Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Apr 10, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of marvel comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

Chapter 2

Sean woke up in a room with stainless white walls that were almost blinding and cabinets full of medical supplies. He tried to get up but that's when he realized it. He was restrained by metal bars holding him to the bed. But there was something different about Sean now he felt more powerful more in control.

Sean: (Okay what's up with the metal bars? What don't they trust me?) With that Sean concentrated on making the bars move with his telekinesis. But it was no use the bars didn't budge. "Hello, anybody there?"

Jean and a mature man in a wheel chair walked into the room through sliding glass doors.

Wheels: "Sean glad your awake now. I'm Professor Charles Xavier but most students call me Professor. Do you know where you are? Well I guess you wouldn't huh? You're at the institute that Jean told you about in Kentucky. Here we try to teach mutants how to control their powers and it's basically a safe haven for mutants. To my knowledge your parents have signed over full custody of you and since your only 16 you'll be staying with us until you turn 18 after that it's your choice whether you stay or not."

Sean: "Yeah one question. Why am I barred to this table? What you guys got some kinky fetish thing going on `cause I mean give me some warning if you are. I can get freaky with the rest of em but damn!"

Jean couldn't help but burst out laughing at that but the Professor had a serious look on his face.

Professor: "We restrained you because we thought you might be violent. Which leads me to another subject what exactly lead you to attack three guys in a hallway?"

Sean: "Well if you have to know so bad they jumped me right before I met Jean. Actually I guess it would be easier if I just showed you what happened instead of doing it all. Don't worry I'm psychic and by the way you give off energy I'm guess you are too."

Professor: "well yes I am psychic and if you will allow me entrance into your mind I think this could be over quite quickly." Sean nodded is assent and without hesitation the Professor entered and came to looking slightly dazed.

Jean: "What is it professor?"

Professor: "Oh, Sean you had an alter ego right?"

Sean: "What do you mean had? He's in there somewhere."

Professor: "No Sean when Jean used so much power to put you to sleep she actually merged your personalities, at least that's what I got out of what I saw. Really she did something that was already happening it used to be that our alter ego had control in ways that were beyond you but by yesterday he had to ask permission to take control of your body and not just take it. Anyways, it was your alter ego that went back for the fight but with his influence you attacked Nathaniel for revenge. I'm sure that something like that won't happen again, right?

Sean smiled and said, "Yeah next time I get jumped I'll handle them right then and there because obviously you don't always know if you're gonna be able to get them back the next day." The Professor frowned. "Jeez can't you take a joke I'll try to control myself next time. Now can you please unbar me?"

Jean: "Oh right let me do that. You probably tried to move it yourself, right? Well these bars can't move from outside influence only the computer can tell them to move." She walked over to a computer in a corner of the room and clicked a few buttons. Before Sean knew it the bars were quickly sliding away. He jumped from the table and started to stretch his legs.

Sean: "Feels like I've been laying there for years how long was I out?"

Professor: "About 17 hours. Jean will show you your room and help you get anything you need. It's about 3 am so try be a little quiet coming up."

Sean: "Coming up what? What part of the school is this anyways?"

Jean: {Do you always ask so many questions? This is the med bay and we're underground so we have to take an elevator to get to the regular parts of the mansion. And I already know yea it's a mansion and it serves as both a school and a house where people live and sleep at. Oh and the Professor will explain the rest tomorrow at your meeting with the rest of the senior staff. Well then are you ready to go and see your room?}

Sean: {Yeah, sure but I don't see how I'm going to sleep at all tonight I was just unconscious for almost and entire day.}

The two walked out of the med bay into a hallway that was still the same blinding white with doors to unknown places to Sean. The hallway ended with an elevator door which promptly opened when Jean pressed the button.

Jean: {So Sean, what do you like to do for fun? I mean just because I'm going to be one of your teachers doesn't mean that I can't be your friend.}

Sean: {Well to be honest Jean I'm probably the most antisocial person to ever exist. What I do for fun is fantasize about hot guys that will never want me, well until now that is. I don't know something's changed about me. Up until yesterday I would have been scared shitless about this whole thing but after you put me in that coma it's like this isn't anything to worry about. Well, except for the Professor.}

The doors to the elevator opened up to the second floor of the mansion looking in straight to the front door and the grand staircase leading to it. Sean gasped in surprise at how beautiful the place really was. The mansion was all wooded floors with lots of polished wood everywhere even the walls were polished wood.

Jean: "What do you mean except for the Professor?! He's a good man why don't you trust him?"

Sean: "Well there's your voice. Anyways, I don't trust him because when he went into my mind I went in his. He's dirtier than a pig that just got done rollin in the mud is what he is. Everyone is so blinded by him doing all this good that they don't notice he tries to restrain every mutant that's stronger than him or even with the right training could be stronger than him."

Jean: "He restrains them for the safety of everyone else."

