Sex Chaos Love

By Alex Ryder

Published on Aug 2, 2023


This story is a fantasy. It is intended for you to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the ride. There are all sorts of things happening from very realistic to completely imaginary. It's a wild ride and I think it's fun, but it is not for everyone. There's plenty of sex, but I also like to set the story up and describe situations, people, background, anything that I think helps the story. Stick with it; I think you'll enjoy the journey.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo subjects like kink, bdsm, incest, underage sex, violence, rape, or any other weirdness - move on. This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. :) If you have comments, please email me at

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Sex, Chaos, Love

Chapter 3 Ð Dangerous Situations

Early on in his life, in his early 20's Alex was focused on succeeding and making something for himself. Alex was so focused on making money and building a business, he didn't have time for relationships. Aside from a twisted Dom/sub thing he got himself into (and almost didn't get out of), he had no real relationships in his life since around the time he graduated high school. He honestly wasn't interested in them anyway.

That doesn't mean Alex didn't have other interests. Alex had a pretty insatiable sexual appetite. When he wasn't working, he was looking to get laid, or getting laid. It both worried and surprised him that his kinky, promiscuous sex life had never been discovered by anyone he worked with, though he pushed the envelope many times.

Between work and sex, Alex had little time for friendships either. He did socialize and had friends, but he kept his distance. His experience during his first year out of high school caused him to avoid getting too close to anyone, despite a longing to.

In addition to a steady stream of hookups, Alex had several regular fuck buddies, which made things a little easier during busy work periods. There was Jarrin, the little college boy who liked to get fucked; Gregory, who was kind of a hipster dude that was into ass play and using Alex's ass; Scott who was constantly trying to convince Alex to settle down with him, but also was a great fuck; Ryan the former porn boy who was into fisting; and two somewhat dangerous boys.

The first was dangerous because it would have ended his career had anyone found out. That was Jason, a dorky looking, adorable, underage boy with almost jet-black hair and a smile that always stopped Alex in his tracks. Then there was the real disaster, Adam. Alex not only brought Adam into his life, but into his home. Adam was only 20, but had developed a very twisted and downright mean personality. He treated Alex like shit and almost ruined everything for Alex.

Against his better judgment, Alex started hooking up with Jason. This boy was the son of a candidate that Alex had worked for. He was thin, a little shorter than Alex, with slight hands and a quiet demeanor. He had piercing green eyes. Jason was totally infatuated with Alex and Alex was completely obsessed with Jason. They developed a friendship during the campaign and spent a lot of time together. Eventually, Alex and Jason couldn't resist themselves and they fucked. Then they fucked some more. In fact, they fucked a lot. There was one problem, aside from Jason's closeness to one of Alex's clients; Jason was only 14 Ð a full 8 years younger than Alex at the time and most definitely against the law. It didn't seem to deter Alex.

Alex so enjoyed being with Jason that he risked a lot to keep a relationship going with him. They figured out ways to see each other without drawing suspicion. He found himself addicted to sex with this boy and had urges for him nonstop. He loved getting fucked by a boy so young. Jason had gone through puberty fairly early and was very sexually aware for a kid his age. He was of average size for his age, about 6 inches Ð still bigger than Alex. He knew how to do things that he shouldn't have at 14. Alex certainly enjoyed fucking that young boy too. He savored every bit of Jason.

It went on for two years before Jason's family moved away, which was likely for the best. Alex was amazed it could last so long without anyone finding out. This was a mystery that Alex would figure out later in life. Despite the potential for disaster, the whole experience was one Alex loved. Jason's departure left Alex very vulnerable. He liked Jason a lot. It's when he really began to understand his fetish for teenage boys and realize that there are some who are fitting for a relationship.

The most dangerous situation that Alex got into, the one that nearly brought him down was Adam. This was a boy that Alex always tried to meet, but could never close the deal. Adam simply was not interested, which made Alex want him even more. Adam was cute and innocent looking. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes. He was relatively short, but had a nice solid build. He had ears that sort of stuck out, but all Alex could see were a couple of handles to hold the boy's head still. He thought they made him really cute, too. What Alex thought was a brooding and masculine demeanor, was actually hiding a manipulative and downright evil person.

