
By Bryan Johnson

Published on Mar 6, 2017


Hey guys, thanks for the comments on chapter 1. I really get hard knowing you're getting off on my writing! Feel free to e-mail me and I'll write back.

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Sketches Pt. 2

I was so busted! Here I was, kneeling between Eric's knees, his half-hard cock, still oozing cum, pressed against my shirt. His cum was beginning to liquefy and soak into the fabric, and I had NO idea how long David had been sitting there, sketching us! My redhead's skin betrayed me again as I turned the color of tomato juice. I was beginning to feel my skin had never been any other color than red.

"David, I...I mean I didn't", didn't mean what? Didn't mean to suck Eric off? There was still cum dripping from my face. "I ...I'm sorry, I..."

"Sean", David said with a smile in his voice. "Sean, it's alright. There's only one house rule here. Don't do anything you don't want to. That's the only thing you could do that would hurt our friendship. Never do anything because you think I want you to do it or my friends want you to do it, but if YOU want to do it, go for it."

David was looking at me really intently.

"Sean, I know you're at an exciting stage in your life. You have the opportunity to experiment with many things just now. Do it! Nothing you can do will make me or anyone you meet here think less of you. Nothing you do today will determine what you do tomorrow. If you want to try something, it's okay. If you don't want to try, that's okay to. Here in this house, you're in a guilt free zone. No one you meet here will ever talk about you to your family or friends. No one will think you're bad or evil or sick whatever you do. And more, no one will think you're a prude or a prick or a stick in the mud if you don't want to do anything. There's only one rule here for you and all my friends. Be yourself with no fear."

"He means it, Sean", Eric smiled at me, "You're free here."

Then he pulled me closer and kissed me again, his tongue exploring my mouth. I froze for a second (more like a minute, actually) then melted into his embrace. As our tongues dueled in my mouth, I realized I could still taste his cum.

After what seemed to be a minute or two, but I guess was quite a bit longer, David interrupted us.

"Sean, you're shirts' a mess. Give it to me and I'll wash it. I don't want you walking in on your folks with cum stains all over your shirt."

"Mt Dad won't be home yet, but thanks, I'd rather not take the chance." I broke my clinch with Eric and peeled off my shirt. As I handed it to David, he smiled.

"You've got a better chest than I had hoped for. Nice pecs." He ran a finger, appreciatively over my upper chest and across a nipple. "You've got an awesome build for a...what. 16 year old?"

"16 next month. Fourth of August."

Eric laughed, a big, loud braying sound. He slapped me on the back.

"We'll have to have a birthday party for you! Come on, David, let's throw the kid a birthday party he won't forget!"

"Kid?! I thought we settled that in the yard."

Eric put his hands up and backed away, jokingly, "Okay! Okay! Don't go all butch on me! I don't think you're a kid! I don't need you to dump me on my ass again to prove it!"

David wanted us to go out to the backyard and sit for a while more, but Eric said he had to leave. We stood there talking a while until Eric finally picked up his pants, then he stopped and looked at me.

"Sean, believe me, I don't think you're a kid."

He put those big hands of his under my arms, it felt like they went totally around my chest, and lifted me off my feet until my head was finally level with his. He kissed me hard, his lips mashing mine against my teeth. My hands went around his neck and my legs wrapped around his hips without thinking about it. As he forced his tongue deeper into my mouth, I rubbed my shorts encased dick against his stomach as I felt his dick rise up and press against the seat of my pants, hard and insistent. I was pulling his head against my face as I devoured his tongue. His lightly haired chest felt great against my smooth one.

"Okay, okay," David laughed. "Eric, I'll make sure Sean has your number before he leaves tonight. Now either get dressed and get out of here or get Sean's pants off and finish what you've started!"

That kind of pulled me up short and I backed off. Eric just laughed and finally set me down on my feet again.

"I'll look forward to seeing you again, Sean," Eric said. "I know David won't give me your number, so be sure to get mine from him before you leave. Call me, if you'd like to hook up sometime." Then he turned and started putting on his clothes.

"Here, Sean, look at these while I see Eric out.""

