Sheriff Parker


Published on Dec 17, 1999


From Fri Dec 17 12:06:57 1999 Newsgroups: Subject: Sheriff Parker Part 53; story, mm From: (Hulcap) Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 06:06:57 CST Sheriff Parker Part 53 The plane approach Carson County. The men had long since put their clothes back on and chatted about what had happened during the flight. The Captain expressed an interest in trying again the next time they were together on a plane flight. Big Daddy and the Sgt. shared a right on the way back to Taylorville. "So Frank what did you think of the conference?" "The conference sucked but the sex was great. Never had anything like that. Are you going to invite me when you go the next time?" "Sure. You can go anywhere with me". "Big Daddy by the way I have been to a place that is similar but not as good as the conference". "Oh? Tell me more". "There is a bathhouse in St. Louis. A lot goes on there". "I don't need to go to St. Louis to take a bath". "Big Daddy. It's just called a bathhouse. No one takes a bath there. They have showers but it's not a place for people to take a bath. I go there once in a while for sex. Lots of sex. It's something different. Usually I have a great time there. I get my hole stuffed a lot there. They have a special night for men over 40. It's pretty hot". "Hummm. Sounds like it could be my kind of place. When are you going there next?" "I plan on driving up on Wednesday night cause that is the over 40 night. The place is packed. You have to see it to believe it". "Ok Wednesday it is. Want to fly up? We can use the plane". "Not really. I don't mind the drive. It is only a few hours and I enjoy the countryside on the way there". "Fine with me. Wednesday it is. See ya then". The men parted company and that point and went their separate ways. Big Daddy was extremely curious about what went on in a bathhouse. He had as much fucking and sucking as he could stand in Carson County and the police conference. There really was no need to go elsewhere but he wanted to see something different for a change. Based on his past experience Sgt. Bullock knew that the action didn't get started at the bathhouse until after 7 PM. So he planned to arrive there around that time with Big Daddy. The two men drove together to St. Louis. They talked about various topics along the way. Police business, how things went at the police conference, and some of the things to expect during their foray into the bathhouse were on the list of topics. They finally arrived at the bathhouse. The neighborhood was typical. Non residential. Light traffic. Old brick building with some other businesses inside. The bricks had begun to fade with age. Some of them were chipped. An old elevator was used to reach the floor where the bathhouse was located. Wednesday night was popular so other men were on the elevator as well. The remaining businesses in the building were closed as it was after hours. They reach the proper flow. They walk down a long corridor with other men. They notice a line at the window. "What's the line for" questioned Sheriff Parker. "That's where we have to check in. I have a membership. You can either get a membership or a one time visit. I would recommend the membership just in case you don't like the place. You can get a room or locker. Usually the rooms are sold out by now. But that's ok cause I never spend much time in a room anyway". "Well let's just see what happens". Both men check in. They ask Big Daddy if it is his first time. He says he is there with a friend. Good they thought then he doesn't need someone to show him around. Sgt. Bullock proceeded to explain to Big Daddy the layout and how to make the best of the night. "In here we have the lockers. Put your clothes in and wrap the towel around you. Then cruise the rooms and the play area for some action". "Play area?" "Yeah. Play area. That's what I call it. Some people call it an orgy room. The bathhouse employees don't call it anything. I'll show you where everything is". The men undressed and proceed around the place. The Sgt. showed Big Daddy around. They looked at the non sex places first. The vending machine room, the lounge, the exercise room which was put there mostly for show so that the facility could claim that it is a health club, were the first to be toured. Then the Sgt. proceeded to show Big Daddy the rooms and sex areas.
They walked past many rooms. Some had guys sitting on the edge of a bed. Some had guys laying on their stomach offering their ass to anybody that can along. Other rooms had men in various position and still more had the doors closed. They pasted one room where two muscle bound thirtysomething men was the parade of horny guys pass. Big Daddy stared in the room as they walked by. "Keep walking grandpa" said one of the guys. "What's his problem?" asked Big Daddy, looking at Sgt. Bullock with a puzzled expression on his face. "Auh don't worry 'bout them. They are two ass holes that come in here all the time. They think they are god's gift to men. They like to parade around showing off their muscles. They don't like older guys so I have never figured out why they come in here on Wednesday's. Other than to show off their muscles. What a bunch of asses." "Ok here were are" continued the Sgt. "This is where most of the action takes place". The room was large with some furniture made for sex positions. There were glory holes where guys could anonymously suck the dick of anyone that put it through the hole. One corner was darker than all the others. Not much lighting was provided there. Predictably the corner was packed. "So Big Daddy where do you want to start?" "I'll find my way around. Just go and do your thing. I'll get mine".

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