Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Nov 21, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of Marvel Comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not Like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

He came down and kissed Sean both of them rubbing each other. Ryan Crawled behind Sean wrapped his arms around him and both of them fell asleep soundly in and instant

Chapter 8

Sean Stirred from his most sound sleep since he got in the mansion. Ryan's muscular arm was draped over his stomach and he didn't want to move an inch.

"Sean, I think we should talk."

Sean turned toward Ryan and faced him so they could talk face to face. "What's wrong?"

"I just wanted to know what you were doing hanging out with those kids."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" by this time Sean knew where this conversation was going. He was about to see Ryan's bad side.

"Sean, you're the heir to the an other realm throne. You are only here for a short time and I don't think it's a good idea for you to be involved with these... people."

"Wow are you really that stuck up? You think that just because you're stronger than them that we shouldn't associate with them? They have offered me their home, their school , everything available for people like them they have offered me and you think it's ok for me to act like they're the some lower creature after all they've done for me?" After expressing all of this Sean couldn't even look at Ryan in the eye. "I don't think this is going to work out."

"Sean, I don't think you're getting me. It wasn't up for discussion. I was sent here to help guide you and this one thing that I'm staying strong on this."

Sean looked at Ryan straight in the eye and said, "I don't know where you got this idea that you can control me but let me just clarify that no one tells me what the hell to do."

"Sean, don't challenge me you wont beat me a second time."

Sean gave a smile that could have sent chills down anyone's spine and whispered eerily, "Ryan if you don't leave within the next 3 seconds, I will rip the flesh off of your bones."

Ryan didn't wait for Sean to start counting. He got up and walked straight into the full length mirror. Back into Other Realm and hopefully out of Sean's life. Who needs a controlling stuck up asshole in their life? (Bummer, he was a great lay too.)

Sean rolled over and decided to just go back to sleep until he felt at least a little bit better. He was just about to shut his eyes when he caught a glance of the amulet that Ryan had given him. It was doing the same thing as before with the glowing and swirling around in its milky oval stone. The only difference was that this time he wasn't drawn to it in the same way. Sure it was nice to look at it but Sean actually had a choice to look at it this time. Sean picked it up and looked at it closely. He turned to the back of it and saw an inscription he hadn't noticed.

The Amulet of the winds yields only to one warrior, and carries the knowledge of the winds itself inside it.

"What the hell does that mean?" Sean flipped it back over and saw that the Amulet was radiating even more light than before. "You know what? Apparently this thing wants something from me. And the one thing I keep thinking about is putting it on. So I assume that's what I should do. I mean if it kills me then I deserved it for being stupid enough to put it on in the first place." After Sean deliberation he slowly and carefully placed the chain over his head and let the Amulet fall in the middle of his chest. Instantly Sean was blasted from the inside with power. It was an amazing feeling like every molecule if his body was screaming. All he could see was this blinding light all around him

Sean closed his eyes to protect them from the light and when he opened them he wasn't in his room anymore. Instead of lying on his bed he was lying on a hard cold white marble floor. He looked up and all he saw was whit all around him.

Sean: (where the hell am I?)

{I think I can answer that.}

Sean jumped from the sudden voice in his head. He looked around to find the source but no one was around. "Who's there?"

{Sean, you're inside the Amulet.}

Sean just smiled at how dumb his next question was going to be. (how did I get here? Anybody could make that kind if conclusion.) "Why am I here?"

{Good question. You're here Sean because you have way too much to learn. This morning you showed who you were by not letting Ryan push you around.}

"I only did what I knew was right. I still don't understand."

{Sean, you showed that you weren't just the heir to an Other Realm throne. They're just drones for people behind the scenes, kind of like puppets. They let people tell them what they can and can't do constantly. But you, Sean, are a unique breed. You're the one and only Wind Warrior as well as an heir. The Wind Warrior protects Other Realm just like all the other Elemental Warriors. The only difference is that the others are born into their own cultures. They know who they are. The only one who has no civilization is you. It's a sad story yes but it's the truth."

"Okay so what's that got to do with what happened today?"

{You showed that being the heir hasn't overshadowed your warrior spirit. You now have a choice Sean. You can wear the amulet and become the wind warrior officially or you become the heir. Don't get me wrong you'll live a comfortable life as the heir. You'll be a prince and I can't even say you'll be too pampered because you'll have to fight all the challengers.}

"But I won't have a choice in what I do, will I? There will always be people like Ryan who think they know what's best for me."

