Sins of the Father Series

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Sins Of The Father / Chapter 4 - The Devil That You Know

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Sins Of The Father
Chapter 4 - The Devil That You Know
PJ Franklin

Chapter 4 – The Devil That You Know

Kasey Oliver sat squirming on his still bare burnt bottom cheeks in the center of the middle bench seat of Master Roman's large black SUV between Cody and Tim. He was still very fresh from the ten belt licks given him by Master Roman for having lost his cool in the vehicle just a short while before.

It had been his first ever public beating much less entirely in the nude outside of the vehicle in a nondescript downtown parking lot. The worst of it, however, was the presence of many younger strange teenage boys gawking and pointing at him from close up quite enjoying his humiliating comeuppance.

Kasey wasn't thinking about his feelings over those few awful moments at present, however. Kasey was actually carefully analyzing his entire situation, trying to objectively come to terms with the cold hard reasons that he had been put into the position to be punished in that humiliating manner in the first place.

First, and most important, he was now a legal male slave. He might belong technically to slave seller, Master Abdullah; but that Master Jack Roman, the man who had brought that belt across his ass ten times very hard, was now very likely his chief buyer. In any case, Kasey was not a free man and would not be for a long time to come, if ever again.

He also reminded himself of his mother's parting words to him at the judicial center in that context. Her admonition to get along, to trust her that she knew Master Roman to be "a good man," as she had put it. Did he trust her judgment on that issue because like it or not, Kasey had been with his father, Master Roman's chief enemies not that long ago. That could be a major factor in all of this.

Then there were the two somewhat older slave boys on either side of him, Tim and Cody. They had not been mean to him. They had explained everything that was going to happen to him in the car and that he had agreed to before he had mistaken simple words and lashed out and angered Master Roman.

Like a good Master or even a good father, Master Roman took exception to Kasey's behavior and as was his right punished Kasey. In public, yes, but that was his right too as well as lawful. It had all hurt his ass less really than his male pride; but what was male pride to him now, anyway?

What pride had resulted in doing what he had done in concert with his father, to essentially try and steal Master Roman's business out from under him? Look how that had turned out. His father was in prison, probably for decades and would never amount to crap for the rest of his miserable life.

No pride in any of that. Maybe they all had been right to get him away from his biological dad and give him a new … a new what? Father? Master? What was the difference what you called it now anyway? Vincent Oliver had been a terrible father to him. Less a father than a mental tormentor really no matter he had Vincent's DNA in his body.

Then Kasey reminded himself that he had been an only child to Vincent. No sisters or brothers. He had plenty of friends, but rich friends do not ever seem to last now-a-days. Now he had potentially three brothers. Step-brothers essentially. That intrigued Kasey, and not a little. Maybe his mother was right.

Ben started up the SUV and proceeded to drive the car back out onto the city's boulevard. Master Roman turned his head to the back seat, "Kasey. I expect you to behave and at least make good on your promise to suck off Cody and Tim. They will help. Once you do and we get to Abdullah's, you may go off with them and play. You can fuck them. In fact, let's do this Kasey. You need to get used to spanking. Being spanked and spanking, giving and taking. I want you to spank Cody and Tim and then you may fuck them. Do you understand your role?" Master Roman asked Kasey.

Kasey blushed as somehow the idea of spanking both of these older guys and then fucking him appealed and not just as an ego thing. It appealed to his generally dominant sexual side. His dick stirred, "Yes Master Roman! Thank you Master Roman!" Kasey said with measured enthusiasm and noticed instantly that verbalizing his thanks to the Master had started to feel good.

Then Master Roman did something that he would quickly get used to and enjoy. The Master's hand came back and he patted Kasey's bare thigh, "I think you are a good man, Kasey. You got a raw deal. It's time to start over, from the beginning and get used to how you need to be to not only survive, but to flourish," and then Master Roman turned back.

Kasey sat there, "Yes Master Roman," he said solemnly. Master Roman had taken the time to advise him, like a father would. There seemed no tone of revenge, as if the past were not forgotten, but perhaps pardoned, a onetime offering of a second chance if you will.

His own blood father had never, ever in all of his years really given Kasey even the fucking time of day. Utilizing the burgeoning thankfulness that maybe his mother was right, Kasey looked at Tim and then at Cody, "I'm sorry I caused you both such a ruckus back there. I … I want to learn how to suck cock. Now I know what getting your face fucked means," Kasey said just saying the words because they needed to be said even though he felt nothing sexual by saying them.

Maybe sexual feelings would follow if he were diligent enough to encourage them for himself. What choice did he have if he chose not to? None, if he wanted to truly survive. He could fight this and would lose, that was certain.

Cody grinned, "Super! I'm first, remember?" and Kasey nodded. Cody was hard still, "I'll go easy on your mouth," Cody promised, "I won't touch you," Tim offered, "No, Tim. You have to. I need you to. Master Roman expects it and I must get used to guys touching me," Kasey wisely replied right away.

Cody proffered his erection upright. Kasey paused, looked at it curiously and then leaning over slowly introduced it into his mouth, "Oh, Kasey!" Cody said smiling, his hands softly petting Kasey's shock of longish hair. Kasey knew that he was pleasing Cody, his potential slave brother, and that would please Master Roman and it wasn't really so bad, touching cock with his tongue was it?

