Sexiest of the Xmen

By sean champ

Published on Apr 5, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional of course. It does have people from the x men in them and they're the property of Marvel Comics. Some characters may be underage but it's fictional so who cares not Like any of this stuff is gonna happen.

(Thoughts in head)

"Talking out loud"

{Psychic conversation}

His clothes were now the same flowing clothes that he had seen from the past. His eyes were glowing with power. He softly landed on the ground and knew one thing. He was the wind warrior now for sure.

Chapter 9

It had been weeks since Sean had become the wind warrior and he hadn't seen any sign of any other realm citizens. He wasn't nervous about it or anything but he just had this eerie feeling that they would be coming for him.

Sean walked down the steps to the big foyer of the mansion. He was dressed in white sweatpants and tight white tee-shirt that showed his slim muscled physique. Ever since he became the wind warrior the way that he carried himself was beyond confident. He could have anyone feel like they're was something wrong with them with confidence.

"Sean! Hey wait up!" Sean was just headed out the door when Scott Showed up, "Where are you headed off to?"

Sean was kind of surprised to see Scott talking to him like this. Honestly everybody had given Sean his distance when they found out how powerful he was. Sean figured they thought of him as a time bomb and no one wanted to be around when it finally went off.

"I don't really know just thought I'd go get some fresh air."

"Well would you mind if I tagged along? I need to talk to you about some things."

"Sure, I don't care." Sean gave Scott the scan that every gay guy gives a guy when they start looking at them in that way. You know looking at things that you would normally be attracted to whether it's the arms which were well muscled and toned, to his big broad chest that protruded from his tight red tee-shirt. He was even wearing flip flops to show off his perfect toes. If Scott wasn't tagging along to come onto him then Sean might have to seduce this him. He's too hot to pass up.

The two walked around the grounds looking at different things in silence until they made it to the big lake. Sean stopped there and looked out at the water. "You know, you said that you needed to talk to me and you haven't said a word since we started this walk."

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'll just jump right into it then. Have you given any thought to becoming part of the Xmen?"

Sean felt a huge hole in the pit of his stomach forming. The level of disappointment he was feeling was pretty huge as well as the embarrassment he was feeling for the mix up. "Actually me being the wind warrior, I'm still obligated to go back to Other Realm. But I guess until I leave for there I'd be happy to join the team for a while." (What the hell am I thinking? These people ignore me for weeks and then come out of no where to ask me to risk my life for their cause. Then again, they are letting me live here and stuff and I am sitting here waiting for Other Realm warriors to attack and try to kill me. Yeah I made the right decision I guess.)

"Great! Of course until we find out how you will work with the team you're on the junior squad but I think you'll be off of that in no time."

Before Sean could protest getting put on a lower squad he felt a power surge that he knew didn't come from this world. He closed his eyes and focused on the power source. He was still kind of shaky on this specific ability but he was getting a lot better at it. Especially considering he's the only one teaching him these things. If he was getting help form someone who could used these powers then he would have mastered it by now.

The power source was headed toward him from behind, Coming from the school. That meant that whoever it was had the audacity to go through his mirror portal.

"You should leave Scott. There's going to be trouble here pretty soon. And you're not strong enough to fight someone from Other Realm."

"Sean, you're part of the team now. That means I won't leave you here all alone." Scott Started getting ready fro a fight, basically he took off the flip flops he was wearing.

"Fine I don't have time to argue. Just be really careful I don't know anything about this person."

The whole time Sean was talking he hadn't opened his eyes. He was focusing on his opponent. He turned so he was facing the school and opened his eyes exactly when the assailant came into view.

Sean looked at the man walking up to him. He looked almost bored. Sean could sense his power but if Sean could get into his mind then he could end this before it even got started.

Sean was way past mastering this ability. With less than a thought he was inside this man's brain and to Sean's surprise the guy was having a conversation in his head.

