Shifting One's Principles

By Wendy Coulson

Published on Mar 30, 2008



A message from the Author: This story is entirely fictional. If you find that there are any similarities between the characters in this story and persons you may know in real life, it must be made known that in no way were these similarities intentional. This story focuses on a budding sexual relationship between a male student and his principal, so if this strikes you as bizarre, please turn away now if you will be offended by such a matter (which is absolutely absurd, as you found yourself here in the first place). Please sit down, relax, and enjoy as you read my first ever submission to

The author also gives the license to display this work on their website. Anyone seeing this story and who would like to publish it on their website should contact me at Thank you in advance.

"Connor Foley, you are wanted in the Principal's Office."

Connor turned to his friends. He smirked. "I wonder what it is this time," he joked.

"Maybe he wants to thank you for single-handedly leading us to victory in last night's game, huh Foley?" one of his friends replied.

Connor smiled. "That could be it. Well, I guess I could use a break from this boring History class anyway." He got off of his seat and excused himself from the class.

Connor Foley was one of the kids who seemed to have everything. At New Grant High School, he was the popular kid, star basketball player of the New Grant Gyros, and he was dating the hottest girl in school, Josephine Baker. Connor was respected by his peers, but despised by the unpopular people. To them, he was an egotistical, narcissistic jerk who preyed on the socially inept and bullied them into the ground. Sure, he was all of those things, but those he bullied were those he bore a certain kind of prejudice towards, and his peers understood this reason very well.

Connor had been raised a homophobe. His parents were staunch Christians-slash-Conservatives, and had always preached to him that men who slept with men or women who slept with women were to perish in a lake of fire and burn for eternity once the End came. He was warned constantly against associating himself with these kinds of people lest he join the 'sinners' in hell for eternity as well. Connor was as a result very prejudiced, and would bully those he found were a little too close for comfort around him.

Connor's friends shared his views to some extent. They didn't take it so far as to beat up anyone, but they would in some way bear hate to those they knew or figured were gay. Sometimes they would leave messages inside or outside their lockers, or even inside their vehicles. None of them ever got in trouble for their actions, at least not until that day.

The principal, Mr. Henderson, was a man not to be messed with. He was about six feet, four inches, quite brawny, and seemed to always project a constant sternness about him. Most of the students were quite intimidated by him. Not so much Connor though. As Mr. Henderson paced his very detailed, exquisitely laid-out office, an office which Connor wasn't very much accustomed to being in, he tried to remain unshaken and fearless. He knew for sure now that he wasn't called in for any congratulations after all.

Finally Mr. Henderson talked. "So, I presume that you know a Mr. Edwards, do you not?" Mr. Henderson turned towards Connor, expecting him to answer. Connor now understood. This unexpected meeting was about some skinny tenth grader who he beat up the day before some time after school. Connor smirked.

"So I understand, Mr. Foley, that you apparently like to bully certain students. By the looks of things, this has been going on for some time. In fact, there have been constant rumours about it, all which have reached my ear, but no one has ever dared to come forward until today. So, Mr. Foley, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Connor's smirk remained, as if to stand the test of time. "They deserved it."

Mr. Henderson raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" He sat down on his leather chair and slammed his fist down onto the table. Connor jumped slightly. "Those students you seem to have a problem with are honor roll students, students who have no strikes against their record, and are essentially model students! So let me ask you again, what did they do to warrant that kind of punishment unnecessarily dealt by you?"

"Well sir, if I must say, it's the way they dress, walk and talk. It disgusts me, and just makes me want to teach 'em to stop acting the way they act."

"So what is so unusual about the way they act Mr. Foley?"

Connor groaned. "Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Just answer the question boy!"

Connor scoffed. "I'm sorry to say this, but your scare tactics really don't work with me."

"What? Do you forget that I am the school's Principal, and so help me, I will remove you from the basketball team or go so far as to expel you for crimes against the school body? Do you seem to forget that this school supports zero tolerance of bullying, and that bullying of this nature is extremely unwarranted?"

Connor sat up in his seat now. He laughed. "You wouldn't dare. Do you forget that my parents donate a lot of money annually to this hell hole? You expel me and 'poof'! There's almost all of the school's donations gone for good!"

