Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Oct 11, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of marvel Comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not Like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

They were now safely back on the ground in the exact spot where the ground was ripped from. Within an instant though, Sean Blasted Ryan. Without him being ready for such a powerful attack knocked him out cold.

Chapter 6

"You guys its been three days and he still hasn't woken up! What happened up there that exhausted him so much?" Jean asked this with true concern. After defeating Ryan in a head to head psychic battle Sean fainted within moments of his victory. Since then he has been in the medical ward under observation.

Ryan: "Surprisingly Sean used an ability even I don't have. He can seduce people with such intensity and energy that I don't think anyone can resist it."

Storm: "Is that a psychic ability though? It doesn't sound like any psychic ability I've ever heard of."

Gavin: "Yeah, it's psychic alright. If you broke it down it's pretty simple really. It's really just playing with someone's emotions. It's just so funny because Ryan got so caught up in it."

Ryan: "Yeah, yeah, if I'm not mistaken Sean got you into bed didn't he?"

Gavin smiled at being reminded of that night, "That's true but he didn't have to use his powers to do that. I mean he could have and I wouldn't have been the wiser, but the funny thing about you getting seduced is that you're the resident expert of all psychic abilities in Other Realm. If he can use a power that you never even saw coming in the field you're supposed to be the best in, then what the hell can he do with a power he's actually comfortable with?"

Jean: "so I still don't understand why he's in this coma. Was this power that powerful that it knocked him to use it?"

Ryan: "I guess I should redeem myself by informing you just how powerful it is. Picture professor Xavier, one of the most powerful psychics your world has ever known. Well let's just say that with the power Sean used on me the professor would still be trying to screw him and it's been 3 days since the initial power was used. If I wasn't so used to psychics then I don't think I would be myself right now. Basically it was a power much more draining than he had expected."

Everyone in the med ward was sitting around Sean's unconscious body laughing and joking around. Sean slowly started to stir.

Jean: "Look everyone he's starting to wake up finally."

Sean opened his eyes and looked around confused. "What happened? Where am I?"

As everyone filled Sean in on what had happened Professor Xavier entered the ward. "Well, when I felt Sean awake I thought I would come down here and have a little chat with him. Do you guys mind if I get a moment alone with him?"

Everyone cleared out of the room. "So Sean I see that you're starting to test the limits of your abilities."

"Yes, I guess I just found out how powerful I am in that kind of power. I didn't even like using it that much honestly. It's kind of funny really. I didn't think I was strong at all psychically. You know as much as me that I just ignored it for the most part. I don't really like being so aware of everyone's feelings and stuff it's pretty annoying really."

The professor just smiled at Sean little confession, "Sean I think it's odd that you see your abilities like that. Most psychics love being able to tell what others think. It's kind of a personality trait that we all share."

Jean appeared in the doorway, "Professor, I don't think you're entirely correct about that. I understand what Sean's talking about actually. You didn't have to deal with having so many people in your head at one time. Don't get me wrong you're a very powerful telepath but you're no where near the strength of Sean and me. What I think is that Sean prefers his wind powers over his psychic ones because he can connect with them no headaches attached."

The look Professor Xavier gave Jean should have engulfed her in flames. The professor had just had the one thing that he valued most undermined. "I think if Sean feels so distant from his psychic abilities he should just block them off and really save him the headache. Besides who's to say that he really has control over such strong powers."

Sean: "Well if you guys are done talking about me like I'm not here, I'll just inform you that I have way more control than you could imagine professor. And if that's the reason you came down here then you can leave now because that subject is over."

The Professor looked as though he had just come back to reality, "Actually that's not what I came here for. I came down here to ask if you would like to join the Xmen. Even though I don't have complete faith in your control it's a definite way to help you even more with just that problem."

Sean: "I don't know professor. This doesn't really seem like it's my kind of thing. I'm a really strong fighter so I see how this will help you but I have other things going on. So here's my offer. I'll help you with a few of your dilemmas in the Xmen department if you both leave my powers alone and learn how to control that inferiority complex."

Professor: "What's that supposed to mean? I don't have an inferiority,"

Sean: "Professor, We're all psychic in this room. Lying is futile. The minute Jean mentioned the fact that you couldn't have experienced the extent of pain I felt from my powers you basically tried to take them away right then and there. I think that you can't stand for someone to be stronger than you. You should really go see a shrink about that."