(I don't know why that asshole Ryan thinks he can just order me around all the time. Ever since he came back empty handed and got in trouble he's been in that mood. But he crossed the line sending me here. I don't even care if the Heir comes back or not.)

Sean smiled with this new information. It would be easy to do this without any bloodshed. "Scott it's ok, he's here for me but he's steady resenting being sent here anyways. If we reason with him I think we can actually get an ally."

Scott was sort of surprised but he had to admit he really didn't want to fight an Other Realmer. "Well I guess you know what you're talking about."

The man finally made it to where they were and Sean got a good look at him. (Geez, is every guy from Other Realm sexy or what? If it didn't seem like such a crappy place to live then I would be there in heart beat for all these guys.) The man standing there had short dark hair a little facial hair around his mouth and greenish blue eyes that pierced into you.

Sean looked at the man and asked, "You got a name stud?"

"It's Aron." Aron was surprised by how forward he was. He couldn't put his finger on it but something was definitely going on. "I was sent here to take you to Other Realm. Will I have to knock you out to do it?"

Scott's fists clenched at this suggestion getting ready for a fight but Sean just ignored it and went on to say, "You know, people here don't just order you around. If you stayed in this realm you could live by your own rules. Not risking your life on things you don't even support. I can feel your power too. You're really strong and I'm sure that there are tons of opportunities for you to start over."

"What are you talking about? Did you read my thoughts?" Aron looked completely confused.

Sean didn't even blink when answering, "Yeah, I listened in a little and I gotta tell ya, you don't sound too happy with your situation." Sean smiled and he could sense Aron's emotions changing because of it.

Aron was feeling conflicted he knew that they weren't lying to him. All he had to do was just give this up and start his life over. But he didn't know this world at all how would he survive without causing trouble. "Wait, no! What are you doing?! Are you still in my head?"

Sean started laughing so hard that outburst and both Scott and Aron were confused by it. Between laughs Sean said, "Actually I wasn't in your head but honestly if I had remembered how easy it was to get into your head I probably would have just done that."

"Well I'm not going to let you get me a second time!" Aron threw his arm back and instantly a green energy ball formed in his hand. Before he got to release it though Scott removed his glasses and shot a beam at him. It hit Aron square in the chest and caused debris to form around him. Since they weren't too far from Aron Sean had to shield them from the debris and the blast its self.

When the dust settled however, Aron was still standing in the same spot with a hole in his shirt but he hadn't moved and inch. He stood there holding his energy ball and staring at Sean. "I guess I should take care of your tag along here huh?" without another word he launched the energy ball at Scott. As a reflex though, Sean stopped the ball before it even went anywhere. "Wow, now I see why you're the heir." (I don't even want to do this. He hasn't even gotten warmed up yet and he can already stop my energy balls. Ryan can't even do that.) "You know what? You were right I don't want to do this. I can help you with something. I don't know what just yet but I can be your right hand guy. I don't really mind doing things it's just I don't like Ryan."

"You're hilarious you know that. Not one minute ago you tried to kill Scott and now you want to team up with us? I think that ship has sailed. I'm just going to beat the hell out of you then see how I feel afterwards. Right now I'm toward sending you back to Other Realm and telling them your treasonous ways."

Without another word the two squared off. Sean learned some really cool tricks over the last few weeks and he was going to get to show them off right now. Scott backed up as much as he could away from them. After hitting Aron with his strongest beam he learned this definitely wasn't his fight at all.

At first it seemed like a staring battle. Neither one of them moved an inch and there was just the wind blowing around them. Just when the wind blew past Sean could feel his powers coming to the surface. He focused just slightly and his power burst into action. A sideways tornado closed the gap between the two of them and hit Aron in the chest.

This time though Aron was launched backwards. He did a back flip and landed hard on his stomach. He was coughing heavily because the air was knocked out of him from the force and he was clutching the grass trying to tough through the pain. Aron looked up with a look of hate in his eyes. In seconds though those greenish blue eyes started shining an eerie green. Aron got up then like nothing had happened and looked at Sean with his energy filled eyes.