"To hell with your parents!" Mr. Henderson stood up once again and walked over to the opposite side of the desk where Connor sat. "I loathe students like you, students who feel that they can do whatever they want and say whatever they want as long as they've got piles of money in the bank. I demand respect, you hear?" He placed his hand down hard on the boy's lap. "You deserve some good discipline, something that will teach you that it's not right to bully people just because they seem 'gay'."

Connor looked up at Mr. Henderson. "Sir, you're veering pretty close towards what could be considered sexual harassment. What's your hand doing there?"

"Oh, isn't it obvious enough?" The principal placed his mouth near the boy's ear and talked in a low voice. "Am I making you angry, Foley? Do you want to beat me up just as you beat up those other boys? Huh? What if I do this?" The principal moved his hand towards the boy's fly, and pressed his hand against Connor's crotch. "Do you dare to cross the line by beating up your superior? Are you ready to be expelled, boy?"

Connor was shocked by what was happening. He was getting very angry, especially as it was very inappropriate, and also lending itself to be a tad homoerotic in nature. Then, something happened. He felt as if his cock was beginning to stir and was responding favourably to Mr. Henderson's hand against his crotch.

Two weeks prior to Mr. Henderson's and Connor's current 'situation', Connor hadn't really been able to jack off. Firstly, his great aunt had come to visit and her room was directly adjacent to his. Masturbating with his great aunt in the next room would certainly not be a great idea, as he surely didn't want to get caught in the act if he happened to moan too loudly, or if she just happened to enter his room for anything. Whacking off in the showers wasn't a good idea either as they both had to share it, and due to her bowel problems she was sure to be in there almost incessantly. Secondly, he had basketball practice almost every day those two weeks. Training was tiring and had him worn out and tired after every session. Two weeks of forced abstinence had him hopelessly horny and his balls heavy with unreleased cum. The littlest thing, such as his principal's hand on his crotch, could trigger his penis to grow to full length.

Connor groaned slightly. Mr. Henderson looked down at Connor, amused. "Don't you want to hit me already?"

"God, sir, stop. It's not that, just ..." As Mr. Henderson removed his hand from the boy's private area, he noticed a distinct bulge in that region. Understanding that he had unknowingly turned the boy on, he backed away.

"Um, I'm sorry. I didn't realise that I was ... affecting you in that way."

Connor was already turned on so much by the feeling of someone else's hands by that region that he had no idea how to turn himself off. Even though he knew it was wrong, and it was the very thing that he was against, he desperately needed more of what had taken place. "Sir, I ..."

"What is it, Foley?" Mr. Henderson saw as Connor placed his hand near his erection and was not so subtly stroking it in front of him. The principal wet his lips as he passed his tongue over them. He continued to stare at him. "Mr. Foley, you are almost an adult, I believe?"

"Uh ... yes sir, I'm already ... eighteen." Connor closed his eyes as he let out a small moan.

"Mr. Foley, I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my office ... unless ..." He walked towards the door to his office and locked it. "... unless I can help you." As Connor looked up at Mr. Henderson, he could see that his principal was sporting a huge erection himself.

"Mr. Foley, I've never done this before, at least with any student, but I am willing to make a proposition here. Perhaps we can help each other out with our similar ... 'problem'." Connor watched as his principal undid his shirt and tie and then removed his belt buckle. He undid his fly and let his pants fall down to his knees. Then he motioned for Connor to do the same. Connor didn't seem to object to this now very immoral situation. He pulled his jersey off over his head, revealing his well-defined abdominal region, and then removed his slacks and boxers giving Mr. Henderson a better view of Connor's rock hard penis.

Mr. Henderson eyed Connor with lust. "Now, if you want, I could get you off first, how about that?" Connor nodded. Mr. Henderson walked over to where Connor sat and knelt down in front of him. He placed his hand around Connor's stiff cock and proceeded to masturbate him. Connor threw back his head as he sighed while his principal went to work on his dick. Mr. Henderson moved his hand in a back and forth motion while rubbing the head of Connor's cock with his thumb. Connor made slight moans, audible enough for the principal to know that he was enjoying the hand job. He now pumped Connor's cock a little faster, making Connor moan even louder. Mr. Henderson was a little worried that his secretary would begin to hear, so he told Connor that he would be right back.