Jean: "Sean I think you might be going a little bit far with that."

Sean: "Please don't defend him jean. Now that I'm not cutting off the telepathy and the empathy, I know exactly what this guy is all about. Surprisingly he can't cut me out of his brain as well as everyone else. I might not know exactly what you're thinking but I get the gist of what's going on here ok? You know what? I think I will take that offer. But only to prove to you that I have way more control over my powers than you can ever imagine."

Just as Sean said that all the empty bottles in the room fell and crashed to the floor just as Sean disappeared.

Professor: "just say he could control his powers?"

Sean: {who said I didn't do that on purpose?} instantly all the broken bottles reformed and went back to their places on the shelves. {Who doesn't want a flashy exit?} All the professor and Jean could hear for a while was Sean's laughing in the back of their heads.

Jean: "You know it's kind of funny. He just woke up from a freakin coma and he's already using powers that you'll never be able to harness." Jean walked away knowing that she had just hurt the professor more than any extent of her power could ever do.

Sean landed on his bed with a soft plop. He looked around and saw the luxuriousness of his room. The mirror that would eventually take him to Other Realm was staring at him eerily. He soft waved his hand and the mirror turned away from him. Just when he had gotten settled in his bed a knock came at his door. "Who is it I'm trying to get some rest before school starts up tomorrow."

"It's Ryan. You know the guy that you fought the last time you were conscious?"

"Okay why are you still here I thought you could go back to Other Realm after I beat you." Ryan slowly opened the door and walked into the room. Almost immediately Sean breath caught, (what's with these Other Realm guys? They're all fucking hot as hell!!) Ryan instantly started blushing. "Shit, did you hear that?"

Ryan: "Yeah you were projecting your thoughts, but this actually makes things less awkward. Uuummm... I guess I'm still here because well..."

Sean: "Geez would spit it out already?"

Ryan smiled, "I'm still here because I want you. After the fight I couldn't stop thinking about you and yeah at first I did think it was the effects of your powers, but it's not. I felt like this before the fight even started."

Sean: "Ryan if that's how you feel I guess you should start being a little bit nicer to me then huh?"

Ryan: "You don't think I'm nice?" Ryan started walking more into the room now. Slowly getting closer to where Sean was lying still.

Sean kind of laughed at how innocent he asked that, "You're kind of on the cold side. Honestly I don't think you're a cold person but you sure as hell didn't act like that to me."

Ryan: "Sean the only reason I seemed cold to you is because you were trying to cut off your psychic powers while I was blocking off my mind at the same time. Believe me it makes you feel so disconnected from people that you'll get a sense of coldness and emptiness. You actually handled the effect pretty well considering."

Sean: "I just have one question."

Ryan was now at the foot of Sean's bed. He was looking at Sean like he was a fresh piece of meat and he was a hungry wolf. He might as well have been drooling with the look he had on his face. "What's that?"

Sean: "Is it weird that I don't like being connected to everyone? You know being a psychic and all."

Ryan kind of snapped out of his lust far enough to answer Sean's question. Then after the question had registered with him he busted out laughing. The laughter that came from him was actually contagious after a minute Sean too was laughing and he didn't know why at all. "Sean, that's ridiculous. That's going along with the stereotype that all psychics are nosy and always meddling in someone else's business. To answer you're question Sean, no it's definitely not weird that you're not in love with the fact that you could read someone else's mind."

Ryan was still laughing as he sat down on Sean's bed and Sean was still laughing as he got closer to Ryan and lay down on the bed with his head hanging off the end of it. He looked over at Sean with a soft not weird or creepy but soft and sweet and actually sincere smile on his face. Sean looked up into Ryan's Green eyes, he finally saw what was keeping him from jumping on him the minute he entered his room. Ryan ha his guard up so high that it made him seem like a complete asshole. Sean could feel Ryan letting go and actually showing him his true personality.

Sean: "Alright, Ryan you know I'm not some super deluxe slut, ok? So I'm not going to sleep with you tonight. It would be too awkward tomorrow. Did you really think that coming up here and knocking on my door would instantly get you laid?"