{Sean I can't make the choice for you. All I can do is tell you what else there is for you.}

"Ok, I don't really know what to say but I'm agreeing with you I'll be come the wind warrior."

{Sean, this is your true calling. Your wind powers have been suppressed for so long that no one on Other Realm knows how strong the Wing Warrior truly was.}

"That's one thing; you said that I'm all alone and that the other Elemental warriors have their own civilizations. What happened? Why don't I have one?"

{It's not something that you just explain Sean. I'll have to show you what happened is that ok?}

"Uuummm, Sure."

Sean sensed his own powers being used. Instantly a big screen television appeared in front of him and a couch behind him. Sean sat down and waited.

{Sean I'm going to show you how Other Realm was 500 years ago first.}

The TV turned on and showed a beautiful land with nothing but green everywhere. He saw mountains, trees, and animals of all kinds. There were birds, deer, rabbits, lions, tigers, bears any kind of animal was there and living like any regular animal. It was like a world where humans hadn't taken over the land and polluted everything.

The TV then switched over and showed Sean the most beautiful castle he'd ever seen. It was on a mountain top at the edge of a cliff. It was a light grey with steep turrets shooting into the sky.

{This was where the wind warriors lived.} The TV started to move toward the castle then it went inside into an outer courtyard. The people there were all dressed in flowing clothes walking around and doing everyday things. The TV then went into the castle itself and showed a magnificent hall. With a white runner across the floor and long windows on either side that let all the light possible. Even though there were tries though when you get past the first blast of beauty everything looked cold and distant. Sean starting at what the TV was showing in detail and saw at the end of the hall was a stair case that led up to 5 chairs all equal in size and equally separated. The chairs were all white and had some kind of cushion Sean could identify on all of them.

The TV zoomed in on the thrones.

{Sean this is where it all happened, pay close attention. When it's over I'll answer any questions.}

Sean saw that people were filing out of a room he hadn't noticed earlier. They were all dressed in flowing robes and they had this air of superiority. Surprisingly there were only two older people. A grey haired woman who had eyes that were disturbingly distant and a grey haired man whose eyes actually seemed to focus on Sean through the TV. The others were middle aged. One was a man with dark hair and eyes who looked like he had seen so many battles he was scarred for life from it all. A woman with long flowing red hair. She actually seemed more seductive than threatening and if Sean were straight he'd have fantasies about how sexual she looked. Lastly there was a man with shoulder length blonde hair who actually seemed like the overall leader. He didn't have any kind of distinctive aura about him it was just subtle ways of dominance that Sean couldn't explain.

The all sat down in their chairs, the older two one opposite far sides. The red head next to the old man and the brown haired guy with the old woman and the blond man sat in the middle of them all.

He spoke with a deep voice that gave Sean a chill. "We're all here today if you don't know already because the other nations have decided to finally do the inevitable."

The red head who didn't seem to know anything about the subject asked, "You mean they're truly coming to fight us? We've defeated all of the nations why would they try to fight us again?"

The brown haired one answered quickly, "Because Shari, strategically we only defeated them because it was always one at a time. Even when we had to fight back to back wars we won because it was only one element to deal with at a time. They know they can kill us off now because fire water earth and thunder have come together. We can't fight them at all at once."

Shari: "So then this is it? We just wait until they come to kill us?! I'm a warrior I'll never wait for my death. I'll for and die proudly." After saying that Sean stopped looking at her as only some sexual woman but he noticed that she sat with daggers concealed all over her body . She angled her leg so that, yes it looked sexy, but if she wanted to she could jumped out of the chair and into a fighting stance effortlessly. She definitely knew how to fight, if not kill, without a thought.

The old woman on the edge spoke with a quiet raspy voice but everyone hushed so suddenly it carried across the hall. She still although had that eerie glazed over look in he eyes. "Shari is right. I will not wait to be executed. We have only done what they want to do. We took over Other Realm and they want it back. We aren't criminals. We didn't slaughter innocent people. I say we fight until the wind denies us." Her eyes found their focus on something that no one could see however and she spoke again, "They're close now Trine. "

She was addressing the middle guy apparently because he looked over when she said his name, "Fine, we know what the women think. What do you guys think? Do we fight to the death and get killed worse than it will be if we just surrender or do we surrender and see if they'll let us live."

The old man spoke before the younger one could get an idea out. "I agree with the women. We took over this land because we were the strongest and even if they won't admit it they needed the order we brought to the table. If they're going to unite and show us they are strong we should show them just how weak they truly are. We should teach them a lesson even if we die in the process. I predict that they'll learn from it and I doubt they'll ever unite again because of the scare we'll put in them. Wren you haven't said much, go on speak to us."