No matter how much Alex was hooking up, he always obsessed over this boy. That obsession caused Alex to do stupid things. The first stupid move was getting Adam to come over under false pretenses.

While online one night and hanging out in one of the hookup chat rooms, he saw Adam come on. Even though he had already tricked once that night, Alex was still super horny, and fixated on Adam. He opened up a chat window and said hello. Adam ignored him as he always did. So Alex decided to come up with a story that would get Adam to come over. He told Adam that he had another boy here, one that he knew Adam would be interested in, and the boy wanted to have a threesome with the two of them. After a bit of back and forth, Adam agreed to come over.

When Adam arrived, he stormed right in and saw that no one else was there. "Where the fuck is the boy you told me about? Adam said in a suspicious tone. "He's not here." Alex replied sheepishly. Adam walked right up to Alex and stood very close to him and yelled in his face "YOU FUCKING LYING ASSHOLE!" Adam was at least 6 inches shorter than Alex, but was so much more imposing than him.

"Please, don't go." Alex pleaded as Adam went for the door. "Fuck you! Why the fuck would I stay here? You think you're gonna get with me after this?" "I know, I know. I shouldn't have lied, but please stay. I'll do anything for you. Anything." "You are so fucking pathetic. What a fucking loser. What do you mean by anything?"

"Name it." Alex said in desperation.

Adam looked around the apartment and started to get ideas in his head. What Alex didn't know is that Adam had been sleeping in his car for the last month. He got kicked out of his last apartment because he didn't pay his rent on time. Adam was a deadbeat who barely worked and spent whatever cash he made on going out and drugs. He saw this as an opportunity.

"I tell you what. I'll let you suck my dick, but you have to give me something in return." "Yes, of course, anything. What do you want?" "Your bed. I want to sleep in your bed." "That's easy," responded Alex thinking he'd be sleeping with this boy, "I'd love to have you in my bed." "You're fucking stupid. I don't want you in the bed. I want it for myself." "And where am I supposed to sleep? "I don't give a fuck."

Foolishly, Alex acquiesced. He let this boy come in and kick him out of his own bed, in his own apartment. It would only go downhill from here.

Adam started to make demands instantly. He wanted Alex to clear his desk off and let him use his computer so he could cruise the chat rooms. He wanted an ashtray. Adam was a heavy smoker Ð something that Alex wasn't too keen on. Even though he didn't let people smoke in his apartment, he made the exception for Adam. The boy also demanded Alex to make him something to eat. Alex went about doing everything Adam asked. Twenty minutes later and he still didn't have Adam's dick in his mouth.

Adam sat at Alex's desk and started signing on to chat rooms. Alex stood close by, waiting for Adam to fulfill his side of the bargain. "Go away! I'll let you know when I'm ready. And stay the fuck out of the bedroom, unless you're going in there to make it more comfortable for me." There really was no place to `go away'. It was a small one-room apartment with a small bedroom. Alex went about getting extra pillows and another comforter for Adam. He made the bed and turned it down for him. He started to think to himself, "I'm going through a lot of trouble here for a blow job. But damn, he so fucking hot." Alex went and sat on a chair waiting for Adam to call for him again.

It was late. More than an hour went by. Alex dozed off while Adam tinkered on the computer. Adam sat there with one hand alternating between his thick 7 inch cock and a cigarette and the other typing away on the keyboard. "Hey faggot! Get over here, NOW!" A startled Alex jumped up and dashed over to Adam.

"I've got a boy coming over. He's on his way. You need to get out of here." "Seriously? You want me to leave my own apartment?"

Adam stood up, grabbed Alex by the neck and pushed him into the wall. Suddenly, he wasn't so cute anymore.