"Sean I never did tell you what my power was did I? Well, let me enlighten you. Have you ever heard of photosynthesis?"

"I think I went to the third grade."

"My powers work along those lines. I take in energy from the sun and convert it to a weapon. It's quite powerful actually. These powers actually got me a spot in a court. Which in Other Realm is pretty prestigious. If you didn't know."

"You know, I really don't care about your powers because ic an already tell that you don't even know what power is. Sure you can throw an energy ball, but if it never makes its way to the target what was the point. You're worthless against me. I don't think that you're even expected to come back!"

Sean emphasized his point by waving his hands and causing the wind to blow Aron backwards. This time however, Sean made the wind cut him with its fierceness. Aron landed once again on the ground. He was bleeding from several places and he knew that if he went toe to toe with Sean any more he would be dead.

"Okay, I give up! I can already tell you're too strong for me. Can I ask you something though?"

Sean had barely even began to let his power free and at this point the cold place he always went to when he fought was still in play, "No, just get up and get the hell out! Or else. You think I would socialize with you anyways? You're a traitor. What good would you be for me? You surrendered from two attacks, so what good would you be if I was to even continue to let you stay around for even the time it takes to ask me if you can stay here?"

"How'd you know that I was going to ask that?"

"Well first off I'm not an idiot, you have no where to go. You don't know this realm at all and you can't go back to Other Realm now. Second, I'm psychic and you were projecting your question." Now Sean's mood was changing back to his usual indifferent self.

"I would be a great help to you though. I know all the Other Realm customs and I was part of the exact court that you were the heir to rule. I have a lot of inside information if you let me stay."

"What's stopping me from just looking in your brain for that information and leaving you to your own devices afterwards?"

"Well that would be an evil thing to do and I know for certain that elemental warriors can't do something when it's proclaimed evil."

Scott who was basically forgotten about between the two got a confused look on his face, "Sean, what is he talking about?"

Sean looked over with a smile and said, "It's complicated but in OTHER REALM when things are proclaimed evil by the council, people who are affected by their power can't do them. What Aron was trying to do was test my knowledge of Other Realm laws. He's an idiot like I said before."

"Ok, a few questions what's the Council and what do you mean the people who are affected by their reign?"

"Well my understanding is that the Council is like the government of Other Realm they control certain things and actually have spells over the entire realm that keeps things in order. Some people are directly affected by their powers because of how strong they are and Elemental Warriors as a whole are completely at the mercy of the Council. But that's really only because of a spell the council made about a power level thing. Also if I'm not mistaken the council also has all the kings in their pocket so if they don't like something they'll get you pretty quickly. The only thing they can't reach is when someone or something is evil in itself. Meaning like demons and bad warlocks or something they have no control. That's why they proclaim things evil so that they can keep people from becoming evil and leaving their control. Geez that was a lot of explaining."

Aron looked at Sean Suspiciously, "How'd you know al of that? Did you read my mind again?"

Sean just smiled and said, "I actually knew that stuff before. It's been weeks since I became the wind warrior and I've been studying non stop to learn some things about this world that keeps coming after me. And my amulet here has been helping me." For the first time both Scott and Aron noticed the Amulet hanging from Sean's neck.

Aron got a strange look when he saw the amulet but quickly covered it up.

"You know what? I don't own this house or anything like that I just live here so asking me to stay is completely unnecessary. I guess you should go talk to the Professor about living here. He's probably expecting you by now."

Sean had tired of standing outside and was kind of ready to go do something a little bit more interesting like sleeping or going to class. The three had started walking toward the mansion when Sean sensed something. He stopped dead in his tracks. Whatever it was he felt was monstrous and he felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. He was breathing heavily because of the power he felt. What was scarier was that he didn't feel it anymore. He knew it was close but he couldn't get any read on it.

Sean scanned his surroundings both psychically and normally. He saw the mansion in front of him and the small forest to his right. The lake was behind him and the mansions lawn spread out to the gate entrance to his left. Whatever Sean felt he couldn't track it at all.

