Shadows of the Past

By Rune Therain

Published on Oct 16, 2001


I'm very surprised I've found the time to write the author's notes. Well, not so much 'found the time' as 'putting off doing something else'. Very busy week for me. Nothing like five tests and nine assignments due in a week to get the old blood flowing. Okay, I've complained about my school workload. I'm done with that...for now. Anyway, I'll be sending off the epilogue to my editor this evening. I may get it posted before I go on break. Which means Shadows is officially finished. This is the last chapter and then there's just one more instalment. It's been fun writing it. Not as much fun as Nsync Saga mind you, but fun nonetheless.

The disclaimer really hasn't changed. It still means this story is fiction. Yes, that's right, I made it all up. It does contain homosexual themes, fancy that one a site like Nifty, which means you have to leave if that offends you. If you're too young, or it's illegal in your area (some areas are still fairly backwater, or so I hear), leaving may be a good idea. There, all done, and it wasn't nearly as painful as the flu shot.

If you want to send me comments, good or bad, I've got two addresses you can send them. or

Until next time, Rune


A very tired looking Deana appeared in the living room carrying two boxes and several handguns. She set them on the table and collapsed into one of the chairs while the rest of the group assembled in the living room.

"I'm sorry it took me so long," she said. "It took me a while to find the key to the armoury."

"Don't worry about it," Jason told her. He took the smaller of the two boxes and opened it. He pulled out a silvery bullet. "Damn, there's not many of these left."

"Silver bullets?" Lance asked. "We're hunting werewolves?"

"Quicksilver," the Oracle corrected. "If quicksilver comes in contact with a Fey's blood it temporarily negates the Fey's ability. If used on one of the animals it should permanently remove their power. I'll give these to you when we go to Atlantis."

"Atlantis?" Deana asked in a slightly worried voice.

"Unfortunately so," Jason sighed. "I know you're tired Deana, but I need you to go to this address." He handed the tired woman a slip of paper. "He owes the Oracle a favour and it's time to collect. Tell him to set sail for the coordinates on the paper. Once you've reached them open a portal back here and I'll tell you what to do from there."

"I'll probably sleep the entire trip to these coordinates," she told him.

"That's fine. You'll need the rest."

She heaved herself to her feet. "I might as well do this while I can still move. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. It took slightly longer for her to vanish.

"Atlantis? What does that have to do with Chris?" Joey demanded.

"Mara is going to release the Fey of the Night," Jason told him levelly.

"And this concerns us how?" Joey wanted to know. His moods had been slightly erratic all morning. He was happy-go-lucky one moment, and then in a blind fury the next. Jason had assured them that it would fade before nightfall.

"The Fey of the Night hate humans, Joey," Jason told him. "And they've been imprisoned for a very long time. I doubt their feelings have done anything but gotten stronger. Once she releases them they will eradicate humanity. Only those with Fey blood will live."

"But we all have Fey blood in us," Justin said.

"Not enough. They will burn away anything that's human. If you don't have at least a quarter Fey blood in you, you'll die. Painfully," the Oracle looked at Joey. "I assume that is sufficient to get your attention on this matter." He closed the smaller box after replacing the bullet. "It should only take a day or two for the boat to reach the coordinates I gave Deana. Which means you have very little time to master your shooting abilities." He looked at the two bodyguards. "I expect them to be able to hit a flea at fifty paces by this time tomorrow. See that it happens."

"And just what will you be doing during this?" Lance asked. "I know you're doing something to help, but it doesn't look that way. I can understand you've been shot, but still."

"The Oracle has always done what's needed to be done," Jason told him. "I will be preparing myself for the upcoming battle Lance, you needn't worry about that. I'll be in the small room in the basement. Don't disturb me, I'll come up when Deana arrives." He stood and picked up the larger of the two boxes. He disappeared upstairs for a moment. When he came back down he had the tattered remains of the robe he'd shown up in and the large amount of silver jewellery. "It's going to be hard," he told them. "But Mara will be stopped, or nothing will matter."

"We can't get the doors to open," Katra said. "They're stuck."

Mara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Chris was amazed to see how the anger seemed to drain out of her. "Spirit summoner, find a spirit to open that door."

"I cannot," he told her. "I told you I wouldn't be able to summon any more spirits after controlling those four. The strain is too much."

