Skaters Streets

By Z Cogoma

Published on Mar 5, 2023


Skater's Streets Chapter 5

Dart Dallies

I found Paul more interesting as time went on. He said all the right things. He made me feel like he wanted to be with me. I'd always had guys I hung with, never any one guy I hung with. Before we left each other he asked me if I would meet him early the next morning. I thought about it only because I had some things I had to do around the house if I didn't want to get into hot water, but after thinking about it, I agreed to meet him at 8 a.m. the next day.

I went over to the mall in El Cajon and skated in the water that was running through the concrete creek bed perimeter. It was about eight feet below street level. As I worked my board toward Broadway, Dart appeared above me and stood on the bridge that crossed the concrete hole. I stopped skating and looked up at him as he leaned against the railing. He smiled and seemed happy to see me. There was an evil look in the way he watched me.

"What are you doing, little boy?" he said, hanging his torso over to look at me.

"I don't know," I said. "Just hangin."

"Want to sit up under the bridge awhile and talk?" He asked.

"For what," I said.

Dart had his black leather gloves on, the ones where you could see all his fingers but his hands were covered. He reached over top of the railing as he pressed the front of his black spandex through one of the openings. He used his hand to pull on the front of the shorts until the bulge filled his hand. His fingers traced over the material where I could see the outline of his dick. He rubbed his hand back and forth once he was completely erect. I stood there watching him perform. He watched too.

"You're looking for a blow job?" I said.

"I guess. It's something to do," he said. "I haven't had anything since the last time we did it. I don't usually wait that long. Damn it's hot. We could go up in the shade, Z."

"I suppose."

"You'd like me after I've gone a few days without it."

"Why's that," I said, watching him toss his hair off his shoulder as he looked at someone walking by him.

"Intensity," he said, drawing it out to make it sound like a promise.

"Where's your girlfriend been?" I asked. "Wouldn't three times in a week be pretty regular or something."

"She's pissed at me because I'm always with the guys," he said. "She cut me off. She'll have to have it in a day or two."

"Freebee and Ace?" I asked.


"I see you got into Ace's pants," I said, twisting the words.

I recognized the frayed left leg where his dick now drooped about two thirds as hard as it was. It curved where it hung down the leg six or seven inches. The head was still plump and easy to see.

"Yeah, he wanted my yellow shorts. Said the spandex was binding him up. Fucker's built like a pony down there."

"Hard to miss," I said.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know. Blowing each other somewhere, I guess. I'll be down in a minute."

"I'm not in the mood for that, Dart," I said, thinking of Paul and how he made me feel. There was only one thing Dart made me feel. "It's too hot."

"Come on, Z. You like it. I don't have anything else right now. I give it to you when you want it. I'll make it worth your while, okay?"

"I don't know," I said. "I'm not horny."

Dart disappeared and I looked for an escape route. Suddenly I didn't want to be with him. I mean my dick got hard every time I saw him but I wanted more than that. I cringed when I heard the wheels coming down the far side of the creek bed. He'd come through the fence behind Applebee's. He came to a stop beside me. He looked nine feet tall as he stood on his board with his dick hanging low in the leg of his shorts.

"How you doin?" He asked sounding friendly.

"Okay, I was just heading home. Got to do shit for my old man before he gets home. Don't want to get into any trouble," I said.

"What's with you. Every other time you couldn't wait to get on it," Dart said, using his hand to outline it for me. He squeezed so the head was more visible. He more watched it then me as it started to crawl again.

"I don't know," I said, "I'm not in the mood for that every time I see you."

"Let's go under the bridge," he said, skating the fifteen yards until the shade of the bridge covered him before turning to face me.

I took my time and picked up my board, walking the distance in baby steps while I watched my feet. I don't know why I just didn't skate away. I wanted to and I didn't want to. I mean Dart was something. He watched me carefully until I stood with him in the shadows. It was hard as stone again, forcing the spandex to adapt to the swelling as it hugged him tight. His fingers dangled against it as I tried not to look but couldn't help myself. I held my board in front of me with both hands. He stayed on his board making his head almost touch the bottom of the bridge as the cars traveled a few feet above our heads. His hand rubbed his bulge more urgently as my eyes followed it. He looked needy as his lips parted so he could get the extra air he needed as a result of his handiwork. The street noises abounded around us but the heavy silence between us lingered while he kept at himself in a way that made my mouth go dry.

"Want to sit down to do it?" Dart asked. "It's better when I sit or lay down. How do you want it."

"I've got to go, Dart. I don't have time for that," I said, watching only his hand.

"Shit, won't take a minute. I got it started for you," he said, with a gust of lusty air coming from him.

He played with a drop of liquid that appeared at the tip of the imprint near the outline of the swollen head. His lips separated more, as he seemed mesmerized by his own sensuality.

"You cumming?" I asked, swallowing hard when a drop pushed clearly through the material. His mouth hung open in reaction to the heat and the lack of air in that tunnel. His face was a combination of exhaustion and exhilaration. He smiled an evil smile.