The world did not end. Tim was touching him now, rubbing his back. That felt good too, "You're doing a great job, Kasey," Tim praised him and managed to somehow not say, "Like you've done it all your life."

Cody rocked his hips some. Kasey got into the rhythm, but his jaw started to get tired, "What do I do when my jaw hurts?" he asked  popping off from sucking Cody, "Just let me," Cody said, "Open your mouth and let Cody kind of jack off into it. You have to get used to semen in your boy holes, mouth and anus," Tim advised.

Kasey winced, but understood the logic and nodded. He leaned back over and soon felt Cody's fountaining semen splatter into the front part of his mouth and onto his lips, "Lick it all up and swallow. Don't get in the habit of spitting it out," Tim advised. Kasey thought the taste was not terrible, "Felt good! Thank you Kasey!" Cody said. Nobody had ever thanked Kasey for much of anything really except his mother and that didn't seem to count much for anything useful now.

Kasey turned to Tim, "Thanks for being gentle with touching me," Kasey offered, "May I please suck you, Tim?" he practiced saying, "Yes!" Tim nodded. Kasey bent over and then sat up, "Cody? Touch my nipples please?" he asked because that had felt good, "Sure, Kasey!" Cody was all too willing.

Kasey leaned over and promised himself to work harder to please Tim and to make a good job of sucking off his cock. Tim's cock was about the same size as Cody and this time Kasey used his tongue, "Oh God Kasey! That feels good, you're going to make me cum. You better be …" but Cody was stimulating his nipples just right and the combination suddenly made Kasey feel very sexual.

Tim tried to pull out but a determined Kasey did not let him and in fact went down further onto the prick and Tim erupted into his mouth! Kasey coughed and sputtered some, but managed to keep Tim's semen in his mouth and swallow it down, "Are you all right, Kasey? I'm sorry. I meant to pull out first!" Tim said alarmed as Kasey sat back up and made a careful note that somehow Cody's semen was a bit sweeter than Tim's, a very strange thing to file away in his mind for the very first time.

"No Tim. I did that on purpose. How did I do?" Kasey asked with cautious interest, "You were perfect, Kasey!" Tim praised again sans any "Like you've done this your whole life" comments. Then another more important voice,

"Kasey?" it was Master Roman, "Yes Master Roman?" Kasey responded worriedly, "Good job. I'm proud of you," Master Roman said again patting his thigh. Kasey stared a long moment looking at Master Roman's hand tempted even to touch him back, but did not, "Thank you Master Roman," he said amazed at the feeling he experienced on account of Master Roman's praise.

* * * * * * * * * *

I was not a little amazed and plenty suspicious. How could Kasey Oliver turn around so fast like this? Seem so cooperative so soon? He sucked Tim and Cody off. He was polite. He was thoughtful. Then again my attitude had changed as well, so maybe it was me. I no longer felt anger nor any temptation to impatience with him. I kind of actually liked the boy.

I wanted him to succeed. Maybe he just needed patient guidance and time. Vince had been a dick to him for years, decades. I could use that, play a much different role model for him and not ever feel like I had to bully. It was not my style anyway as it would be for many men in my position for breaking in a new slave boy that was not naturally inclined to be with all males.

I listened to their light banter in the back seat as I now had Ben make haste for Abdullah's. I wanted to reward Kasey as soon as possible and he needed socialization in a proper environment. I even wanted to participate, but was not sure that I should yet. Tim and Cody were doing a good job. I would remain patient and let my initial plan work some.

We arrived at Abdullah's in the midst of his usual throng of guests and slaves, male and female. Kasey had never been there before. He seemed not initially impressed much as he had lived in similar luxury with his father and mother. That is until he saw Abdullah's rather not so nice and pretty gruesome slave holding yard far on the other side of the back acreage of the compound.

I had seen its garish contrast to the main compound many times before and so had my boys. It was like comparing a beautifully landscaped plot of land with a garbage dump or nearly. It certainly was not a place where I would ever purchase a slave from or even want to see a slave for consideration.

Those males in thick iron chains and wide ankle and wrist shackles inside were of Kasey's age group and headed for very poor living conditions and a life of cruelty, despair and non-sexual debasement. They all had poor stubborn attitudes and refused to give them up or were insincere and resistant to male-on-male sexual training choosing to remain unable to become sexually aroused by BDSM or spanking play and games.

More importantly, as Kasey stood staring through the razor wire topped cyclone fencing at the ugly scene, Abdullah carefully detailed to him why each male was there, implying of course that Kasey could avoid that ugly outcome for himself by a little work and diligence on his part.

I watched Kasey closely as his eyes grew large. Wincing as a slave manager used a very mean looking thick leather strap and beat two of the males and not nicely upon their upturned bared buttocks and thighs. It was not sexy, it was kind of brutal really as the slaves pitifully cowered and howled and when the manager turned away after finishing, they both held their beaten buttocks, faces drawn and looked daggers at the man. They hated him. It was all around a bad scene, but a useful one for Kasey to see as well as a reminder for all of my boys how good they really had it being my boys.