Scott walked over to Sean with what Sean would guess was a worried look. He couldn't tell to well with the glasses on. "Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost. Do you sense something?"

In that instant Sean felt the power source again. This time he could swear it was right next to him. He shivered away from its aura. All he could feel was the ferocity that it emitted. Then as quick as it came it was gone.

Sean looked around again jumpy as ever and searching fro any sign of what he felt. His hands were shaking from what he had felt and Sean knew that he was scared shitless. Whatever it was that was there wasn't human and he knew automatically what was going on when he made that deduction. He was being hunted.

"Sean seriously what's wrong?"

Sean took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He felt himself preparing for battle and started reminding himself who he was. He was the Wind Warrior. The other Elemental warriors had nothing on his power and they had to team together to take down his people. He was stronger than all of his people though with his combined powers he focused his mind and his body for battle. Whatever it was that was coming he knew would be coming fast. His powers were building around him and he found comfort in knowing that the wind was around him and with a thought he could rip someone apart.

Subtly he started to levitate subconsciously and when he opened his eyes they were shining a grey light, "Scott, I'd advise you to run. Whatever is around me is the strongest thing I've ever sensed and I've lost the signal. If you want to be a hero then run and get help but I would rather you just run and not comeback at all. You should also get that weakling over there to safety too. He won't stand chance against whatever I felt."

The way Sean said all of this told Scott this was serious. He'd never seen Sean react like that before and definitely had never seen him so powered up. The wind was swirling around him so much Scott was surprised he hadn't created a tornado already. All Scott knew was he had to go get help. He turned around, grabbed Aron who stood mesmerized by Sean's power, and Hauled ass up to the mansion.

Even before Scott and Aron got out of sight Sean felt the power again. Sean tensed up from feeling it and he slightly lost control of his powers. They lashed out everywhere and at once and lake water flew into the air, trees were ripped from the from their roots the wind even traveled up to where Scott and Aron were and Sean could see them recoil from a burst of wind.

Sean took control over his power again and set the water and trees back in there places. He said almost a whisper, "I know you're near me whoever or whatever you are." His voice was shaking from the struggle his voice was having but his powers still gave the force it needed, "Show yourself and fight me."

Instantly Sean felt the monster's presence. He strained his ears to hear something but he knew that it was in vain. This was a hunter it wouldn't make a sound. Sean slowly turned toward the forest and was tempted to bolt right then and there. It walked like a man but it was a beast. It had the head of a panther and was built with huge muscles. Sean could tell automatically that running wouldn't do anything for him.

Sean took a deep breath and said trying to make his voice stop shaking, "What do you want?" (Please don't say something about my blood or my death.)

The beast didn't look like it was going to respond at first it just stared at him with these piercing eyes that were all blue except for a small pupil in the middle. Then almost a growl Sean heard him say, "You are the wind warrior, no?"

Sean's hands started to shake so he balled them into fists. He was way too tense. He was still levitating and his powers were still whipping around him. He could stop it though. This... thing had immense power, whatever it was. When Sean spoke his voice croaked from all the tension, "Yes." That's all he could think to say.

The beast bared its teeth, showing Sean these huge fangs that could definitely rip off one of his legs let alone his flesh. "Don't be afraid, warrior. I am here peacefully. The Animagi have waited many years for the warriors of the wind's return. I was sent to help protect you."

Sean couldn't believe what he was hearing. This...Animagi beast is actually here to help him? "Why do you want to help me? I don't understand."

Once again the beast bared its teeth and it had just dawned on Sean that he might actually be smiling. "Warrior, you should relax. I should tell you, no one has ever been able to sense Animagi while tracking or when they don't want to be found. You are the only one to ever do that. I guess I should tell you everything. You have mind sight, no?"

"You mean am I psychic?" Sean was gradually relaxing his powers and he had stopped levitating. Sean's eyes were slowing changing back to their usual dark pools.