Mr. Henderson went to the phone on his desk and pressed the button that would link him to his secretary. "Hello, Mr. Henderson, what can I do for you?" the secretary asked.

"Joanne, I'm letting you go for an early lunch break today. I'll see you back at half twelve, okay?"

"Okay, certainly sir," was his secretary's reply. Mr. Henderson hung up and returned to Connor.

"Just in case this gets out of hand, I don't want us to get caught."

"I guess that makes sense." Connor really could care less for small talk.

Mr. Henderson smiled. "Do you like the way it feels when my hand strokes your cock, Foley?"

"Uh, ah, mmm-hmm," was all Connor could reply. Mr. Henderson quickly resumed his work, further intensifying the pace at which he pumped Connor's wood. Drops of pre-cum began to ooze from Connor's cock, and they did not go unnoticed by Mr. Henderson.

"Would you like it even better if I tasted you right now, Foley?"

"Oh God, yes," Connor whispered, shocking himself as he whispered it. Mr. Henderson hovered over Connor's erection and then lowered his open, ready and willing mouth onto the head of his cock. He licked the head, licking away all the pre-cum and swallowing it, savouring the taste. Damn, he tastes good, thought the principal, as he placed his mouth down on Connor's cock once more. Mr. Henderson sucked Connor's dick up and down, pausing momentarily to savour the taste of Connor's dick against his tongue. He placed his hand against Connor's ball sacs and toyed with them with his fingers as he placed his lips against the sides of his shaft and ran them up and down.

Connor was becoming so turned on that he was growing less and less disgusted by what was taking place. He placed his hands on Mr. Henderson's hair trying to push his principal's mouth down on his cock more. Mr. Henderson then held Connor's shaft with his hand as he tickled his balls with his tongue. Then he placed his mouth over one of the balls and proceeded to gently suckle on them. Connor was moaning and groaning intensely and felt as if he was almost about to burst. Then he felt something strange; a new sensation that was building up within him. The principal was running his tongue around the rim of Connor's anus, wetting the entrance intently, and stabbing at the hole with his tongue.

Connor almost jumped but this was now turning him on even more. He knew he was about to cum soon. Mr. Henderson was now paying close attention to Connor's anus as he used one hand to pump Connor's cock. Then he used his other hand to try stretching Connor's anus apart so that he could shove his tongue up inside Connor's ass hole.

"Oh fuck, Sir, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum ... ahhhh ..." Upon Connor's warning, Mr. Henderson placed his cock back into his mouth and placed his tongue against Connor's head, moving his tongue around in an almost circular motion. The stimulating effect brought Connor to an intense orgasm, and loads and loads of his white, sticky cum filled his principal's mouth. The principal swallowed while he continued licking Connor's penis hole. Connor groaned hard while he thrust his dick deep into his principal's mouth, forcing his dick further into his superior's mouth. After what seemed like hours of Connor pumping his jizz into Mr. Henderson's mouth, he pulled out of his mouth and slumped into the chair. Mr. Henderson swallowed the last of Connor's cum with a satisfying smack and proceeded to lick Connor's spent cock until there was virtually no stray cum left.

Connor tried to steady his breathing as he watched his principal stand up. He was left speechless. His eyes averted to his principal's stiff cock which dared to poke an eye out. Seeing someone else's cock hard directly in front of him was starting to turn him on again. Mr. Henderson finally spoke. "That was like week's worth of cum, huh boy? No wonder you got so turned on by my touch."

Connor looked up into his principal's eyes. There was a momentary twinkle in them, quickly replaced by a spark of sadness. Then he looked at Mr. Henderson's cock again and shook his head. "About ... getting each other off ..."

"Don't worry about it. Tasting such excellent cum in ages is enough for me. I'll finish myself off after you're gone. You should leave."