Cody didn't like it, neither did Tim. It also affected Ben though not as much, "You do not want to end up there, boy," Abdullah said at the last, "No Master Abdullah, I don't," he replied with a big gulping swallow and then we left that area and went back to the pool area, Kasey looking back at the fenced in area twice with furrowed brow.

"OK Kasey. You may play with Tim and Cody. I expect to see their bare bottoms spanked and you are to fuck both of them, understand?" I put my hand firmly on his shoulder as a reminder to distract him back to business, "Yes Master Roman," he smiled and I patted his rump as Cody and Tim rounded him up to go inside of Abdullah's home to a special play room.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey had not only been shaken, but awoken by what he had seen in the fenced in area with the two disobedient and uncooperative male slaves as he followed Tim and Cody indoors. How they were cruelly treated. How they seemed to fight and resent everything around them. He knew where they were headed to live or was it to die if they did not reverse their attitudes. It seemed too late for them, but not for him.

The small room had a bed, table and chairs. A lamp. A rug on the floor and a large paned window to the outside looking out onto a pleasantly landscaped garden, "I need to be spanked!" Cody grinned as they faced Kasey now. Tim rolled his eyes, "Cody. You sound like … like your thirteen or something," Tim chided him a little.

Kasey liked Tim. He felt strangely like Tim. Kind of standoffish, a bit blunt; but also friendly. Not ebullient like Cody. Nothing wrong with that, "It's OK. I'm not here for anyone not to be themselves," Kasey said to Tim, "Show me how, Cody," and Cody did.

They were all naked. Nudity suddenly felt much more normal to Kasey. It had never seemed fun per se not wearing clothes and now it did some. It was liberating and so was this, spanking Cody across his knees, the boy begging for it. Kasey found he liked spanking Cody.

Cody's enthusiasm was infectious and spread to Kasey and Kasey felt his cock hardening as he did. Tim noticed but decided against pointing it out. It did look hot, Kasey Oliver spanking his slave brother and that was certain.

Cody almost always raised his hips up to expose his boy hole during sex play spankings and did so again forgetting who was spanking him. Tim's eyes got big, and he quickly leaned in, "Um, Kasey," and Kasey stopped spanking, "What's wrong? What am I doing wrong?" Kasey worried, "Nothing. But Cody is posturing for rimming," Tim said with a little chagrin though needlessly.

"Rimming? Oh … rimming," and Tim stood up, "You don't have to do that, I will," Tim said, "Well, no. I need to do it. Teach me," Kasey said. Tim shrugged and looked at Cody who was all too willing to teach Kasey probably the hottest thing two guys do with each other for his money and for the money of all of his family members too.

"Close your eyes. It will taste funny. Ignore that. Concentrate on how it makes Cody feel," Tim advised, Cody taking note of Tim's smooth instruction. So Kasey did. He closed his eyes, leaned over and took a sniff. His nose wrinkled a little. Nothing wrong with the smell was there? Then Kasey slowly and carefully stuck out his tongue and gently started to flick over the firmed flesh, over it a bit and then around, rimming Cody's pink pucker.

"Kasey! Oh my God. That feels so good! Keep that up and I'll beg to get fucked!" Cody responded and it was not fake. Kasey thought it difficult to fathom that getting one's anus licked on by another guy's tongue could make you feel like you wanted his cock up your ass, but if so? Suddenly Kasey had a thought. It was very daring, but he now knew his future and he must learn. There were no other options.

"I want to try that too," Kasey suddenly said, "Try what?"  Tim cautiously asked, "Getting rimmed," Kasey responded fearful of verbalizing to Tim the real reason, "Really? OK," Tim said trying to be calm as if this was all normal, "Cody, get up," Tim said instructively. Cody did. Kasey stood and watched as Tim sat down, Cody looking on, also feeling nervous at how Kasey might respond.

Tim patted his knees, "Whenever you're ready," he said. Kasey just stood there a moment past visions of the unpleasantness of the boarding school prefects who had pretty much demanded cooperation with their sexual games of sex and spanking. Of the hot tub parties fueled by mind-numbing alcohol, the insincere fake offerings of daring sexuality with another male.

"Kasey?" Tim tilted his head, "What? Oh … yes," Kasey said and then heart pounding a fury slid across Tim's knees trying to eliminate further past sour experiences from his mind's thinking, "I'm going to touch you now, Kasey. On your ass, really deep. Don't panic. I want it to feel good for you," Tim said and Cody nodded silently.

Kasey closed his eyes. Tim's touching on his butt was foreign, but not unpleasant. The way he felt exposed now, his butt hole open, "Now, my mouth and lips. Tongue too. Just try and enjoy it," Tim said next, but did not wait for a response. He just slowly dived in.

Suddenly Kasey's eyes flew open from what he was feeling. Was it possible? Pleasure? His pelvis started to hum. His cock got hard! Was he a homosexual all along and didn't know it? Tim's tongue moving about, making his balls feel fuller, his cock needing to be rubbed. How could he get more of this feeling? Would getting fucked accomplish that?

Tim sat back up. Thrilling was not the word adequate enough to describe how it had felt to give Kasey the first good rimming of his life. It felt like an honor. A privilege, "Well?" Tim asked, Cody's eyebrows shooting up waiting for Kasey's response.

