Shining Star

By David Brooke

Published on Aug 24, 2004


Shining Star By David Brooke

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story containing explicit consensual and non-consensual gay sex between adult men. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then do not do so.

Chapter 2 - Caught red-handed

It was the next night after my encounter at the porn shop. My hole was still a little sore from the unwanted reaming it had received. I felt stupid that I had allowed myself to get into such a situation in the first place, embarrassed that I had actually been buttfucked, and shame and humiliation that, after I had adjusted to having a big dick ramming in my butt, I had actually encouraged him to "Fuck me!" Even more disturbing was realizing my private humiliation actually gave me a rush. I was sitting in class that morning, listening to a boring lecture, and found my mind wandering and then focusing on me being bent over in that slimy video booth, that big hard dick ramming in and out of butt with me moaning "Fuck me! Fuck me!" Unconsciously my hand slipped down to my crotch; the realization that I had a raging hard-on shook me from my thoughts. I straighten up in my seat, shook those thoughts from my mind, and looked around nervously to make certain no one else had noticed. A good looking dark-haired guy a couple of seats over was staring at me, a smirk on his face. He glanced down toward my crotch then back up to my eyes and winked. Shocked, I looked back up to the professor, staring intently at the mishmash of notes he had scrawled on the blackboard, suddenly intent on the crap I had already memorized. Was that guy coming on to me? I wondered. Do I have 'I was buttfucked last night!' written on my forehead?

Bored with the lecture, I looked over the other side of the class. I never noticed before how many good looking guys there were in class. I focused on one hot looking guy in particular, a stocky, jock looking guy with close cropped blonde hair. I thought about what the guy had said the night before Any guy - I don't care how straight he is - would take one look at your bubble butt and think 'that butt was made for fucking - and I'm going to fuck it!' I realized the jock was returning my stare, a quizzical look on his face. I shook my head, as if I'd been daydreaming, and returned my attention to the boring professor. As I walked around campus later, I again marveled at how many hot looking guys there were in school; guys with thick, muscled legs in shorts. I'd shut out of my mind any sexual thoughts about guys so long ago; it seemed now it was all I could think about.

In the afternoon, I did my therapy session at the sports center. I had a massage session with Jerry Tucker, our Quarterback and Team Captain. He had pulled a hamstring muscle during the season. After he worked out and did his whirlpool therapy I gave him his massage, rubbing and needing the muscles in his thighs. Jerry was a stud, 6'2", 230 pounds. His thigh muscles were enormous; I'd always marveled at how thick and tight his leg muscles were, and wish I could have had legs that large. Jerry always called me "little buddy", and told me I had a "great touch". As I caressed and kneaded those thick muscles I found myself thinking back to the video booth, bent over, having my butt reamed. I wondered what Jerry would think, if he knew his "little buddy" intimately massaging his thighs only inches from his package had been on the receiving end of a buttfucking. Would he through me off and want to beat the shit outta a fucking faggot? Or would he want to bend me over too, forcing what I knew was a long, fat cock up my butt while he moaned with pleasure? I realized I had a raging hard-on again; I was hard as a rock, massaging the naked thighs of a teammate, only inches away from his full, round butt. And I was supposed to be a professional therapist, straight as an arrow. Stop thinking about this shit! I screamed silently, determined to force these thoughts from my mind.

"You OK, little buddy" Jerry asked suddenly, bringing me back from my internal torment.

"Yeah . . . yeah, sure," I assured him. "Why?"

"Well, your hands are little up there, almost on my butt. It's down toward my knee where the muscle was torn."

I reddened with embarrassment as I realized in my distraction my hands had wandered up, and I was aggressively kneading his muscles just below the large naked butt. I quickly moved my hands back to just above the back of his knees. "Sorry, man," I muttered. "I guess I wasn't paying attention. I guess I have a lot going on right know. Sorry," I apologized again. "I'll pay closer attention."

"No prob," Jerry assured me, turning his head to the other side. "You got the touch, little buddy. I just don't need the touch on my butt; it's the ONE thing that never gets hurt," he chuckled.