David handed me his pad. I sat down on the modeling couch and started looking. They were all rough sketches, just good approximations of the positions so they could be fleshed out later. If you didn't know it was me, it could have been anyone. In one, I was kneeling between Eric's thighs, my hand holding his hard dick pressed against my cheek. In another, I was looking; it almost looked like in awe, at his dick as I stroked it. The final one in the series was a sort of a close up (from an angle David really couldn't have seen) of Eric's dick spurting and the cum running out of my mouth and Eric's face in the background. The eyes were wide open mesmerized by what my mouth was doing.

I was barely aware as Eric and David left the room. These rough sketches were dominating everything. I continued to flip through the pad. There was another young guy, long hair, REALLY well built, climbing a tree I recognized from the back yard. It looked like most of the time his dick was half-hard. Arching away from his body.

David came back and sat down next to me on the couch. He put his arm over my bare shoulders and looked at the sketchpad.

"These are all just rough sketches, you know, quick figure placement and all. Would you like to see my finished work?"

"God yes, that would be great!"

He walked over to his desk and brought three portfolio books, each about 16 X 20. He opened the first one and laid it across both our laps and his arm returned across my shoulders.

"These are some of my favorite models."

The sketches were all finished work, most of them pen and ink on what looked to be expensive parchment paper; they were all signed and dated.

But the naked men! Thin men, muscular men, gym builds, work builds, they were sitting or lying down, climbing trees or swimming. All of them were smiling and happy, really enjoying what they were doing. All of them looked to be slightly aroused, but they didn't have erections. They weren't all well endowed either. They looked like the same cross-section of sizes I saw at the gym or changing room at the pool. They were just happy, well-built men enjoying being naked.

I'd never really had the chance to look at naked guys before. I mean, I checked guys out in the lockerroom and all, like everyone else and occasionally looked for a second or two at an exceptionally well built guy at the pool, but I never really had the chance to LOOK before. These guys were awesome! The way their muscles moved, the tension, the way their dicks swung, it totally absorbed me. I began to see how great they looked, how hot they were.

David was sitting closer to me now, his hand cupping my shoulder opposite him. We were approaching the half way point in the book, when I saw him. Paul! The guy from Argo Wrestling team! The guy who'd featured in my nightly fantasies since I'd seen him at our last Wrestling meet! The guy who's picture David had sketched in the park restroom!

"Dang, he's so hot!" Then I blushed, I hadn't meant to say that aloud. "He is all that," David laughed. "He's one of my best models. You'll see him a lot in the next few books."

I turned the page, Paul drying off from the shower, Paul running, Paul as an angel, Paul doing gymnastics, Paul, Paul, Paul, and all naked. I was loving it.

Okay, I confess it. There were quite a few pictures of other guys too, I just wasn't looking at them very closely. I kept looking for Paul!

Then the pictures started to change. The guys were in more erotic poses; their dicks were a good bit bigger. I almost started flipping the pages looking for Paul. The David laughed.

"Okay, Okay! I'll get you Paul's book. I keep a special portfolio of each of my models." As he walked away, "I hope I'll have one of you soon."

Yeah, right. That's what I was here for, to see if I'd be comfortable posing for David. Well, heck, why not. I knew he wouldn't put the moves on me, or rather, I knew he WOULD, but it'd be okay to say no. I trusted him. Besides, he really was extremely good looking for an older guy, seemed to be really well built, nice, friendly and...that's when I realized I really wanted him to try something. I really was looking forward to doing sex with him; I just was too scared to start anything myself.

Sucking Eric had gotten me so horny, and even if it hadn't happened, I guess I knew what was likely to happen when I came here. And, to be honest, I knew how disappointed I'd have been if nothing had happened! But, I really was hoping for more. I'd sucked Eric off, but I still didn't know what it felt like to be on the receiving end! By the time David came back with the portfolio book, I'd decided. If David didn't start something, I would!

"Here you go, Sean, These are my favorites of Paul."

This time when he sat down, I leaned against him, feeling the texture of his shirt on my shoulder. He reached his arm over my shoulders again and this time, his hand reached down and rested on my biceps, I felt the fingers begin a little slow stroking motion.

"Good!" I thought, "He's interested."

