Sheriff Parker


Published on Apr 25, 1997


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Part 8

The Sheriff returned to Carson County, Tenn. feeling more invincible than ever. He was now thinking that if everyone at the conventions knew he sucked dick, and drove his cock up ass, as well as, taking it up the as himself, and he still ruled the conventions then he could probably do the same in Carson County. What better way to completely own every man in the county than by fucking and sucking the most prominent people in the county. No better way he thought. Even if word got around that Big Daddy was fucking and sucking men he still would rule the county as he ruled the conventions but with one difference. He had an entourage of police officers following him around at the conventions while no one really associated with him in Carson County. They were afraid to. He thought that subjugating the men in the county by fucking and sucking them would win him a willing entourage like he had at the conventions except his following would mostly, if not all, be non-police officers. He was not that interested in subjugating police officers in Carson County because they were already in his power. If one or more of his deputies wanted to be fucked or sucked the Sheriff would certainly oblige but would not actively seek to lure them into his bed. Damn, he thought he could probably order any one of his deputies to drop their pants and they would do so readily now. Yes he wanted to first focus on the cream of the crop. And what better way to start that to go after the Mayor of Taylorville, the county seat and largest town in the county. The Sheriff knew the Mayor fucked lots of young women as he would see him frequently coming out of cheap hotels as his wife was with the girls doing women type things like knitting or some other useless pastime, he thought. Yup the Mayor would be his first conquest and he would be followed by other prominent citizens in Carson County. The only thing left to do was to plan how to get the Mayor in the sack for as far as the Sheriff knew the Mayor did not fool around with men, only women. What a challenge the Sheriff thought seducing someone who had never had a man before. That made the Sheriff's thick dick hard as he sat alone in his cruiser late one night on a back road. Might as well blow a load and relax thought the Sheriff.

The Sheriff unzipped his pants and started to massage his meat as a nice new red sports car sped by doing about 70 miles per hour. On went the flashing blue lights as the Sheriff went after the speeder. The car pulled over immediately. The Sheriff got out of his cruiser and walked over to the red sports car. As he approached the car he noticed the driver was a young black man probably in his mid twenties. The Sheriff walked over to the car and said "going a mite fast there huh cool dude?". "Sorry I didn't realize I was speeding. I guess I wasn't paying attention". "C'mon son you know better'n that. You weren't going just a little fast. You were way over. You could've killed yourself. These back roads have a lot of tricky turns". "I know you're right. I just didn't expect to be pulled over on a back road. I'm sorry. How about a break". "Say that's a funny accent. You aint from around here are you?" "No I just move here to work for an electronics company. I'm new to town". "What's your name?". "Joe". "Joe, my name's Sheriff Parker but everybody calls me Big Daddy". Joe giggled. "What's funny". "Sorry. Nothing" said Joe. "Hope that little laugh doesn't cost me a ticket. Things are different around here and I have to adjust. How about a break?". "Look the county don't need your money. But slow down before you kill yourself. If you need someone to get you acquainted with Carson County I'm your man. No one knows the lifestyle around here better'n me. Give me a call one day after work, how about tomorrow, and I show you around. Welcome to Carson County". The two men shook hands and parted company. Joe couldn't help but notice the bulge in the large man's pants while they were talking. Naaah couldn't be he thought. He also thought what a cool dude for a old fat southern Sheriff. I better give this guy a call thought Joe. Don't want to get on his bad side. The Sheriff, as he drove away, couldn't help but notice that Joe reminded him quite a bit of his friend Karl. Joe had obviously played sports at some point thought the Sheriff. Joe had a solid build and at about 6', 210 pounds had a very low body fat content. Unknown to the Sheriff at the time was that Joe had played college football(running back) and had a short stint playing pro football. That's where Joe made his contacts that enable him to get a good steady job with an electronics company. The Sheriff planned to use Joe as practice if the young man called.