"You're going to do what I say and get the fuck out of here. Or I am going to really kick you out the door." "OK, OK, there's a vacant apartment across the hall. I'll go there. Let me know when you're finished." "Yeah, whatever. Oh, and one more thing. I found your file of pervy pics on your computer. All those young boysÉ I emailed them all to my phone. Do one stupid thing and I send them to all kinds of people."

While Alex had no idea if this was true, he couldn't afford the risk. He did have some compromising photos on his computer. He left his own apartment and went to the empty studio across the hall. He sat on the floor and tried to think of what to do about this situation.

Adam fucked the boy that came over. Then he walked around the apartment and decided he was going to take everything this guy had and fuck him up him while doing it. It got Adam off to abuse people. He loved the rush he got from inflicting pain and humiliation. He needed a place to live and this was pretty nice. He also decided that he was going to get this guy to pay for things, even drive him around. He was going to get all he could for as long as he could. He had himself his own personal slave. He sensed Alex was weak and thought he probably was getting off on this himself.

Alex woke up curled up on the dusty wood floor of the empty apartment. The sun was shining brightly through the windows. He was hoping he wasn't late for work. He went over to his apartment and opened the door. As he walked in, Adam called out to him. "Hey faggot, make me breakfast and clean up that mess in the bedroom." A somewhat annoyed Alex responded, "I have to get to work, dude. Maybe you should just go and I'll never bother you again."

A naked Adam got up from the desk and stomped toward Alex, who was distracted by the hot, naked boy coming at him. Adam pushed Alex to the ground and gave him a hard kick in the balls. He pushed Alex back and put his foot on his chest. "I don't think you get it faggot. You told me you'd do anything for me. Now you're fucking going to do everything for me. If you don't I will fuck you up and tell everybody about you. I have emails, phone numbers, addresses. I know where you work. You're fucked now. You're mine now. You're gonna do everything I tell you. I fucking own you now. You will call me Sir from now on. You wanted me. Now take your fucking clothes off and get to work being my bitch." With that he spit on Alex's face and told him to do what he was told. "You should probably call off work today."

Alex was completely dumbfounded, but feared what would happen if he didn't do what Adam said. He stripped and started to make his way to the kitchen.

"Wait faggot," Adam barked. "You wanted my dick right? Get on your knees." Alex dropped to his knees as told thinking he was finally going to get something out of this. He did all right. Adam pointed his cock right at Alex and started to piss. Right there on Alex, on the floor. "Open your mouth and start drinking toilet boy." Alex took his cock in his mouth and started swallowing hot morning piss from Adam's cock. It smelled of sex and tasted like the fucking he gave that boy last night. Alex was both afraid and a little turned on.

Alex cleaned up the piss, then made and served breakfast to Adam. He cleaned out his ashtray and cleaned up the area around him. He then went into the bedroom. The sheets were all messy from the boy he had here last night. Alex stripped the bed and replaced the sheets, then cleaned up the room.

"May I take the sheets down to the laundry Sir?" "Fuck if I care. Take my clothes too, they need a good washing." Alex realized he was naked and really didn't want to walk through the building that way. "May I put on some clothes to go to the laundry room?" "Fuck no. You stay naked."

Alex thought this was definitely a bad idea. Clearly Adam either wasn't too bright or not thinking this through.

"Sir, if I get caught naked in the building, it could get me into trouble. I don't want to create any problems for you, Sir. I wouldn't want to get kicked out and have you sleep in your car again, Sir."

Adam realized this made sense. "Fine. Naked in here. Clothes out there. Just jeans or shorts. No shirt. No shoes. No underwear. Now leave me the fuck alone."

Alex came back from the laundry room a found Adam emptying out the bottom of his coat closet. "Does this door lock?" Adam said as he pointed to the closet door. "Yes Sir." "Good, cause that's where you'll go when I have boys over or I don't want to see you. You'll be here in case I need you. And you won't have to go around the building naked." Even though there was some twisted logic, Alex really didn't like this idea. "Um, but SirÉ" Adam stormed up to Alex and gave him a hard smack in his face. He did it a second time on the other side. Then he pushed him down again and stood on his chest, "How long is it going to take you to figure out that I fucking own you? Get rid of this shit, give me the key to this door and one for the apartment and get in here when you come back."