Later that night at the apartment I was on my bed, trying to focus on the chemistry textbook. I was alone; Brad was out on a date with the current girlfriend. He would probably spend the night at her place, banging the daylights out of here. Colin was working at Starbucks; he wouldn't be back until after midnight. My mind kept wandering from chemistry. I kept thinking about the porn shop, about the amazing assortment of dildos, and how the manager had snickered when I told him I was looking for one for my girlfriend. I thought about that dark video booth, the gross film of the slut taking that enormous black cock in her ass, and then my amazement as the manager switched it to the video of the hot blond jock getting his butt plowed, how rock hard his cock was as that huge dick plowed his butt, about the look of bliss of his face as he was fucked. I shook those thoughts from my mind and returned to chemistry. My mind wandered to sitting in the classroom, absently mindedly rubbing my hard-on as I thought about my buttfucking, and the smirk on the face of the jock. Could he have read my mind? Could he possibly know I was thinking about getting buttfucked? My butthole suddenly seemed to be throbbing.

I sighed, and set aside the chemistry book. Maybe I should check out my butt, see if the inflammation around my hole was going away. I returned from the bathroom with hand mirror and bottle of hand cream in hand. Shucking off my shorts, I jumped in bed, adjusting the pillows so I could lean back and expose my butt. Holding the mirror out, I crammed my head to examine my butt. I could see firm round cheeks covered with the dusting of light brown hair. But, my hole was hidden inside the dark crevice between the buns. With an annoyed sigh, I looked around for something to prop the mirror up so my hands would be free. I settled on the chemistry book, propping it open so the mirror had a clear view of my butt. Clenching my cheeks firmly with each had, I pried them apart. There it was; my hole was a puckered, wrinkled little hole in the middle. The skin around the hole looked just a little red, a little puffy. I pried my cheeks part wider, trying to see inside my hole. The puffy puckered hole open just enough to see a little bit inside. It seemed OK. Hmmm, I thought. I squeezed a generous amount of hand cream on the index finger of my right hand, and rubbed the cream around my hole. The coolness felt soothing, and good. I circled my hole, massaging the cream around. My finger slipped inside the hole.

"Oooh!" I sighed; that felt even better, the coolness of the cream soothing the heat inside my hole. I pressed my finger in further, luxuriating in the heat and tightness of the muscles inside my hole parting for my finger, the cool of the cream soothing the walls of my rectum. My knuckle slipped in and still my finger pressed forward. I felt my hand press against my cheeks, my finger unable to press further. In frustration, I jabbed my finger, reaching for something inside I could not reach. My dick began to stir, growing from the stimulation in my hole. I slipped a second finger inside. It went easily, and soon I had both fingers pressed inside as far as they could go, jabbing away in frustration that I could not force them in farther. The cheeks of my face flushed with heat as I realized in private humiliation that I was getting into playing with my ass. My dick was hard as a rock, and I knew I needed more.

"Fuck it" I said to myself. "It's time to try out my new toy!" I jumped out of bed, flew to my dresser, and fished the dildo out from under the clothes of the bottom drawer where I had hidden it. Jumping back into bed, I squeezed a generous amount of hand cream in my hand, and began to massage it onto the dildo. "Shit," I thought, as I worked the hand cream on the 8" dildo. It had to be 3" in diameter. "There's no way that thing is going to fit into my butt". Satisfied I had the dildo covered with as much hand cream as I could, I gripped the base firmly and pressed the head against my puckered hole. My hole resisted the large round intruder; I pushed harder. My hole parted and the head popped inside. "Aaah!" I groaned at the sudden intrusion, my hole stinging. I held perfectly still, afraid to move the dildo in or out. My hole felt incredibly stuffed. It felt really strange, yet my dick seemed to like it as the head glistened with precum. The stinging stopped, and I tried twisting the dildo, rotating it around my hole. "Oooh!" I groaned. That doesn't feel bad at all. I pushed, and the dildo slid in further. I pushed more; several inches slipped in further, until the increasing girth made my ass-ring burn in discomfort as it was stretched wider and wider. "Ow!" I gasped, and quickly pulled it out an inch. "Aah!" that felt better. I found a rhythm that worked, and felt really good - out and inch, back in two. Out two inches, back in three. Out three inches, back in four. I was groaning in pleasure. When I rammed six inches inside me, the head hit something deep inside me, sending electric shots of pleasure throughout my body. "Oh fuck yeah!" I gasped in excitement. I grabbed my rock hard dick and began to jerk it frantically. I thrust the dildo into me lustfully, and was surprised when I felt my hand bang against my ass cheeks. "I did it!" I gasped. "I got the whole thing inside me!" I pulled the dildo out most of the way and then rammed it back in. "Oh fuck yeah!" I groaned loudly. "Fuck me man, fuck me!" I plowed the dildo wildly in and out of me in blissful abandon, frantically jerking my cock. I felt a load beginning to swell up from my balls. "Fuck me man, fuck me harder, faster!" I practically shouted, thinking of the buttfucking I'd received the night before, the waves the pleasure emanating from inside my ass, the load swelling up from balls.