"Then release them and get another one," Mara snapped.

"I cannot summon another one so soon," he said apologetically.

The man had no time to flinch. The ball of fire leapt from Mara's fingertips and incinerated him. "I have no use for those that cannot aid me," she said as the man's ashes flickered to the ground. "Now get that door open. Break it down if you have to."

Katra and Ian threw themselves against the door with renewed vigour. After several minutes the pair managed to punch several cracks into the stonework. Chris hated to see the beauty of this building destroyed. It appeared to be some kind of temple, but all of the buildings he'd seen had been designed similarly. Beauty had obviously been important to the designers. Even the fact that the entire island was void of life, save the small group, didn't take away from the awe that the buildings created.

There was a groan of protest and the stone doors gave way under Ian and Katra's onslaught. There was a deafening crash and a huge cloud of dust filled the air as the doors hit the ground. Chris was surprised that the water hadn't been able to get inside the temple. It might have been some sort of enchantment, or just very skilful work. He suspected both.

Before the dust had even begun to settle Mara strode forward into the darkness. "Follow," was all she said. The group hesitated for a moment, but the recent memory of the Spirit Summoner's death drove them forward. Chris had no choice, but to follow them. Ian gave him a shove through the dusty entrance.

It took some time for Chris' eyes to adjust to the gloom. It didn't take him long to realize that there was faint light coming from the walls. Some sort of fungi had grown all over the stone and it glowed faintly. For the life of him he couldn't figure out what it was feeding on though. He didn't have time to think about it though. Mara had a fair lead on them and they had to rush to keep up.

Mara led them through the temple with the determination of a mad woman. There were a few alternative exits, but she kept to a straight path. She didn't even turn her head to take in anything else. She finally led them to a large room with a huge hole in the middle. A path of floor ran around the room to form a half-ring. On the far end of the room was a huge pair of ornately carved doors. In the centre of the hole floated an island of stone with a pedestal resting in the middle.

"Stop," the woman told them. She waited for the group to come to a halt before continuing forward herself. She paid no attention to the lack of solid footing and stepped out into the open air. Before anyone else could register what she was doing she was half way across the gap to the island. It took her less then two minutes to cross the room like that. She ran her hands lovingly over the ornate symbols on the door.

"Soon," she whispered to herself and what lay beyond the door. "Soon."

"What's he been doing down there?" Justin asked.

"I don't know," Sean said. "He hasn't come up since he went down there the day before yesterday."

"Whatever he's doing," Lance said. "He hasn't stopped since he started. He's been chanting for a while now and whenever I'm near the stairs I can hear it faintly. Doesn't matter when I check."

"I hope this is over soon," Joey said. "I don't think I can take this stress much longer." True to Jason's word, Joey had recovered quickly. He apologized to everyone for his behaviour and didn't seem very impressed with himself about how he'd been acting.

A rush of heavily incensed laden air filled the room. "You'll get your wish, Joey." Everyone jumped at the sound of the Oracle's voice. No one had heard the basement door open, let alone hear him coming into the room.

"You walk like a cat," Justin told him. "Make some noise next time."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jason said dryly. "Get dressed in clothing that will allow for ample movement. Deana will be here shortly."

"Wasn't that ruined?" Josh asked as he motioned toward the Oracle's robes.

"I fixed it," Jason replied. "We don't have much time to work with. Get dressed and be back here in five minutes."

When the six men returned Jason was setting the quicksilver bullets on the table. There were already a few pieces of silver jewellery on the table. "We're ready," Cody said.

"Good." The Oracle motioned to the jewellery on the table. "With the exception of Cody and Sean, each of you, take a piece that fits. They've been enchanted for protection." He stepped aside and let each of the singers try the jewellery on until they found a piece that fit.

"Um," Josh said. "None of these will fit me."

"I was afraid of that," Jason sighed. He stared at the remaining anklet on the table for a moment. "Well, there's no help for it." The Oracle took the anklet and put it around his own bare ankle. When he'd done that he straightened and removed the eye amulet from around his neck. "Wear this."

"But that's the Oracle's amulet," Cody interjected.

