Sex in College Series

By Red Re

Published on Nov 8, 2014


Sex in College

This is my first story here on Nifty. I'm still in high school but I'm excited about going to college next year! Let me know what you think. Email me at

Chapter 1

I woke up to the alarm going off. Today was the day. I was headed off to college today. I quickly got out of bed and rushed over to the bathroom to get ready. I showered and put on some clothes and then headed downstairs to meet my parents.

"There he is!" exclaimed my mother as she saw me enter the kitchen. "Are you ready honey?"

"Yep. My bags are all packed," I replied.

"I can't believe you're headed off to college," my mom said as she gave me a hug.

I couldn't believe it either. I was nervous and excited. I quickly ate some breakfast waffles that my mother had warmed up and then I went back upstairs to grab my bags. I put the bags in my parents car and then we all got in and we set off towards the university.

On the ride over, I thought about what was ahead of me. Everyone had said that college was a lot of fun. My friend who had a brother in college told me about all the partying and drinking that was going to happen. He also told me that there was a lot of sex too. I was gay and I had never had sex so I was excited to have sex for the first time.

We got to the university just at lunch time. We stopped at a burger place to grab lunch before we drove over to my freshman dorm. Getting out of the car, I looked around. The place was busy with other freshmen and their parents moving into the dorm. I grabbed my backpack and walked towards the entrance.

"Hello! Welcome to Emerson Hall!" said a guy sitting behind a table at the entrance to my new dorm. "What's your name?"

"Kyle Porter," I replied.

"Nice to meet you Kyle. I'm John, one of the RAs in Emerson. Let's see where your room is," he said as he looked down at his papers. "You'll be in room 215 with Jake Preston."

Jake. He was going to be my new roommate. I hoped he was going to be nice.

"Here are your keys," said John as he handed me a pair of keys. "Let me know if you need help with anything!"

"Thanks," I replied as I took the keys and then walked back to where my parents were unloading the car.

"Room 215," I said.

"Alright lets go then!" said my dad as he picked up two of the bags.

We gathered all the stuff from the car and walked into the dorm. Emerson Hall was one of the older dorms on campus. It had three floors and was all male. We took the stairs up to the second floor and walked down the hall. The hall was busy with guys walking around chatting and some parents as well. Several guys said hello and introduced themselves as we walked down the hall. My room was at the end. Room 215. I knocked on the door. In a few seconds, the door opened and a guy with brown hair and a big smile stepped out.

"Hey, you must be Kyle, I'm Jake."

"Hey, good to meet you."

"Welcome to our room," Jake replied as he opened the door for me to walk in.

The room was small and had a bed, desk and a set of drawers on each side. Jake had already put stuff on the right side so I put my stuff down on the left. My parents followed me in with the bags they were carrying. Jake introduced himself to my parents. After we had put all the stuff down, my parents both gave me big hugs.

"We're going to miss you honey. Don't forget to call," my mom said.

"I will mom."

"We're so proud of you son," my dad said.

"Thanks dad."

My parents said their goodbyes and left leaving just me and Jake.

"So you want some help with your stuff?" Jake asked.

"No thanks. I'll just tackle it later," I replied as I lay down on the bed. "I just want to enjoy the new freedom I have right now."

Jake laughed. "Yep. College is going to be fun."

"I did want to tell you something about myself first though," Jake said. "I'm gay."

I sat straight up and looked at Jake. He had a serious face.

"That's cool. I'm gay too," I replied.

"Oh nice!" Jake said as a smile appeared on his face. "We're going to have a lot of fun this year then."

He walked over to my bed and sat down next to me and kissed me on the lips. It felt really good and soon we were making out on the bed. I got an erection instantly and from the bulge in Jake's pants I knew he had one as well. He then started taking his clothes off and I did the same until we were both naked on the bed. Jake sucked my erect penis and then turned me around and got on top of me. He pushed his hard penis into my ass and started fucking me. It felt better than anything I'd felt before. I was moaning as he fucked me hard. Before I knew it I had an orgasm and started ejaculating. Jake had an orgasm too and started ejaculating in my ass. When he was done, he pulled his penis out and lay down on the bed next to me.

"That was amazing," he said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay your turn now," he said as he turned over.

My penis became erect again and I got on top of Jake. I pushed my penis into his ass and started fucking. It felt amazing. Jake was moaning as I fucked him and soon he was ejaculating again. I had another orgasm and ejaculated in Jake's ass. I pulled out after I was done and we both got up from the bed. The bed was covered with our semen.

"That was fun," Jake said as he put his clothes back on.

"Yeah, I can't wait to do that again."

"Me too," replied Jake. "Let's grab dinner and then do it again tonight."

"Sounds like a plan!" I replied.

I couldn't believe I had just had sex for the first time and I couldn't wait to do it again. After we were both dressed we headed to the cafeteria to grab dinner excited to continue our fun when we got back.

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