"Haven't had it since last time we was together, dude. I was just looking for something," he said. "I mean I was looking for you. I really like you, Z."

"Oh, you do. Good, you wouldn't want me to get into trouble then. I thought you just liked the fact I blow," I said, not convincing either of us it wasn't true.

"No, I really like you," he said, stepping off his board so he was only a head and some taller than me. The heat was torrid as our bodies almost touched. His hands dangled down between us and the back of the one on his dick was brushing my belly.

He had something else on his mind when he stepped off his board. His knee bent until it was between my legs and ever so lightly touching the inside of my thigh six inches below my package. His hand slipped off his bulge to feel the front of my shorts after he pulled my board down beside my leg. He watched my face and my eyes as his delicate fingers felt me.

He'd never once touched me that way before. We usually only touched where my mouth was connected to his dick except for just before his big finish when he fought off the urge to jam it down my throat and instead forced me off of it so he could finish himself off. I wondered if that was how he protected his girlfriend. It was another lesson I never learned in sex Ed. I thought it must take a good man to change gears once the round was already in the chamber.

Dart did have a way about him. He was like a big firecracker just then. I knew he needed me, or more precisely, he needed me to prime the fuse so he could go off. The trouble was I knew he'd be standing over me once he'd pumped himself empty of cum and he'd tuck himself back into his shorts while he was still breathing hard and dripping cum off the tip. He would leave me sitting there like a fool, saying he had somewhere to go and he'd see me around. He'd let the tip of his fingers touch my lips at the last instant in some weird salute to them for giving him pleasure. He'd say, "Later" or just walk away, never looking back. It was hot and he was hot and knowing I could do that to a guy that age made me feel good and powerful, and then there was Paul.

Dart had made it a point not to touch me at all unless he was encouraging me to give him pleasure in some way. I didn't know that I liked him touching me. He spent a minute feeling up and down on me before peeling his shorts to his knees. His dick was immediately pressing against my stomach, standing up toward my chest. He rubbed his naked erection against me, easing my shirt up with dapper fingertips until his hot dark swollen flesh was rubbing against my moist white skin. He left dribbles of clear cum everywhere it tracked on me. We were both panting as we watched it move. He squeezed some out and moistened my flat round nipples until they glistened even in the dark shadows. I wondered if this was how he aroused his girlfriend or Freebee or Ace. Like when his fingertips would touch my lips it was Dart's way of giving something of himself to his lover.

The smell of him drifted up into my nose. The smell of sex was in that stuffy stale hole under Broadway in the middle of downtown El Cajon. Voices of more passing pedestrians strolling a couple of feet over our heads mingled with the constant passing cars as Dart and I mingled just out of their sight. There was not so much as a breath of air to breathe under that bridge. Summer was peaking and it was the heat of the day. Sweat came off of both of us as our bodies generated another level of thermal power. I felt faint and dizzy and unsure about needing to use Dart's dick for more practice in the art of cock sucking. There were a dozen reasons why I should give in to him and only one reason not to follow my desire.

Putting his arms around me he humped my stomach in long slow motions. He stared up at the bridge as our bodies touched. He breathed hard and his dick jerked in a pulsing fashion. I put my hands in his ass slit, feeling the heat and dampness, curling my fingertips into his flesh. He pulled my shirt completely off, tossing it up on the concrete. Looking down at me with lust in his eyes, he pulled his own shirt off and pulled my wet chest into his smooth wet belly. I could feel his heart thumping inside his chest. We both fought to get some air down into our lungs as the sweat rolled off him. He pressed his forehead down on mine and held me tight to his body. I'd never been held that way before. I curled my fingers against his bottom and he twitched and hugged me tighter as my fingers dug harder. I could feel the hole and pushed against it because he reacted each time I did. When I pushed through there was a groan as his eyes stared into mine as my finger slid into him. I waited for some reaction.

"I might not need your mouth, Z. You get me there in a hurry. I'm so hot!"

There was a smell to him I knew well. The sweet sweat smell was all his. I sweat like a rank bull but Dart sweat cologne. His curly black hair cascaded around the fat base of his dick as he now christened the front of my shorts, his thick sensual lips opening and closing on my cheek, as he seemed miles away from me. I still wasn't sure about what I was doing with him. I pulled my finger out and hugged him back.

"You aren't even hard yet. Who you been with?" He finally said, standing back with his torpedo sticking out a mile from that black wiry patch. It twitched as I watched it. His hand felt through my shorts as he thought about what he was doing.

"I'm thinking about the pain I'm going to be in when my old man gets home and finds out I haven't done what he told me to do," I said. "That pretty much kills the bone."

Dart took my hand and put it on his extended hot flesh. It pulsed in my fingers. He blew hot air on my face while he was sliding it through my fingers. He held my fist on it as his hips rocked forward and back, getting him lost in the dark for a minute or two.

