Sheriff Parker


Published on Jan 24, 1999


From Sat Jan 23 14:22:23 1999 Subject: [ASSGM] ST: Sheriff Parker Part 51(mm) Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 08:22:23 CST

Sheriff Parker Part 51 Ron was ready to release his first load. Sheriff Parker was more than ready to receive it. Sgt. Bullock was still working on the big man's balls as the Sheriff began to swallow the first signs of Ron's love juice. Ron groaned and twisted in his seat and the juice really began to flow. Big Daddy's head was held firmly in place as he savored each new stream of new juice that was released for the foot long piece of man meat that he had half way down his throat. He took care not to completely engulf the might meat since he wanted to get a taste of the lovely cum juice as it flowed from its origin. Big Daddy allowed Sgt. Bullock to lick the last remains of cum from Ron's dick. The Sgt. wanted his turn at extracting some love juice from the big police officer. Meanwhile the action was still hot and heavy in the theater sounding the three men. Although the temptation was great Big Daddy resisted the urge to start an orgy. After all they had a plane to catch after it had finished the preventive maintenance checks. The Sgt. did get his fill. Big Daddy and Sgt. Bullock dropped Ron off and headed for the airport to check on the status of plane. Everything was ready. It was time to return to Taylorville. "Still don't want to do the pilot?" asked Big Daddy of the Sgt. as the plane was in the air on its way back to Taylorville. "I will follow your lead. Whatever you want" "I want to give it a shot. All he can do is say no". Big Daddy had prepared for the occasion by purchasing some X-rated videos after the session in the theater with Ron. The Sheriff placed a tape in the on board VCR and asked the pilot if he would like to chat for a minute. As the co pilot handled all the flight function, along with the navigator, the pilot went to the passenger area to sit and talk with the Sheriff and Sgt. Bullock. "How is it going guys?" asked the pilot whose name was Captain Burns. "Good. Real good". Captain Burns was a retired air force pilot in his late fifties. He was about 5'8" and 195 plump pounds. His hair was still dark in some places and pepper with gray in others. The Captain made a much better living flying Harvey's private jet than in the air force. "What are you guys watching?" queried the Captain. "Oh just a video we picked up in town. Here sit. Come on a watch with us". "I don't know. That looks a little, a little" the Captain was searching for words. "I hot the word you are looking for?" asked the Sheriff. "Well I wouldn't put it that way. But since you did". "What the hell. Just come over and sit. Just imagine it is a documentary. We can explain what's going on if you don't git it". The men laughed as the Captain came and sat at the opposite end of the couch from Big Daddy and the Sgt. "No bad. Looks like she is enjoying her work. Doesn't it Captain?". "I didn't know you guys did this sort of thing". "You mean being law enforcement types? Our dicks get hard just like anyone elses. Believe it or not we have sex every none and then". The men laughed. They tried to make light of the situation to make the Captain feel at ease. "Besides Captain these films are not illegal. Are they doing something you haven't done before?". "Ok guys you win" replied the Captain. "Wow look at that. She does enjoy her work. Look at her go at that dick". "Boy this is getting to me" "Me to". The Sheriff and Sgt. Bullock started to massage their crotches as they looked at the female in the movie go down a some dime a dozen porn actor. "Boy I wish she would do that to me. Big Daddy? Captain? What do you think". "I could use some work. How 'bout you Captain?". "I don't know guys. Not while I am on duty". "Boy look what this has done to me". The Sgt. shows the might bulge in his pants as the movie continues. He rubs it. The Sheriff does likewise. The Captain tries not to let on that he is getting turned on. The Sgt. and Sheriff Parker continue to work on the Captain. "Wow Big Daddy. Sure wish someone would do to me what she is doing to him". "Why Sgt. are you saving you would like a blow job?" "I am saying if I had the opportunity now I would turn it down". "But we are the only ones here". "I want it so bad, I would settle for anything about now". "Why Sgt. you shouldn't joke about thing like that". The men continued back and forth and laughed it up so as to hint to the Captain that they were only kidding. "Hey Sgt. I'll do you if you'll do me. What do ya say. Deal?" "You mean you go first. Ok" "No Sgt. You go first". "Then you will do me right?" "Yeah. But you have to go first". Big Daddy grabbed hold of his thick eight inch man meat as the Captain watched and listened to the men joke back and forth. He at first thought they were only kidding as this is what they intended. He was taken completely by surprise as the Sgt. unzipped the Sheriff pants and went down on his dick. "Ohh Sgt. Not bad" said Big Daddy as the Sgt. sucked on his dick. "Wow Sheriff that is the thickest dick I have ever seen. My God look at the way he is taking it all. Where the hell is he putting it". "Call me Big Daddy, Captain. All my friends do. You are my friend aren't you? Good. I think the Sgt. has done this before. Man he is good. I guess that's what marines learn on those long lonely nights in the fox holes. I bet there are worse skills to have". Big Daddy motion to the Captain to sit closer. The Captain was nervous at first but slowly moved down the couch next to where the Sgt. was sucking on the Sheriff. "Look Captain. Looks like the Sgt. is enjoying himself. Want some?". "I have never been done by a guy. Well not since I was a kid and we use to just fool around". "Well now is a good time to give a try. I might as well tell you that me and the Sgt. have done this before. He sucks good. Come take it out. Let him show you how good it can git with a guy". The Sheriff shut off the VCR and reached over to grab the Captain's now hard dick. "Wow that must be about eight inches anyway". "Almost but it isn't as think as yours". "Don't let that stop you. Let the Sgt. get some of that sweet dick". The Captain reluctantly unzipped his pants as the Sgt. crawled over the Sheriff to get to some fresh, hard dick. "Geez Big Daddy. You were right. He is good. Damn he is going to make me blow my load". "Don't worry Captain. Sgt. Bullock has done this many times. He knows how to prolong it. Just relax and let him do his thing".

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