Sharecropper's Son

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 5, 2002


This is the 5th chapter in my story of sex between men during the time when people had to be sharecroppers just to survive.

Any comments please send to

Sharecroppers Son 5

We made it back to the farm and Mr. Brown dropped me off at my house and told me to take the rest of the day off and he would see me bright and early in the morning. I headed out to the garden where my mother was busy chopping weeds and spreading manure. It was the easiest job but I knew it had to be done. I helped spread the manure while she chopped around the crops. She said it looked as if we were going to have a great garden and the manure was really going to help. She said it looked as if she would be able to do some canning if the vegetables made like she figured they would.

I knew that the more canning she was able to do the better we would eat during the winter months when there was very little money for extra food. I decided then to save some of the money that Mr. Brown said he was going to pay me so we would not have to do without certain things during the winter. I figured that I could save enough to buy a lot of dry goods just before Christmas that would see us through the winter.

I started feeling good about what I wanted to do and was actually working faster than a few minutes earlier. My mother looked around and said that she had to go start supper and if I would finish spreading the manure on the rows she had chopped then she would be able to finish it tomorrow. I headed back to the manure pile while she started toward the house.

I had finished up with the garden and washed up, as I smelled the food coming from the kitchen. I sat the plates and eating utensils on the table and then waited for supper to get finished and my father to return home. Dad entered just as mother was taking the last of the food from the stove. We waited for Dad to wash up and then started in on the meal. We had some small talk while eating and Dad told me that it looked like the fields he was working looked a little better than some of the other sharecroppers.

I told both of them about the movie that I had gone to town with Mr. Brown and seen. They both listened to every word as I told them about all the action of the movie. Dad said that if we were lucky enough to have a good crop that we might go to town and see a movie. Mother said that sounded great and she proceeded to tell Dad how all the vegetables were doing in the garden. Dad said that it sounded like we were going to have plenty of vegetables but mother had to be careful and watch for the different types of worms that could ruin the plants. We finished our meal and Dad and I walked outside while mother cleaned the table.

As we walked around Dad asked what I had to do for Mr. Brown and if I thought the work was too much. I filled him in on all the manual labor but never even gave a hint of the sexual things that we had been doing. I noticed across the field that Charlie was doing something in the field. Dad noticed also and said that the field Charlie was working in had an over abundance of weeds that had to be chopped out.

Dad told me that if I wanted to go talk to Charlie that I had better take a hoe with me. He didn't want me to take Charlie away from his work since he had just been allowed to work the fields. I went to the side of the house where we kept our tools and grabbed a hoe and started toward Charlie.

I hollered at him before I got there and believe I had scared him. He was happy to see me and instantly stopped his work. I told him not to stop that his father would get mad if he saw him not working. I started chopping the grass on the row next to him and knew that we could chat while we worked, also knew the work wouldn't seem as hard as it was if Charlie was talking.

I asked Charlie how he had gotten his father to let him work in the fields. He looked at me and started blushing as he began to tell me what had happened. He said he had been out behind the barn playing with himself when his father walked upon him. Charlie said he had been so caught up in the feeling that his father walked right beside him just as he started cumming.

I looked at him and asked what happened next. Charlie said his father didn't get mad or anything like that. He wanted to know how long my cock had been shooting cum and I let him know it had only been a few months. He said that was nice but now my life as a young boy was going to change. He told me that I had to be sure and only play with myself when no one else could see. I was not to let any of the other kids know what I was doing and I had better be sure and get up early in the mornings and take a pee so it would not be showing to the rest of the family.

Charlie then said that he noticed his father's pants were bulging as his own cock got hard again. Charlie said his father told him to go ahead and finish up but that the next day he would be going to the fields with him. Charlie said that his father told him that the more work he did then the less likely his cock might pop up when he didn't want it to.

I laughed a little at what Charlie had gone through since my father had not caught me but one day while I was bathing he noticed a little hair starting to grow under my arms and sat me down and gave me the birds and bees talk. The rest I had learned on my own until I met Mr. Brown.

We chopped in the field for about an hour until it got to dark to see. We stopped at the end of the rows and looked back and were amazed that we had chopped about ten rows each. The both of us were covered in sweat and feeling a little horny. Charlie told me to follow him as he headed down the edge of the field and then dropped off next to the ditch that ran between the fields.

When Charlie had dropped out of sight he laid his hoe down and unbuckled his overalls. He dropped his clothes to the grown and then turned around to face me. His cock though not finished going through puberty, was about five inches and a bit larger than a couple of fingers. He looked at me and asked if I was going to get out of my clothes. I started taking off my clothes and then stepped back up so I could see across the fields to see if anyone was coming. When I stepped back down I dropped my clothes and my cock had started growing and was pushing out the front of my underwear.