Kasey felt panic for the first time that long and strange day. How could this be? But it was and thankfully he was in the care of men who could not only empathize, but even celebrate it with him, "I … I … I liked it. It made me feel stuff," Kasey said cautiously, "What stuff?" Cody asked. Oh boy. Here it comes. Something that Kasey Oliver just a few weeks or even days before could never have imagined saying,

"Anal … you know, fucking. Masks me want more. Makes me … want to try and get fucked?" Kasey's voice trailing off as if in an out-of-body experience. There was dead silence. Tim then gently smiled,

"Baby steps, Kasey. That's a lot for a guy like you who is very new to all of this and not what Master wanted us to do," Tim advised, but Cody jumped in with both feet, "No it's not. Let him choose! Once you want to get fucked, Tim, you just want it Tim! Jesus!"

All Kasey could do was smile and slipped off of Tim's lap, "Yes well, just shut up and let Kasey fuck you wild brother of mine," Tim smirked. Kasey smiled. He kind of liked these guys. A lot really!

* * * * * * * * * *

I was pacing around the pool the entire half hour that Kasey was off with Tim and Cody. What was taking them so long? What were they doing? How long does it take to spank and fuck, anyway? Suddenly there they were all of them walking towards me.

Tim and Cody turned to show me their red bottoms, bright rosy red. They grinned and spread their cheeks and their holes looked freshly fucked, both of them. I smiled. Kasey looked cautiously at me. I waved the boys forward,

"Looks great, Kasey. Did you enjoy it?" I asked and Kasey looked at Tim and Cody as if this was some kind of planned answer, "Go ahead, ask Master Roman," Cody encouraged him.

I stared as Kasey Oliver came up to me, kneeled in front of me as my boys know to do to show maximal humility. He clasped his hands in back of himself and then looked up, "Please Master Roman. Please spank me and then can I please suck your cock?" he asked.

My God. My cock hardened in three heart beats and that even though I knew or suspected that this was a planned effort by Cody and Tim to help train their potential new slave brother. I didn't care if it was theatrical, but I did care that it did sound sincere.

I leaned over and cupped his chin, "Did those two over there put you up to this?" I questioned Kasey, but with a smile, "Oh yes Master Roman. I asked them how to please you and we came up with that," he replied.

I then looked at Cody and Tim for any signs of tomfoolery, but also knew that they would never do anything to spoil what I was trying to accomplish. They just smiled and shrugged and I nodded, "Very well. Anything else?" I asked just in case as there usually was with those two,

"Oh … well … I kind of liked it when … they … um … licked on my anus," he said looking down with an almost charming chagrin. Again, I looked at Cody and Tim, but especially Cody. He shrugged and nodded his head with a big smile of endorsement,

"Oh did you? OK, I will do that," I replied turning my attention back to Kasey as if I would ever turn that offer down, "Great!" he grinned and then winced, "Sorry. Yes Master Roman," he said self-correcting himself, but the "Great" seemed sincere as well.

I shook my head. Kasey was evidently trying, very, very hard to please me. I think that fenced off mayhem on the other side of the grounds made a very scary impression on the young man and new slave; but I also thought that the boy was trying hard aside that to get along with his new position in life.

I wanted Kasey to get used to having sex in public and maintain a hard cock in that manner at all times just like my three boys. I guess I had already decided to buy Kasey, all that lacked was the official and final financial transaction between myself and Abdullah.

There were many of Abdullah's friends and a few potential buyers milling about the pool sampling his boys for sale and enjoying the ones that were not. Slave boys coming and going all over and some sexual play in and out of the pool. I took Kasey, Tim and Cody with me to a small pool-side cabana, an open-fronted small tent that was fully open for all to see.

Ben was happily off indoors enjoying himself in Abdullah's giant of a kitchen helping to cook tasty dishes. I sat down in the cabana's chair and motioned for Kasey to get himself across my knees. He did, easily so and lay himself bare bottom up. He was shaking though, trembling a little I was sure from first time performance nerves. I nodded to my boys to help.

"You must get used to having cock in your mouth, Kasey. Tim will do that. Cody will masturbate and suck on your cock. The idea is to enjoy being with males even in public like this, Kasey. Yes, being with a female has been your main thing I am sure. No longer. Don't think of women in these circumstances. Even if it makes your penis feel limp to not. I'd rather that happen than you fake it. Don't. Let us train you," I instructed, "Yes, Master Roman," Kasey said as he had never felt so damn vulnerable in all his life just then.

* * * * * * * * * *

In the end, given proper attitude and sufficiently motivating circumstances, sex is just sex. It helps that the participants are all fit, even handsome and many border on Adonis or frankly Adonis. The pretty folk. The wealthy. Men of means. Power. Good if not spectacular looks. Nobody looking down on you because all of the sex is just with males. It all just seems normal.

But there still are barriers. How could Kasey get used to actually liking to suck cock? The male penis in his mouth. His father and all other males around him in school especially had taught him that sucking cock was the sign of weakness. You were a fairy, a worthless faggot. Worthy of derision and certainly not what the son of a wealthy father should be aspiring to do.

