Sheriff Parker


Published on May 25, 2000


Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 18:55:23 CST Subject: Sheriff Parker Part 63(story, mm) From: (Hulcap)

Sheriff Parker Part 63 Frank's Uncle continued to do things that the younger Bullock could not understand. Those things got more and more bold during the summer of young Frank Bullock's 18th year.
Several days after the kissing session the three were again together along. Bob Bullock asked Frank to go to the store to get something for him before bedtime. Frank was more than glad to do as his Uncle asked. The store was just down the street and it would only take a few minutes to retrieve what his Uncle wanted. When he returned he saw his Uncle on the couch with his pants unzipped and his wife was sucking on his huge dick. The scene took place in the living room. This was second scene that Frank thought for sure they must know he was watching. Even more so than the first time. He could clearly see his Uncle's dick going in and out of his wife's mouth. His own dick immediately sprang to attention. He stood in the hall way and watched. The action went on for several minutes until his Uncle shoot his load. His wife quickly licked his dick clean and Bob simply zipped up his pants as if nothing had happened. As soon as his Uncle had zipped his pants Frank entered the room, handed his Uncle the package and went upstairs to bed. Frank very often slept at his Uncle house because his father never objected and his Uncle was glad to have him around. Frank was even glader to be around his favorite Uncle. The sex scenes between his Uncle and Aunt continued and Frank was around to witness some of them. He walked into the kitchen one day as his Uncle had his wife's skirt up and giving her a royal screwing. Frank again backed away listened in the hallway. He did not want his Uncle to think that he was spying on him. The best of times were when Frank's Aunt went away to visit relatives for the weekend or even better a week. He and his Uncle Bob would have the house all to themselves. They would often do a lot of guy things like watch football, tell tall tales, etc.
But it was now after Frank's 18th birthday so things went a little further. His Uncle was currently a Lt. on the police force and one of the most decorated officers. He was up for an award and was getting dressed for the ceremony which was in downtown Memphis. After taking a shower Bob asked Frank to get his formal uniform from his car as it had recently been cleaned. Bob emerged from the shower with a beach towel around him as it was the only type that would fit his large frame. Frank wondered why his Uncle had a towel own as he had often seen him naked. It didn't matter at that point Frank just did what his Uncle told him to do. The young Bullock quickly retrieved the uniform from the car and was headed to the bedroom to deliver it as instructed. The bedroom was open and Frank could hear some sort of strange sound coming from the bedroom. He didn't know what it was so he approached slowly. As he peeked into the room he saw his Uncle on the bed completely naked and jerking off. Frank had never seen his Uncle jerk off. And this was the first time that he got a complete look at his Uncle's huge dick. He had seen it slide in and out of his Aunt's mouth and her pussy but had never seen it like this. The thing was huge, almost a foot long. Bob grasped it with both hands and pumped up and down. It was obvious that his Uncle was enjoying himself so Frank decided not to interrupt. He simply watched. His Uncle spent several minutes playing with his dick until he decided to shoot his load. Frank had jerked off many times and knew when a guy wanted to stop playing and go ahead and shoot. Bob grabbed his huge dick with one hand and pumped ever faster. Frank also recognized the sign indicating when a guy is getting close. The head back. The mouth open while breathing quickly. The eyes closed. All the signs were there. Frank was stunned when his Uncle shot a huge load a cum into the air. He had never seen such a large stream of cum. There was stream after stream shooting from Bob's dick like a vulcano erupting. Frank and his buddies would have contests to see who could shoot cum the furthest. None of them could even come close to what he had just seen his Uncle Bob do. Some of the juice got caught in Bob's furry chest. Frank was further stunned when he saw where some of the cum go. His Uncle had his mouth open and panting. A few large gobs of cum shot into his Uncle's mouth. It happened several times. It was obvious that his Uncle was not trying to catch any of the cum in his mouth but Frank was surprised when Bob did not spit any of it out. Frank continued to watch as the warm juice finally started to subside and stream down his Uncle's hand which was still on his large dick. The dick throbbed a few more times and was finally finished squirting. Bob squeezed the final few drops out. Bob quickly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get a damp towel to clean off. Frank was thinking that his Uncle must be really bold to go to a ceremony smelling like cum. The wet towel would clean of the sticky part but a hint of the odor could be left behind. His Uncle emerged from the bathroom. "Frankie you got my uniform yet? What's keeping you"? "Right here Uncle Bob". As almost 10 minutes had gone by and it only takes a little more than a minute to go to the car and back, Frank was thinking that his Uncle was taking a great risk in jerking off on the bed. Frank had not really decided what he wanted to do with his life after he had turned 18. He was a high school football star but hated the books and did not particularly want to go to college. A lot of his friends were on the way to college in the fall. Frank had still not decided. So his Uncle decided for him. "Here's an application for the Marines. You're going into the Marine Corp". "Yes Uncle Bob" Frank never challenged his Uncle Bob and always did what he was told. Bob Bullock always wanted to be a marine but had to take care of his family and could not enlist. Having Frank become a Marine was his way of living life through his nephew. So Frank Bullock was off to the Marine Corp. Boot camp wouldn't be difficult for him as he loved the rigors of football training. Frank's mind them fast forwarded to the future. Many years since his 18th birthday and those unexplained actions of his Uncle. To the day that his Uncle retired and was on his way to Florida. Even at retirement age his Uncle was still a large and physically imposing man. The large patch of hair on his chest was now completely gray. His hairline had not at all receded but he had a little more than a touch of gray around the temples. Plus his dick was as hard as ever. The department had a mandatory age 65 retirement policy so Bob had to go. Lots of people wanted to see their Captain stay but he had finally grown weary of the job and wanted to do something else while he was able. Frank Bullock had long since discovered some of the reasons behind his Uncle's action but still there was the mystery of why he took that angle. The years to come after he returned from the Marine Corp opened his eyes to a lot of things. His Uncle proceeded to show him how he became a success and life and taught him not to make the same mistakes that he made on the way up the ladder. His Uncle preached to him about a good marriage and how to achieve it. Frank was appreciative of the way that his Uncle had eased him into man to man sex and was a little concerned that Big Daddy and John may have gone to fast with Tommy. But Frank was not home yet and had a little more thinking to do before he confronted Tommy with what had happened at the Mayor's house.

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