"Yes it is," Jason told him. "And I'm the Oracle, so I can do what I want with it. It'll offer the protection that Josh needs." He placed the amulet in Josh's hands. "I'm assuming that you've learned how to shoot properly."

"They've learned," Cody assured him. "It took some time, but they will be able to hold their own with a gun. Justin is the best of them."

"Good, because they only have six shots each to work with," Jason said. He divided the bullets among the singers. "Justin I'm giving you the extra six bullets. Either use them yourself or give them to the others if they're needed."

Lance took a deep breath. "Is there anything else we should know before we go into the lion's den?"

"Several actually," Jason said. "But not enough time for them all. Erin, the red haired woman, is a telepath. She's very strong and has no remorse. Kyle, her brother, is an empath. Joey has first hand experience of what he can do. Sheryl is an illusionist. Her abilities do not create real effects, but you will still react to them as if they are real. Ian and Katra are the two animals. Both of them are stronger, faster and have more endurance then a normal human. Ian has been infused with the snake, and Katra with the cat. Mara herself is incredibly powerful. She will be able to perform great feats of magic at a whim. However, she should be occupied with trying to open the gates around the Fey of the Night, so her power will be divided. All I can recommend doing is hitting them as hard as we can. They already know we're coming. Get Chris out of her hands as quickly as possible and she'll have one less chip to bargain with. Kill Mara and all of this will be over." The Oracle paused and looked around the room. "Any questions?"

A pale portal opened behind him. Deana stuck her head through and then entered the room. She looked well rested and back to her usual bubbly self. "The boat's in position."

Jason nodded. "Good, we're done here anyway. Everyone through the portal. We will be on the island within half an hour."

"They're huge," Josh croaked. He was the first one to have recovered his voice after seeing the lost isle. "What are they for?"

"They were a weapon in the war of the Fey," William said. He seemed completely unphased by the fact the Oracle had called in a favour and he had had to sail his boat into the ocean. "I don't know much more then that."

"They amplify magic," Jason said. "When the Fey of the Night were sealed away the statues were used to sink the island. Each of them makes the magical feat a hundred times easier. It would be impossible for the island to be raised without them in this age."

"How close to the island do you want me to get?" William asked.

"A little closer then this," Jason said. "Deana will jump us to the island. Not too close to the statues. They start to glow if magic is used near them and I don't want them to know where the boat is." A silence descended over the boat as William navigated closer to the island. It took about ten minutes before Jason told him to stop. "This is close enough."

"Good luck," William said. "You'll need all the help you can get."

"Thank you," Jason said. "Deana, please jump us to the island now."

"Is all the stonework here this beautiful," Joey asked. He was staring at a fountain in the centre of a square. Four angels stood in the centre with their wings spread upward. Each of them had a jug from which water was pouring.

"From what I've read in the histories, yes," the Oracle told him. "Don't drink from that fountain. The waters heal any wound, but you are forever trapped on the island. It was used to make sure prisoners couldn't escape."

Jason only responded to questions directly asked of him. Now and again he would mention something he thought was important. Most of it being about the upcoming battle. He never stopped walking and everyone had to rush to keep up. Even when he was speaking he kept moving. He led them through the city at a brisk pace, not slowing for anything. When he finally did stop it was in front of a large temple. The stone doors had been broken and the darkness lay beyond.

"They're in here," he told the group. Without turning around he continued. "You know the plan. I know you are all capable of doing this. I wish it hadn't come to it, but it has. All we can do now is fight, and pray."

No one said a word. The singers gave each other quick hugs before following the Oracle into the temple. The bodyguards had followed on their leader's heels an instant after he crossed the threshold. The Oracle's pace through the temple was as swift as it'd been through the city. The only time he detoured from his straight path was when he had to step around a fallen piece of stone.

Mara was waiting for them when they entered the room. She was different then the group had anticipated. She wasn't ugly or floating with malevolent red eyes. She was actually a striking woman in a black pants suit. She held a three foot long red staff in her hand. Chris lay semi-conscious at her feet.

"You are late, Oracle," she said calmly. "I am a busy woman, and I have plans for the future."

"I will not allow you to succeed, Mara," the Oracle said as calmly.

The woman laughed. "Such big words for such a little man." Her laughter cut out abruptly. "You are not the only one with the sight, Oracle. I have it as well. And I know you are not the one that fate has chosen to be the champion of humanity." She swung her gaze to Cody. "But he is."