Wren: "You're right I haven't spoken much, but only because I've been trying to find a way to survive. Even with all my knowledge though I can't think of one. The best thing we can do is give them hell. I say, if we die, we die with honor."

Trine smiled after this last statement, "You guys I can feel them coming now. If we've all decided to fight then-"

Wren: "So then you've decided also?"

Trine: "Wren even though I didn't give a speech about it yes I want to fight. I was going to give up if you guys didn't have the fight in you but I should have known. When have any of us ever known the wind to give up without at least giving the obstacle a little push just in case?" All five of them smiled but it didn't warm the place up much it was eerily silent in there and their voices echoed loudly. "Ok now that that's settled we should get all the pedestrians out of here and prepare for battle."

The TV blinked over and the great hall they were talking in a moment earlier had been filled with dozens of warriors. They all had the flowing clothes on that Sean was now assuming was good when you fought with the wind. Even as he was watching all this Sean was thinking of ways he could make the clothes give him an advantage in battle.

The warriors were all standing in battle stances with swards and spears aimed at the huge door in front of them it was really tense and quiet in the room and no one glanced away from the door.

Three of the warriors from before sat on their thrones waiting for something to happen. Both the old woman and old man though were sitting on the floor in front of the thrones cross legged across from each other. They were chanting in unison something Sean couldn't understand. Their eyes were closed and in the middle of them an orb of air was forming more and more. Sean knew even without knowledge of what they were actually doing that they were casting a powerful spell. Sean saw that the air ball was swirling around looking completely chaotic in nature.

"BOOM" The huge Doors to the hall were blown off and warriors in colorful clothes rush in. some were throwing fire others were throwing lightning and some were throwing water at the wind army. But you could tell who the superior fighters were. The wind warriors were immediately air born when they came into the hall and were summoning up much more powerful attacks that fire, lightning, and water balls. Surprisingly thought they were only the first wave. The enemy warriors only set the mood for the battle about to happen. And earthquake shook the entire castle and the wind warriors knew what was happening. Instantly all the enemy warriors there started to vanish with blasts of power following them. Unlike wind warriors when fire or lightning warriors turn into their element the can actually hurt people around them if their not careful.

The wind warriors though had already seen this coming. If they were going to attack them they had to get them out of the castle so they decided the best way to do it was make the castle fall from the mountain top.

The old man and woman were chanting so fast it all sounded like one word now Sean hadn't noticed but they never stopped even when the warriors busted in. Sean then started seeing why they were doing what they were doing. The air orb they were making was now about as big as they were and with a last recitation of the chant they released it. The orb instantly started to expand and wind blew everywhere it went outside and a storm started instantly but the best thing was that the wind was so powerful it pick up the castle it self. The cast was floating off the mountain top where an earthquake couldn't affect it.

Now Sean knew why they were on those thrones. If they could make an entire castle float off the ground they had to be the strongest warriors they had. After the castle went afloat they all regrouped and started figuring out another plan.

The wind warriors decided to fix the door since it was a good way of knowing when an enemy had gotten in since the windows were charmed to never open or break. The warriors were waiting on the enemies next move and Sean was honestly wondering why they had lost this or even thought they could lose this. It seemed so easy.

"BOOM" (this seems pretty familiar) Sean thought this but then watched what happened. The fire warriors were the only ones who came in this time. There were dozens of them. They all stayed close to each other and kept up this huge blaze wherever they went. The fire warriors went straight through the wind warriors. They tried to stop them but the fire was too hot, people were getting burned and caught on fire left and right. More and more fire warriors were coming in too just making things even more hectic.

Shari stood up from her throne and whispered, "Alright you guys. I guess it's my time to shine." She smiled saying this showing how sexy she was but no one smiled with her on the throne. They all looked grave but knew there was no stopping her when she made up her mind. Shari Screamed in a voice amplified by the wind, "ENOUGH!!" She flew with amazing speed to the middle of all the chaos in the room and started to spin floating in the air. Sean knew what she was doing and was horrified by what she was doing to herself. She kept spinning more and more, faster and faster the wind was picking up in the room and the remaining throne warriors watched intently. Shari formed a massive tornado over the fire warriors and picked them up fire and all the fire was now part of the tornado though. She picked up every last fire warrior in the hall and killed them before she herself, burned to death in her self made inferno. The wind warriors in the room all looked livid by this. She must have been a popular person. People in the room broke down in tears when they realized she was gone but the throne warriors stayed strong.