I was rudely brought back to reality by a load bang on my door as it was flung open, and the glare of the overhead light suddenly clicked on. I opened my tightly clenching eyes to see Brad standing halfway in my room, holding his digital camera to his face. I was blinded by the sudden flash of the camera as he took a picture, and then several more rapidly. Flash! Flash! Flash! Suddenly he stopped, lowering the camera, and a look of amusement on his face turned to surprise and disbelief. His mouth opened as he gawked at the sight before him - me lying propped up on my bed, legs spread open, one hand firmly gripping the handle of the dildo shoved most of the way up my ass, my other hand firmly gripping my rock hard cock.

"Dude!" Brad began as he burst into laughter. "Dude!" he repeated, "Like, what the FUCK are you doing, man?"

"What the fuck are YOU doing, MOTHERFUCKER!" I shouted back, feeling the blood rushing to my face as I flushed in humiliation. "Get the fuck outta my room!" I screamed.

"No way!" Brad laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "This is to fucking good! Like, what the FUCK are you doing, man?"

"What does it look I'm doing, ASSHOLE? I'm fucking jerking off! Now get the fuck out!" I demanded. "How about some fucking privacy, man?" I looked for something to cover myself with and, releasing my hands from my cock and the dildo, I leaned forward to grab the sheet at the bottom of my bed. As I released my grip on the dildo I felt it began to slide out. As I leaned forward, the handle pressed against the mattress, pushing the dildo back into me. "Umph!" I grunted. I grabbed the sheet and pulled it over me as I leaned back.

"Yeah!" Brad laughed. "Jerking off while fucking yourself with . . . man, that looks like one BIG fucking dildo!" he shook his head chuckling. "Like, wow, man. Do you like always jerk-off with a dildo crammed up your ass?"

"How I fucking jerk-off is none of your fucking business, asshole!" I retorted. "How dare you break into my room? I sure as fuck would never break into your room while you're jerking off, or fucking Brynda." I glanced down at the camera in his hand. "And give me that fucking camera; I'm going to delete those shots you took."

Brad jerked his had with the camera back away from, as if he was afraid I would lunge after it. "Like, Dude," he began. "Your door was halfway open; I didn't 'break in'. Didn't you fucking hear me come home?" I shook my head. "I came home like, twenty minutes ago or so. I saw your door halfway open with your little reading light on. It was all quiet; I thought you'd like fell asleep studying or something. Then I came out like, five minutes ago to use the bathroom and I hear you moaning and groaning something about 'oh, fuck, man', and I thought 'Little fucker is jerking off. I'll take a picture of him for a joke, and teach him a lesson to close his fucking door when he's having a jerk.' But, man, I had no fucking idea." He shook his head. "I didn't know your were fucking gay, man."

"I'm not fucking gay, you idiot" I retorted. I felt the dildo sliding out of my ass. I debated what to do; I didn't really want it to get on my sheets and get the greasy cream all over. But, I wasn't about to uncover myself and do anything in front of Brad. I flinched as it popped out of my ass and onto the bed.

Brad shook his head. "I don't know, man. Getting off while fucking yourself with one big fucking dildo . . . . Sounds a little gay to me, don't you think?"

