Sex and Pain

By First Name

Published on Apr 10, 2008


Many thanks to Chase for his suggestions, and for editing this story.


"Jack, I hope we are not interrupting", said the younger of the two, - an elegantly dressed, tall, lean man in his early forties, some gray in his short, perfectly styled dark hair, giving the other, a salt-and-pepper-haired man in his late forties of average height and a more solid built and an unmistakable air of entitlement, a wink. They crossed the room and were now standing next to master Jack and the stool, on which I was kneeling.

"Not at all, Chief! I am just done warming up the boy for Mr. Werner and you." He turned to Mr. Werner: "Are you ready for some after-lunch sport, sir?"

"Is that what you call it, Jack? Sport... I like that", Mr. Werner chuckled, looking me over.

Master Jack grinned at him, "What do you think sir? Is the slave to your liking?"

"Let me see now, Jack". Mr. Werner was looking at my naked body, then at my face, then he was sliding his hands up and down my exposed body, then fingering my cock and balls, then my asshole. All I could think was: "I hope he likes me, I hope I can please these new masters". A half-smile spread across his broad face. His light blue eyes shone with cruel lust. "Jack, I should have you pick all of my boys for me.

This one is an exquisite specimen... He even looks a little bit like my son... who, of course, is nowhere near this boy's physical shape ... ", Mr. Werner sniggered.

"I am glad you approve, Sir", replied master Jack, taking a few steps back and giving Mr. Werner space to maneuver. In the meantime, the taller newcomer, 'Chief', walked over to the wooden chest with all the punishment tools, and was picking out whips.

Mr. Werner was now tracing the red welts on my chest in fascination. "Such a hot body was made for other men's pleasure", he murmured, as he dragged his fingernail across a welt drawing a tiny drop of blood. My eyes welled up again. "Bleed for me baby", he whispered.

"Yes, master". "Would you like to add some to his back?", asked Chief, offering Mr. Werner, one of the two leather whips he was now holding.

"Oh yes", Mr. Werner replied, "I will start, and you join in".

The whip sung through the air and a line of burning pain exploded just under my shoulder blades. My body jerked, making the legs of the stool rattle against the concrete floor, but I managed not to scream. Mr. Werner groaned with satisfaction and swung again, putting another line of scorching pain across the first. I jerked and moaned, but managed to keep my precarious position on the stool.

"Beg for more", he said in a raspy voice.

"Please Master, whip me more! Whip me harder, Master! Make my worthless slave body hurt for your pleasure. Your joy at my pain is my only purpose!", I cried out, meaning every word.

"Yes!" He groaned loudly as he brought the whip down again and again on my poor back. Chief joined him, whipping from the other side. I was now screaming continuously, my body convulsing wildly, instinctively trying to get away from the awful pain. There was only a tiny corner of my mind left that somehow managed to keep me from falling off the stool, which was shaking non-stop, the loud rattle reverberating around the concrete room. Horrible as this was, I felt strangely connected to the two masters, who were controlling my body completely with their two whips, like a marionette with strings. The whip strikes were now coming horizontally from both sides, and through the constant background of pain I was aware that, as the whips wrapped themselves around my sides, their black leather tongues viciously bit into my skin there, and with each bite, my cock, which had gone soft when the whipping started, jerked to a new hardness and squirted more and more pre-come. I was almost delirious with lust and pain flooding my entire being.

And then it happened. I don't know whose strike it was, but his whip landed across my ravaged back, wrapped itself under my armpit and around my left pectoral, and like a venomous snake, bit into my aureole, the whip's tip snapping right at the nipple, already raw from Jack's earlier torture. It felt like a new fountain of pain shooting through my core, through my heart, which must have skipped a bit. Seemingly in slow motion, my body flew up, like a steel spring kept long in compression and finally released. I was momentarily weightless, surrounded by air as I felt an incredible mind-blowing surge of come rush through my very being and shoot out of my throbbing cock in a long graceful ark. Still in slow motion I saw the stool hit the floor; and then it was me falling, crashing on the hard concrete floor, my body convulsing in a seizure of unending orgasm, squirt after squirt of come leaving my spent flesh.

Mr. Werner and Chief started kicking my naked body with their loafered feet almost as soon as I hit the floor, long before I stopped coming. Yes, I thought, I deserved it. How dared I quit my whipping position on the stool before they were done with me? I then saw Mr Werner rip his fly open, exposing his pulsing hard meat, at least eight inches long and wide like the rest of him. He and Chief picked me up like a rag doll and threw me across the stool that Jack just picked up off the floor. My ass was sticking up, cold air from the vent in the ceiling blowing at my exposed ass-hole, my hands and feet dangling at the floor.

"Hook your feet at the back legs of the stool, and grab the front ones with your hands, faggot!", yelled Chief. I mechanically obeyed, as I felt Mr. Werner roughly grab my waist. Then I felt his fat cock.

