Sex Pot

Published on Dec 28, 2023


Sex Pot Chapter 10

The Sex Pot

(A Poker Game Story)


Randy MacAnus

© 2019-2023 All Rights Reserved By The Author

If you would like to see the story continue, you can email me with your opinions and suggestions at:

This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky. If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to modifying, if I get interesting feedback.

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Chapter 10

Freddy was much more motivated, now that his father knew everything. He was a boy who thrived on structure and obedience, but had had no real direction in his life. He knew now that if he was to avoid a minimum wage future, he would have to keep his grades up and be an excellent sex slave. And not just for us, but for his father and brothers as well.

When he came to us, he had no real motivation for anything. Now, he had a goal--develop his skills as a computer programmer. It was his best chance of one day being free and independent, with a decent income. If he succeeded, he wouldn't be rich, but he wouldn't be on the street either. Freddy told us that he figured his family would get bored with him at some point. He hoped if he had a skill, they'd just throw him out, and he could strike out on his own. Where before, he had studied to avoid punishment, he now worked diligently because he wanted and needed to.

Whether he could sustain the attitude and effort remained to be seen, but it was a good start. Hopefully, his father would let him finish school, and we could use him and whore him out for the full four years! (I'm an optimist.)

The word about Freddy had been spreading, and I was getting a steady stream of emails, inquiring about rates and availability. I decided to raise Freddy's rates. He was in demand, and with his new attitude, he had become a better bitch.

Also, I didn't want him getting fucked out, right before Thanksgiving. His father would not have been amused. The new rates were beyond the reach of a majority of students, but the students who were better off, plus the interested adults were fine with the rates. Freddy was a rarity--a stunning, straight, teen beauty, who couldn't say no!


I had to line up a couple of novice subs for Freddy's brothers, and I knew just where to start. I called the Goth Girls, Muffy and Buffy. They had acquired a sub from among the boys who'd fucked Freddy that day. And they had said we could use him. I told them the full situation. They said they would lend me their sub, if they could watch him being used by Freddy's brothers. Oh, heck yes!

But then they also wanted another go at Freddy--for free. I wasn't willing to make that trade, and we negotiated half of their original price to use him. They wanted him before Thanksgiving. I didn't want him used on Wednesday. His father would be picking him up that afternoon. We arranged a time on Tuesday evening. They would be Freddy's last fuck before his Father got him. I set a time limit this time. They weren't thrilled, but they understood.

Their boy bitch was sleeping on the floor in their room, rather than in his dorm, so they wanted to know if we could keep him through Monday evening, when we would be done with him. They didn't want to schlep him back and forth. We said sure, Freddy's cage would be available. But we wanted him naked. And we didn't want him to have clothes in our house. They really liked that! In fact, they wanted us to pick him up with our van. He would be transported stark naked, except for his collar and leash.

We needed a second novice bitch. When I was going to Freddy's classes to explain his new position in life to his classmates, one had given me his email. He had offered to be our slave on weekends. Time to give him a call. It turned out he wasn't going home for Thanksgiving, and he was in fact, a virgin. We told him what we wanted from him. He agreed on two conditions--that we start to use him regularly, and that he get to serve the twins again over the Christmas break. That definitely worked for us!

Tuesday evening arrived. We pulled up in front of the Goth Girls dorm, and texted them. We're classy guys. We don't honk. It's a co-ed dorm so there were both girls and guys cheering and applauding the blushing naked boy being led on a leash through the halls, down the stairs, and out to our van. The girls had trained him well. He waited by the van, with his hands at his sides, until he was ordered to get in the back. I'd forgotten how cute he was! Once Freddy's brothers were done with him, we might want to use him ourselves!

We wouldn't be picking up the other novice slave until the next afternoon, when he was done with his last class. So it was time for the Goth Girls to get to work on Freddy! The girls decided on the outdoor pillory, and asked us to invite our neighbors over to watch. This would be a nice change of pace for the neighborhood! We had a mass text set up for the neighbors, so they got immediate notification.