"I'm not fucking gay you idiot!" I repeated. "I was just . . . . . just . . . . just curious, curious about what it would feel like."

"I don't know, man" Brad laughed. "I've been fucking curious about sex since I was like 10 years old. But, I've never been curious about what it would be like to fuck myself with a huge fucking dildo!"

"Are you going to get the fuck out?" I demanded.

Brad shook his head. "I think we need to talk about this, man."

I sighed. "What the fuck are you doing home, anyway?" I asked. "I thought you were going to Brynda's. I figured you'd be there all night banging her."

"Yeah, that's what I figured, too" he sighed. "Then I get over to her place and she springs her fucking period on me. So, I say 'Fine, give me some fucking head then'. She got all pissed off, telling me I just use her for sex. We got into a big fucking fight. When I told her she could at least give me a hand job, she told me to get the fuck out." Man, I'm so fucking horned up, I'm ready fuck anything."

I suddenly realized Brad was rubbing his crotch as he spoke. I glanced down and was surprised to see a considerable bulge. "He's getting a fucking hard-on!" I thought to myself. "He's fucking getting a hard-on! He sure as fuck doesn't think I would do anything with him . . . ."

"So, like, what does it feel like?" Brad asked, taking me from my thoughts. I looked up him, embarrassed as I realized he was watching me stare at his crotch. "Huh?" I asked.

"What does it feel like?" he repeated. "What does it feel like to . . . ugh . . . to have a big rubber dick in the ass?"

"It was my first fucking time!" I retorted, flushing in embarrassment.

"So, what did it feel like?" he repeated. "You seemed to be really getting off on it."

I sighed in frustration. "Well . . . . it feels pretty weird at first . . . . and then . . . . well, you get kind of used to it. It does something to your prostate that really gets you horned up." I admitted. I was shocked when Brad set the camera down and suddenly lunged forward and ripped the sheet covering me from my grasp. He quickly surveyed the sight before him - my legs spread open, my still rock hard cock jutting up, the dildo lying on the bed between my legs. He grabbed the dildo by the handle and held it up, examining it. "Phew!" he exclaimed. "This thing is fucking huge. I can't believe you get all this inside you! And," glancing down at me, "you are still totally boned, dude," he added.

"Come on, Brad!" I groaned, trying to cover my hard-on with my hands. "Will you just leave me the fuck alone?"

"So, do you, like . . . have sex with other guys?" Brad asked suddenly.

"I told you I'm not fucking gay you idiot!" I angrily exclaimed.

Brad arched his eye, looking intently into my eyes. So, you've never had sex with guy? You've never had a guy screw you in the ass?"

"No!" I assured him. "I've never had sex with a fucking guy; I've never been screwed in the ass!" Memories of Jimmy Walker and my rape flashed through my mind. "Well . . . not really . . ." Brad arched his eyebrow higher, looking more intently into my eyes. "Well . . . not really . . ." I repeated. "Well . . . and . . . well . . . last night . . . ." I stuttered. I squirmed under Brad's intense stare. "All right!" I exclaimed. "I was fucking raped! I was raped last night by a creep!"

"Whoa!" Brad breathed in shock. "You were fucking raped?" I nodded my head slowly in guilt. "Who? How?" Brad demanded. "Did you report it to the police?"

"Fuck no! I'm not going to the police and tell them so fucking guy raped me and fucked me in the ass!" I assured him.

"So, what the fuck happened?" Brad insisted. "How did you get fucking raped?"

I sighed, looked away, and then back to Brad's insistent stare. "All right!" I said, conceding defeat. I told Brad about being curious about a dildo, stopping at the porn shop, buying the dildo and butt plug, and the guy locking the front door on me and then taking me back to the video arcade booth and raping me. I left out the part about it not hurting after awhile. As I told the story, and looked down in shame, unable to look Brad in the eyes. When I finished, I looked back up him. Brad burst into laughter. "I don't think it's very fucking funny to be raped!" I shouted angrily.