Adam had been in Alex's apartment for barely 12 hours and he'd already taken over. As the next few days went on, Adam's control over Alex only became tighter. As weeks went on, Alex was caught in a situation that he had no idea how to get out of. Aside from work he never went anywhere, he simply wasn't allowed to. He was giving thousands of dollars to Adam. Feeding him, doing his laundry, even bathing him and trimming his finger and toe nails. Alex spent many nights in that closet. Adam paraded all kinds of boys into `his' apartment and had Alex cleaning up after them. And, Adam was painfully abusing Alex on a regular basis.

Adam was physically abusive to Alex. He beat him up on multiple occasions, usually careful not hurt his face or leave a bruise where it could be seen. He kicked and punched Alex's balls. He flogged and whipped him. Alex healed quickly, but Adam kept on him. These beatings were also taking a toll on Alex. Between them, the minimal amount of sleep he was allowed to get, being cramped in a closet too much of the time, being kept away from others, and not being able to eat right, Alex was falling apart. He didn't think he's make it to his next birthday, his 25th. This situation had been going on for just shy of one year.

It wasn't like most of the things Adam forced Alex to do were things Alex didn't enjoy. In fact, he very much enjoyed almost all of it Ð the watersports, the floggings, CBT Ð Alex had always been extremely kinky and willing to try and do anything. It was the combination of how often they happened, how aggressive and mean he was and that they happened without any sexual interaction or intimacy. And nothing was on Alex's terms in any remote way. Coupled with the money and restrictions, this was moving in a terrible for Alex.

One night the cycle was broken. Adam went on a rampage for seemingly no reason at all and began beating on Alex when they came home one night. Alex had driven Adam to the bar and, like he did many nights, waited outside for him to come out. Alex suspected, based on his behavior, that Adam was on meth, a fairly regular occurrence. This batch must have been laced with something.

He had Alex on the floor and he kicked and kicked Ð while still wearing his shoes. Alex felt something break more than once. He tried to get away, but Adam was too quick and pinned him down hit him in the face a few times. He finally did break free. Bloody and in pain, he went down to his car and drove himself to the hospital. He barely made it there and collapsed into a heap once he walked into the ER.

Alex thought of making up a story about what happened to him. He really didn't want anyone to know the truth of how he let someone do this to him for a year. He told the ER people that he brought a guy home from the park (there was a local cruising spot at a park near the lake) and the guy gay bashed him. He figured if the police went to his apartment and found Adam, they'd take him in for a hate crime. Adam really had no credibility to convince them otherwise. Though when the police arrived, Adam was gone and Alex's apartment was trashed.

Alex never saw Adam again. He's not really sure what happened to him or where he went. He also doesn't care.

Alex needed time to get himself back together. He got back into his work and got back out and about. He reconnected with his fuck buddies. He had taken a break from sex and hooking up. Of course, being what he was, that was the thing he got back to quickest. Not much time passed before Alex was on the prowl again, though he did have to ease into some of his fetishes and kinks. He was also much more cautious.

Alex told his co-workers and friends that he had fallen into a terrible depression and had gotten hooked on prescription pain killers for a while. It was bullshit and no one really believed it, but it was enough for people to move on, especially as Alex healed, mentally. He couldn't figure out why his physical wounds and bruises healed so quickly. It not only puzzled him, it confounded the doctors. It would be several more years before he learned why that was.

He learned a few lessons and a few things about himself through this fiasco. He would never let that happen again. Even if he were to explore being a slave again, it would be on his terms and he'd always retain his freedom to be himself, leaving the submissiveness at home.

Alex got back on track from the awful year of Adam. It wasn't long before he was coasting to great success and his destiny.

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 4

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