Sheriff Parker


Published on Dec 17, 1999


From Fri Dec 17 12:06:27 1999 Newsgroups: Subject: Sheriff Parker Part 54; story, mm From: (Hulcap) Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 06:06:27 CST Sheriff Parker Part 54 The two men parted company to sample the local scenery. Most of the men had towels wrapped around their waist as their only clothing. Others were in various stages of disrobement. Guys were already locked in tight embraces. Kissing fiercely as they groped cocks and otherwise felt each other up. There was a well padded hobby horse with some guy laying on his stomach with his legs spread. It was pretty obvious what he wanted and there were lots of men there that were very willing to give it to him. Someone mounted him. The party was on. Sheriff Parker wondered around the dimly lit room. He listened as some of the guys talked. Some of the men were familiar with each other as they were regulars and enjoyed each others company. "Ralph how you doing?" questioned one of the guys. "Fine. Just waiting for someone that knows how to suck dick so I can get off". Boy that's my queue if ever I had one thought Big Daddy. "Don't waste your time with him" suggested Sgt. Bullock. "He just let guys suck his dick all night. I have never seen him get off". "Well your are gonna see him get off now" replied the Sheriff. Big Daddy walked over to Ralph and groped his dick through the towel around his waist. The Sheriff immediately went to his knees to get a taste of Ralph's dick. Ralph is in his 50's and likes to eat well. He is quite full figured. Nice round middle but was somewhat proportionately build. He is a short man relatively speaking at 5'8" and packs about 220 pounds on his frame. Quite like many of the men that frequented the bathhouse on over 40 night. Although there was quite a range in age and type of men that showed up, most were the of the stocky or heavy set build and over 50. There were some nice exceptions. There were the very tall men, a few over 6'6", and they were complimented by the big, big, men that were well over 300 pounds. Quite the smorgasbord for lovers of big men. Sheriff Parker sucked Ralph's dick. Ralph was one of the many married guys that frequently the Wednesday night festivities. That was his only contact with men. His only contact with getting a blow job. He usually just stood there and allowed some guy to suck on him for as long as he liked. Ralph stayed hard for a long time but did not cum. Big Daddy sucked on Ralph's hard dick all the time employing all the techniques that he had learned over the years to extract the love juice from a gentleman's dick. As he was sucking one of the two muscle bound younger guys that had insulted him and the Sgt. earlier walked by and slapped the Sheriff on the ass. "Suck that dick grandpa" laughed the young man. "Wait a minute" said the Sheriff to the man releasing the love pole from him mouth. "I'll be right back". Big Daddy walked behind the young weight lifter and grabbed him by the arm. "Let go of my arm" said the stunned young man. "I'll let go when I am gone". With that the Sheriff wrestled the man to the floor. Rolling him onto his stomach produced more protests. "You better let me up grandpa before I get mad". The Sheriff would have none of it. He knew what he wanted and he knew when he wanted. Now. As the young man lay sprawled on the floor with his arms stretched over his head, Big Daddy used his knee to part the man's legs. He then held the man arms tightly as his man meat pressed between the cheeks of his ass. It did not take long for the Sheriff's 8 inch thick love pole to find its target. Big Daddy pressed slowly as the man continued to struggle to no available. He was held tight. As Big Daddy's meat began to enter the young man, realizing he could not escape, he started to relax. The man had it up the ass many times and liked it a great deal but not from the older men that frequented the bath on Wednesday nights. Big Daddy didn't care. He wanted to fuck the young man so he continue to press his meat onward. As half of his meat had entered the now joyful hole the man relaxed even more. As Big Daddy slid the complete length in the man relaxed to the point that Big Daddy let go of his arms as he knew the man would protest no more. "Ah grandpa that feels good. Keep it up". The man now pressed his ass up to meet the thrusts of the big Sheriff as he pumped his hips back and forth. Big Daddy continued in this position for several minutes. Then he pulled the man up to his knees to give it to him doggy style. "Ohhhh grandpa you really know how to do it". The man was beside himself. Pushing his butt back to meet the Sheriff's thrusts. Wildly thrashing his head from side to side. Bending his arms at the elbows to rest in a more comfortable position. Those were the reactions that the Sheriff's pounding was generating from the young man. "Grandpa. Damn this so good". The Sheriff knew that this session would some be coming to an end. The young man's meat started to throbbed as Big Daddy continued to thrust. Soon the man could feel the cum swirl in his balls. Big Daddy knew by the man's reactions that he was not very far from blowing his load. "Ahhhhh" screamed the man as he released the first of many squirts of cum juice. The man twisted and turned and tried to crawl away from the Sheriff as his load continued to squirt from his hard dick. The man had never felt anything like that before. He released one of the largest load that he could ever imagine. Finally the cum started to flow slowly. It now dripped from the man's dick. He was speechless for a while as he tried to catch his breath. "Shit grandpa. What the hell was that. Man I aint had nothing like that. Ever. Never" Big Daddy had no words to say as he let the young man go merrily on his way. The action in the bath house continue to increase as the line at the door stretched completely down the hall way. The crowd continued to pour in. The so called orgy room began to fill to capacity. Men cruised in and out. Crowds gathered in corners. The darkest corners had the biggest crowds. Groups of eight to ten men would pile in a corner. Typically one man would be the center of attention as the rest would try to get a piece of him.

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