Simons Seduction

By Jim Daniels

Published on Feb 15, 1999


This is a story about consensual sex between teenage boys. You should not read it if it is against the law in your country, or if explicit descriptions of such sexual acts offend. It should not be read by those under 18 years of age, or older if that is the law. It is a work of fiction, and any similarities to actual people are purely coincidental. It should be read for enjoyment and not taken literally. In particular it describes certain unprotected sexual acts, which are potentially dangerous to health and should not be emulated.

The author would welcome comments.

Simon's Seduction

Huw bent over as he slipped his boxers over his ankles and picked up his sports jocks. He was vaguely aware that a couple of seniors across the changing room would be interested in the end of him that he was showing, as he was more than interested in what they displayed. He had noticed Lindsay, one of the prefects, standing facing the room with his heavy balls and large uncut dick peeking out from a bright red bush of hair. The House Captain, the well-named Dick, was also standing back to the locker, displaying his wares, thicker but not as long as Lindsay, and buried in dark black hair. Rumour had it that both had had their hands, and more, on some of the juniors at one stage. Ross, the chubby one with the small equipment, had made a few friendly overtures to Huw in the past. Huw knew the prefects were trying to impress the new boys with their equipment. Their lockers were on the other side of the door into the large, rectangular locker room. He knew he could not compete in that department. With modesty denying his underlying exhibitionism he always stood turned to the lockers when undressing, embarrassed by the size of his flaccid cock. In his first year in the boarding house it had suddenly sprouted from a little boy cock into a respectable adolescent model in just a few months, but had refused to budge since, despite daily encouragement from Huw's hand. When the blood began to flow it was, however, a different matter. He amazed his partners when they saw it grow from the meager three inches it usually presented to the world into the seven-inch specimen of curved perfection, and three quarters of that in its girth. Mostly when cavorting naked around the house he contrived to have it half-erect to compete with his better hung, but less tumultuously tumescent peers. But the changing room was not the place for that, except of course when it came to showering after sport where anything could happen and usually did. For the moment he was intent in changing into his cricket togs and getting out onto the field. Huw knew he was no sportsman. It had simply not figured in his upbringing, and he was dismayed when he first encountered the macho sporting values that pervaded his new school. It was only on mature reflection, many years later, that he realised how closely entwined it was with the subliminal homoerotic culture of the place. But among the passions of his adolescence he had developed one for cricket, and spent every spare moment cultivating a modest talent. He was not particularly athletic, but tall, slim, with fair hair and blue eyes. It was only the third day back at school and order was slowly emerging from the chaos of 80 adolescent boys, returning for another year of boarding school life. Half of them were the new boys, either coming up from the Junior School or detaching themselves from their families for the first time. The former knew what boarding school life was all about and would soon be initiating them into the culture. The sports field was the overt introduction, the furtive groping initiated by the more experienced in the dormitory, and the longing looks of the seniors, would be their introduction to its submerged but powerful sexual driving force. As Huw turned to the room, pulling his trousers over his quiescent cock, he glanced over at the junior section where half a dozen of the new boys were donning their cricketing gear. Standing slightly to one side was a short, slender, figure dressed in white, with dark curly hair. Something deep inside him stirred, as Huw stood transfixed by the sight of this incredibly beautiful figure. The boy turned, looked at Huw and said, "Where do we go" Huw took a deep breath to regain control and said, " Hi, I'm Huw. I'm captain of the House junior team. Follow me" As they emerged into the sunlight Huw turned to look more closely at that angelic face. Under the mop of dark curly hair a pair of intense green eyes stared up at him, with, he hoped, just a hint of hero worship for his taller, broader frame. "What's your name?" "Simon" the younger boy replied simply. "Are you new"? "No", Simon replied, "had a couple of years in Junior School" Huw made a mental note that Simon doubtless knew what boarding school