The next day the Sheriff received a call at home from Joe. "Come on over" said the Sheriff. When Joe arrived the Sheriff showed him around his very large house. After the tour the two men sat in the living room and watched the large screen TV. The Sheriff gave Joe the scoop on the happenings in this county. Joe was quite impressed with the Sheriff. "Want to watch some videos?" said the Sheriff. "Yeah sure What kind?". "You know. X-rated stuff". "Didn't think Sheriffs watched that sort of stuff". "Sheriffs like sex to. Wanna watch?". "Sure". The Sheriff put in a X-rated male/female sex tape with no plot, just fucking. He wanted the movie to get right to the point quickly. Joe obviously like the movie and the Sheriff noticed he was getting hard. "Boy this thing's hot"said Joe. "Get comfortable if you like" said the Sheriff as he reached over and unbuttoned Joe's shirt. Joe did not resist as the Sheriff continued to unbutton his shirt. The Sheriff hand now moved down to Joe's crotch. He slowly massaged Joe's dick thru his pants. "Every get a blow job from a guy?"asked the Sheriff. "No" Joe said nervously. The Sheriff knelt in front of Joe as he unzipped his pants and removed a nice hard 8 inch black dick. "Nice piece of meat" said the Sheriff as he licked the head. The Sheriff licked up and down the love stick and moved down to Joe's balls and licked them to. The Sheriff them engulf the whole cock and greedily sucked on it. The combination of the Sheriff sucking and the movie made Joe release a gush of cum down the Sheriff's throat. "Damn that was quite a load. Haven't cummed in a while?" said the Sheriff. "A long while. I've never been blown by a guy either. Never had sex of any kind with a guy. You seem like a nice person. I don't think I would have let anyone else do that. You are a really cool guy for a mature Sheriff". "You mean old don't you". "Well yea. But you're cool anyway. I have heard all sort of stories about southern Sheriffs. None of it good". "Don't believe everything you hear. Look if you want do this again you are welcome to but don't have to if you don't want to". "Of course I want to. That was the best blow job I've ever had. When can we do this again?". "In a couple of days. I have a few things going tomorrow. Gimme your phone number and I'll let you know about the next time". "Ok" Joe said as he continued to watch the movie. When the movie finished Joe buttoned up his shirt, zipped his pants and left.

Good thought the Sheriff. I found a way to git to the Mayor. But I'll work on Joe first. I still have to get him in bed and fuck him before I can really call this a success. The Sheriff called Joe. "Joe, I'm free tomorrow night want to come over". "Sure I'll be there right after work". Joe arrived at the Sheriff's house just as promised. The Sheriff wanted to go a little further this time. He invited Joe in. "I'll get he movie" the Sheriff said. They again sat on the couch and watched the movie. "Wanna git comfy?". "Ok". The Sheriff helped Joe to strip naked. The Sheriff was amazed at the muscular develop that Joe displayed. He could not fully see his body the previous night as he only unbuttoned his shirt. But fully naked the Sheriff could clearly see the muscular ripples on Joe's chest. "Holy cow. You must live in a weight room" said the Sheriff. "No. I don't get to work out as much as I use to but try my best to stay in shape". "You look like you're in pretty damn good shape. Mind if I take off my clothes. I give better head when I naked". "Don't mind at all". The Sheriff removed his clothes. "Not bad" Joe said looking at the burly Sheriff's body. "Not bad for an mature..I mean old guy. You must do some sort of regular weight lifting yourself. Those buns are quite tight". "No I don't lift weights" said the Sheriff. "Wrestling with cattle and people keeps me going". The Sheriff then asked Joe to walk over to the couch and stand in from of him. As Joe did so the Sheriff sucked the young man's dick. The Sheriff dick started to harden. "Wow look at the size of that thing. I've never seen a dick so thick" Joe said. "Wanna go to the bedroom? I think we'll be more comfortable there".