So Kasey had immediate doubts with his mouth full of Tim's cock. That did not yet seem sexy, but having Master Roman's tongue driving his butt hole wild with new sensations, not to mention Cody stimulating his stiff penis with mouth and fist. That was sexy! It felt good. It felt great!

Then there was Master Roman spanking Kasey with his palm, kind of just right. The heat from the spanking spread down to his balls and penis with minimal actual pain and suddenly, sucking cock seemed to add even more. Tim noticed, his eyes wide as Kasey seemed to step up his efforts, "Yes, Kasey! Wow! That feels so good!" he praised Kasey making Master Roman smile as well,

"You are all good boys," he said ruffling hairs all around, "especially you, Kasey. I am proud of you," and Master Roman seemed sincere. When had his own father ever given him so much attention and positive feedback in so little time?

Master Roman paused and then nodded and they stopped their efforts. Tim's penis left Kasey's mouth and Cody backed off his stimulations of Kasey's genitals. Kasey tensed. What was going on? "Just relax. I am going to slide my finger into your butt hole. Just close your eyes and feel what it offers," Master Roman said, "Yes, Master Roman," Kasey said now out of rote as he was very skeptical.

Then as the finger slowly rimmed and pushed in, Kasey bit his lips, hard. Being penetrated like this was in his past world and experience the ultimate put down. The essence of male weakness; but that was before Master Roman reached his G-spot, right in front of his prostate gland and then just ravaged it, small movements and vibration that built and built!

"Ohh!" Kasey moaned, "What Kasey? Want me to stop?" Master Roman smirked, "No Master Roman, more!" Kasey said with incredulity, his ass elevating and thighs parting in Master's lap. Kasey was not quite sure yet how Master Roman was accomplishing this feat of pleasure on him, but he wanted more of it!

Master Roman than nodded to Cody who suddenly went after Kasey's genitals with a purpose and Tim even offered Kasey cock to suck. Kasey just spontaneously reached out and pulled Tim's cock into his mouth and suckled it, but between all of the new and very intense sexual sensations brought to bear Kasey became overwhelmed and suddenly his world blacked out into a huge rapture.

Master Roman grinned as he kind of restrained Kasey over his knees from falling off as it stiffened, jerked, shuddered, Kasey's growling voice undulating as if he had never orgasmed before in his male life. Cody swallowed loads of Kasey's semen. Kasey did not even realize that he was swallowing down Tim's ejaculate as well, Kasey's mouth had suddenly sucked Tim off.

Master Roman let Kasey slowly slide off from his knees to the grassy floor of the tent cabana. Kasey just sat there hands on his haunches waiting to hear angry voices making fun of him, criticizing or chastising him. Instead only two brothers and their Master fawning all over him with praise, pats on the back and giggling high fives including with him.

Kasey Oliver looked up at Master Roman who smiled and nodded, "Feel good?" he asked. Did he? Yes, he did, "Yes, Master Roman … thank you Master Roman," and this time he really did mean it.

Sitting on the grass on your still naked spanked ass like it's a big picnic in the sun with other slave boys and even a few girls made Kasey feel strange even though Ben, Tim and Cody were right there with him. Especially that the gathered Masters and a few Mistresses were seated way up on proper chairs along the long table a few feet away. Some boys had leather collars. A few wore shackles, mostly all for show.

Kasey still was very glad that he was not shackled. It would remind him too much of the Judicial Center and that awful punishment that he still had to endure for his contempt conviction. That still bothered him, but there was nothing he could do about that. The other slave boys and girls other than Tim, Cody and Ben tried to engage him in slave banter, but he was not ready as yet to get rid of the feeling that he was above that kind of silly talk.

The afternoon droned on. After lunch, the slaves were allowed to romp and play in the swimming pool to their owners' delighted eyes, Kasey among them …

* * * * * * * * * *

I pulled Ben aside from the swimming pool and watched Cody stay close to Kasey as they romped with the other slaves, male and female and all nude. I watched as Cody was trying to direct Kasey's eyes away from the females by my instruction. Kasey knew I did not want him to torture himself by gawking at females. Kasey would look to thank Cody and then after a while, he seemed to be annoyed by Cody's repeated redirection.

"Ben, I'm not sure Kasey should be in the pool any longer with the girls," and Ben nodded, "Yes, Master," and quickly went to the pool side to fetch him out; but before he could there was a big commotion in the pool, Kasey at the center of it.

He was facing off against another good sized slave boy in a big angry pushing match. A whistle harshly blew from one of Abdullah's tall, dark-skinned male security officers. Everyone knew to freeze including the male that had confronted Kasey. I rushed forward and nodded to Ben to quickly get in the water and fetch Kasey back. He did.

The other male's owner was just as quick as I concerning his slave but also suddenly very angry. The owner slapped his slave harshly across his face as the boy sank to his knees at his Master's feet in shame. The owner snapped his fingers and a large leather strap appeared into his fist few seconds later.

Angry words were spoken, "Look at them!" I warned Kasey who had flinched his gaze elsewhere and he did. The Master, a man I knew to be a bit of a hot-head owner then proceeded to give his boy lash after lash all over his ass and his back and legs as the slave writhed helplessly down on all fours.

The boy howled and bawled like a child as the owner then stopped and ordered his boy collared and shackled. I looked at Kasey who looked properly horrified and frightened that I might do the same to him and avoided eye contact with me over it.