Charlie walked over to me and asked if he could see all of it. I pushed my shorts down and let my cock pop out in front of Charlie. He immediately grabbed it and started a slow pumping motion. My cock instantly started leaking pre-cum and Charlie moved his head closer to get a better look. He looked up at me and then slowly placed his mouth around the head of my cock. He didn't do anything else and I figured he wasn't sure what to do. I grabbed his head and gently started pushing my cock further in his mouth. When I felt it touch the back of his throat I stopped and pulled it back until it was almost completely out of his mouth.

Charlie needed no more instructions as he started pumping his mouth up and down on my cock. I started moaning as he also started sucking and licking his tongue around my cock. It might have been his first time but he was doing a great job of it. I didn't last very long and I thought Charlie was going to choke on my cum as it filled his mouth and throat. He coughed a time or two but didn't pull away from my pulsing cock. When my cock had finished shooting he licked it clean and then pulled himself up.

"That was good." He said. "I have wanted to suck a cock every since I saw the bulge in my father's pants."

"Well what do you want me to do for you?" I asked as I reached down and started slowly rubbing his hard cock.

"What will you do?" Charlie asked.

I dropped to my knees and licked at Charlie's balls and then worked my way up to his cock. He moaned and tensed up as he felt my warm moist mouth close around his cock. The attention was too much as Charlie's cock erupted in my mouth. I immediately forced it as far down my throat as it would go. His cock jerked about four more times before his cock started to soften. I pulled his cock back into my mouth and slowly licked around the head and shaft.

Charlie tried to pull his cock out but I grabbed his ass and pulled him closer to my face. His cock started responding as I slipped my fingers in the crack of his ass and started rubbing around the entrance of his asshole. He spread his legs and pumped his hips toward my face a couple of times. When he was good and worked up I pulled my mouth off of his cock as he moaned. I stood up and bent over and told him to push his cock inside my asshole.

He placed his cock at the entrance of my asshole but then waited for me to tell him what to do. I told him to go ahead and push it in as I pushed back against him. There was some pain since neither his cock nor my asshole was very well lubricated. I knew that after a few times that his cock would slip in and out very easy. I heard Charlie gasp a few times as he started pumping in and out of my asshole. I was getting some pleasure from Charlie but was more interested in letting Charlie have a good time.

I could tell that Charlie was getting close to cumming from his breathing and the way he was trying to drive his cock deeper inside me. My cock had actually started growing and I decided to jerk on it while Charlie enjoyed himself. Charlie grunted a couple of times and shot his first stream deep in my asshole. For a second I thought he was going to pull his cock out before it had finished. He finally decided to keep it inside me until his orgasm was over.

I started jerking real quick on my own cock as I felt Charlie's cum spreading throughout my insides. I grunted as my cum exploded from my cock and splattered on the ground in front of me. Charlie leaned over on my back as he let the waves of pleasure flow through his body. He then stood up and watched as I milked the last few drops of cum out of my cock.

"That was even better." Charlie said as he reached out and fondled my cock and balls.

"Yeah thought you might like that." I said as I rubbed my hands across his stomach.

"We had better get home before someone comes looking for us." I said as I located my overalls and pulled them on.

As we climbed out of the ditch area I noticed my father headed toward us, but he was still a far ways off. We climbed out and headed in different directions. I noticed my father stopped and was waiting for me when he noticed me headed in his direction. When I got close to him he asked if everything was all right. I looked up at him trying to figure out if he knew more than I thought he did. That is when he told me that he knew about the place in the ditch where Charlie liked to go to play with himself. He said that he had accidentally walked upon him while he was relieving his pressure. Dad said that Charlie had not seen him so he just moved away and let him finish with his own business.

Dad then looked at me and asked if that was what we had been doing down in the ditch, and then before I could answer he said he was not mad that he understood the desires and urges that young men had. He said that he just wanted to know so that he wouldn't walk into an embarrassing situation.

I let him know that we had been playing around and yes it would be embarrassing if he walked up while we were there. He then agreed to always make some noise before he got to the ditch so we could at least get presentable. He said that he would not try to embarrass them and that he sometimes had to relieve some pressure of his own.

We made it back to the house and I cleaned myself up being sure to wash my ass as I had felt some of Charlie's cum leaking out of my asshole. When I returned the rest of the family was in bed so I climbed into bed and under the covers. The next morning I got up before everyone else and headed off to Mr. Brown's house.