The Sheriff led Joe by the hand to the bedroom. Both men crawled onto the bed. Joe laid back with his cock sticking up in the air and waited for the Sheriff to suck his meat. The Sheriff started slowly. Joe began to moan. The Sheriff turned his body around so Joe could reach his cock. "Jerk me off" said the Sheriff. Without thinking Joe began to jerk on the Sheriff's meat. Joe had never touched another man's dick but he felt comfortable with the Sheriff. The Sheriff let Joe's dick slip out of his mouth and crawled up the bed to wrap his arms around the young black man. They both engaged in a tight embrace. "You are one helluva good looking guy Joe". "Thanks". As Joe said that the Sheriff kissed him on the lips. Joe twitched. "Relax" said the Sheriff. "This wont hurt a bit". He continued to kiss as Joe finally began to get into it. "Wanna suck my dick Joe? You don't have to if you don't wanna". "Sure I'll give it a try but it's so thick". Joe slide down between the Sheriff huge thighs and took his meat in his mouth. Joe tried to do the same things the Sheriff did to his dick. He licked it. Licked the big man's balls and engulfed the cock taking to much at first. "You don't have to choke on it. Relax. Just suck it a little. You'll get use to it". Joe began to litely suck on the thick man meat. "That's much better. Suck it just like that. You're good for someone who never did this before. Come here. Sit on my chest". Joe moved up the bed to sit on the Sheriff chest and offer him his now throbbing meat. Joe fucked the Sheriff face with a ever quickening pace. It was obvious to the Sheriff that Joe was getting ready to blow his load. "Relax don't cum yet. Come here". The Sheriff wrapped his arms around Joe and held him tight. Joe was amazed at how strong the Sheriff was. Strong but tender. Joe felt comfortable with the big Sheriff arms wrapped around him. "I wanna fuck you" the Sheriff whispered in Joe's ear. "No. Please I can't possibly take all that meat. I've never been fucked". "Relax. I wont hurt you. It'll sting a little at first but will feel good after that. If it hurts too much I'll stop. Promise". The Sheriff reached in a nearby drawer and took out a jar of grease. "Roll over" commanded the Sheriff. Joe rolled onto his stomach as the Sheriff lubricated his ass with grease. The Sheriff also dabbed some on his love stick as he prepared to penetrate. He spread Joe's legs and crawled on top of him nibbled on his ear a little. "Relax. Just relax. I'm gonna put it in. It'll sting at first but try to relax. Don't tense up". The Sheriff was slow to penetrate. Joe winced a little. The Sheriff eased off but quickly started again. He pushed a little harder this time. Joe didn't wince this time. The Sheriff now had his dick in the virgin ass. He started to fuck slowly in and out while laying on top of the muscular former football player. "Wow that's good. Never felt nothing like this before. Ahh. Keep going" cried Joe. The Sheriff picked up the pace. " Fuck me, Fuck me. Ahh just like that, fuck me". Joe was now really getting into it. He started to bite the pillow as the Sheriff smoothly and with great skill fucked his ass. Now thought the Sheriff I'll give him a special treat. The Sheriff started to move his dick around in Joe's ass so as to make him cum like he had done with so many others. "Damn that's good. Do that again. Yeah. Just like that. That's good" Joe screamed as he surprisingly began to cum. "All shit I'm cumming. Damn". The Sheriff continued to shove his dick in Joe's ass to fuck all the cum out of him. "I didn't know a guy could cum from being fucked. That's the best sensation I've ever had. Can we do it again sometime?". "Anytime you want" said the Sheriff as he went to the bathroom to get towels to clean them both up.

The two men lay in the bed with arms wrapped around each other. "Sheriff you are the most amazing guy. I've never met anyone who is so gentle, yet tough as nails. You are quite a guy and have a thick dick to boot". "Thanks Joe. You're quite a guy yourself. You got a body that wont quit. You gave me a hardon the first time I saw you". The two men lay together as the Sheriff could feel Joe's dick start to harden. "Ah ha. I see you want more action". The Sheriff went down on the throbbing black meat and began to suck it to full erection. When he had done so, he said "fuck me". "I've never fucked a guy, Sheriff". "It's ok and you can call me Big Daddy if you want". "I prefer Sheriff if you don't mind for now anyways". "That's fine son. Just let me roll on my back so you can fuck me with that stiff dick of yours". "Ok let me get some grease". "We want need that. I done this enough that you wont hurt me". The Sheriff spread his legs and placed his ankles on Joe's shoulders. Joe grabbed the big man's legs and thrust his dick up the nice big, plump, but firm ass. "Damn that's tight". "Relax and take it slow don't cum to fast". It was to late. Despite the fact that he had already cummed earlier the first time in a tight ass was to much for the young black man. He blew as nice load up the Sheriff's ass as he screamed in estacsy. "That was quick" said the Sheriff. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect to blow my load so fast. I have never felt anything so warm and tight. I couldn't hold back". "That's ok. After you've done it a couple of times it'll last longer. You young guys cum fast anyway. Hand me that towel". Joe reached over and gave the Sheriff a towel to clean the cum from his ass. Then the Sheriff pull the young muscular black man on top of his and give him a nice long kiss. The Sheriff began to jerk on his still hard dick until it squirted load of cum on both men. The two men had a long conversation before Joe got dressed and left.

After Joe left the Sheriff sat in his living room with a bath robe on thinking that he now had completed his first goal. He had made love to someone who had never had a man and was successful. He was now sure he could lure the Mayor into his bed for a good fucking. After that the rest of the prominent men would fall in line and the Mayor would probably help. The Sheriff sat and thought how he would drive his dick up the Mayor's ass and make him beg for more before he would blow his load. He would fuck and suck the Mayor until he couldn't see straight. The Sheriff continued to fantasize as he massage his massively thick 8 inch meat. He had cummed only once tonight and could have used more. He wished Karl was still around. He fantasies drifted back to the time when Karl would drive his 10 inch black dick up the Sheriff's ass and blow him after he was done. The Sheriff began to pump faster as his dick exploded. Cum gushed out and shot halfway across the room. Boy the thought of fucking the Mayor must have really turned him on. He was now ready to put in plan in action.

Next: Chapter 10

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