Kasey then flew around and kneeled in back of me like a child hides from trouble as the Master then approached me, "You are Jack Roman, am I correct?" and I nodded, "And you?" I held out my hand, "Henry McManus. That your slave boy there?" he shook my hand as he pointed to Kasey, "Yes, he is," I said ignoring that technically Kasey was not yet.

"Are you going to punish him for provoking my boy?" he asked, "Oh? I did not see that you exactly asked your boy what happened. You just punished him. As is your right," I countered and then felt Kasey's hands clutch onto my leg at my side. It was actually kind of cute and very sexy what Kasey was doing.

Having been caught in a lie, McManus just looked down at Kasey and then back up to me, "He is new, yes?" he asked, "Yes," I said, "You should teach him proper manners to be among more experienced slaves," and then sneering, turned and walked off knowing he had zero standing with me and my slaves.

By now, Kasey's head was looking down and pressed into my leg as if in shame. I looked at my other three who looked properly upset that Kasey had been involved in a sour way with others of their class, "Kasey, get up. Look at me," I said.

Slowly, Kasey got up and looked at me, his forehead deeply and appropriately quite furrowed, hands limply at his sides, "I don't care what that argument was about. You must learn to engage other male slaves with good decorum. You cannot fight with them. That is not allowed and neither is rough treatment unless you are in a family and your Alpha has permission to be physical with you. Am I understood?" I asked.

"Yes, Master Roman," Kasey said with a rather nicely cowed tone, "Despite I punished you once earlier today, I must punish you again, Kasey. It is expected since you did it for all to see. Ben, get me a good, thick strop, come with me Kasey," and I headed towards one of several elevated platforms with a tall, wooden pole in the middle.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey knew he had fucked up, big time and in front of Master Roman. That other slave boy had been poking him, prodding and acting as if he was the only male slave on the planet that knew anything about serving a Master. Why he let the asshole get to him and then pushed back, Kasey did not know only that it ended up with making two Masters go into punishment mode.

Kasey had cringed as the other Master whipped his boy into a bawling mess of shameful property and whereas he was sort of sure that Master Roman would not do that to him exactly like that, what would he do? The proper lecture about behavior and comportment seemed not only reasonable, but again, what a proper father, much less a slave owner should do.

That he was going to be publically strapped for the second time that day. It was going to be the worst day of his life since being told he was no longer a free man. Kasey followed Master Roman up to the platform. There was a chair and scattered implements of spanking punishment here and there, but nothing like what Master Roman now held in his fist, Ben at his side.

Kasey looked at the strop and then at Master Roman. He was going to get a worse whipping than earlier and that was for sure, "Hold onto the post. Ben, help him," and Master Roman's Alpha showed Kasey how to stand, legs well apart and push out his ass towards the throng of onlookers. He told Kasey to look at him and he would help Kasey's hands not to move off of the pole. He could yell, but not curse. Kasey nodded his understanding.

As the slave boys and girls observed one of their own up on the platform, a very good looking but new slave, getting a sound, loud and very painful looking strop whipping, many cocks became hard and leaky and some girl twats became wet and drippy. What some of them would not give to get a whipping like that from their Masters in public, so well developed were there exhibitionist tendencies. Then again, their Masters would never let them show off like that and they were always destined to be punished in isolation.

Tears streamed down Kasey's eyes as Master Roman swung the strop again and again lashing at his flesh which was rapidly looking a bright crimson. This was no belt whipping, a walk in the park by comparison. Ben kept eye contact with the remorseful boy looking back at Kasey without judgment. The pain was severe.

Master Roman's ability to swing what amounted to a thick piece of rawhide and put a boy to tears and regret was impressive. Master whipped his thighs, just to above his knees and all the way up to his sit-spots and beyond, clear up to the crowns of his ass cheeks and then did it again one more round and all overlapping.

By the time Master Roman was done with him, Kasey was drenched in sweat, a sore jaw from clenching, weak in the knees and his ass felt like the strop had turned into a flame thrower. Naturally, his cock was soft.

The crowd cheered and clapped at the end. This was entertainment at his expense. It was the first time that day that Kasey really hated Master Roman, if for just a few moments and then Master Roman came to up Kasey from behind, arm about his waist,

"I'm sorry I had to do that, Kasey, I really am. But you can't misbehave in front of other owners and slaves like that and not expect the worst, OK?" he said softly and then even kissed Kasey's temple.

Kasey was still sobbing some, but then Master Roman was kind to him. Not like that other owner who seemed even more angry with his slave boy after whipping him than before, "Yes, Masterrrrroman," Kasey stuttered and sniffled his answer and went to wipe his nose. Master Roman stopped him.

Then Master Roman did something else that caught Kasey off guard. He pulled out a small handkerchief and held it to Kasey's nose, "Blow, son," he said with fatherly aplomb. Ben smiled. He had Master Roman do that for him several times and it always was so embarrassing, but also made him feel good.

Kasey blew. Another reason to be humiliated? But no. The crowd had quickly dispersed. It was just him and Ben with Master Roman, Tim and Cody now up with them.