was all about and with his looks had probably had quite a bit of experience by now. "How old are you now?" "I'll be fourteen next month" God, thought Huw, who would turn 15 in a couple of months, he's less than a year younger than I am. "Have you played much cricket" "Yeah, I bat, and bowl a bit too, medium pace stuff. Captained the junior school XI. I played for a club in the hols." Huw looked at the slender athletic figure and wondered just how good he was "Let's see what you can do", Huw said as they fronted the practice nets. "Put on the pads" Huw watched as Simon took guard and Johno, the opening bowler for the House team, let loose one of his faster balls. Huw saw Simon go onto the back foot and cut it viciously into the net. It was an action as beautiful as the boy holding the bat. Huw felt a tingling in his groin as he watched the effortless grace of Simon with the bat. He determined then and there that they would be friends - and more. Notwithstanding his love of the game he could hardly wait to get back to the shower to see what lay behind that dazzling white gear that set off the beauty of the boy. Huw was batting when it came Simon's turn to bowl. He watched the effortless athleticism of his action, and even if his thoughts had been more on the cricket, rather than the bowlers', balls, Huw's talent would have been no match for Simon's devastating deliveries. After taking off his pads he contrived to put a friendly arm around Simon's shoulder as they walked back to the House, and said, "Well done. Play with us tomorrow and see how you go. "Do well and I'll make sure they consider you for the senior team", Huw added, deploying the minor power he possessed in the House hierarchy to impress the new boy. Simon looked self-consciously at the ground. "Your alright yourself " he said. "Not in your class" replied Huw, adding with deliberate ambiguity, "But I hope we can play together " "So do I" said Simon, with naive enthusiasm, and Huw's heart skipped another beat. Huw felt himself trembling with anticipation as he undressed, watching Simon out of the corner of his eye. His body was turned demurely towards the lockers and Huw could not even catch a glimpse of what lay beneath his sports jocks. Perhaps he is shy, Huw thought, and timed his own move to the showers to coincide with Simon's. As Simon unwrapped his towel Huw's eyes flicked down to his groin where there nestled a beautifully formed, small, uncircumcised, adolescent cock with a mound of dark pubic hair above. Huw's eyes moved across his body, as if it were a work of art that he was taking in for the first time. It was like looking at a Caravaggio painting: the whole was more than the sum of the parts, but the parts were important - the angelic face, the curling lock, the slender body, the perfectly formed boyish penis. Without them the whole would lack the stunning emotional impact of the whole work. Huw's eyes came to rest on the beautifully formed, smooth, round bum that stirred his own slightly larger cock to display some of its latent prowess, until it hung engorged at an acute angle to his body almost twice its flaccid size. As he stepped into the shower beside Simon, Huw was engulfed by a feeling that he had never had before. He wanted to be with this boy for the rest of time, to be by his side, to know him, talk with him, find out everything there was to know of him, play with him, touch him, feel him, embrace him. As he soaped his own tumescent penis, ran his hands fondly under his balls and fingered his bum, Huw's eyes flicked across to Simon to see if he was registering these signals and doing likewise. No such luck. Simon seemed singularly disinterested. Or was he? Simon made fleeting eye contact, and Huw felt his those green eyes momentarily focus on his own groin, before looking demurely downwards as Simon ran his hands over his own slender body. As he bent over to pick up the soap, Huw caught a fleeting glimpse of Simon's smooth arse and balls, and began to lose control of his burgeoning erection. As he ceded the shower to the next boy who also seemed anxious to get next to Simon, Huw grabbed a towel and carefully draped it around him to conceal that self-willed beacon of his emerging manhood. He wanted, at the same time, to make Simon aware of his sexuality, but not scare him off from becoming, first, his best friend. Despite his own soaring sexuality and rampant involvement with his peers, Huw remembered, from his experience in his first year, how intimidating it could be to have a senior interested in you. The seduction of Simon would be a dilemma with which he struggled for the next few months as he gained the confidence of the boy with whom he had, not quite consciously at this stage, begun to fall in love.

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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