As the neighbors began arriving (with snacks and beer) for another erotic show, the girls locked Freddy into the pillory. Muffy and Buffy were wearing short leather vests that left their abs exposed, black combat boots, and black running shorts. They wore nothing underneath. Once Freddy was locked in and the neighbors were gathered, the girls stepped out of the shorts and unbuttoned their vests, so their pert firm breasts were peeking out. The neighbors cheered and the girls took a bow.

The pillory was set to the height that had him bent at the waist. So both ends were at just the right height for fucking. His head and wrists were locked into the holes. A spreader bar was added, to keep his legs spread to maximum width. Unlike the bench, which hid the front of his body from view, the pillory left every part of him exposed.

The girls had made an interesting suggestion, and we decided to take them up on it. Their slave had gained a lot of experience in serving the girls orally and taking strap-ons in a way that increased pleasure for his owners. But he had never sucked a cock.

The girls suggested that we remove Freddy's cage, and let their slave suck him, while he was being spit-roasted. If Freddy came, he would be punished by the slave who made him cum. If he managed to avoid an orgasm, Freddy would finish the encounter by taking the slave over his knee and spanking him until his ass was bright red. Either way, both boys would be naked and collared during the punishment.

We thought that was fantastic! We even decided to shoot video of the whole thing. That was something we had not done with the Goth Girls before. But now that Mike had assured me that he could blur out or avoid faces other than the two slaves, we figured this would be a super hot variation, to add to our second video!

Freddy was informed of the challenge after he was locked into the pillory. He was enthusiastic. Our horny boy was more than willing to endure the punishment if he could cum!

The Goth Girls' slave, whose name was Ricky, wasn't so sure. He'd never sucked cock. He didn't know what to do. And he did not want to be spanked! The combination of humiliation and pain had always made Ricky hard in anticipation of the punishment, and he always came during the spanking. And that led to more punishment! But this time it would be in front of a whole bunch of our neighbors! And he wasn't at all sure he wanted to be spanked in front of a bunch of strangers!

I discussed the technique with him, told him that Freddy's dick was on the small side, and should be manageable. And Freddy would be in no position to fuck his throat. Ricky would actually be in control. He still wasn't sure, so I promised to coach him, while he was sucking.

Muffy said, "Slave this is going to happen. So take the advice and make the best of it."

The slave gave me a pleading look, but knew he wasn't going to receive a get-out-of-cock-sucking-free card. He sighed, then turned to Muffy and said, "Yes, my Goddess."

I had no doubt Freddy would cum. He hadn't shot his load since the Frat party, three weeks earlier. Ricky took up his position under Freddy. With our slave bent at the waist, it was easy to do. He went to work at the same time Muffy and Buffy did.

Muffy put Freddy's willing tongue to work, while Buffy began prepping his boy twat for the fucking to come. Muffy grabbed our little blonde's ears and buried his head in her girl parts. As Freddy now knew where the clitoris was, he went right to work with enthusiasm.

Now that his father knew what was going on, the boy had come to the conclusion that he would never actually get to get his cute little dick into a girl--or anyone else! Freddy admitted later, that he had a bad feeling, that this would be the last time his dick was free of the cage--ever! He was sure this was the only way he would ever pleasure a girl. So he went to town!

And Muffy responded very quickly. Buffy was up to three fingers in Freddy's ass by the time her sister came. She figured Freddy was ready. The crowd cheered as Muffy took her strap-on out of her toy bag and strapped it on. She switched places with Buffy.

Muffy then plowed into Freddy's ass at the same time Buffy grabbed his ears and put his tongue to work. And all the while little Ricky was going to town on Freddy's dick, while I coached him. Freddy was moaning and humping as the crowd cheered. The kid wasn't very good, but as horny as Freddy was, I didn't think he needed to be!

Freddy looked like he was in heaven. He was actually getting to service girls! They may have been utterly dominant, androgynous girls, who were more masculine than our Freddy was, but they were girls! And they were responsive to his efforts!

But not as responsive as Freddy was to the three people using his body in various ways. He was licking clit like crazy. At the same time, he was going into auto-hump from the pegging. And to top it off, our helpless naked slave was hard and leaking from the amateur tongue that was lapping at his little dick. Quite suddenly, Freddy exploded all over the kneeling boy's face. Punishment was guaranteed!