Without waiting for an answer Sean witnessed what had to be one of the most ridiculous sights. The Beast had dropped to the ground almost to fast to see and seated himself cross legged by the lake. It looked really funny to see him move like that.

"Come, sit with me." The beast gestured for Sean to come closer and without thinking Sean did as he was told. He sat down and knew exactly what to do without even asking. He used is powers and reached into the Animagi's mind.

Sean's powers pulled him into The Animagi's memory and instantly he was shown what he needed to see.

Sean was in a vision world now, he couldn't feel anything or effect anything in here it had already happened. He was pulled into a one of the Animagi's memories instantly.

Sean was now seeing a thick forest from the animal's point of view. He was moving unworldly fast past the trees and as fast as he had started moving he had stopped. The beast had stopped outside of a village in a clearing in the forest. There were houses made everywhere. Some in the tree tops, some on the ground and some Animagi were even coming from below the ground. Sean realized that you didn't have to be a Feline to be Animagi apparently. There were Animagi with dog characteristics and others with even bird and monkey characteristics. As a matter of fact Sean didn't even see any other cat faces around. As a matter of fact the other Animagi, Sean noticed, kept their distance from the cat. He walked straight through the village and Sean noticed a particularly large home in the middle of the village. Like all of the homes on the ground it was made out of wood and anything else they could find in the forest. The Animagi walked into the house and Sean immediately had to let is eyes adjust to the darkness of the place. There weren't any windows and the only like came from fire in far off corners. Also there were fabrics on the walls that were dark and made the room feel a lot smaller than it was.

Sean's eyes had finally adjusted and he saw that in the middle of the room was a throne with a smaller one next to it. Obviously the place was run by a monarchy. The chairs were empty however and the Animagi didn't seem like he was going to go and look for them. He just stood around waiting for a while without making any noise at all.

Light showed from another room and two people stepped into the room. Actual people too. One woman who was dressed like an ancient tribe member. She had long tan legs and that showed from her leather skirt and a leather top her long dark hair blended into the room so all you saw was her face and her shoulders were hidden too. The other person who entered the room kept his head down very low he was obviously a servant or something. The woman took her place at the big throne chair and surprisingly the man sat in the smaller one. He had long blonde hair but that was all anyone could see because his head was lowered so much. His body was a different story though. There were muscles everywhere and Sean was slightly intrigued by him, but the whole too shy to look up thing just wasn't something that turned him on at all.

The woman spoke with a voice that could seduce any straight man, "Geon, What do you have for me?" She spoke with a deep accent almost like a Russian speaking English.

Geon didn't look at her while he spoke he just stared at the ground, "It is as you feared, my Queen. They attacked the Wind Warriors."

The Queen's face immediately lost its cold indifference and her eyes looked like they were getting wet, "They, my friends, they prevailed, of course."

Geon's face didn't show any emotion as he told her, "No, they were all killed. The wind territory was destroyed as well. When I got there to help fire warriors were setting everything ablaze."

Tears rolled down the Queen's face and still the other man hadn't even tried to lift his head, "Look at me Geon." Geon immediately popped his head back up. "They killed allies to the Animagi. They killed all of my friends. So for that they will suffer. We will wage war on the elemental nations to avenge my friends." Sean started noticing some changes in the Queen's appearance. Her eyes were turning yellow and her teeth were getting bigger and sharper, "They will pay for what they have done. Do you understand me? Also I know that the Wind powers will come back in time. When they come back I want you to go to the warriors and help them protect them so no one else can harm them. Let us not forget that your lover was also killed."

