Sexual Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

By Craig Nickels

Published on Jul 19, 2003


The Sexual Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Part 03

Written by and

A novel celebrity (or literary celebrity) story, which will include gay sex. If you shouldn't such stories, go read the original.

This is a story based loosely on characters created by Samuel Clemens (better known as Mark Twain) circa 1884. It also borrows from "Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Gregg Matthews (Crown Publishers, 1983, now out of print). My apologies are extended to any heirs of Mr. Clemens or Mr. Matthews who might read this.

In as much as Disney seems to be buying up everything these days, the company may now own the rights to Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1875) and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (1884) which were sort of combined into the film "Tom and Huck." (1995). Then again, I think by now the books ought to be public domain. As for the Matthews book, well, nearly 20 years have passed since that was written, so it might be public too. At any rate, it's out of print. (I checked with Barnes and Noble.)

I've never been sure just when the stories were set, but they appear to be pre Civil War, so I'm guessing late 1840s. Let's say Huck was born 1833 and Tom in 1835. This story is then set 1849 and the boys are 16 and 14.

Note: Blacks will be referred to as "Niggers" in this story, because it is a period piece and that is what Huck and company would've called them. It doesn't mean I'm racist. OK?


We had arrived in Springfield Illinois. Jimmy the 13-year-old shoeshine boy had asked if he could join Tom and me in our expedition, or "sexpedition," whatever the case might be. He explained he'd lost his parents and most everything to a fire, and now he was sort of white trash street trash, trying to stay out of the orphanage he described as a prison from which he'd managed to escape, along with his older brother Jesse. So we looked up Jesse, and found he was 17, but could easily pass for 21.

Back in St. Petersburg, I lit out for Judge Thatcher's, seein' as how he was "executive of my estate," as he put it, meaning I might have $7000 but I had to have his say `fore I could get it.

I decided to test him rather than say outright that I wanted money for a gold expedition. So I says "Judge, you know me and fancy ways don't mix well. I reckon any kin I got back east would be near as bad as the Widow Douglas was. Why even Tom's Aunt Sally is suffercatin' me with starched shirts and religion. Tom's told me there's lots of opportunity out west, and I'm thinking I'd like to go before the opportunity stops knockin'."

"Well now," says the Judge, "many people in this town once thought you were a bad influence on their children, what with your carefree ways, but I think maybe Tom Sawyer is a bad influence on you, Huckleberry. Seems young Tom has caught gold fever and hopes to pass that fever to you. I can't release funds for such foolishness."

You might think that would have stopped me, but I was ready for that argument. "Oh there's lots more opportunity than gold, and there's a much better one, Judge," I say, fishing to see if he'll take the bait.

"What do you mean?" he asks. (Yep, he's bit, now I just got to play him and real him in.)

"Why homesteading of course! All I need is for you to man --- man -- what do you call it when you free a minor?"


"I need you to emancipate me so I can file a claim. Out west, a man can still trap, and hunt and fish, and live free."

"You're supposed to farm, for the Homestead Act," says the Judge.

"Well, I reckon ol' Jim would go with me and help. Can Niggers get land under the Act?"

"Jim's a free man now, I think so. I can look into it if you're serious." (The Judge had definitely taken my bait.)

Now that I could see the Judge was willing to discuss business, I commenced negotiating. I asked for $2000. The Judge agreed to give me $1000 (and a money belt to keep it in) so I could buy mules and supplies. He said it would take awhile to draw up emancipation papers for me, so I went to stay at the hotel overnight with Jesse and Jimmy. We'd meet Tom in the morning. We figured he'd come along to help Jesse and Jimmy set up the farm (those three really did know about farming). I'd help, learning in the process, and be able to use the farm as a base from which to go trapping, hunting and such.

At the hotel, Jesse and I got to talking and I discovered he knew how to tan hides, and a fair amount of blacksmithing, and had been apprenticed to a carpenter, so he had skills that would come in handy.

I got restless and suggested we play cards.

"You wanna play for matches?" asked Jesse.

"Well we could, but that ain't much fun, I said. "How `bout my money against your clothes? Let's see, you each got shoes, and socks, pants, belt, briefs, shirt, and undershirt, and jacket and/or hat -- ten items, so 10 dollars. We'll play until one of you wins $10, or until you're naked. If you win, you get to keep the money, but if I win..."

"What?" they chorused.

"I get naked too, and we have sex."

"Well I'm game," said Jimmy.

"Huck, if you want sex just say so," said Jesse, "but Jimmy is the queer one. It started at the orphanage -- older, bigger, stronger boys going after the younger, smaller, weaker ones. Jimmy was 11, he would've been forced to suck dick, and take it up the ass. But, he was curious anyway, so he didn't fight it, and they weren't rough with him, `cause they didn't need to be, and he found he likes it. As for me, well I was 15. I've had sex with a few boys, and Jimmy and I have had sex together a few times."

"I thought it would be more fun to make a game out of it," I said. "You in?"

"I guess. Yeah. Sure. I am feeling kind of horny," said Jesse.

Jimmy managed to win $5, losing his jacket, shoes, socks, and shirt, but I got Jesse naked.

I reached for Jesse and we began to wrestle. He pretty quickly overpowered me, being stronger, and got me over the bed. Then he backed off and slowly started unbuttoning my pants, and, with my assistance, got `em off me.