When he started to turn the pages of the book, though, I totally got involved with Paul again. After the first five or six poses, though, the sketches started to change. They seemed more provocative. Paul sitting, on the couch, knee bent, looking straight out of the page, with a sexy half-smile and an obviously half-hard dick, Paul standing, running his hand down his lower stomach into his pubes, smiling out of the sheet. Several more erotic poses.

Finally, Paul standing in profile, foot up on a stool, elbow on his knee looking out and smiling, totally hard. It looked like he had a good 7 inches. "Is he really that size?"

"Not really, Sean." He said to my initial disappointment. "He's a bit bigger, I had to minimize in that sketch or it threw the proportions off. Look at the next one, it's to scale."

"My god!"

"Yes. I agree, Sean. Paul's a really big boy! Here."

He skipped over several pages and stopped at some parts studies. Mid thigh to shoulders were all that was included, that and Paul's enormous dick, hard and pressing up against his six pack. I snuggled up against David's chest.

"How does he stay hard long enough for you to sketch it?"

"I rough it out quickly. Of course some of my models bring someone to help out."

"Do you ever help your models, David," hoping the answer would be yes.

"I never play with my models. When they're posing."

I could feel he was nuzzling my hair with his lips and nose, feel his breath on my scalp.

"I didn't pose tonight..."

"Are you certain you want me to, Sean?"


His hand sort of drifted off my bicep and onto my chest, just his fingertips brushed over my pec and found my nipple where it stayed to tease for a bit. Then he leaned his face in and kissed me. My second guy-kiss! It was so different from Eric, not like he was hesitating or anything, but like, he just ran his tongue over my lips and waited till I let him in. I wondered, "Does every guy kissed differently?"

David was slow and gentle, but he felt like he was really strong at the same time, like he knew just what to do, so I just relaxed and let him. His hands, his fingers, really, wandered over my body, just lightly touching my stomach, my nipples, my thighs, then began to center around my belt buckle.

He undid my belt and opened my shorts. He slowly eased his fingertips under the waistband of my boxers, just ruffling the top of my pubes, then. I actually stopped breathing for a minute. He was going to do it! David was going to do sex with me! I felt his fingers open my top button, then slide the zipper slowly down. My dick was so hard; I could actually feel the pressure release as the zipper opened. Then it hit bottom.

David slid off the couch and spread my knees with his hands. He knelt between them and grabbed the top of my shorts, and slowly pulled them down off my legs, all the time looking at my crotch. The tent in my boxers was huge. First, David opened my boxer fly and pulled my achingly hard dick out. He kissed the tip, gently and his tongue dipped down to catch the precum gathering in my turtle neck. David stopped, and I sort of heard a little catch in his breath.

"I want you free, Sean."

He pulled at the waistband boxers and I lifted my hips as he slid them down and off my legs.

Okay, I'm proud of my dick. It's big and thick and I love the fact it's like nature intended, all covered with skin, original factory wrappings,' my Dad calls it. I've got nice balls, but nothing special. I didn't have much hair down there' yet...still don't really. I'm not one of those hairy redheads you see every once in a while; I'm pretty W.A.S.H. (white Anglo-Saxon hairless). I'd never seen someone really get into my dick before. I mean, I'd seen some guys looking at it in the lockerroom, when they thought I wouldn't notice, but I'd never seen someone really enjoy looking at it. Enjoy? Heck, he was in hypnotized by it! He was looking at it like it was some kind of work of art or something! No, not a work of art, something to eat. Something he really wanted to eat.

Have you ever had someone look at your dick like that? Dang, I felt so hot, like I was this sex stud or something. Like I could give this MAN, this all grown up, successful, influential MAN something no one else could. My dick.

His hand slid down my shaft slowly exposing my dick head until the skin opened and gathered beneath my glans. He moved forward, looked up into my eyes, then opened his lips and slowly moved his lips down and engulfed the dripping head of my dick. Then finally he slowly moved down and buried his face in my crotch. He inhaled deeply. David backed off and he held my horn out from my body, glistening in the light. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and he started licking my groin, kissing and nipping my skin until he arrived at my pubes, grabbing the hairs between his lips and tugging on them gently.