Cody asked to hug Kasey, but Master Roman told him he should ask Kasey. Kasey did not say no and he hugged Tim as well, wincing when they "accidentally" touched his aching, sore ass and thighs, "Ice. Boys, get your brother ice and some of Master Abdullah's medicinal cream and bring it to me back at the tent," Master Roman instructed.

But then Kasey looked down. The heat from his punishment was having its way with his cock now, "Just leave that alone. It will get plenty of attention later," Master Roman said to the still red-eyed boy, "Yes, Master Roman, thank you Master Roman for my punishment," he made sure to say and he meant it and Master Roman looked at him, "Good boy," he said.

* * * * * * * * * *

While all of my boys were excused to go here and there on their own all over the compound, Kasey was alone with me spread casually out on his tummy on a beach towel aside the cabana, his head up on my thigh resting his head. I had already used some ice packs and now reached down and rubbed some of Abdullah's collection of fine cooling and soothing medicinal cream into his still very red aching thighs and buttocks.

I watched Kasey writhe around a little. I knew his cock was hard. I wanted him to nurse it and get used to it after a good, hard thrashing. Kasey started to scoot more toward my crotch, near to me. His hands kind of moved around me.

I think he liked this close intimate physical contact. More importantly, I think he seemed a little starved for the attention. I ran my fingers through his hair a little and leaned over, "It's OK to touch me, Kasey. All my boys can touch me 24/7 unless I say otherwise. It's a sign of affection and love to me," I said, "Yes Master Roman," his voice kind of low and then he did get closer.

I rewarded Kasey by slowly running a cream slicked fingertip down his butt crack to his hole and rimmed him. His body moved and he moaned. I think I found the key to helping Kasey learn that all male sex was not only OK, but preferable and then eventually an imperative for living well as a male slave with other similarly minded males.

My cock hardened and since I was naked from the waist down like all of my fellow owners it was exposed and very close to Kasey's head, "May I suck your cock, Master Roman?" he asked after looking at it a short while, "Yes, Kasey," I said very surprised at the offer …

* * * * * * * * * *

In a way, Kasey was using an old habit of his from the past comparing one person to another as in "what have you got that I want?" kind of thing. Kasey was already comparing the slave who had been punished by the other Master with himself. The other slave boy was heavily shackled and in fact had been chained to a tree by himself, isolated and seemingly in the dog house big time while his master was enjoying himself.

In comparison, Master Roman had taken the time to explain everything and after punishing him taking the time to sooth him. Yes, he was not used to this kind of physical contact with another male, but thought he could get used to it and even get to liking it and and as for his cock? It seemed to tell him once again that maybe he had been wrong about the whole male-on-male sex thing. The way Master's finger stimulated him again.

Then Master's cock erected a few inches from his mouth and Master Roman made no move to force Kasey to recognize it. It was time to take advantage and show some initiative so based on what Master Roman had just instructed him about touching Master, Kasey got up on his elbows and looked at the erect penis more closely.

He touched it and fisted it up, sliding some loose foreskin up and now over the shaft. It was cut, but it still had a generous feel. A glistening drop of pre-cum oozed out. He looked at it and then up at Master Roman, "Lick it. It's the best taste on any man," he reassured Kasey. Kasey did. Master Roman was right, it did taste lighter and sweeter.

Kasey even smiled and then shrugged and passed Master's cock head between his lips, "Oh yes Kasey. You are learning," and then Master Roman said, "OK, stand up." Kasey worried a little until Master Roman got up to his knees, "Hold my head gently as I go down on you. I want you to feel good too," Master Roman said and then did it.

From afar Cody, Ben and Tim were headed back to join their Master and Kasey, but then Ben stopped them, "Look. Maybe we'd better leave Kasey alone with Master," Tim and Cody agreed and they all three went elsewhere and just happened to stumble into starting to overhear the angry Master who had angrily whipped his slave for fighting with Kasey talking to Master Abdullah. What they heard alarmed all three of them, "Come on!" Ben said with worry on his face and they took off running towards Master Roman and Casey.

Meanwhile, Master Roman was using his considerable oral sexual skills to ravage Kasey Oliver's penis and Kasey was responding, "Master!" he tensed and moaned and his hips moved to and fro and Master Roman's head and neck with them, "Like that?" Master Roman popped off, "Oh, yes, Master Roman!" he said, "Let's do it together. Do you know what a 69 is?" Kasey was asked and he nodded.

The next thing Kasey knew he was straddled over Master Roman and was about to go down on Master Roman's penis and Master Roman lick out his butt hole when Ben squatted right by Master Roman, "Master! Please! You must hurry!" Ben's voice urgent.

* * * * * * * * * *

I saw a look in Ben's eyes that meant there was serious trouble, "Kasey, get off of me," I said and Kasey was off in a jiffy, "Take me Ben," I said and then I followed him at a trot and as we approached the asshole Master who had been rude to me as well as Abdullah I sensed that I would be spending the next few minutes spending a lot of extra money.

"Well, well, well. Word gets around quickly," Abdullah smiled sweetly at me. I glared at McManus and then at Abdullah, "There is a small problem Jack. Master McManus is invoking a little used law that states that slaves indentured by a judicial proceedings are fair game for bidding. I have insisted that I own Kasey Oliver, but McManus here observes that it has been less than five days and I cannot forbid the process."