"Take it, you fucking bitch!", he roared at the top of his lungs as he shoved it into me in one brutal plunge. The pain that ripped me from inside almost made me retch. I nearly blacked out, and when my senses fully returned, it still felt as if I was impaled with a tree-trunk. Mr. Werner was driving his meat all the way in and all the way out of me with every merciless thrust. My throat was horse with screaming, but he was screaming his joy at raping me louder. I felt Chief's shoe hitting me under my chin -- he was tapping it with the tip of his loafer. I raised my head, and saw his cock sticking out of his open fly. It was long, not as thick as Mr. Werner's, and beautiful. I raised my head and my back more and stretched my neck, moving my hands higher up the legs of the stool, in order to rich it's tip with my wide open mouth. Chief roughly grabbed my head in both hands, painfully pulling on my hair, and with my throat conveniently extended in an almost straight line, slid all of his nine inches all the way in, completely blocking my air intake. My throat muscles spasmed around his slender shaft, as I instinctively but fruitlessly tried to get air. His iron grip on my head only became stronger as he loudly moaned his pleasure, screaming, "Oh yes! Yes! Yes baby! Milk my snake, you fucking faggot slave!" Just before I blacked out, I could feel his cock spasm, as his come pumped into me.

A painful hit in the balls brought me back out. I greedily gasped for air. As it filled my lungs, I realized that even as Mr. Werner had jammed his fist into my balls, saving my worthless life, he never stopped raping my ass, and his thrusts were now coming with brutal force, threatening to send me flying off the stool, to which I was holding on for dear life.

Chief grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled my face up to his still hard cock. I sucked the remainder of his delicious come out of the cock that nearly killed me, savoring its salty flavor.

Mr. Werner was now giving his all to me with the desperation of a man nearing his orgasm. He slammed all the way in and collapsed on top of me, painfully digging his fingers into my chest, as I felt his cock shoot volley after volley of come deep into my guts. He was blubbering his mind-blowing orgasm, biting the back of my neck...

"Sloppy seconds!" I heard Chief say, as I felt Mr. Werner pull his fat cock out of my burning ass-hole. The stool, with me on it, was roughly turned around, and I was now facing Mr. Werner's still raging hard-on, dripping with come and my own ass juices. He roughly smacked me across the face and pushed his cock in my mouth. I willingly swallowed it all the way to the balls, and started to milk it with my throat muscles.

Chief loudly and painfully smacked my right butt-cheek, over and over... All I wanted at that moment, was for him to smack my left butt-cheek as many times for evenness... He didn't. As soon as he stopped, he roughly mounted me, and proceeded to savagely fuck me. He was slamming into me again and again, changing his angle a little every time, clearly trying to make it hurt as much as he could. And it did hurt. A lot. But I was also loving it. His dick was beautiful: long and slender. It was still in my mind's eye from a few minutes ago when he was raping my mouth, and at the same time it was possessing me completely through my ass-hole, taking me to an amazing trance-like state.

Mr. Werner, nearing his second orgasm, pulled his fat member almost all the way out of my throat, leaving just the bulbous head inside my mouth. I was tasting his copious pre-come, rolling my tongue around his swollen cock-head as quickly as I could, trying to make the orgasm as pleasurable for him as possible. Mr. Werner let out a loud guttural moan. His cock-head started to pulsate. Thick sticky come filled my mouth burst after burst, as he continued to moan and curse loudly.

"Open your mouth, and show me my come, bitch!" I did. "Now, swallow it!" I did. It felt completely natural. It felt right. I was fulfilling my purpose, satisfying these men's depraved need... He then put his cock-head back into my mouth.

"Keep it open, I want to see the flow", he started pissing in my mouth, and I started swallowing. His piss tasted bitter. But it seemed right that it should be so. "You better swallow every drop ... Spill any, and I will skin you alive". I believed him. There was nothing else in the world than his bitter piss flowing out of his dick and into my throat.

The flow subsided and stopped. I sucked the remaining piss out of his cock, and licked my lips. I did not spill a single drop. I looked up at him hoping for some recognition, but none came from him.

Now Chief painfully dug his fingernails into my shoulders, drawing blood, as he thrust the last few times into me, even harder and deeper then before, sending volley after volley of come deep into my ass-chute, adding it to Mr. Werner's come already there. I wondered if he was going to piss up my ass now. I wanted him to...

... And then it was over. They pulled out of my abused body, tucked in their spent dicks, pulled up their zippers, and adjusted their ties. Chief was taking Mr. Werner out for drinks to celebrate closing their deal, and share in the camaraderie and afterglow of the 'sport' they had with me. But before they left, Chief had to give the slave a tip: he dragged me off of the stool, told me to stand up at attention, which I did as much as I could. Then he proceeded to slap me left and right across my face, once, twice, three, four, five times, sending my spit and then blood, after he broke my lip, flying.

"Th-thank you, S-sir", I managed to say.

"You are welcome, boy. You have to try to be a better slave... Legs -- shoulder width... Bend over and touch your toes... Legs straight, butt up... relax it now... good..."

He picked up a cane with a split end from the bucket, and proceeded to give me a caning that was going to make me a better slave. Cut after cut of the flexible cane whistled through the air and viciously bit into my ass. I did not know that there was more pain left in me to be extracted, but he did it expertly. I was bawling like a baby. Tears, snot, and saliva were freely flowing and running down my face. He finally stopped. "Stand up". I stood up but could not stop my convulsive sobbing.

"That's a good slave", he smacked me on the cheek, kinda hard, but also playfully, and with a smile.

"Th-th-thank you, S-s-s-sir", I managed to stammer through my tears, and smile back at him.

"You see Werner", he said as they were walking out, "this treatment is the only thing that keeps these animals happy! The faggot slave enjoyed this more than we did."

"Oh, I think I enjoyed it more", I barely heard Mr. Werner chuckle.

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