Simple Punishment

Published on Mar 17, 2011



Simple walked from in front of his room. He hadn't been allowed in it since the sentence was pronounced.

The others stood on either side of the hallway allowing him to pass between them. As he walked they followed.

Nobody said anything to him.

The blue lights the hall was lit by reminded him it was in the middle of the night, too late to have the authorities around. But they knew what went on during those hours.

They had to. Even the guards who walked the halls could peer in each room. No doors existed so full view of the interior of each room was available. It was part of the way the place was run.

He shivered, though the dormitory was warm.

But he was naked, not allowed to wear the uniform until the night was over.

The court had been specific declaring him guilty. And Simple was guilty. He had cheated bringing dishonor to the others.

He removed his uniform after the decision was made and sentence was pronounced. There would be no uniform, no classes, no bed, no sports, no food and nobody was allowed to talk to him until he appeared for his sentence.

All day he sat on the floor by the doorway to his room and ignored by his three roommates.

To his surprise Simple napped while dreaming of what was to come. He had been there before returning the money he had stolen to the offended dorm mate and accepting what had to happen.

Others had been there too and he stood in the hallway as they now did, the guilty party walking the hall to their inevitable retribution.

The place was rough. Deposited there by his step father as incorrigible, Simple stood naked as adults warned him how to behave and who would be in charge. He let them look. Simple's attitude was party of his problem. He had three years till age would liberate him from the institution.

A year had passed. He had changed as others did after enduring the life here.

He passed Morette and Amber, the two that had introduced him to sex in a way he never thought he'd enjoy. Others had sex with each other. His roommates did. Nobody talked about it. Nobody forced anyone either. That would result in a final punishment. He had heard stories about the past and accidents that happened to those that raped.

Amber offered and he accepted. Each time afterwards more happened and soon he was finding satisfaction that seemed to calm him and warrant other experiences.

They didn't look at his eyes as he passed. It was ok.

The end of the hallway, the screened glass door, usually locked by guards at 10 pm was open. He stepped out and started the journey down the open air steps past lower floors.

Faces looked through lower floor doors. Everyone knew when sentences were carried out. The guards knew and disappeared. Even the administration knew but never acknowledged it. They preferred the boys making judgments and punishing even if they were wrong from time to time.

He inhaled the night air before re=entering the building through a now unlocked door into the basement.

It was a large room, used for meetings, the court included. Only that morning a table of boys watched as he stood and learned his fate.

Now the room was bare except for the dangling chains.

Simple walked to the center. There was an "X" on the floor but he knew where to go without it.

He heard the shuffle as those from his floor followed him and surrounded the room. Their breath and body heat changed the atmosphere.

It got warm then hot. His naked body lost its goose bumps. He hoped his cock wouldn't give him away the way it did last time.

Morette appeared and fastened his right hand and ankle. Another boy did the same to his left hand and ankle.

"Having been found guilty and sentence pronounced we are ready to administer punishment. Do you accept the decision of the court?"

A tall fellow inmate had stepped out from the line of boys against the wall he faced. The shirtless and boxer clad boy was a member of the court.

"Yes Sir" Simple answered. It was the first conversation he had with another boy since the court dismissed him.

"IF we are satisfied with your remorse, you will remain in solitude till reveille tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir" his final words emitted, Simple heard movement.

He looked to one side and saw Morette and the other boy turning a handle. He felt the chains tighten and begin to lift him.

It would hurt. His shoulders, arms, back; hips all would bear his own weight soon. The pain would soon numb only to be replaced by another.

"Shit" he muttered now hanging by his arms above the floor. He stretched his toes to see if they could touch the floor. He couldn't.

His hips ached from his legs being spread by the chains across the room.

They let him hang there suspended and displayed. Each onlooker that hadn't endured punishment imagined the pain based on the body sweat that quickly appeared and the facial contortions Simple displayed.

Those that had experienced what he was, remembered their own pain and what was to come.

"Now" the voice said and the court boy held up a blindfold.

Simple nodded and it was placed on him.

More shuffling and movement. Simple wanted to see who had been chosen to administer the next stage. There would be at least two, maybe more depending on how long it would be.

But the blindfold prevented it. He knew it was better. No retribution would be appropriate, none was warranted.

He gasped as the first band of leather strips hit his chest. Then another across his buttocks. There were two, he realized.

Each stroke hit him different places. He would have marks. They weren't allowed to hit him in the same place to prevent bloody damage.

Each flogging stroke found new skin on his chest, stomach, back, buttocks, thighs, legs, feet, and crotch.

That hurt the most, when the strips slapped on his penis and balls. It not only hurt like his other skin but sent a shock into his gut that made him want to vomit.

It was like last time, taking him to a level of pain that soon turned into something else. He wasn't the only one to discover the indefinable pleasure of pain. His cock expanded and displayed that point.

The flogging stopped.

"Next" the voice said.

The second administration would hurt like hell. His cock drooped in expectation.

The flogging was administered by others, probably his roommates or others who felt offended. He'd never know.

Each stroke happened faster and faster, his cock was rock hard. He writhed on the chains. The body he had always felt responded to his own will, had its own control now.

He couldn't help it and felt the warm fluid flow out of the tip of his penis. There wasn't the usual pleasurable orgasmic explosion, just a release.

Simple had seen others piss or cum or both.

"The sentenced has ended" a voice said and Simple crumpled to the floor as the chains slacked. The rag he found on the floor, Simple used to wipe his own spilled fluids.

"Return" the voice said

He waited following the others out the door, up the stairs and back to the floor where he lived. Each boy ahead of him went into their respective rooms.

He was allowed to re enter his own room now where his roommates waited. They spread lotion on his body over the red marks left by his punishment.

Simple thanked them, though they weren't allowed to respond till morning reveille. He knelt and took the cocks offered him. It was his final humiliation satisfying each one...even though he enjoyed the feeling of their cum on his body.

Three orgasms later, he was allowed to sleep in his own bunk. It was over. He had satisfied the boy's court decision. His crime would be forgotten. And he would behave, until next time he was ready to endure what he had now endured twice before.

And until then he would see others do the same. It was a rough life defined by rules and punishment.

It was his new life. And he not only accepted it but liked it.

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