Suddenly an unfamiliar distant voice entered the conversation. Geon's face looked shocked to hear it and the queen lost her disposition for a second from surprise, "Triliara, don't treat the warriors like they are helpless. The wind warriors were the strongest of all the warriors. It took an army from each elemental group just to stop them." The blonde man finally looked up and showed the most dazzling ice blue eyes Sean had ever seen. His face was had strong features too prominent jaw line straight nose. Even in this vision Sean wanted to jump his bones. "I understand your loss. They were your best friends. The only people who accepted our ways instead of condemning us like everyone else but if we don't give the warriors the space to grow then all we'll have is a weakling to take care of. Here's what we will do. I will cast a spell to find out exactly when the wind warriors have come to power. I will also cast a sell to tell us where they are power wise. That way we can keep a track on them. When they reach a certain power we will send Geon to protect them. And Triliara, you say you want a war? Who would be better to avenge the wind warriors than the new wind warriors?"

Triliara had changed herself back to a full human form and looked over at the man, "I don't know where I would be without you little brother." She turned to Geon with a hard look on her face, "You have heard the plan but here is another part to it. When it is time for you to meet the wind warriors I want u to train them in our ways."

Both Geon and Triliara's brother looked at her with scared looks on there faces. Her brother was the first to speak, "What is wrong with you? Training an outsider in our ways is forbidden not to mention dangerous. You're endangering them if you order Geon to teach them."

Triliara looked at her brother and you could tell who was really in charge. Yes he had made his point and even helped a little but she was definitely the boss, "I understand your concern but we should have taught them a long time ago. They are strong enough to handle it." She looked to Geon with a cold stone like face and said almost to no one in particular, "It is done! Your orders are set fulfill them and then return to your home!"

After the memory was over, Sean was pulled from Geon's mind. He was no longer afraid of him having been inside his brain. "I got a question, in your memory Tiliara and her brother were both human. Can you take human form too?"

Before Sean's very eyes Geon's dark black fur was leaving his body showing toned muscle and smooth skin. His face was losing its feline features and starting to show a super hot guy. He was dressed in a primitive leather man skirt but his body was so hot it wouldn't matter what he wore. "Is this better?"

Sean looked at Geon and couldn't take his eyes off of him. He almost lost his next question too, "Uh, What were they talking about with the training and stuff?"

Geon's face got serious, "The queen wants me to teach you in our ways. The ending result will be that you become Animagi yourself. The training is hard and no one has survived it in over 300 years. But the queen has ordered you be trained. Where are the other warriors?"

Sean looked at him with surprise, "Are you crazy? I'm not doing any training! And I'm the only wind warrior; the powers of the wind didn't divide."

Geon's face became very cold and distant, "Sean I didn't ask you if you wanted to do the training. I was ordered to train you and that's what I have to do. I should tell you though that if you survive the training your abilities will grow ten fold."

Just then Scott, Jean, Storm, and Logan came running toward the two. Logan was the first to get there and he immediately lunged at Geon with his claws out. Geon didn't even blink he just raised his hand with a speed that no one should have and smacked Logan away like a fly.

"I assume these are your friends?"

Sean was stunned at how handled Logan who even with his healing abilities was having trouble getting up. "Yeah, they're my friends. Don't hurt them...please."

Storm went to Logan's side and helped him up on his feet. The others had noticed that Sean wasn't fighting with him so they figured they'd figure out what was happening before they attacked.

Scott came to Sean's side, "Sean, who is this guy? Is he the one who you were talking about?" Scott was preparing to fight.

Sean actually thought this was kind of funny. He knew that Scott didn't stand a chance with this guy and yet he still stood at his side, "Yeah he's the one but he's not here to fight. He's actually here to protect me." (Hey professor, Can you hear me?)

(Yes, I can hear you Sean. Let me guess are you going ask me about your two new Other Realm guys?)

(Uh, yeah both of them want to help me and Other Realm people are much stronger than people think I' sure that they'll do nothing but benefit you.)

(Ok but as you know I don't have the power to control them. It will be your responsibility to keep these two in check. I can't have them endangering my students.)

(Of course professor.) "Well it's settled. You and Aron can stay here in the mansion." Sean got up and Geon followed him into the mansion. The others just wrote it off as another strange thing that Sean has caused.

Next: Chapter 10

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