I entered the house and went to his bedroom and was told to climb in as I entered the room. We lay beside each other for a few minutes when I felt Mr. Brown's hand start massaging my cock. It responded immediately and I had to get my hands on something also. I reached down and was not surprised when I encountered Mr. Brown's all ready hard cock. He moaned when I grabbed it and said he was in the mood for some slow action.

He didn't say what kind of action but I knew that I wanted his cock up my ass and decided that I was going to try it a little different this time. As I moved I told him to stay where he was. I lubed up my asshole and then straddled his waist. I decided to try and see if I could sit down on top of his cock. Mr. Brown realized what I was doing and pushed the covers off of the bed and spread his legs as he held his cock in an upright position.

I lowered myself down until my asshole was on top of the head of his cock. I then lowered myself further down on his cock. At first my asshole was resisting the entrance of Mr. Brown's cock. Mr. Brown had me hold still while he worked the head of his cock inside my asshole. When he had it inside he told me that I could now lower myself. I felt the pressure as more and more of his cock entered my asshole.

I started bouncing up and down on his cock as it became easier and easier for me to move up and down on it. Mr. Brown was moaning with pleasure as he reached up and grabbed my thighs as they bounced up and down. I was changing the angle that I was moving up and down until I found the one I was looking for. As soon as I felt his cock rub my prostate my cock jumped to attention and Mr. Brown grabbed it and started working his hands up and down while I leaned forward to make sure his cock kept contact with my prostate.

I pumped for a few times and then felt my cum racing out of my cock and splattering on Mr. Brown's hands and chest. I must have squirted at least six times before it stopped. I slowed down a little to catch my breath but Mr. Brown increased his pumping in my ass that kept my cock hard. I was able to cum at least three more times before I was too tired to continue so Mr. Brown rolled me over and pulled me to the side of the bed. He then stood up behind me and rammed his cock into me. My asshole was so loose that his reentry was smooth and without any pain at all. He grabbed my waist and started ramming into me as hard as he could.

He was being rough but it felt so good that I wasn't complaining besides I figured I had worked him up to it. When he started to cum he slammed himself into me so hard I thought I was going to go sliding across the bed. He held me there while he made a few short thrust as his balls emptied into me. He then fell forward on the bed and pulled me up with him. We lay together for a few minutes while both of us tried to recoup our strength.

We both headed to the bathroom and took a bath together. When Mr. Brown was finished he got out and said he was going to prepare breakfast. I slid back down in the warm water to soak up the warmth for a few more minutes before I got out. When I made it to the kitchen Mr. Brown had the table set and was placing the last of the breakfast meal on it.

I poured us a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy breakfast. As we were finishing up Mr. Brown asked me what I was doing there on a Saturday morning. I looked at him a little bewildered at the question.

"You don't have to work on Saturday's unless there is something that can't wait to be done." Mr. Brown said.

I must have turned red as I realized how embarrassing the situation was. Mr. Brown then told me it was ok with him. He said he really enjoyed the wake up call. He said that since I was there that he could go ahead and pay me for the week's work. He got up and returned with a five-dollar bill and handed it to me.

I just sat there and stared at the money. It was more money than I had ever seen at one time and it was hard for me to figure out just how much it was. Remember this is a time when 5 cents could buy more candy than a kid could eat in one day and a couple of dollars was enough to feed a family for at least a week.

Mr. Brown noticed me looking at the money and wasn't sure what I was thinking. He asked if I was all right. I told him that I was not expecting that much and was just trying to figure out what I was going to do with all of it. I then told him I was going to buy some things for my mother to cook with, but knew there was still a lot of money left.

Mr. Brown just grinned at me and told me that I should take some of it and go see a movie and have a soda and some popcorn. He then said he wished he could go with me but he had business in the next town. He then said he could give me a lift into town if I wanted to go and could pick me up after the show if I could wait about an hour after it was over. I thought for a few seconds and then said it sounded like a good idea and I wanted to know if it was ok if I asked Charlie to go along with me.

Mr. Brown said he didn't see any problem but wanted to know who Charlie was. I explained to him who Charlie's parents were and where they lived. I then got up from the table and excused myself. I headed to my house and then to Charlie's to see if he could go with me to town. His father didn't really want Charlie to go but he said that since I had helped Charlie in the field that he would be able to finish it before lunch and Charlie was free for the day. I told Charlie that I would come by around twelve and that he should go help his father finish the field.

I went back home and started asking my mother what kind of things she needed for cooking especially what she needed for a cake. She answered the first few questions thinking I was just curious until I started asking about the cake. Then she wanted to know what I was up to. I told her I had been paid and wanted to get some things that we usually did without. She started to ask me how much money I had been paid but stopped and said that it was not her business to ask.