Brad shook his head, still laughing. "I don't know, man. You decide you need to buy some dildos and plug things to use when you get off, stop at a porn shop, ask the clerk for advice on which ones do what for you, go back into some dark booth with him with the store all locked up, and you're surprised when he comes on to you and wants to dick you in the ass?" He shook his head again, chuckling. "I wouldn't go rushing off to Metro and report it as a rape. They'd laugh you out of the fucking station."

"Last time I checked, 'No' still meant 'No'!" I angrily retorted.

"Dude!" Brad began, "you've got to be more fucking careful. You need to be more careful about getting yourself into situations." I was shocked when Brad tossed the dildo onto the bed, peeled off his t-shirt and began to fumble with his belt.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I demanded to know.

"I told you I was all horned up, ready to fuck anything" he replied casually, as he stripped off his pants and then his under-shorts, revealing a raging hard-on. I stared in wide eyed shock at his 7" rock hard cock. I'd never seen his cock hard before. "I need some pussy tonight, and it looks like the only pussy I'm going to get is looking at me."

"I'm not having sex with you!" I assured him, tearing my eyes from his cock to his face.

"Oh fine!" Brad exclaimed in a voice feigning hurt. "You give it up for some creep in a porn shop, but won't help out you roommate, your best buddy. Some friend you are!"

"I told you he fucking raped me!" I insisted. "I don't want to have sex with you because you are my friend, my roommate. I mean, uh, I don't want to have sex with anyone . . . I mean . . . with any guy, but I sure don't want to have sex with a friend, a roommate. I mean, how could we be friends after . . . . we did something like that? What would you think about me?"

"I'd think you were a good buddy who helped me out when I was horny" he assured me.

I shook my head firmly. "No fucking way" I assured him.

"You know . . ." began slowly, "it sure would be embarrassing if those pictures I took of you with the dildo in your ass made it on the internet, and some of our friends saw them . . ."

The blood drained from my face. "You fucking bastard!" I shouted angrily.

"Come on, man" Brad said quietly, rubbing and pulling his hard dick as he stared intently at my ass. "Just this once. I'm really horned, and I really wanna try fucking an ass. I tried talking a couple of chicks into it, and they told me I was sick. I talked Brynda into it once, but I just got the head inside when she started 'Oh, stop! It hurts! Take it out!" Brad mimicked the last part in an artificially high voice. "We both know you like something in your ass, and my dick's nowhere as big as that dildo; you won't have any problem taking me up the ass. Although you what they say - it ain't the size, it's the motion" he added with a wink.

"I can't believe you're trying to blackmail me into letting you to . . . . do it to me" I protested, my voice and resolve softening.

"C'mon, man, just this once" Brad pleaded. "Just this once. No one will ever know, I swear! And, I'll leave the camera here with you and you can delete everything."

I sighed. "How do you want to do this?" I asked quickly, before I could change my mind.

"Missionary style, dude!" Brad gushed, as he began to climb in bed with me. "I wanna watch your face while we do it!" Brad grabbed the bottle of skin lotion, squeezed out a large glob, and began to work it onto his dick. "Lift your legs up" he instructed. With a sigh I twisted and squirmed to settle on my back in the bed. With trepidation, I lifted my legs, bending my knees, exposing my now vulnerable backside to Brad. "You do have a cute little ass, dude" Brad whispered admiringly. "it kinda looks like a girl's ass" he added, causing me to grimace in embarrassment. "But, OH! Totally GROSS, man!" Brad said suddenly.

"What?" I gasped, "What is it?" My face flushed with embarrassment as I thought maybe my ass was shitty. . or bloody, from using the dildo.

"It's your dick, man" Brad exclaimed. "Like, dude - you are TOTALLY boned. I mean, I'm happy for you that your dick is glad to see me, but your hard-on is staring at me right in the face, and it's kinda gross. Sorry man, I'm just not into dick."

"Fine!" I said in a voice of insult, as I flushed in embarrassment with the realization I did have a raging hard-on, and Brad had misunderstood it, thinking I was actually turned on by all this. "Fine!" I repeated, lowering my legs. "Let's just forget this whole bullshit!" I looked between my knees to see Brad looking around my room.

