Single at Oxford

By Ron Weasley

Published on Mar 5, 2013


The following is a story about life at the University to Oxford. This story is completely fictional and all resemblance to any persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. This story contains descriptions of sex between men. If the subject matter offends you or it is illegal to read or download such things in your jurisdiction please do not continue.

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.


Single at Oxford by Jeremy Allen

Part 2

I awoke to the loud and very obnoxious sound of my alarm shrieking into the half light that filled my room through the curtains. Ed had his arm over me and was spooning me. As he stirred I felt his muscular body tighten and pull me in closer. He had a semi and it was nestling between my arsecheeks. This was nice. Waking up with someone holding you close, a post orgasmic glow filling you, knowing that, after all this time single, someone still finds you attractive. Ed had fucked me twice more last night and we hadn't got to sleep until about three. It was now seven and I was all to ready to hit 'off,' instead of 'snooze,' but Walter had us for another 8.30am class. Whilst I could smell delicious, masculine smells off Ed, I'm sure to anyone who hadn't been involved in our four hour fuckfest would probably say 'funky' rather than 'manly' to describe the odour. We needed to shower before the nearly half-hour walk to LMH.

I turned to Ed and slipped my arm under his, hugging him and bringing myself closer. Nuzzling my nose against his I said, 'c'mon Ed, we need to shower and eat if we want to get to Walter's class on time.' 'Mmmph,' he grumbled, 'don't wanna. Sleepy time.' 'Come on,' I said and kissed him on the lips. I ran my hand down his side feeling the strong muscles of his torso, then felt across his pec. 'We need to get moving. We could cut time by showering together but I really doubt the scientists would enjoy seeing two people come out of the same shower... Except Steve maybe, he'd love to get an eyeful of you. Then we need to eat.'

He opened his eyes and creased one corner of his mouth into a sly smile. 'Well if you need to eat I've got something to feed you.' he said.

His semi had blossomed into a full on boner and was reaching out towards my own growing dick. He flexed his abs causing his dick to twitch, making it reach out to mine. Our cockheads touched and I gasped, the sensitive nerve endings responding to this most intimate of touches. He left a smear of precum on my dick and as his own flicked back a gossamer fine strand was left linking our erections together. His, eight inches long and thick around, the red head poking out through the pulled-back foreskin. His large bollocks rested heavily in his shaved sack and a crown of neatly trimmed black pubes surrounded the area where his fine manhood joined his sculpted physique. His abdominal V of definition below his abs seemed to point invitingly down to his throbbing dick and who was I to say no?

My own seven and a half-incher was pulsing with each beat of my heart. It was thinner than his but was by no means a disappointing cock. I started slowly jacking myself, to show my interest in getting a bit more action before class but wanted to tease him a bit first.

'So you want me to go down on you?' I asked. He was alternating his gaze from his impressive manhood to my face. 'Yes I do.' 'Even though we might be late for class?' 'I know what I'd rather be doing.' 'You'd rather be getting a blowjob.' It wasn't a question. I moved my hand to his dick and started using our precum to slick up my thumb which teased his cockhead as I grasped his shaft. 'Yes' 'You'd rather have your big hard dick down my throat than learning about crime' 'nngh,' he moaned weakly, 'yes!' His voice was gasping, eyes shut. 'You'd rather I slid my lips around your rod of steel and deep throated you.' I began to jack him a little. 'Ah, yes' 'You'd rather fuck my face and cum in my mouth than get out of bed?' 'You know I would.' 'Then tell me.' He opened his eyes and looked into mine. His piercing blue met my jade green and he held onto my wrist, stopping me from moving up and down his shaft. As he he guided my wrist back towards my own body, up over my shoulder, turning me onto my back and pinning it down he said, 'I want to fuck your face. I want to shove my dick down your throat and I want to blow my load all over you. I want you to choke on my cock and I want you to make me feel like I did last night.'

He took my other hand and pinned it to the bed as he climbed over me and straddled my chest, his dripping dick now pointing straight at my face. He had a determined look on his face as he gazed down on me, directly in the eyes.

'I want you to give me the best blowjob I've ever had. And I want you to give it to me now.' He had risen up onto his knees and angled his dick to be right at my mouth, pointing down, ready to invade.

With an expression of mock innocence on in my eyes, from this vulnerable position, I looked up at him and said 'say please.' 'Please.' I couldn't tell if it was a not of begging, frustration or forced control, but it was full of desire and strength.

I spread my lips into a smile of victory. I leaned forward, opening my mouth and took his cockhead in my lips. My tongue swashed round his head and he let out a sigh of relief and pleasure. He had my hands pinned above my head and was straddling my chest so I couldn't thrust very far down his shaft, but I gave it everything I had, bobbing up and down.

'Oh, you want more?' he asked. 'You want more of my dick in you?'