I asked her how much all the items she had mentioned would cost and she said about two dollars. I grinned at her and I guess she knew I had more than what she had quoted. She then told me to be sure and save some of the money for something that might come up later that I wanted.

The time had come for me to head to Charlie's and I told my parents that we would be late in the evening before returning but it should be before dark. They waved at me as I ran across the field to Charlie's.

When I got there Charlie was sitting on the porch waiting for me. He was in clean overalls and had a big grin on his face. His father was at the door when I got there and let me know that the two of them had finished the field hours ago and Charlie was ready to go. We waved at Charlie's parents as we headed to Mr. Brown's house.

Mr. Brown was placing something in the back of his truck and motioned for us to get in. I introduced Charlie to Mr. Brown as he slid in beside him on the seat. Mr. Brown was polite and asked Charlie how his father's crops were doing. Charlie told him that he really didn't know because he had only started working in the fields this week.

Mr. Brown looked at me and I told him that Charlie had just started becoming a man and his father figured it was best for him to work off some to the pressures he was now experiencing. Mr. Brown looked over at me and he knew when he saw the grin on my face that what he was thinking was right. Charlie had turned beet red and had lowered his head a little. Mr. Brown reached out and patted Charlie's leg and told him it was nothing to be ashamed about that he and I had seen each other naked before.

Charlie's head jerked up as he looked at Mr. Brown and then me. Mr. Brown then said that maybe sometime the three of us could play around with each other. Charlie couldn't believe what he was hearing and I noticed he tried to hide his now erect dick. Mr. Brown noticed also as he grabbed Charlie's hand and placed it on his on hard cock. I watched as Charlie massaged Mr. Brown's cock.

"Mr. Brown?" "Can I suck your cock?" Charlie asked which shocked both of us.

"Right now?" Mr. Brown asked.

"Yes sir." Charlie said.

Mr. Brown started slowing down as he pulled over on the side of the road. There was no house for miles and hardly any traffic on this road. Mr. Brown told me to get out and watch for any cars or trucks heading toward us. He then stepped out of the truck and had Charlie move to the door and sit down on the floorboard. He then unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out for Charlie.

I heard Charlie gasp as he caught sight of Mr. Brown's cock. He grabbed it and started licking up and down the shaft as I noticed the pre-cum that was dripping out the piss hole. Charlie noticed and quickly licked it off. Mr. Brown pushed the head of his cock inside Charlie's mouth and I could tell that he wanted to do more but he knew that Charlie had never had such a cock in his mouth before. He let Charlie do all the work and he was able to get more than half of it in his mouth and throat. I noticed that Mr. Brown was close to cumming and Charlie was about to get more than he had figured. Mr. Brown could not control himself as he grabbed Charlie's head and forced his cock in Charlie's mouth and down his throat. His cock was all the way down Charlie's throat and was gushing cum that Charlie had to swallow.

Mr. Brown realized what he had done and pulled his cock out of Charlie's mouth as more cum was shot out on Charlie's face. Mr. Brown then pumped his cock with his hand as he milked a couple more squirts of cum out. As soon as his orgasm had passed Mr. Brown was apologizing to Charlie for forcing his cock down his throat. Charlie wasn't saying anything as he reached out and sucked Mr. Brown's cock back into his mouth as he cleaned all the cum off of it.

We both figured he was all right with what had happened as we climbed back into the truck and headed to town. Mr. Brown asked if we were going to the show and looked at me and wanted to know if he should go tell Tony to watch out for us. I knew that what he was asking was if I wanted to get with Tony and if I wanted Charlie there too.

I thought for a second and then told him that I thought Tony could be fun and that we would get to sit in the balcony. Charlie said he thought the idea of sitting in the balcony was a good one. Mr. Brown said that was settled as he pulled up to the movie house. It was an hour or so before time for the movie so Mr. Brown had us wait while he went around back to find Tony. A few minutes later Tony and Mr. Brown appeared at the front of the movie house and told us to come on in.

Mr. Brown told me he would be back about an hour after the movie and that we could stay there with Tony or at least be waiting for him in front of the movie house. I led Charlie upstairs to the balcony while Tony and Mr. Brown chatted about something. When we got to the balcony I told Charlie about how Tony liked to play around also and if he wanted Tony would probably play with him too. I then told him that I knew for sure that he was going to play with me.

I could tell that Charlie was getting excited as he both could hear the heavy steps of Tony coming up the stairs.

Next: Chapter 6

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