"True," Jason replied.

"Then let us dance half-breed," Mara sneered at Cody. "Come defend your lover and save his species."

Cody spared a glance at the Oracle. When he saw the other man nod he turned back to Mara. His shoulders glowed as the tattoos grew into wings. He held his staff in each hand and launched himself across the chasm toward Mara.

At the same time Deana appeared next to Mara. The bodyguard touched Chris and vanished before the Fey could react. Both Chris and Deana reappeared near the door.

"What are the rest of us supposed to do?" Justin asked Lance.

"Deal with us," Ian smirked.

The illusion Sheryl had around them flickered out and the rest of the occupants of the room became visible. The two groups spread out and tried to cover as much space as possible without getting near the gap.

Cody crashed into Mara at full speed. The woman took a step back and pushed into him. His momentum was negated as the fight erupted around them. Mara smiled grimly as she brought her staff down to strike at Cody. Since it was smaller she could wield it one handed, which left her other hand free for spell casting. Cody side stepped the blow and kicked her in the stomach. The woman grunted, but didn't double over.

Katra's whip cracked against the floor. Joey jumped back to avoid the blow. "Isn't it cute that you think you can stop me." The blonde woman laughed. "With a gun no less."

"I think it might work," Joey said. He levelled the gun at her chest. "Do cats really have nine lives?"

"Let's find out," she smirked.

She didn't try to dodge. She thought the bullets were lead. The quicksilver cut through her flesh like a hot iron. Pain laced its way through her nervous system. Her skin felt as if it were on fire as the quicksilver ripped the magic from her body. She let out one cry of pure agony before the pain wouldn't allow her to formulate words. Blood ran down her chest as she fell to her knees.

Mara knocked Cody's staff aside with her hand and brought her own staff toward the man's head. He caught her staff in his hand. A look of triumph passed over her face. The symbols on the staff flared as Cody's hand touched the red stone.

"Thank you," she laughed. Mara knocked Cody backward and pivoted her upper body to face the doors. She pointed the staff at the doors and laughed again. A beam of red light shot from the staff to the doors. Tendrils of the light worked their way out from the point of contact, filling the carvings on the stone.

"I see you've recovered nicely from you gunshot wound," Erin said.

"I've been blessed with regenerative abilities," Jason said with no humour in his voice.

"Let's see how your mind recovers," Erin said. She reached out to punch the Oracle's mind. Her blow never landed. It was knocked aside by an equally powerful mental force. A moment of doubt touched her. She shook it off and continued her assault. Each of her well-placed attacks was deflected.

"I'm the stronger of us now," Jason said. He mentally slapped Erin. The woman staggered backward. "I will not allow Mara to succeed, or any that stand with her." He slapped her again and again she staggered backward as if struck by a physical blow. This time there was no floor under her. She slipped and fell over the edge of the hole. No scream accompanied her disappearance.

Jason sighed deeply. Red light caught his eye. He turned in time to see the light fade from the staff. The Oracle watched in fascinated horror for an instant before reacting. The light has finished covering the symbols on the doors. A pale red light was becoming visible between the crack in the doors.

"Damn it," he cursed softly. He raised his arms upward and closed his eyes. His robes billowed around him as if touched by a strong wind. A nimbus of pale light surrounded him and the doors stopped opening.

A wall of fire shot up in front of Justin and Josh. The pair jumped back from the sudden wave of heat. Sheryl laughed from her spot beyond the flames. "I'm going to enjoy this. Even more then stringing the group of you along. Especially playing you for a fool, Justin." She waved her arms and the wall shifted position into a circle. The heat was starting to stifle them.

"Shut up," Lance shouted at her. He fired off two shots.

The woman laughed at him as the bullets passed right through her. "You didn't seriously think that I'd actually show myself to you, did you?" Sheryl flashed and appeared off to their left. "This is just an illusion. But," the flames leapt higher and the heat grew to match. "Illusions can be so real."

"Justin," Lance said. "Any ideas?"

Justin hadn't said anything. All emotion had drained from his face the moment he saw Sheryl. Even his eyes had become vacant. He looked from the image of Sheryl to Lance. He held Lance's gaze for an instant before turning to face Sheryl's image. He looked back at Lance and turned to point the gun behind him. Without breaking his friend's gaze he pulled the trigger.