He arched up so that his dick pointed straight down and began thrusting in and out of my mouth. With each thrust he went deeper, testing me. When he hit the back of my throat he didn't go any deeper but started to pick up the speed and began pistioning in and out. His girth had my mouth open wide and with my lips stretched around like this and my mouth so full there was nothing much that I could do other than allow my mouth to be used. I'd won the battle of the wills, the challenge last night, of getting Ed to want me to blow him more than I wanted him to fuck me, but I was damned if he was just going to skull fuck me til he came. I could make him feel a lot better than that and I wanted him thinking about nothing but out time together through all of Walter's class.

I started breathing in slowly, working up some oxygen to allow me to hold my breath when I needed it. I got a feel for his rhythm: in, out, in out, his hot slick dick sliding through my lips and across my tongue. Suddenly, as he was driving forward, I relaxed my throat and threw my head up and forward. His cock drove down and into my throat and he let out a cry at the new sensation. I was slightly taken a back and felt a little pain myself but I didn't let this stop me. In his shock and in the wave of pleasure cursing threw his body from the end of his dick through every fibre of muscle he had, he relaxed his grip on my wrists. Taking my opportunity, I broke free of his grip and placed one hand on his firm, sweaty pec and one hand on the tight mound of muscle that was his arsecheek and tilted him so that he was upright. Never leaving my mouth, I slid his cock further down my throat, and then back up. He was frozen in place, his head tilted back, his eyes closed, letting out just a shimmering 'ah' irregularly as I changed direction. I brought my hand down from is pec and placed it on his other arsecheek, pushing his hips forward and taking his cock all the way. I buried my nose in his pubes and his scent filled my mind. He smelled manly, he smelled of strength and effort. He smelled of sex.

A few more thrusts with him all down my throat and I needed air. I leaned back off his cock and lay down, one hand holding his thick, hard shaft and jerking it, the other by my side. My chest was heaving to pay the oxygen debt and I held his cock head over my lips as I played with it, licking and kissing it. His head leaned forward as he awoke from his deep-throat reverie and he looked down and me. His hand took over from mine at the base of his shaft and he started thumping his cock on my lips and over my face. Once again he reared up and drove his cock back into my mouth. I was fat on my back and he leaned forward, resting one arm on the wall and bringing knee up to the side of my head; His breathing turned into gasping which rose into moaning as he pumped in or out. Slowly the moans became cries and I felt his already rock hard shaft become more turgid. He screwed up his face as he stifled a cry before releasing his breath, his shout and his orgasm. His jizz shot straight to the back of my throat and I swallowed down as tow more shots arrived. He was crying out with a 'hughh! Huh! Awww!' He pulled out and shot the last few volleys on my face which I found incredibly erotic.

He fell forward, resting his head in the crook of his arm against the wall. His chest was heaving and his abs seemed to have popped out all the more. I could taste his cum in my throat, a mild, savoury and undeniably sexy aroma. Ed looked spent as he fell onto me and next to me, nestling his head in the crook of my shoulder, his arm draped over me.

'That was... just... that was... wow.' What a word smith.

I let him have his afterglow, and used the time to look down at this sheer stud of a man. A real animal in bed, who liked to give it tough and dominant but knew how good I could make him feel. This could be the start of some very good sex. I reached over him for a tissue to wipe his cum off my face, noticing the three spent condoms from last night. Yes. We had very good sex.

I let Ed have is post orgasm come down for a few minutes longer, resting my head against his and running my finger in small circles round his nipple. My own morning wood had definitely become full on arousal by the intense oral session we'd just had and I wondered if I had time to see to myself before trekking off on the long schlog to LMH. I rolled out of bed and walked over to my bathrobe, hanging off the back of my door.

'Shower?' I offered Ed. 'I have a towel you can use. There's a few at the end of the hall, turn left out of the door.' I turned to let my self out before I head Ed's voice. 'Hang on, I'll come with.'

He got out of bed and stretched with his back to me. I could see the definition in his lats and his biceps looked fantastic. He rose onto his toes with a yawn bringing out the definition of his calves, which I hadn't noticed the size of before now. His arse was tight and round. Awesome

'Where's the towel?' he asked.

I took it off the radiator and threw it to him. He wrapped it lazily around his waist, as low as it could go without revealing his bush and clutched the knot at the side. He grinned cockily as he walked over to me.

'Lay on,' he said as he fixed another gaze into my eyes.

I opened the door and led the short walk down the hallway to the shower room. There were six showers in individual cubicles shared between the floor. The building was mixed gendered now, but originally the whole college was female so there wasn't room for men's and women's individual wash rooms. The cubicles were like individual changing rooms you find in swimming pools: plastic doors and walls elevated off the ground so that you could see people's feet and the run off could spread between shower floors. Not the best, but not the worst either. A shower curtain ran across the middle of each cubicle so that you wouldn't accidentally spray your towel hanging on the back of the door. From time to time the forgetful, trusting or naïve would hang their towel over the door instead of on the hook. That was a sure fire way to end up walking naked back to your room.