Trine stood up and said to the grieving warriors, "I'm sorry. Shari was one of our own. She was the little sister to some the big one to others. The lover to many and she will be missed. But please don't lose sight of what Shari just did for us. She sacrificed herself to defend you guys, please don't lose sight. We told what the inevitable was, but if you want to stop we can. We know this is too much to ask from you."

The warriors all looked at him and he knew they would continue to fight. Now though, there would be increased passion for the death of Shari. They once again prepared for battle. This time though the warriors were missing a lot of warriors. Most of them were badly burned or dead. The door stayed off its hinges this time. It was becoming apparent that the final battle was going to happen soon, there was no need for all the tricks. They would fight face to face. The wind warriors heard a rumble and knew that they would actually see the earth warriors for the first time today. They came into the doorway riding vines as thick as people and were dressing in only leaves and nothing else. They only covered what was important. They looked deadly and savage. The wind warriors didn't back down though. They attacked with such swiftness and fierceness that the earth warriors were dead before they knew what was happening. Both groups fought horribly ripping flesh from each other's skin. Blood was showing up everywhere. Then the earth warriors got mad. They summoned up huge plants in every direction. They came into the castle and started eating warriors left and right. There was no stopping them either. The wind warriors were down to their last few people and it was apparent Shari's death had affected the army in a negative way.

The four remaining throne warriors got up from their chairs and Trine said, "It's time we did something." That was all that was needed. They were no longer going to watch as their army was killed they would fight the rest. The four of them blasted every last plant in the hall with such force that the planted were ripped to shreds. Then the earth warriors were next. The throne warriors floated next to each other and even though the earth warriors were fight with them they handled them like it was nothing. They blasted them with a wind that cut everything that it touched as the stone floor showed gashes from where the wind started. The wind cut into the earth warriors like butter and killed most of them instantly. The other warriors that survived ran away scared shitless.

The throne warriors looked around and all they saw was pain and death. They could take it anymore, enough was enough. Without even speaking one word all four of them floated to each other and formed a circle and summoned great power between them. They forced the leader of the other elements to come to them the leading fire warrior as well the lightning water and earth warriors stood before swept up by the wind.

Trine pulled from the circle as the others landed and stood prepared to fight. Trine said to them, "Well as you can see your plan worked. You have taken out our army and we are prepared for our final battle. Of course we'll do regular tradition as always?"

The fire warrior didn't answer he just stepped forward alone. Trine did the same and the first of the four battle commenced. Trine used his powers immediately. He threw a wind ball directly at the fire warrior who threw a fire ball at the saem time. the combination caused a huge explosion that hurt trine's eyes but the fire warrior was affected. He ran to trine and before he could recover stabbed him in the heart with a blade made by fire warriors. Trine instantly caught fire and the fire warriors expression went back to a blank slate. One by one the wind warriors went against they opponents and died quickly.

Afterward the leading warriors left the castle in the sky and when they were on true earth they turned to the Castle. It was tile floating but they all knew what had to be done. They had to end the entire idea of wind warriors so no one else could be like them. The fire warrior pulled out a an amulet that flashed different colors and the other did the same when this happened the amulet let out the bright light and they all had amulet of one color again. The each held out their amulet toward the castle, fire's was red, thunder's was yellow, earth's was green, and water's was blue. They held them out, closed their eyes, and concentrated. Even from the TV Sean could hear the whistle of power coming from them. Then all of them instantly opened their eyes and let out an awful blast of their own power toward the castle. Instead of having the same effect however, the powers combined and the castle was just gone without a trace.

The TV disappeared before Sean's eyes. He blinked and had so many questions for whoever was talking to him. "First off what the hell did the wind warriors do in the first place?"

{The wind warriors were the most powerful elemental nation at the time. they took it upon themselves to make rules and laws so that Other Realm wouldn't be filled with murder and betrayal. Anything that everyone knew was wrong was forbidden under their rule. That's how the wind warriors explained it at least. The other elements say they were oppressed by the wind warriors. They tried to control everything they did and they had no voice in the making of Other Realm laws.}

"Ok so I'm the descendant of dictators. Great. Wait, you said, the wind warriors were the most powerful. They were getting their asses kicked left and right. What the hell was wrong?"