"Jockstrap!" he exclaimed, looking toward the pile of my gym clothes in the corner. "That'll do it, jockstrap!" he jumped up from my bed and retrieved my jockstrap from the pile, holding it ginger with two fingers by a strap. Returning to the bed, he tossed it to me. "Put it on, man" he instructed.

"Jesus!" I muttered as I slipped my legs into the straps and then lifted my ass to slip it on. I let the waistband smack my groin as I fitted the cup over my crotch. "Happy now?" I asked sarcastically.

Without responding, Brad climbed back into bed, gripped both calves of my legs firmly and lifted my legs, pressing down, until my knees framed my face. "Hold you legs up" he demanded. I hooked my arms around the back of my knees. "Oh yeah!" he breathed, admiring my ass. "That's it; that does the trick. Kind of looks like pussy now, with your dick covered up. Kind of like you have little panties on."

I flushed in embarrassment. "Thanks a lot, man" I muttered sarcastically.

"Oh, you'll be thanking me alright" he assured me confidently. "You're going to LOVE this!" He gripped his dick, lined it up to my puckered hole, and pressed forward.

"Ummph!" I grunted as the head of his cock slipped past my ring. I expected him to pause, but he continued to press forward, his dick sliding steadily inward, until I felt the scratchy bush of his loins press confidently against my ass. "Umph!" I grunted again, fully impaled by his shaft.

"Fuckin' A, man" Brad whispered hoarsely. "You took it all in one shot. I knew you could. Man, it feels fucking great! All hot and tight around my cock. How does it feel for you, man?"

"It feels like I have your dick in my ass" I replied unenthusiastically, slightly uncomfortable at the feeling of fullness in my ass and very uncomfortable with the feeling of such intimacy with Brad.

"Yeah?" Brad breathed hoarsely. "Well, let's see what it feels like to have my dick fucking you in the ass."

He pulled halfway out and slammed back into me. "Umph!" I grunted. "Umph! Oh! Oooooh!" I grunted as he began to fuck me, every hard, deep thrust of his pole into me eliciting a guttural groan. I clinched my eyes tightly shut at his entry. I opened my eyes to see Brad's face above me, smiling, peering intently into my eyes.

"You digging this, man?" he asked softly.

"I . . . I . . . it . . ." I began to answer, searching for the words. I was beginning to enjoy it, as those feelings of zeal began to emanate from inside. But I didn't want Brad to know that. "I . . . I . . . . I," I repeated. "I . . . Oh my God!" I gushed suddenly, as Brad pulled nearly all the way out and then slammed back into, his cock ramming into my prostate square on, sending waves of bliss throughout my body.

"You OK, man?" Brad asked with concern, pausing his thrusting.

"It's my prostate!" I gasped. "Your dick rammed into my prostate."

"Is that bad?" he asked. "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts . . . in a good way" I grunted. "It's why guys can get into having something in their ass." The words of the porn shop jerk echoed in my mind 'it's like a little boy clit, buried inside.' But I couldn't say those words to Brad. "It feels really . . . hot to have you prostate massaged . . . by something big and hard."

"Well, let's massage that fucker some more, dude!" Brad gushed as he began a furious assault on my ass. Bam! Bang Bam! His cock banged into my ass, aiming for the place he'd hit before. Slap! Slap! Slap! His thighs and groin slammed into my ass with every thrust. His balls swung wildly back and forth as he rutted like a mad bull into the boy cunt beneath him.

"Ah! Oh! Ugh! Oooh!" I grunted under him with every rut of his pole plunging deep inside me. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me!" I gasped each time his cock jabbed into the hard nut inside me, my entire body rocked with wave of pleasure. I reached for my cock frantically, to jerk it and milk the cum swelling in my balls. Frustrated as I remembered it was securely tucked inside the jockstrap, I rubbed madly at the pouch of the jockstrap.

"What's that, again?" Brad asked huskily. "What is you want, man?" He pulled his cock back full length and rammed it into my nut. "Tell me what it is that you want!" he demanded.

"Fuck!" I gasped. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me!" I grunted as his cock rammed into me over and over. I really meant the 'Fuck me' as 'I'm fucked' in response to rough assault invading my insides.

