Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on Nov 29, 2007


Disclaimer -- I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors, actors, or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me.

Oh and if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! In addition, if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content.

On a very important note. I don't do comedy and I'm not in anyway being cruel towards Paris Hilton in this chapter. It kinda just came out.

And finally... You should know by now if you managed to get this far... if reading this story is illegal in your country or if you're not of a certain age to be legally reading this then please don't read...

Also, sorry about all the typos... I'll try and proof read better...

Other than all of that... enjoy!!!


Extra Info: `...' represents thoughts

"..." represents normal talking

<...> represents telepathic communication

Last Time:

Amara's face hardened in mock seriousness, "Excuse me, but if you ever compare me to that hag again... I'll give you a once in a lifetime lesson on castration." We laughed again.

"I take it you don't like Paris?" I was intrigued.

"Well I hate to burst your bubble but I don't go around like pointing at things saying how hot they are..." and with that she got off the bed to do an impersonation of Paris Hilton pointing at things, repeating the words "that's hot!"

We all fell over again in a pit of laughter. "Oh my god!! That was hilarious!" Jubilee threw out. Well at least my night was turning out to be better than I thought it would be. I was glad.

Should I Worry -- Chapter 7



"Too early!" I moaned to myself as I ducked my head under my pillow.


"OK! I'm up, I'm up!"

I sat up and looked at my hifi. `That's what I need to wake me up properly.'

I thought of the hifi starting up and it did. `Who woulda thought? I can do such simple things that I would never have thought about.'

I got up off my lazy ass and headed into my bathroom for my morning routine. After I finished my shower, I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans, flip-flops and a plain white t-shirt.

I checked my alarm clock. It was 7.47am. I remembered about the meeting with the professor I had this morning and quickly switched off the hifi and lights and locked my door. I locked the door and when I turned around I jumped, shocked.

"Hey!" Eli greeted enthusiastically.

"Oh, hi..." I replied startled.

"I didn't think you'd be out and about today so I was gonna come wake you up and visit a bit?" Eli was seriously chipper this morning. I was wondering what brought on his joyful mood until I jolted back to reality by the feeling of my arm being poked.

"Kyle, you still there?" Eli was asking me in a singsong voice while waving a hand in front of my face.

"Ah yeah... sorry. Just day dreaming a bit eh." I replied with a smile.

"So where you off to?"

"Well, I'm on my way to the professor's office. Big trouble in the land of Kyle Anderson." I laughed out, of course it was just to hide my own insecurity.

"Ouch! Well once you're finished being lectured, you keen to go and have some fun? The girls and I are planning on having some pool fun this afternoon, just to keep our tans good, ya know."

"Sure, that would be awesome. Best to have some normalcy in our lives, huh." We both cracked up laughing at the irony of my statement.

"Ok, catch ya later Ky!" Eli replied as he walked off.

I decided I'd best not keep the professor waiting much longer than I had to, so I made my way to his office.

Once I was near the professor's office, I felt the mental signatures of the occupants of the office. There were four people inside. I frowned when I remembered the first mental signature out of the four. It was none other than the Popsicle Queen' otherly known as Emma Frost'.

The other three, I recognized as Jean, Scott Summers and Professor Xavier. I walked up to the door and the professor obviously felt my presence because I heard a muffled "Come in!"

I entered the office and didn't even have to look around in order to see where everyone was, I already felt their presence. Jean and Scott were on the left side of the office on a double-seated sofa, Emma was sitting in a chair near the sofa where Jean and Scott were. Then the Professor was behind his desk sitting casually. I immediately went straight for the seat opposite the professor's desk without even looking away from the professor and acknowledging the others' presences. Before I sat down, however, I sent a telepathic message to the professor.

<Good morning professor, may I take a seat?>

<Good morning Kyle, please feel welcomed to> the professor sent back.

When I sat down I felt a strong feeling of joy from Emma, I smirked. This could only be more fun.

"Mr. Anderson, have you no manners?" Emma asked to me snidely.

"Of course I do, what makes you think I don't?" I replied innocently looking toward the professor.

"You come in here and sit down, without even asking to sit and then you don't even greet anybody in the room. AND LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" yelled an angered Emma, I guess I was getting on her tits.

I smirked. "My apologies, forgive me for being rude." I turned to Scott and Jean. "Good morning." Then I turned back to the professor. "So shall we begin?" I asked the professor calmly, not even wavering at the sudden rage that went through the room emanating from Miss Frost.

I decided to be a bit dangerous and poke at the wild beast. I turned to Emma.

"Miss Frost, please calm down. You are beginning to scare me." I stated calmly, slipping some mock fear into my expression. I could feel Jean's grin.

"Miss Frost, please do calm yourself," added the professor. I caught a couple of her thoughts directed at me and from what I found, she didn't like me much. Not that it was a bad thing since the feeling was mutual.