Ryan: "actually... no I didn't really want to have sex but I just wanted to see you and be around you." Saying that made Sean feel even more comfortable around Ryan. But he knew that he couldn't do what he wanted with Ryan. So Sean decided to do the next best thing.

He looked straight into Ryan's eyes and slowly moved up to his face. He crawled up like a predator and when their lips met it was pure ecstasy for both of them. The pull for more was almost unbearable and Ryan's hands were definitely becoming good friends with Sean's backside but then Sean did one thing he's not good at doing, he pulled away from Ryan's embrace and was just about to say something when Ryan interrupted his thoughts with his own {please don't blast me again.} Sean and Ryan both were rolling over with laughter but Sean had to tell him, "I can't have sex with you Ryan. Not tonight at least."

Ryan: "Sean you're even more intriguing than I thought you were. I can understand that. You don't know me and if I really think about it you're just now starting to see me as anything other than some cold, heartless, attractive, and sexy man. But anyways can I at least stay with you?"

Sean smiled, "Sure you can sleep here but seriously nothing too funny."

As Sean slept Ryan slowly moved closer and closer until they were pressed closer and closer together. At first Sean was apprehensive but as the night went on he got comfortable and then started liking Ryan being so close to him.

Sean woke up from the best night of sleep he had ever had, and he saw Ryan's muscular body lying next to him. He reluctantly got up and got ready to go to his first real day of school. he was just out the door when Ryan woke up.

Ryan: "You're just gonna leave without even a goodbye?"

Sean: "Well I figured since it was my room that I'd probably see ya later. And I'm running a little bit late already so I figured I shouldn't spend thirty minutes talking to you."

Ryan: "Okay man. If you don't mind I'm going to go back to sleep."

Sean: "No it's fine and feel free to use the bathroom and stuff too. Just don't break anything." (Shit I don't know where I'm supposed to be going.)

{I had Jean put your schedule on the kitchen counter, Sean}

{Oh thanks, professor}

Sean went down to the kitchen and there right where the professor said was his schedule. Of course first thing he had to do in the morning was a self defense class with Logan, the wild looking mutant.

"Hey, you're Sean right?" someone was walking up behind Sean.

Sean: "Yeah that's me." He turned to see who was talking to him and was surprised to see nothing but red sunglasses in his vision. He looked away from the glasses and took in the hunk of a man standing in front of him. He had a great build that looked like he was in the gym constantly. He had brown hair and he didn't look any older than 30. the only bad thing about him was that he was slightly shorter than Sean.

"I'm Scott. I think you have me for your teacher second period. I go by Mr. Summers on the Schedule."

Sean looked down at his Schedule and exactly as Scott had said he did have Scott for second period in ANOTHER self defense class. "Wait why do I have two self defense classes."

Scott: "Oh well you're considered a student and you're considered an X man too. It's mandatory for an X man to take a self defense class with me and it's mandatory for students to take self defense classes with Logan. If you're both then you take both."

Sean: "Well that sucks. Uuuummm... can you show me where the classes will be?"

Scott was just standing there and it was really hard for Sean to tell what he was thinking from his face since his glasses hid his eyes. It seemed as though he had just came back to reality. It seemed like a lot of people zone out around Sean. "Uh yeah sure I should be getting down there anyways. I gotta prepare for my class."

Scott led the way to an elevator that went into the basement sublevels. "We're only going to the second basement. That's where the gym is and all that good stuff."

When the elevator doors opened Sean was staring at the biggest gym he had ever seen. Everything was there from gymnastics equipment to just regular weights. There in the middle of it was a ring and a group of students along with the wild looking man that Sean recognized as Logan.

Sean walked over to the ring and the students while Scott went about to prepare for his class.

Logan: "Sean!! Since you're late I think you're going to be today's test dummy." Logan gestured for him to enter the ring with him and Sean just shrugged his shoulders and got in. all the kids were watching fascinated that Sean didn't seem the least bit phased by the fact that Logan would be showing them moves on him.

Sean: "I just have one question well actually two. Are you actually going to hit me and town what's the point of this for me, I have powers that are ten times better than a punch or a kick?"

