused puppy, but Eric ignored him for the time being. Once the guest at the counter had finished settling her bill, Eric stepped up to the counter. "Hi, it's us," he said to the receptionist.

Without checknig her computer, she smiled at him and in a hushed voice said, "Right this way, sir."

She led them down a hallway and opened the door to a large room that had two massage beds in it. "Okay, Eric, remember. You're not supposed to be in here," she whispered. "Be careful."

"We will," Eric whispered back, and passed something to her. Andrew couldn't see what it was.

"Thanks, sweetie... have fun," she quietly said, smiling. She then turned her attention to Andrew, adding, "You too," then quietly closed the door and returned to her desk.

"What was that all about? We're not supposed to be here?" Andrew asked. "I don't want to get in trouble or anything..."

"Oh, don't worry about it... We're not supposed to be here because we're under 18, that's all. I slipped her a little cash to make the appointment anyways," Eric said. "Now, get undressed and lie down."

"What? What are we doing?" Andrew asked.

"Getting a couples massage, stupid, what do you think?" Eric gestured to the beds as he pulled off his tshirt and dropped it on a chair. "Now come on, get naked, lie down on your stomach, and cover your cute little ass with the towel on the bed."

Andrew was dumbfounded and stood there watching Eric take off first his shorts, then his underwear and start to lie down.

"Hurry up, unless you want them to come in and watch you undress." Snapping back to reality, he quickly did as he was told and had just finished arranging the towel across his bare ass when the door opened slightly.

"Are you ready?" a voice asked. Eric replied that they were. "Good. Alrighty then," the masseur said as he and a partner entered the room.

The four chatted as the masseurs prepared for the massage. Once they were ready, conversation ceased as warmed essential oils were applied to the boys' backs. Andrew sighed as the man's strong hands worked on his tense shoulders.

"Ahhhhhhhhh... I could really get used to this," Andrew thought.

"Fuck me, now," Amy instructed.

"Oui, madamoiselle."

Climbing back up her lithe frame until his big black cock was lined up with her love canal, he grabbed his penis and guided it to her opening. He gently entered her, feeling her sex embrace him, enveloping his member with her warmth and wetness. Inch by inch, he entered her until she had never felt so full. When she wasn't sure she could take any more of his cock inside her, she felt the tickle of his pubes on her mound and knew that he was entirely in her.

As slowly as he had first inserted it, he pulled until just the head of his dick remained in her, then maneuvered into her again, faster this time. She moaned again as Stephen gasped, and with each thrust he increased speed until he found a rhythm that pleased both of them.

They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't hear the cabin door click as the lock disengaged. Nancy, Amy's sister, who had left the spa a few minutes before, stood at the door gaping at the sight before her. Seeing that they hadn't heard her enter, she slowly backed out and quietly closed the door. "Shit, Amy, you could've left a sock on the door or something..." Still, she smiled that her sister was getting some, wondered who the guy was, and wandered off to find something to do.

Oblivious to their unexpected voyeur, Stephen continued to fuck his new lover with increased abandon, their limbs becoming intertwined, sweat dripping from both of them. Without warning, Amy came again, her steaming cunt clamping down on his cock, her body absolutely quivering with the power of her climax. After it subsided, Stephen resumed thrusting his black mamba into her, filling her deep again and scratching the itch that she needed taken care of. Soon, his climax began to build, and he paused. "Madamoiselle..."

"Cum in me. For everything that is holy, cum in me. I'm on the pill," she panted. Without another word, Stephen thrust into her once, twice, three more times, and after slamming into her once more, he grunted animalistically and held still. Amy could feel his cock throbbing inside of her, his seed filling her to the point of boiling over, and came for the fourth time that afternoon. She grabbed hold of his shoulders for dear life, and the two of them became one as they shared their climax.

Spent, the two collapsed onto the bed together, his cock still filling her, until he began to soften. With an audible pop, he pulled out of her, and laid beside her on the bed. They both stared at the ceiling as they tried to catch their breath.