"Ok, Kyle. What happened yesterday was inexcusable," the professor began, "... and you have now shown everybody in the school what you are capable of. I realize you were forced, but that is still no excuse to lose control. You need to learn to control your emotions." I just stared at him.

`Oh my goodness! I was provoked, for crying out loud!' I thought to myself. I guess I can understand what the professor was saying. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did but Bobby needed to be taught a lesson. I sighed.

"Professor, I never lost control of my emotions at any point. I just wanted him to learn not to be so judgmental." I told the professor politely. My calm mood was making Scott nervous. I could feel it. His palms were sweaty and his breath was labored. Was he afraid of me? After what I did to him, he probably realized I could put him out at any point and he wouldn't stand a chance against me.

I looked toward Scott and he was just staring at me as if he saw a ghost.

"I apologize for yesterday. I had no right to knock you out." I said to him passively, then continued, "I also apologize for being disrespectful and not obeying orders given by my seniors. I will try to control my actions better. Do you forgive me?"

Scott was floored to say the least. It was as if the words I had spoken were the last words Scott expected to come from my mouth. He finally nodded after gathering his thoughts, then gave a meek smile.

I turned back to the professor, he had a warm smile radiating approval. "Kyle, I believe you have taken the first step on your own. You have just proved you are capable of admitting when you are wrong."

"I believe it's a good trait to possess, is it not?" I asked knowingly.

"Certainly Kyle. One of the many good traits you seem to possess." Jean added. I nodded appreciatively at her.

"Now, for some damage control. We think it would be best if you would take up some sessions with Miss Frost."

I could feel the change in breathing around the room, mainly from Emma. Joy struck in the mindless ornament, stuck to her shoulders.

In addition, the first thing that came to mind was. "Say what?!"

The tension in the room thickened more than one could possible think, yet they all had their poker faces on which made no impact on me. Who were they kidding? I am psychic for crying out loud. They were aware of a ticking time bomb, in their opinions of course, in their presence. If this was their plan then, they weren't pitching much of a proposal.

The professor eyed me closely. Of all in our midst, he knew the greatest reaches to which I could extend myself, or at least he thought.

"Kyle, we know that you may have some sort of issue with Miss Frost, but you will have to overcome them. You will be scheduled to have one-hour sessions twice weekly with Miss Frost. Please do not go against us on this."

I could here the slight tremor in the professor's voice. I raised my head slightly with a knowing smile plastered to my face.

`This will let me gain some ground in this school, I guess I should go along with it. More so, I wanna see what Frosty tries.'

"I accept." It came out instantly but calm and unraveled, yet it sounded as if I were accepting a battle to the death. I held off the smirk that was about to flash across my face as I felt everyone in the room, except Jean, having a slight drop in body temperature.

Two hours later, I'm in my room and there's a knock at my door.

"Come in."

In stepped Eli and Amara, Amara was the first to speak. "Did you forget about us?"

"Uh, was I supposed to remember you or something?" I sarcastically responded.

"Nice one Ky. But seriously dude, why haven't you come down to the pool yet? We came up for some extra stuff and thought we'd remind you." Eli stated.

"Oh yeah, sorry buddy. I just got distracted at the meeting this morning and had some stuff to think about. But then of course I did like I normally would, and feel asleep."

"So you still up to coming down with us down to the pool?"

"Yeah just give me a moment." So I get up and take off my shirt and about to pull off my pants when I look up to see Eli and Amara staring at me intently. "What?"

They look at each other then Amara speaks up. "Kyle, as much as I don't mind the show you gotta realize that there are people around you know... oh and Eli is still here."

"Well, Amara. Eli is a dude so he shouldn't be worried, he's got the same equipment... and you... well you... well I just don't care? Excuse enough?"

Amara's eyes widened as I turned around and pulled off my boxers briefs, I could feel Amara's eyes on my ass and Eli's looking everywhere but me.

"Exhibitionist much." Stated Amara as I was pulling up my speedo and swimming shorts.

I turned around to see a smiling Amara and blank faced Eli.

"So are we now off to the pool?" I ask rhetorically as I walk past my audience, grabbing a towel out of my bathroom.

Five minutes later and we were at the pool. It turns out that there were a whole bunch of the gang, including other students, hanging around the pool. It was a hot day after all. Then I noticed him. Bobby Drake, the dumb ass who thinks so highly of himself. He looked at me as we (Amara, Eli and myself) walked up to the rest of the gang. His whole demeanor changed from jovial and relaxed to quiet and tense.

Everybody suddenly fell silent, obviously afraid of some sort of collision or oncoming conflict. I just turned to the rest of the group, found a spot where I could lay my towel and sat down. Everything was still silent, everyone's eyes on me, waiting.

I look around and catch some of their stares, I look towards Bobby and see that he is staring at the pool water. I just shook my head, took off my shirt, lay down on my towel and started to relax.