"Come on Z, that's it. Yeah, you want to blow me awhile. I'm really hard up here. Let's move up under the bridge further so no one sees if they come down," he said, pulling me by the hand that he kept pressed on his hot flesh.

"We need to get done. I can't breathe this air any more," he said.

"I've got to go, Dart," I said, pulling my hand off it.

"I'll do yours first this time," he said. "Take it out and let's get a look at it. I can't do it long. It's too hot here. I'll only take a minute or two once you get on it."

There was more clear sticky liquid just starting to leak out of his piss slit. I watched it dangle for a long time before it separated and fell into the black spandex that reminded me of Ace.

"What?" I said, watching the way his dick twitched in the open air when he let it free.

"I'll blow you first. Then you do me. I've got to go first," he said. "I can't do it once I cum."

"You want to blow me?" I asked.

"Sure! Why not? We take care of each other, right? Is that what you want from me, a little tit for tat? I told you I like you. I don't blow just any one that blows me."

"No, not really. Never even thought you would. Like I said, I've got to go. I don't have time right now, Dart. I'm sure you'll find someone. I'll see you later," I said, not feeling much sorrow over refusing him what he so badly wanted from me. I grabbed my shirt as I backed away.

"No, I won't," he whined like an eight year old. "I got to meet my old man in an hour. I promised him I'd stay at the house tonight. Please, Z. I need you."

"I'd like to help you," I said, moving beyond his reach and breaking the spell that had me bound there for too long.

I looked back as I started up toward the street and he was just standing there with his dick standing out and his shorts down. He was soaked his hair more straggled than usual. He seemed a bit less attractive then I'd thought he was. It surprised me he wanted to blow me. I suppose a lot of things would surprise me if I knew about them but I don't think much about things I don't know about. I had caught the comment about Freebee and Ace and the sour grapes the words were bathed in. I wondered just how different were Dart and I. I'd thought he was a guy with a big dick and a big appetite, but the blowee and the blower were not so very far apart in the end. It was a reality I once considered and was now sure of.

I was skating so fast and so hard that I nearly ran down three kids near Bank America. I didn't even see them until they were in my path. They went one way as I hopped off my board near the driveway to avoid losing control. When they started laughing, one of them was pointing at me as I got back on my board. It was only then I looked down and realized the front of my pants looked like a small gray pup tent. I felt a bit like a fool trying to poke it down in my pants with an audience finding humor in my embarrassment. I looked toward Broadway wondering if Dart would still be there if I hurried back. I realized I didn't want him to blow me. I didn't care about that but I suddenly needed him in a way I hadn't only five minutes before. How stupid was that to turn down a guy like Dart.

"On your way to see your girl," the pointing boy asked.

"Yeah," I said, "Something like that."

"She'll be glad to see that," he said, and the three of them laughed as they walked away.

I was kicking myself before I got to El Cajon Blvd. I started thinking about Dart and how much I liked what I'd done with him the other two times. So it was a bit more risky right there under Broadway but that isn't the reason why I didn't blow him. I wasn't sure why. I thought of Paul and I knew I liked Paul different than I liked Dart. I wasn't doing anything with Paul, but of course that wasn't true. Paul and I were doing a hell of a lot. Why did I still want to get with Dart and why did I say no when I could get with him? This was more confusing to me than anything I'd done.

I did think a lot about the two guys with that girl the first day I met John. He'd told me they took care of each other when there were no girls around. Dart said almost the same thing, only it had nothing to do with girls being around. It was a straight out fact, the way he had said it. He could get with a girl but wanted to get with a guy. I'd had questions about Freebee and Ace but I thought Dart had answered the questions. Showing up in Ace's shorts, talking about Ace and Freebee, these guys weren't what they seemed when I first looked up to them.

I thought that guys either liked girls or they liked guys. That was simple enough. I didn't know what I would like but guys were fine for now. No one told me they could do both at the same time. I mean I knew guys let other guys blow them when they needed it but no one told me those guys would blow back if that's what it took for them to get what they wanted?

In Phoenix guys were with chicks and you heard rumors that this one or that one was a bit "hinky". We all knew what it meant but I'd never seen evidence beyond the word hinky. I was young and really not looking for anything but a place to skate and guys to hang with. Maybe a few times I'd taken more interest than I should while my buddies pissed or talked about what they'd done with their girls the night before and I thought I could see some excitement rising in their baggies, but it might have been my imagination that was rising instead.

It wasn't all as clear as I thought it should be. I must have missed that lesson too, somehow. Funny what you can learn up under a bridge with a guy that needs it bad. I was glad I had turned him down in a way. It was my first time after all. Most people remember clearly the first time they really got down to it. I remembered that because it didn't take much of a memory to go back a few days, especially when you relived it every hour on the hour.

I could now remember the first time I didn't do it just because someone wanted me to. It was something. I knew I could say no but I'd probably jerk off when I got home because Dart still made me hot even when I wasn't down between his legs. The thought of him down between mine didn't do a thing for me. I still had a lot of questions.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright Cogoma 2001.

Next: Chapter 6

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