"That... was awesome," Amy gasped.

"Vous étiez magnifique," Stephen whispered, turning his head towards her and gently planting a kiss on her cheek. She turned and kissed him again, smiled, and sighed.

"You were magnificent yourself, mister."

After a few minutes of quiet cuddling, he whispered to her that he needed to shower and get going before someone caught him. Amy nodded as she watched him get up and head towards the bathroom, admiring his ass as he quietly padded across the cabin.

She had started to doze off by the time he emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered. She awakened as he kissed her again, and whispered "Merci for a great afternoon, madamoiselle."

"I'd say the pleasure was all mine, but I think we shared that," she said sleepily. "I should shower too, I'll all sticky and it's all your fault," she said with a smile, emphasizing the last three words by gently poking him in the chest. "And I loved every second of it. I'll be back in a few minutes."

With that, she swung her legs out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Checking herself in the mirror again, she was greeted by a very happy, very satisfied looking young woman. Smiling at herself, she turned and entered the shower, washing away the evidence that she and Stephen had been together.

Midway through her shower, she heard the bathroom door open. Stephen called in to her, "Madamoiselle... I must go... I do not wish my supervisor to catch me in the hallways after my shift has ended."

She turned off the shower and opened the door. Beckoning him in, she gave him one last kiss before he left. "Thank you, Stephen, I really needed that... Maybe we can meet up again before the cruise ends?"

He smiled. "Perhaps," and with that he was gone.

After she dried off and exited the bathroom, she saw that the cabin had been made up and that the sheets were changed on her bed. "Sneaky man," she thought, "he thought of everything."

Then she noticed something on her pillow. Crossing the cabin to investigate, she found he had left a heart-shaped chocolate for her.

Nearing the end of the massage, the boys were instructed to turn over onto their backs. Andrew was mortified, as his cock was standing straight up and making an obvious bulge under his towel. Looking over and seeing Eric in the same state calmed him down. The massuers, professionals as they were, made no sign that they noticed. Once he was over his original trepidation, he relaxed and was rather mellow, truth be told. He'd never had a massage before, and having spent the last hour and a half being rubbed all over by a hot man with oil - well, there were worse ways to spend an hour and a half.

"Alright, boys, you're just about done... We'll let you get dressed, then after a few minutes will return," Andrew's masseur said.

"Sounds good," Eric replied, opening his eyes. "Thank you very much, that was great."

"Yeah, that was awesome, thanks," Andrew added.

The two men left, leaving the two boys alone. "So, did you have a good time?" asked Eric as he stood, his boner finally freed from the confines of the towels.

"You have no idea," Andrew replied, moving the towel aside, releasing his cock as well. "But I have no idea how I'm going to pay for this."

"Psssh, it's my gift to you, don't worry about it," Eric said. "You can't be expected to pay for something you didn't know was going to happen, anyway. But I want to, so just leave it at that."

"Well... okay, but..."

Eric glared at him.

"Fine, you win. I'll pay you back some other way... that doesn't involve money," Andrew said, reaching over and tweaking Eric's dick.

"Ok, I'll accept that," Eric said with a grin. "Give me a hug, then let's get dressed."

The boys embraced, then started getting dressed. Andrew was just sorting out which side of his tshirt was the front when one of the masseurs came back in. "Thanks again, that was great," said Andrew.

"You're very welcome, sirs. If you'll follow me, I'll take you back out to reception so you can enjoy the rest of your day."

As they walked back into the reception area, Andrew spotted his mother coming into the spa. When she saw him emerging, she cocked her head to the side and gave him a questioning look.

"Uh, hi, mom," Andrew stammered as Eric snickered and went over to the desk to settle their bill. He sighed to himself. Steeling up his courage, he said, "Mom, can we have a talk for a minute?"

And that's Chapter Seven. Hopefully that hit the spot! If you want to drop me a note, is where you can reach me.

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