The flames vanished. The heat went with it. Sheryl lay with a bullet in her heart and a shocked look on her face.

Ian grabbed Sean's leg and threw him over his shoulder. Sean flew for several feet before stopping. He had never been a violent man by nature, but he knew the stakes. He had already exhausted his throwing stars. Ian had thrown several of them into the rock. They were buried far to deeply to be of any use. The bodyguard mentally moved himself so that he and Ian were circling each other.

Sean glanced around the room for something to use as a weapon. The only thing he could find were several large chunks of rock that had fallen out of the wall. Several of them rose into the air and hurled themselves at Ian. The snakeman easily dodged each of them. Ian grabbed the last rock as it flew by. Before he touched the ground again the animal threw the rock at Sean.

The rock slammed into Sean's midsection. His concentration had been focused on gathering more missiles. The bodyguard fell out of air and landed heavily on the ground. He thought he'd heard a snap when the rock hit him, but he definitely heard something break when he hit the ground.

Deana helped Chris to his feet. She was exhausted from the last few days. It had taken everything she had to get to Chris and jump him to safety. The man had been dazed and hadn't been able to rouse him. It was the lightening that had brought Chris around.

"I honestly don't know your species has managed to keep alive this long," Kyle told Josh. "You are weak and destructive."

"We are not weak," Josh told him. He could feel the anger rising in his chest. He wasn't sure if was his own emotion or Kyle's meddling. The emotion kept building inside him until he began to see red. He'd never experienced anger to his level. A small part of his mind was screaming at him. 'This isn't natural. This isn't you.' With a great deal of strain, Josh managed to stop seeing red.

Kyle laughed. "You do have some strength in you. Not enough, but some."

Without thinking Josh aimed and fired his gun. He didn't know why, or even how, he did it, but he did. His aim was off. The bullet struck Kyle's thigh. The man cried out in pain and shifted his weight to his left leg. The anger immediately faded from Josh. Kyle looked surprised, then annoyed and then afraid. His powers were gone.

Mara kicked Cody twice and then stepped out of the man's reach. She raised her staff and moved in to strike at him. The fight hadn't been going on long, but she looked immaculate. Every hair was in place and her nails still looked perfect.

Cody was slightly dishevelled. He was kneeling with his staff clenched in one hand. His hair hung over his face as he looked at Mara. He wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth and threw himself at her.

The pair struggled together. Cody landed several solid blows on the woman, but she continued as if nothing was happening to her. The bodyguard was steadily growing weaker from the repeated attacks that Mara seemed to release with ease.

'I have to kill her,' he thought. He had tried everything he could think of. All of his tattoos were useless or had no effect. His staff was only useful to parry Mara's blows. He couldn't spare a look around the island, and even if he could, there wasn't anything there.

He caught a glimpse of the doors slightly opened behind Mara. In an instant he knew what was behind the door, and knew he didn't want it to get out. After a few more turns he saw the Oracle standing there with his arms stretched toward the glow. The Oracle would know how to kill Mara, but he was busy keeping the doors from opening. If he could stop the doors from opening, Cody could get help from the Oracle.

Without thinking about what might happen Cody dropped his staff and grabbed Mara's. The woman hadn't been expecting that venue of attack and the red staff slipped from her hands. Shock registered on her face as the Half-Fey inverted the staff and shoved it up under the woman's ribs. Somehow the staff punctured the woman's skin and travelled through her chest cavity to pierce her heart. She lashed out at Cody. The man fell backward and stared up at what he'd done.

The runes on the staff burned with crimson light. The lighted symbols on the door faded. The door swung shut and the white light from beyond it faded from view.

Mara's screams echoed through the chamber. Red lightening crept along her skin and shot outward. It crackled along the walls and leapt from one pillar to the next pillar. One bolt snaked out and caught Ian in its grasp. The man's screams echoed Mara's. In an instant the lightening had reduced his body to a blackened mass.

The screams stopped the fight. Everyone stared at Mara. She raised off the ground. She was still screaming. It was a scream of pain. Of agony. Of defeat. Of horror. She shot backward and the staff impaled her on the door. The red lightening snaked along the door, burning the stone wherever it touched.