Sean: "Wow you know you're pretty naïve. He restrains them because he can't stand that someone is more powerful than him and I bet tomorrow he'll suggest that he put mind blocks on my powers because I could lose control and hurt people. So, where's this room I'm staying in?"

Jean couldn't believe what Sean was suggesting. She would definitely have to tell the professor about what Sean thinks of him so that they could clear the water. But for some reason all that Sean was saying wasn't a lie in his mind. She could sense if he was lying via telepathy but she didn't pick anything up. So then it was decided, she would wait until after the meeting to tell the professor and if he did bring up Sean's power then she wouldn't. She led Sean down one of the many hallways and up a long flight of stairs.

Jean: {You're new here Sean and usually we'd assign you a roommate but we have a lot of new rooms from renovations and add ons to the mansion to the mansion so for now it's all yours.}

Jean opened the door to the bedroom and Sean couldn't believe it. the room was great. Wood floors like the rest of the house and you could definitely fit like five or six guys in there comfortably. The rest though was very rudimentary a bed and a desk was all the furniture in it.

Jean: "Tomorrow I'll take you shopping to get some things to make this place your own. I know right now it just seems like a big empty space but eventually this should become your home."

Jean said this while she was walking out of the room and closed the door. Sean walked around the room still inspecting how great this place was there was a smile on his face the whole time.

(I could definitely get used to this.) Just then he noticed something in the far corner of his room. It was a thick white book. Sean walked over to it which took a bit longer than usual since the room was still kind of large. With closer inspection Sean noticed that it was actually white leather bound and it had a shiny silver lock on it. the lock had no key hole or anything. (I wonder how you open it.) He thought just as he ran his fingers over the lock

"Click" just when his fingers got done running over the lock it opened. (Well whoever left this in here definitely better get their money back for that lock. Wait a minute who did leave this in her I thought these were knew rooms.) By that revelation Sean just couldn't keep himself from opening the book. He pulled the hard leather bound cover back but instead of seeing a blank page like you usually see for the very first page of that book the books pages glowed with light that to anyone else would be blinding. But for Sean he just stared in fascination. The light was a comfort o him. It washed over his face and cleared his mind of any kind of doubt from the book. The light was teaching him it was telling him things. Not with words but with the feeling that were running through him. Then the light slowly dimmed to where Sean could read the few words on its page. Sean Knew exactly what to do. Almost like second instinct he did it.

"Powers of the wind arise

Come to me and tell me wise,

Sweep me over and give me cold,

Show me what me what my destiny holds."

With then end of his words the two glass doors leading to a balcony Sean didn't notice before burst open and the wind flew in. Twisting and turning and blowing in the room around. Sean was quickly lifted from the ground and the minute the wind touched his skin his eyes emitted the same light as the book. The wind was making a tornado around him going faster and faster and Sean was just staring off into space he wasn't thinking anything all he could do was watch as his powers came fully to him. What he had before was just a fraction of what he was truly destined to have. Something was holding him back but the spell broke the block he had and finally gave him what he didn't even know he yearned for. His eyes lost their glow and the wind reluctantly subsided after giving Sean one more loving sweep.

Sean blinked again and again trying to get the whole glazed over feeling out of his system. And that's when he noticed it. A big full body mirror was standing on Sean's right. He turned to it but then he noticed something else. The entire room was furnished and his bed was completely different now it was a queen sized bed with pillars around it with white see through drapes around it that just fluttered around it. Then Sean noticed also the book was now on its own podium closed and locked once more.

Sean: (Okay this is getting really really weird. When did I get the power to do all this?)

Unknown voice: "Well when you read off the spell of beginnings random things tend to happen like that."

Sean: "Wait, who was that?" Sean was now and high alert. Someone was in his room! He started searching around until he saw it. It was enough to drop his jaw quite a bit. A man was standing there with a small smirk on his face, in the mirror. The guy was literally standing there just watching Sean every move while he was standing on the other side of the mirror. Sean of course did the obvious thing and looked at the other side of it but it was wooden on it. No mirror.

Unknown guy: "My name's Gavin. May I come in Sir?"

Sean: "Sir? Umm you can come in but I don't think you have to call me sir I think you're older than me." The man immediately walked through them mirror like it was nothing and Sean got the full effect of him. He was gorgeous. He had red hair and some small freckles places but he had shaggy hair and piercing knowing blue eyes. He was a little taller than Sean. Maybe by and inch or so and Sean was 6"1 so his height was pretty hot for Sean. He loves the tall guys. And this guy was muscular. Not body builder muscular which Sean could definitely get into too but the muscular where you're just hot.

Gavin: "Well I think I have to call you sir or your majesty one of the two."

Sorry there's no hot monkey sex but lol I had to get this stuff up and running next one I promise will have some hot and nasty screwing for you guys hope you like.

Next: Chapter 3

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