Abdullah was correct. I sighed and then noticed my three boys and Kasey standing not that far away and listening. Cody was rapidly talking to a very alarmed Kasey who looked very afraid and well he should be. I returned my attention to Abdullah and Henry McManus,

"Let's cut to the chase, McManus. What will it take to make you go away? How much?" I asked staring at him, "I wish a fair bidding is all," he bullshitted me. He wanted to buy Kasey's contract away from me and then pretty much mentally torture the boy and come as close as he could to actually ending the boy's life or making him wish he were dead.

I knew the type and they always responded to cold hard cash. I was not displeased neither that Kasey nor all of my boys could hear all of this unpleasantness,

"Fifteen, twenty (meaning thousands of dollars)," and he tilted his head. He knew Kasey's value, "Fine. Fifty, not a penny more," and McManus smirked, "Done. Good doing business with you Roman. Enjoy your worthless piece of shit slave boy. He won't last. I can see it in his eyes. He is a spoiled heterosexual pig and will never get a hard cock for you. You and your boys are making a huge mistake!" and then stomped off.

I turned my head. Kasey's head was very low, shame written all over his face. I sighed. Ben shrugged his empathy over to me as Cody and Tim tried to console Kasey and I waved them all over to me before turning to Abdullah who was going to say something. I held up my hand, "Save it old friend. Just bring up my account. Let's get this done before another asshole decides to spend even more of my money," and Abdullah just gave me one of his signature bullshit, "If you say you, you are the customer," looks.

"Kasey, come here," I said. He looked up. His eyes were actually red. I was not sorry for him about this as maybe this incident would make a very important point and impression on the new slave, "I am only going to ask you this once. If you say no, I will honor that and then you will belong to Master Abdullah who can do anything he wishes with you and your contract. Do you want to be with me and my boys … or not? Yes or no," I said more like a shop keeper than a slave owner.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kasey's red eyes got big. He had just had his ears punished with Master McManus' harsh words about him, a few which really might have been true right up until McManus spoke them. Then Kasey desperately wanted them not to be true or at least he would make that his new business if he got the chance.

He was being given a choice that really was not a choice at all or at least not one that anyone with any sense would ever want. It was, however, at least an opportunity and his best option especially that he had just dodged a $50,000.00 bullet aimed right at his forehead.

He would deal with that shame later, but for now the reality was that it was either Master McManus or Master Roman. Maybe they were both the devil, but as the saying goes, better the devil that you know.

"Yes! Please Master Roman, I want to be with you, thank you Master Roman!" Kasey replied and not ashamed to be begging with humility.

"Thank God," Cody murmured behind Kasey and Master Roman, "Good. Give that thing to me right now, Abdullah," and the dark-skinned slave trader did, "Push this button here, Kasey," Master Roman said holding the device over to him and Kasey saw the big red button and pushed it. The device chimed. Abdullah smiled, "All done. Congratulations Jack. Kasey Oliver is yours until you wish him not to be."

"Yessss!" Cody's voice shouted as he could no longer contain himself. Tim rolled his eyes. Bed sighed in relief with the thought of how close his Master might have come to losing Kasey or it taking weeks and months to go through the usual legal channels if he had not overheard the two Masters.

Kasey bowed his head and then looked up, "I am sorry about that extra money, Master Roman," Kasey said, "From now on, Kasey. It's just Master. No more Master Roman please," Master explained, "Yes, Master," Kasey said, "And about the money, Kasey? I'll take it out of your hide later, OK?" I smirked.

"Yes, Master," Kasey's forehead furrowed in worry, but then Jack Roman kissed Kasey's forehead, "I'm just kidding, some will come out of your cock and anything else I want," and then Jack turned and snapped his fingers to follow him.

* * * * * * * * * *

Cody was all giggly excited telling Kasey this and that from his positive point of view from the middle bench seat of our SUV about Kasey's new family and what life would be like now. Even without seeing him, I could tell that Tim was rolling his eyes and likely going to caution Kasey trying to even up the advice with a few of Tim's usual moody negatives and did.

Ben said nothing of course because he was up front driving. I could tell Kasey was trying to be polite between them. I was going to let it go, but then a few sharp words and out the corner of my eye, I saw Tim and Cody physical jostling with hands right in front of and across Kasey's body. I turned,

"That's enough Tim, Cody. How about some silence. I am sure your new brother would not mind some peace and quiet," I said winking at Kasey and patting his knee before I turned back smiling to myself.

Then as Ben continued to drive, there was too much silence from the middle seat. I turned my head a little. I saw Kasey's arms extended to either side, his hands obviously buried into Tim's and Cody's crotches trying to make friends. I quickly turned back.

I liked Kasey, and now that he was mine it was just like the good old days when I brought home my three boys from Abdullah's for the first time, Benjamin, Cody and Timothy. There was a pretty longish honeymoon between us, but then the honeymoon was over and real life took over. This time I was hoping for just honeymoon with Kasey, forever even.  I just chuckled to myself, "Good luck with that, Jack. I'm rooting for you!"

© Copyright PJ Franklin July 29, 2017

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Next: Chapter 5: Sins of the Father 5

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