The temple shook violently. The lightening and magic released was weakening the temple. Stone blocks started to fall from the ceiling. Sean deflected a few around him, while he staggered toward Lance and Justin.

A huge block fell from the ceiling. To everyone in the room it fell in slow motion. It fell on the island. Cody made no sound.

"GET US OUT DEANA," Jason shouted at her. He turned and was running toward Chris and Deana.

"I can't," Deana said. "I'm too tired."

"We have to get Cody," Chris shouted back. Another few blocks were shaken loose from the ceiling.

"We're leaving," Jason said firmly.

The world shifted. The temple faded out and they were standing in the square with the angel fountain. Everyone except Cody was standing in the square. Eyes turned to Deana.

"How?" Chris said. "You said you..."

"I didn't," Deana started.

"I did," Jason said. "Mara has lost."

"But Cody. He might be still alive," Chris said.

"That block weighed so much," Lance said softly.

"I don't care," Chris said. "We have to go back for him."

"The temple is coming down," Jason said. "Whoever goes back will die."

"Please," Chris pleaded.

"Christopher," the Oracle started. "Throughout our history the love of a Fey and the love of a human has never worked. It has always ended in tragedy."

"So that's it?" Chris shouted. "I give up because it might not work out? I don't give a damn. If I can't spend the rest of my life with Cody I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with him."

"Return to the boat Chris," Jason said. "Know that Cody's magic would always interfere with your love."

"Is that suppose to help?" The singer spat at him.

"Return to the boat," came the reply.

Slowly five figures faded from the island. When they were gone only Josh and Jason remained. Josh looked around him bewildered. He was still trying to understand what was happening.

"I want to thank you," Jason said softly.

"For what?"

"For your gift," Jason told him. "For your friendship. No one has ever truly been my friend. Or even tried to be. Thank you."

"You're welcome," Josh stammered. He had no idea what to say.

Jason stepped forward and kissed him softly on his cheek. "Thank you," he said again.

Josh saw him turn and walk away as the world faded. When it cleared he was standing on the boat. Chris was being held on the deck by William. Sean and Deana were fiercely discussing why neither of them could use their powers. Everyone else wore dazed expressions.

"What happened?" He asked softly. "What's going on?"

He got his answer twenty minutes later. Chris had stopped ranting and had started crying. William finally let him up. Everyone was staring at the island in silence. The silence had been brought on when the statutes had glowed faintly for a minute. No one said anything after they had stopped glowing.

"What's going to happen?" Lance asked uncertainly.

No one answered him directly. William pointed to a cliff that hung over the buildings. A white figure was walking toward the peak.

"Jason," Josh said under his breath as the figure came to the edge of the cliff.

The statues began to glow faintly. A ball of light appeared over the Oracle's head. As the ball grew brighter, so did the statues. The ball floated upward until it covered the entire island with its light.

"Clever boy," William said softly. "He's going to use those statues for whatever he's planning. It'll make it easier for him. He's doing something big though."

The statutes pulsed with light equal to the light of day. The four of them were blinding. Then there was a bang and the light from the statues was gone. And so were the statues. There was no falling debris. There wasn't even a ripple in the water. The statues were just gone.

"How can he be doing this?" Joey asked. "He can only see the future."

"He can't be," Deans breathed. "It's only a story."

"What's happening?" Lance asked. The wind had picked up and storm clouds were building over the island.

"The legends say that in times of great need the Oracle would call upon the Fey," Sean told him. "In these times the Oracle would wield the power of the Fey. All of it. The Oracles would use it to perform miracles."

"Shit," Joey said.

White lightening snaked out from the ball of light. It struck buildings and burned them. Wherever the lightening touched flames sprouted. In a matter of minutes the entire island was aflame.

The island shook violently and began to sink. The water rushed inward, but didn't extinguish the fire. The descent was slow and steady. It took over half an hour for the island to be submerged beneath the waves. Another twenty minutes before the light from the fire faded as well.

Everyone stared at where the island had been moments before. Chris and Josh both had tears in their eyes. Chris, for what he had lost. Josh, for what he had never had.


Almost done folks, let me know what you thought. Rune

Next: Chapter 15

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