Logan: "Well first off you're way too cocky about your powers. And to answer your question yes I'm going to hit just because you think that your powers can always save you and after I hit you, you'll know why you need to know this."

Just after Logan said this he lunged at Sean with his fist leading the way. Sean saw all this and instantly his instinct took over. It felt like he had been made to fight like this. He grabbed Logan's hairy arm, turned and lifted him over his shoulder. Logan landed with a hard plop on the mat. Everyone gasped as they watched Logan get up from his surprising tumble.

Logan: "So I guess this means you already know how to defend yourself."

Sean was actually surprised. He'd never been in a fist fight before and even recently he always had his powers to help him do all those amazing things. Sean was just opening his mouth to deny ever being trained to fight before when someone interrupted him. "I think I can answer this subject a little bit better than Sean can."

Everyone turned around and saw a huge guy standing there. He had to be 6"5 and way over 200 pounds with muscles on top of muscles. Even from as far away as Sean was he could see the piercing blue eyes this guy had. "I'm Darrin by the way. I'll be Sean's Other Realm teacher on what else but self defense. He'll actually be tested on this so I guess he should get as much practice as possible."

Sean: "Wait! You mean to tell me that not only do I have two classes on this back to back but then I have to go up against you to be tested?"

Darrin: "Well, that's just about right. You shouldn't worry though. I was going to tell you anyways that most Other Realmers have an instinct to fight. We don't need any training at all it just comes to us when we need to do it. Oh and in Other Realm there are people who prefer to use their fists over their powers. If the heir were to be challenged to hand to hand combat he has to be able to stand up to those kinds of fighters too."

Logan: "Well now that I know that you should be able to handle any fighter who should stand up to you, I won't hold back anything." Just like before, Logan started his attack right after finishing his sentence. This time though his approach was different. He flew through the air like a wild animal and went straight for Sean's face with a quick swipe. Sean stood calmly until the last second and took a big step back that made the swipe miss by inches. Then like lightning Sean went on the offense. He front flipped and landed directly on Logan's head. Logan got royally pissed off and his claws flew out with a thirst for blood. His claws flew over his head but all they cut was his own hair. Sean was in the ground crouched down and without even a breath he kicked Logan's legs from under him. Sean was up in an instant with a distant look on his face. He quickly pinned Logan's throat down with his foot. "It's over Logan."

Sean was so confused. He had never felt so primal in his life. It was rush to know that if he really wanted to he could have ended that in millions of different scenarios. It was like he had discovered another power. All he wanted to do was practice more and more.

He left the ring with the entire group of kids staring at him like he was a freak. Even the weird looking ones gave him that look of fear and mistrust. (Oh well let one them actually act on that fear and they'll get worse than Logan got. I didn't even show a fraction of what I could do.) Sean walked up to Darrin and said, "Come on, I'll go talk to Scott and tell him about me then we can get this test over with. As you can see being like me is not a great thing here."

As they left to find Scott, Sean started talking with Darrin. "So are you always this quiet?"

Darrin smiled a little and said, "Well, I am in the presence of a future ruler. I thought It was appropriate to speak only when spoken to."

Sean: "Okay well I got a question for you. Are everyone in Other Realm as strong as us?"

Darrin started laughing a loud deep laugh that trembled Sean's insides. "Sean you're in a league of your own first off. I'm actually dreading fighting you. I haven't seen someone move so fast or so intense. When I watched you with Logan I knew you were only playing around with him. Anyways as for me I don't have powers like you do. All I have is super strength. He he, I know pretty lame but that just motivated me to start training in the arts even further than instinct alone could take me. After a while I was unbeatable and I got my position as the resident expert in hand to hand combat. But yeah, no not everyone is all strong and skilled in fighting and all that stuff. We have regular people just like this world. The only difference is that they except the incredible way better than these people do. Hey instead of finding this Scott guy you wanna have a little bit of fun?"

Sean: "Well sure...wait what do you mean fun?"

Darrin instantly started blushing when he got what Sean was referring to, "No no not that I meant you want to fool around or something?" Darrin then realized what he'd said, "Geez I meant...I don't know how to put it..."

Sean was laughing the whole time, "Sure lets go fool around or something." (Well me and Ryan aren't official yet. I think it's okay to test the waters a little bit.)

Next: Chapter 7

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