Sheriff Parker


Published on Mar 3, 2000


From Fri Dec 17 12:06:28 1999 Newsgroups: Subject: Sheriff Parker Part 58 From: (Hulcap) Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 06:06:28 CST Sheriff Parker Part 58 Dr. George continued to thrust into the Sgt.'s ass as he lay on the examining table. "Ahh doc, now it feels good. Real good". "Just lay still and it will keep feeling good. Especially when the lubricant comes out which will be any minute now". The doctor started to thrust harder as he got closer to shooting his load. "If you continue to be a good boy I'll give you a nice juicy lollipop to suck on when I am done. The lollipop will have juice all over it. I am sure you will like it". "Whatever you say doc. You are the boss". It didn't take many more thrust before the doctor was shooting his loading. "Here it comes. Get ready". He jerked a few times as his dick emptied its load into the Sgt.'s ass. His dick his cum all over the Sgt.'s ass as he withdrew it. He quickly picked up a towel to wipe the cum off the Sgt. "Ok Sgt. Now you can have your red, juicy, lollipop. Close your eyes and get on your knees. It's best to lick this type of lollipop like that". "Yes sir" replied the Sgt. Cum was all over the doctor's dick. Sgt. Bullock didn't mind. He actually liked licking cum from a guys dick. Frank licked the doctor's dick slowly at first. He went up and down the entire length of the man meat that was still somewhat hard after releasing a gushing load of cum juicy. "Now that's the way to lick a lollipop" said the doctor. The doctor felt some life come back into his dick. Boy just shot a load and getting hard again. Boy can this can suck dick thought the doctor. Sgt. Bullock continued to suck as the man meat began to get hard again. If I do this right I can get more juice thought the Sgt. The doctor now was completely lost in ecstasy as the Sgt. continued the assault on his dick. It did not take long for the doctor's meat to reload and be ready to shoot more warm juicy for the Sgt. to swallow. It came quickly and violently. The doctor's entire body jerked as he released his load. The Sgt. swallowed and swallowed and held onto the man meat until it stopped spurting. "Now that's what I call a physical exam. I feel good all over" said the Sgt. "But you still have a lump in your pants. It looks like it needs taking care of". "Don't worry it will get taken care of. There are patients out front and I have to get back to Big Daddy to see if he needs me for something. But I think I will need another physical need week. What do you think?" "Next week is fine. My schedule is wide open". With that the Sgt. left and went back to the Sheriff's office to discuss with him his physical examination. "Well Frank. How did you like the physical?" "You son of a gun. You knew the doctor was my type and you knew he liked to play but you didn't tell me". "I didn't want to spoil the surprise. I know I like to play like that sometimes. It is a good change of pace. If you don't know what's coming you tend to enjoy it that much more". "That was one hell of an experience Big Daddy". "Give me a blow by blow. I want to hear all about it". "Big Daddy are you sure you just want to hear all about it? Don't you want me to show you what he did?"
After that statement the Sgt. walked over to the Sheriff who was sitting behind his desk and grabbed his dick through his pants. "Not here in my office Frank. Maybe we should continue this later. Somebody might walk in". "Ok who just said that surprises makes it better sometimes. Isn't it a surprise that I want to suck you dick right here in you office?" "Since you put it that way" said the Sheriff as he unzipped his pants just as the Sgt. was fishing his dick out. "Now here's my favorite lollipop. None ever tasted better" said the Sgt. "Not even your uncle Bob? When are you going to introduce me to him anyway?" "Any time you want. He lives in Florida now. We can drive down for the weekend anytime. You'll like him. I told him all about you so it wont be a surprise but I bet you'll still like him". "That surprise stuff has its place but so does good old sucking and fucking". "Speaking of which" replied the Sgt. Sgt. Bullock go on his knees in front of Big Daddy and spread his legs wide. Big Daddy still had on his pants and was in full uniform. He made a quick call to his secretary not to be disturbed. With that the two men engaged in hot steamy sex. The Sgt. sucked the big sheriff with relish. He went after the man meat like an expert surgeon. He then unbuckled Big Daddy's pants and pulled them down a little so he could get at the big sheriff's balls. Sheriff Parker loved the way that Sgt. Bullock sucked cock. He had now know many, if any, men besides himself that had better technique than the Sgt. The Sgt. had a lot of experience, most of which he had related to Big Daddy. Especially those concerning his Uncle Bob. The Sheriff placed both hands on the back of the Sgt.'s head and forced him up and down on his cock. Big Daddy looked down at the stocky Sgt. that was on his knees sucking dick. Wow what a feeling thought Big Daddy. Frank had done that many times but the Sheriff still enjoyed it as much as the first time that Sgt. Bullock sucked his dick. He knew the Sgt. still greatly enjoyed as well. He could see the way that the Sgt. was adjusting his pants so that his hard dick would not shoot its load like the first that the he went down on Big Daddy. The Sgt. unzipped his pants to further release the tension. "I'm gonna cum" hissed the Sheriff as he continued to hold the Sgt.'s head in position. Hot gobs of cum shot out the Sheriff dick into the Sgt.'s throat and down to his stomach as he swallowed each and every delicious drop.

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