{Now you're asking some good questions. When the other elements decided to work together to stop the wind warriors they all gave each other the essence of their own power. That way if you were a fire warrior you would be as quick as lightning, as cool headed as water, and as sturdy as the earth itself. The fire warriors themselves gave their essence of passion. Each army had super warriors basically. The wind warriors knew what would happen if they worked together. There was no way of winning a battle against all the other elements at once.}

"So when they were fighting the other elemental leaders why did they die so fast? Couldn't they have fought a little harder? It seemed like they had given up."

{Sean, the wind warriors were the best warriors at the time. No one knows if they gave up or if the other warriors were just that powerful. But if you want my guess. I say they used a spell that no one could think of the results of except them.}

"What do you mean?"

{Well Sean each of the throne warriors you saw were on thrones because they had the strongest abilities from the wind magic. The old woman, Glara could see everything in the present time. That's how she knew that the other warriors were coming. The old man was her brother, Garon. He also had visions, but of past events. He was a walking encyclopedia. Then there was Shari. She had the wind's emotions. She herself was like a walking hurricane and when she was calm it was just that eerie calm before a really bad storm. She had the most effect on the wind itself. Wren had the winds fighting ability. He knew every which way to use it to win a battle. Lastly there was Trine. He was of course the leader of the wind warriors overall. Not because he was the strongest, that was Shari, or because he was the most dangerous, that was wren, or even the most knowledgeable those were the older siblings. He was the most controlled of them all though. In the wind civilization control is the most important. Without it nothing but chaos would come from them. Let me explain the magnitude of is importance. It doesn't seem like you're getting the grasp on the importance of control.

{Let's say Shari had gotten pissed off about something and created this humongous tornado that was too big for her to control. Well who would be the one to stop it before it went out and destroyed countless villages? Trine. He could stop that tornado with a wave of his arm or even control it if he wanted to.}

"Ok so what's that got to do with anything?"

{You, Sean, are a pretty big likeness of all of those abilities. Of course you haven't been looking into the past or the present, I don't think, but that's because you haven't explored you powers fully. I know what happened but there hasn't been anyone around to tell it to. Sean I was there at that battle. I was a broken amulet at the time, but I was there. I was broken into five pieces, one for each of them. Before the final battle they did a spell, Sean. It made the amulet pull toward to fix itself into one amulet.}

{They cast that spell so that when they died, I could search out the next wind warrior. But now instead of separating my gifts among five people I will only give it to you. The wind warriors of the past were powerful enough to make that happen but you are even stronger than them combined.}

Sean sat on the couch taking in all that she had said. He started to think about how his powers were and then he started to understand. "Did you know all the abilities of the five warriors?"

{Yes, I just told you them.}

"No, you're not understanding me. What if my psychic powers are the manifestation of their abilities? The more I think about it the more it makes sense. My telepathic powers would be Shari's because I can seduce anybody by getting into their head. Maybe if I try at it I'll be clairvoyant too I never thought about that but my telepathy also helps with knowing a lot of things like Garon and I can definitely see into the present with a thought. Lastly my telekinetic abilities come from Trine. He could control a tornado with his powers and so can I. My telekinetic powers give me a hold on things that wouldn't be able to do with just the wind powers, I don't think."

{That does make sense, Sean. If your psychic powers are a manifestation of the winds abilities then you're the most powerful warrior yet, Sean. No other warrior has abilities that show themselves as a separate active power. So Sean do you want to make being the wind warrior official?}

"Are there any trials I have to overcome?"

{No, this isn't like the other Other Realm nations. Elemental nations don't have to do trials. Either you have the gift or you don't.}

"Great I'm in then. How do I do it?'

{Just close your eyes and relax...}

Sean closed his eyes and did as the voice said. Once again he could feel his power being used and wind started to form around him it didn't feel like the usual wind that he felt connected to it felt foreign and distant something he wasn't used to. But it was still flowing around him hitting different body parts as though it were checking a new car or something. The wind became suddenly intense and Sean could feel something coming from within the wind and him at the same time. His chest felt like it was about to explode to give off whatever the wind was pulling form him. Pain started coming now and it felt like his skin was ripping but Sean stayed strong he kept a clear head and kept his eyes closed. The climax was coming soon. Closer and closer the feeling was coming to a collision... "BAM" a burst blew everywhere. The couch Sean was seated was long gone and Sean himself floated with his eyes half open. His clothes were now the same flowing clothes that he had seen from the past. His eyes were glowing with power. He softly landed on the ground and knew one thing. He was the wind warrior now for sure.

Next: Chapter 9

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