Connor relaxed. Even after such a thrilling yet unbelievably immoral experience involving a boy and his principal, he was not yet up to the idea of masturbating any guy off. However, he was, surprisingly enough, considering building up to it. "Um, will this kind of thing ever happen again?"

Mr. Henderson turned to him. "Why, would you like it to?"

Connor became shy. "I was just wondering."

"Connor, this kind of thing was never supposed to happen; especially because you're my student and I'm your principal. If we ever got caught, I'd lose my job, and I'd be ostracised by society due to the nature of the situation. You may also be expelled, and think about what your parents would say! No, this could never happen again. Just hurry up and put on your clothes and leave immediately."

Connor, now bewildered, clothed himself quickly and left Mr. Henderson's office. Mr. Henderson, sighing regretfully, willed his erection down, wishing that he didn't always have to decide right from wrong, wishing that he could be his old, naïve, eighteen year old self again.

James Henderson recounted the first time he decided that he was gay. The forty, almost forty-one year old man remembered vividly the moment when his eighteen year old rival at the time pushed him into the mat during a wrestling match and he briefly felt his opponent's cock graze against his ass. At the time, he thought he was against gays as well, but that short moment had undoubtedly changed his life forever.

In college he and his then rival met and eventually became friends. It turned out that this fellow high school wrestler was also decidedly gay, and during one historic night, they each found out what it was like to be gay. James eventually found that he loved to suck cock, and by practicing with his friend became very good at it. He also remembered the night when they first engaged in anal sex. He loved the tight feeling as his friend's ass engulfed his cock. Those four years of college were the best, and he hoped they would be friends forever, hopefully timeless lovers.

James' hope was not shared, and on the day of graduation he learnt that his best friend and lover was heading home to marry his long-term girlfriend, the girlfriend he had never mentioned he had all that time. James was left heartbroken, he was in love with his friend but his feelings he realised had never been reciprocated truly. He had then joined the military and had stayed with them for ten years before leaving to teach at Connor's high school. He had only been principal there for two years, the previous principal had held him in high esteem and had felt that he was worthy of her treasured position once she had retired.

James' longest relationship had been with his college friend, and later relationships had been brief. Most of his relationships had been with men who were staying in town by reason of business. He had a fear of long-term relationships; he didn't want to develop feelings for anyone if it meant that he could get hurt again. Although it was meant to protect him, he still reminded himself on odd occasions that he was alone and that would depress him even further. He didn't even have his family to depend on. His family had deserted him when he had come out to them, and it was something he had learned to forgive but at times would sour him greatly.

As James buttoned the last button on his shirt and fixed his tie around his neck once more, he hoped that he hadn't scarred Connor for life by what they had done. He sat down and stood up and went to the door, opening it by a peep to see if his secretary had returned. No, she had not, yet. Mr. Henderson sighed and closed in his door again. How could such a freeing moment like what previously transpired leave him so unbelievably tormented?

That night, Connor lay down on his bed and sighed. The day's events kept replaying in his mind and he wished that he could shut them out. He was frustrated with himself: he got turned on by his principal and allowed him to suck him off without protesting. After all, he was a homophobe, and darn proud of it! For God's sake, what would my parents say if they ever found out, he thought to himself. They would probably toss him out into the streets and act like they never had a son in the first place, he decided. In his parents' eyes, he was a do-gooder and he was going to Heaven for sure. He didn't want them to be sticking their noses up in the air while he sank into a fiery Hell, crying for forgiveness.

"That's it, I'll just tell everyone that the Principal molested me in his office," Connor decided. "It's not like it's my fault anyway, he came onto me. He was the one that placed his hands on my crotch in the first place."

Then another voice within him spoke up. "But it was your fault that you got turned on in the first place, and allowed him to see that he turned you on," he heard the voice say. "And you know you liked it." Connor groaned. He didn't just like it, he enjoyed it. He wanted desperately to have his cock sucked again, again and again by his principal. He probably wanted to go even further but just didn't know it yet. Connor knew what he had to do. He had to show Mr. Henderson how much he liked their experience and that it wasn't over between them. No, as long as he'd have to keep seeing the principal every day, it couldn't be over between them.

(Any comments or inquiries about the characters in this story can be sent to

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