I looked at Jesse above me, and smiled. Jesse smiled back. We kissed and explored each other's mouths, our hands at the same time running up and down over each other's upper bodies.

"Roll over, " Jesse commanded. I rolled. Jesse ran his hands down my back and touched my ass, then he ran his fingers over my ass cheeks and slowly up my crack.

"I -- can't take -- much more -- of this" I whimpered. "It's just too -- intense."

"I want to fuck you. Can I?" Jesse asked.

"Only if I can fuck one of you after."

"You'll have to beat me at wrestling if you want me!" Jesse said.

"Well, you just gonna lie on top of me and hump me?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh doggy style? No. Let's do it missionary style. I wanna see you." Jesse rolled me onto my back and I watched while he stroked himself to a full erection, which must've been eight inches in length. He had light brown pubes in a small patch above it.

Jesse knelt in front of me and propped a pillow under my butt. He spit on his hand and lubed up his dick and now put some extra spit on his index finger. "Ready?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied. Jesse slowly pushed his index finger into my rosebud. So far, so good, I thought.

Jesse stuck his finger in deeper and then pulled it out. He repeated the motion a few times and then inserted his middle finger too. He moved them around and in and out until I begged, "Oh Fuck me, now Jesse, I want you inside of me."

Jesse smiled and positioned his throbbing eight-inch member in front of my hole. When the head made contact, I winced. I'd fucked Tom a few times, and Tom told me how it hurt at first, but until now I'd had only a dim idea of the feeling. Jesse pushed until his cock head popped into my boy twat. Yeah it hurt at first, but my lust overcame it, until Jesse thrust his whole dick into my ass.

"Oh fucking shit! Pull it out," I screamed.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, pulling out as per my request.

"Yeah! No. I don't know. It's so intense, I've got to get used to it."

Jesse began the onslaught again, more slowly, but after a few slow strokes, he couldn't handle it any more and started to pick up speed. He grunted in lust, pumping my ass pretty fast now.

"Oh Huck, this is so good," he moaned.

Jimmy had stripped and was jerking off, watching us. He offered to jerk me off, and I don't know how he got his hand in between us. Jesse wanted to go deeper so he propped my legs up on his shoulders. When he pushed in this position, his belly rubbed my now f fully erect 7-inch dick. But there was something else. I screamed, "OH YES! What the fuck was that?" as my dick shot a load of cum onto our chests.

Jimmy spoke up and explained. "He hit your prostate. It's the best feeling, isn't it? That's why I like getting fucked."

"Well, next time I'll fuck you and maybe you can experience that feeling again," I said.

After the sex, it was still fairly early, so I decided to go back to Judge Thatcher's to see if he had my papers ready yet. I knocked on the door, and to my surprise it swung open -- it weren't latched, or shut proper. I thought maybe somebody had just come and gone right to the kitchen or the dining room, as it was about suppertime, so I listened but I didn't hear any talk, or sound of forks on plates. It was too quiet. Save for the grandfather clock tick-tocking in the hall, it was silent as a graveyard.

I went to the Judge's office. It was kind of dark in there, so I got my matchbox out of my pocket and lit a match, then finding a lamp nearby, I lit it.

Immediately I knew something was wrong. The Judge kept his office neat and orderly, but now papers were scattered all over. I should `a' gone right then and reported a burglary, but then I seen the Judge's legs sticking out from behind his desk, so I went to check on him.

I figured some robber conked him over the head and I want to see if he's all right. The knife sticking in him and pool of blood around him told me he weren't. I seen dead men before, but never like this, murdered deliberate for gain, which is why files is smashed and p papers thrown about, and it made me weak.

Before I could seem to feel my legs again, and find my feet and move, I heard the Judge's daughter, Becky Thatcher, at the front door.

"Father? Why are the lamps not lit?" Then, to someone else she says "He must've fallen asleep at his desk; I'll go wake him. You get the lamps lit then take the groceries and see about supper."

"Yes Miss Becky," a voice replies that I figure must belong to their Nigger maid.

Well Becky come in and seen things amiss, but before I could tell her anything she must've spotted her dead father, `cause she fainted straight away. I didn't know what to do but to fan her, like I seen ladies do on a hot day, so I looked about for something to fan her with and seen her dress hem is located convenient. I lifted her dress and was fanning her with that when the maid comes in with "Why Miss Becky, whatever IS keepin' you and the mastuh?" Then she sees the Judge, and Becky on the floor and me over her, and she cries out "Murder and molestation!" and she runs out.

By now you know I never done a murder, and I'd never molest Becky Thatcher, but I seen things looked bad for me, so I ran, before the maid could come back with the sheriff.

Back at the Hotel, I found Jimmy alone.

"Where's Jesse?" I asked.

"He's down at the livery stable, checking on horses and mules to see what we can get."

"Well that's lucky. I hope he's found 3 of something that we can ride like the wind. Grab your things, we gotta leave right now!"

"Why Huck?"

"I was just over to see the Judge. He's been murdered, and folks seen me there, and they'll think I done it. And I can't prove I didn't, so we has got to run."

To be continued.

Written by nick55 at' and sean_dude88 at'

Next: Chapter 4

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