About one minute later, it was as if nothing had happened. All the shouting and splashing came back.

I guess that it was better this way, and Bobby knew it. Just stay out of each other's way. Avoid conflict as far as one could. Although I, on the other hand, couldn't care less. I had no beef with him, he was the one with the ego issues.

"So Kyle, what have you been up to all morning?" Jubilee asked looking extremely interested.

"Hmmm... I had a meeting with the professor and the rest of them." I replied nonchalantly, not bothering to look at anyone.

For some peculiar reason this got their attention. "What happened? Was it about what happened in the cafeteria with Bobby?" asked Amara bluntly, not bothering to lower her voice to avoid letting Bobby hearing his name.

"Yeah well, got me some therapy sessions with Frosty the snow queen." I rolled my eyes, soon followed by groans from others.

`Serves the prick right, if you ask me' I heard from Bobby's thoughts. I turned to Bobby "Well luckily we didn't ask you." He glared at me, "You reading my thoughts again?" Every body started staring again. How tense was this gonna get?

"Didn't have to, you're projecting again." I stated simply and turned my attention back to the rest of the group.

"So anyway... how are you holding up?" asked Jubilee. "I am doing great, no problems what so ever." I replied.

"We can vouch for that," announced Amara, "he had no problem with giving us a strip show either!" that got about every ones attention. I just blushed, although I should have just rolled my eyes.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" exclaimed Kitty excitedly. "They came up to fetch me and I was still in my normal clothes so I just got changed." I shrugged.

"Yeah he got changed... right in front of us!" Amara winked at me as she added the last bit. This time I did roll my eyes. Kitty and Jubilee had mock hurt facial expressions. "You gave a peep show and we weren't invited... you are so not my friend any more!" Kitty cried out. We all laughed.

"Hey! I didn't give that much of a show! They only saw my ass!" I tried to defend myself.

"I don't think so Ky. Eli and I got to see your third leg when you bent over to pull up your speedo." Amara was enjoying this, "and Kyle, nice ass." There was another uproar of laughter. I looked to Eli, who was happily laughing with John and the girls, for some help. "Dude, don't even look to me for help. I was there, you brought this on yourself."

I pretended to be contemplating something and then gave a goofy smile, "I guess I deserve all of this, I will remember this though."

"Remember what?" asked Jubilee and Kitty together.

"Next time, I'll remember to take caution with who I invite for my private strip shows." I laughed out.

"I'll be on the VIP list, won't I, eh Kyle?" Amara winked at me again. "No I don't think so, I'll save seats for Kitty and Jubes though, they might enjoy it." I smirked at Amara's reaction. She just smiled and said, "No worries Kyle, I'll just gate crash that little show because I wouldn't miss that for the world!" I just gave a modest smile while the rest of them, as you may have already guessed, laughed.

"Ok, enough ladies. I am just gonna soak up some sun and work on my tan." I rolled over onto my stomach and closed my eyes, but I could still hear the girls.

"So Amara, how did Kyle's third leg look?" I heard Kitty say, she was obviously trying to tease me, "yeah, Amara. Was it nice and big or small and disappointing?" I heard Jubilee ask in a small and innocent voice.

And this is the part that I was waiting for, Amara's opinion, "hmmm, well he looks like he'll be about 7 inches or maybe more when hard, normal thickness by the look of it when it's soft, and he's also cut which is such a turn on." I turned over to see all of the girls sitting with innocent smile and the guys looking at me with huge grins plastered to their faces.

That evening, after all the banter about me and my third leg, I called my mom to see how things were going. According to my mom everything was going great, I got to talk to Jake too. He really missed me, more than jelly tots apparently. I smiled at that. I also got to call John and Katie. I got filled in on everything that was going on. Loads of new students too, but they said there was no way they could replace me.

I finally got off the phone and went to sleep with thoughts of my day filling my head. One thing that kept popping up in my head was Peter. What is gonna happen with the two of us? The look of fear and disgust on his face kept on appearing in my head each time I closed my eyes. It was killing me.

I didn't know what was going on with Peter now anyway. Hell, I didn't even know what was going on with myself. I had no idea because one minute I am attracted to girls and the next I am going for guys?

My last thoughts before I finally fell asleep. `What is between myself and Peter anyway? And how are things going to go now?' I was heartbroken... and finally fell asleep.

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

Once again, I apologize for the long wait. I have been preoccupied and very distracted. I won't bore you guys (and girls if there are any reading) with details either.

The next chapter should be out... whenever... and as usual, no promises... I would like to recommend a great story or two that are really great and inspiring... Mutation' and XXX men" are the titles, so go and read! They are awesome...

So with all that covered. I hope you enjoyed this installment and are looking forward to the coming chapters, because I can tell you now that there will be far more chapters coming. :)

Email me at:

Thanks everyone, Playboy

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