Brad took it the other way. "You sure you want it, man? You sure this is what you want, man" he asked as he rammed his cock full length into me.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned in lust. "Yeah . . " I admitted, embarrassed at my need. "Yeah, I want it."

"Oh yeah?" Brad questioned, his voice growing husky with hunger. "You want what? Tell me exactly what it is you want, man. Tell me what it is you want me to do, man" he breathed as buried his shaft into me over and over and over.

"Fuck me! Fuck me, DAMNIT!" I practically shouted, yielding the need swelling inside me. "I want you to fuck me, Brad! I want you to fuck me hard!" I pleaded.

"OK" Brad assured me. "Since you want me to do it. Since you want me to fuck, and you asked so nicely. Here's what I wanted to give Brynda tonight, but I'm going to give it to you, my little buddy, instead. Slam! Bam! Slap! Slap! Slap! Brad began a furious assault on my ass with his rigid pole, pulling out full length, then plunging in over and over and over.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I groaned. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me, man. Fuck me!" I pleaded.

Sweating bodies pressed against one another, grunts and groans of need and pleasure and delight filled the next ten minutes. I no longer rubbed at my dick; I had both arms wrapped around the back of my knees as I held on for dear life while Brad rode me. I felt the cum swelling from my balls as I began the nut I needed so desperately. My ass clamped around Brad's cock, clenching it tightly as gush after gush of cum erupted from my cock, filling and drenching the jockstrap pouch.

Brad, watching my face intently, enjoying the expressions of pleasure on my face as he rutted inside, never missed a beat. "You're cumming, Chad" he breathed hoarsely. I nodded frantically. "You're cumming from me just fucking you in the ass, without touching . . . yourself?" The look of bliss on my face gave him the answer he sought. "Too fucking hot, man? I didn't know a guy could get off that what; get off from just getting fucked. Too fucking hot!" he repeated. I writhed in heat beneath him. "Well, I'm going to show you how I like to get off, man. Here's how I like to get off!"

He began an intensely fast jack-rabbit burst of thrusts into me, each jab hitting my prostate square on. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh fuck!" I moaned, feeling and sounding like a bitch in heat as I convulsed in dry orgasms.

"Gonna do it, baby! Gonna nut" Brad panted as he rutted into me frantically. "Gonna cream inside, you, baby, gonna breed you, man" his panting reaching a crescendo. "Oh FUCK YEAH!" he shouted, as gush after gush of his hot cum filled my insides. He collapsed on top of me. We both lay still as our breathing subsided.

"Phew!" Brad sighed when he finally climbed off me. "Too fucking hot! That was too fucking hot, man!" He wiped his dick clean with my sheets. He looked around for his clothes, and began to climb into his shorts. "That was a hot fuck! Phew! I needed that!" He looked into my eyes, smiling. "You throw one hell of a fuck, man!" he said as he fastened his shorts and reached for his shirt. "I had no idea . . . it could be so hot to fuck you, man!" I looked away, unable to look him in the eyes as my embarrassment grew, thinking of the things he'd made me say, and how I gave into the feelings within me as my best buddy fucked me like a bitch. "Don't get me wrong" I heard him say. "I think I'll stick to pussy for main course, but, I sure know where to come looking next Brynda throws here period on me." My face reddened deeply as I continued to look way. "I'll see tomorrow, man" he said, and then I heard the door close.

I got up, went to the bathroom, and cleaned myself. "Shit, this is getting fucked up!" I said to myself with a sigh as I climbed into bed. "I never wanted sex with guys, and now I've been fucked in the ass twice as many days, and now Brad knows I . . . I actually enjoyed it. This shit has got to stop!" I assured myself. "If Brad ever tries this shit again I'm just going to say 'No fucking way!'" I clicked the light off and settled into my bed. I sat bolt upright as I remembered. I clicked on the light. "Fuck!" I grunted, banging my fist on the bed. The camera was gone. "Brad took the fucking camera, mother fucker!" I banged my fist on the bed over and over in frustration. Eventually, I clicked off the light and drifted off into a fitful night's sleep.

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 3

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