Buffy shouted, "Ricky! Don't stop! He'd better cum a second time before my sister and I are done with him, or your ass will be too sore to sit on for a week!"

"Yes, my Goddess!"

And cute naked Ricky went right back to work!

I was hoping little Ricky would come up short, so both boys would be punished. But alas, Freddy was so horned-up, and he was so full of ball juice, that he managed a second orgasm right about the time the girls swapped ends. Bets were being made among the crowd, as to whether Freddy would manage a third. I could see Ricky was running out of energy, and it was likely his tongue and mouth were getting sore, so I made a bet against it.

Turned out I was right. Muffy and Buffy managed their fourth orgasms at about the same time, just before they reached their time limit. The Girls had not required Ricky to generate a third load out of Freddy, which may have reduced his motivation.

After everyone was done an exhausted Ricky said, "I think I sprained my tongue."

Tapped out as they were, even Freddy and the Goth Girls laughed at that!

The crowd roared with laughter, at the remark then cheered and applauded the performance. Muffy and Buffy took another bow, then slipped on their shorts and buttoned their vests. We helped Ricky to his feet, and sat him on the fuck bench. Once he'd recovered a little, we released Freddy from the pillory and attached his wrists to the back of his collar.

As Freddy had cum twice, we decided there would be two punishments. While Ricky was recovering, we walked our fuck toy through the crowd, and allowed each person one swat on each cheek of that amazing ass. Our slave's butt was already a bright pink by the time we laid him across Ricky's lap. Ricky was relentless. Freddy was in tears and both butt cheeks were bright red by the time he finished. Ricky's hand was also bright red. Muffy and Buffy were very pleased with their boy.

Buffy said, "Make sure you give him a real workout. We don't want him to be all spoiled, and feel privileged!"

"Would you like us to make sure he's grateful he belongs to the two of you?"

The twins laughed and nodded, then fist bumped each other as they left their boy toy with us for the long weekend.

I leaned down and asked Freddy, "Were the two orgasms worth the punishment, boy?"

"Oh, gosh yes! Thank you for the opportunity Master."

"You're welcome. However, I now know that the punishments aren't severe enough. I want you to have to think long and hard about whether an orgasm is worth it. Thanks for that information."

The look on his face was priceless! I wasn't all that sure we'd ever let him have another one. His father might have some say in that. And I would never up the ante on punishment to the point that the boy would be damaged. But I figured I'd given him something to think about!

As everyone was leaving, and Mark was helping Freddy to his feet, I received a text from our other weekend slave. He was planning on coming over directly from his last class on his bicycle, and needed our address. I hadn't bothered to get his name, but it was in the text. Micky. So we would have Ricky and Micky this weekend. I should probably introduce him to Buffy and Muffy! Either that or find another slave named Dicky. I'm easily amused by word play.

I texted back, gave him the address, and his other instructions. Prior to coming over, I wanted him to stop at his gym locker, put his school clothes inside, and put on his running shorts and sneakers. Nothing else, except his bike helmet.

I also ordered him to remove everything at our front door, before ringing the bell. I told him he was to stand naked, in the display position until we decided to answer the door, no matter who might be passing by. As reassurance, I told him that everyone in the neighborhood was used to seeing naked boys come and go from our place. They might stop and enjoy the view, but the wouldn't interfere. I received an almost instant "Yes, Master" in reply. This kid should fit right in!

Tomorrow was going to be fun! After classes we would be taking a naked Freddy to the airport. He would be flying all the way to Montana, buck naked and restrained. He didn't even have clothes in Montana. His father had given them all away!

His father would be on the plane, and would be fucking him during the trip home. So Freddy would get to join the mile high club! Once Freddy was on the plane, his sixteen year old twin brothers, likely after copping major feels, would be coming off the plane. As they would be training as submissives for the first three days, they would be arriving naked and collared. Hopefully their father would manage to keep his hands off! If they were half as cute as Freddy, that would take an act of will!


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Next: Chapter 11

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