I entered my cubicle and Ed got into the one next to me. The water that came out of the shower head was instantly hot; a blessing after only a small amount of sleep. The jet was hard and I allowed it to hit me full in the face. I started to lather up my hair.

'Err, do you have any shampoo or soap?' Ed asked through the wall. 'Oh shit, I'm sorry, let me toss it over. Just gimme a minute to get the soap of my face.'

I stepped under the hot, refreshing jet and began to rinse the foam out of my hair. Suddenly the curtain whipped back to reveal Ed's dripping, naked form.

'Fancy seeing you here' he smiled. 'How did you-?' 'You left your lock pickable. Anyway, I thought this would be more fun. Plus I owe you one.'

He waked forward and pushed me against the wall, kissing me. The shower flushed the last of the suds from my hair down my face and over our lips. I could taste the awful soapy tang and so could Ed. He pulled back and bent over to pick up my shampoo bottle. He squeezed a dribble into his hand and began to rub it into his hair. The way his body moved, each muscle was highlighted in the morning light and the shadows cast by the running water. I was definitely still hard. He looked at me, still smiling and said 'could I get under there too, please?

I moved to the side to let him underneath the jet and he began to rinse off. I got my shower gel and began to rub down my pecs and abs, getting a little bit of foam by rustling it up in my pits. For all intents and purposes I have a completely smooth chest so if I want those soapy bubbles I either have to use my pits or my crotch to generate them. Ed turned to me and took the bottle from my hand.

'Let me help you with that.'

He got a bit more gel out and began to rub me down. He started with circular motions across my pecs and then massaging my shoulders.

'Turn around and let me get your back,' he said

I turned around and his strong hands began kneading my shoulders and rubbing my neck. He stepped in closer and I felt his hard body press against my back. His hands slid down my back, then under my arms and he grabbed my pecs in his hands giving them a caressing squeeze. As one hand moved across my chest, the other moved down over my rippled abs to the start of my bush. He kissed my neck as he grabbed my oaken penis. I was so hard my dick was a bright beetroot red and the veins were practically ripping out of the skin. He slowly moved his hand up and down my shaft as he continued to kiss my neck, driving me wild. A finger probed my ass, it's soapy slickness sliding smoothly in. As his thumb rubbed over my swollen cockhead my entire body shuddered. His strong right arm held me tighter, squeezing my upper chest with its raw power and he bared his teeth on my sensitive neck. I wanted him to shove his dick in me so hard right then but he was bringing me to the edge in record time. His fist beat furiously up and down my dick, the shower gel lubing his hand. A spark of ecstasy shot through me each time he rubbed past my foreskin and stimulated the head directly. My dick began to feel like one tube of pleasure, the whole organ shimmering with orgasmic feeling. It began to spread through my body as I felt my arse tighten, my diaphragm contracted and every muscle in my body tensed. My breath came in short, sharp intakes. The pleasure washed down from my neck as Ed chewed down. He had learned well from my responses last night that I love having my neck sucked and nibbled.

'Ah, ngh!' was all I could articulate.

I came. I came with a cry as my cum spat out of my cock at sonic speed and hit the cubicle wall at the same heigh as my dick, flying so fast gravity had no time to affect an arc. Three or four strong bursts. As my orgasm hit me I autonomously drove my heals into the floor. I thrust myself up and back and Ed squeezed me tight to compensate and keep from falling over. He leaned back and I let an arc of cum fly through the air. As my orgasm subsided I collapsed into his arms completely. He held me and I leaned forward, bracing myself against the wall. For the first time in minutes I felt the stream of water. As it thudded on my back, I remembered we were in a semi-public shower room. Shit, how loud had I been?

'Wow, you really let it out didn't you?' Ed said as he reached over me to take the shower head down. He aimed it at himself to rinse off, then at me. As I turned to face him he looked pretty smug, proud of himself. I was still panting.

'That was... the best... oh just come here.'

He let his hand fall as I moved forward to embrace him. I kissed him on the lips, our mouths opening to let our tongues play with each other. He pinched my arse and I broke the contact. I'd gotten him soapy again. I reached out to feel his chest, drinking in the sight. I looked up to see his face looking at me. Once again he met my gaze and we stared into each other's eyes for a moment. The moment was gone when he returned to the business of rinsing off. I cleaned up my cock using the remaining lather and a few quick sprays and we were all clean, any trace of our night and morning together washing down the drain. Except, of course, for the warm feeling in my dick and loose comfort in my arse.

This story is my first time writing fiction, erotic or otherwise, since my creative writing assignments in school. I'd love to get feedback and will continue to write if it's more positive than negative:

Thanks for reading,


Next: Chapter 3

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