"Suck me, David, please? Suck me."

He pulled my hips forward till my butt rested on the edge of the couch, then he spread my legs and started licking my inner thighs, slowly, first one then the other, always getting closer to my balls. My cock was cooling in the breeze from the AC. I was really trying to stay still and not move. I didn't want to do anything wrong, so I figured, I should just stay still and let him do it.

He put a hand under my balls, and lifted them, then touched them to his lips and kissed them, then started licking them, slowly, softly. Then he sucked one into his mouth and rolled it around on his tongue. Then the other, then both!

It was like electricity going through me! I could feel his tongue from my scalp to my toes! I grabbed the couch cushions and held on for dear life! The he started running his tongue up the shaft of my dick!

His tongue felt so warm and wet and I'd never felt anything like this before. It was SO hard to just sit there! I wanted to move under his tongue. I was actually biting my lips and whimpering. I looked down and saw the top of his head and its' short dark hair. My dick was jutting above it, and I could see all the precum dripping out from the tip and forming a lake in the turtle neck my foreskin formed with my horn. I've only seen it like that when I'm REALLY horny!

David looked up at me and smiled. I could see that his fingers just touched around the thickest part of the shaft, and he sucked the precum off the head! I threw my head back and started growling deep in my throat as I felt him skin the cover back off the head of my dick.

I looked down to see the skin caught behind the head, just as he lowered his mouth onto my dick! God, it felt like it was sliding into fire! When he stopped, about half way down, I was so frustrated! I could feel the block in the back of his mouth, and realized I was at the opening of his throat, but I wanted my entire dick in his mouth; I wanted to be all the way in him! I started to push my hips up, then stopped. I couldn't do that! It wasn't right for me to force my dick into him like that! He was doing this for me; I couldn't try to get more than he offered! I might hurt him!

I heard a strange noise from David, like he was frustrated too? Like he wanted me to do something? What?!

He pulled off my dick, and stuck his tongue was out. The he slapped my cock onto his tongue and looked up at me, then he did it again, then several times more. The sensations were awesome. David pushed my hips onto the couch so they hit the back. When I couldn't go any further back, I felt one of his hands take mine and put it on the back of his head, then the other hand. I was a little confused, until I felt him grab my hips. As he slid his mouth down the shaft of my dick, he pulled my hips up to meet it. What? He pulled back, and I saw him look up at me, his lips white stretched around my shaft. He slid down again, and this time REALLY pulled my hips up and forced his head down on my horn, I felt this almost `pop' and my dick was clenched in the tightest, hottest place it had ever been!

Finally I got the idea; he wanted me to be forceful, he wanted me to take total control! I tightened my hands around the back of his head and used the leverage of my hips to force my dick into his face, I pulled back, just a little, and then thrust again and again. I heard him gagging a bit, but something had let go inside me and I just had to keep thrusting my dick into his face. I started to pull back, but he followed me and all of a sudden, I felt this rhythmic clutching on my dick, like he was masturbating me with his throat!

That was it. I felt my dick swell in his throat, and felt him gag as it did. I erupted. I don't think I'd ever cum so hard! I actually whited out, I couldn't see or think or anything but feel my dick unloading down David's throat! I held his head with my hands and came and screamed at the same time.

It was like `Old Faithful', spurt, spurt, spurrrrttt, and then eruption! It felt like I was pouring out my sperm in huge gushes.

When I was down to dribbling, I realized I was still holding the back of David's head pressed hard into my crotch, whimpering. I let go of his head and he pulled back. I heard him inhale a deep lungfull of air. I'd been keeping him from breathing! I really felt like an ungrateful piece of slime.

"David," I almost shouted, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..."

He looked up at me and laughed.

"Sean, don't apologize! I really enjoyed giving you so much pleasure, especially since it was your first time! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!"

"Did I ever! That was the most awesome thing I ever felt!"

David stood up, and I could see the HUGE tent in his pants and the wet spot in front. I knew I should do something for him, but I was feeling a little scared of the thought.

"Uh, David? Do you want me to do something for you? I mean, do you want me to do it to you now?"

"Remember the house rules, Sean. You only do what you really want to do here. Don't do anything because you think I want you to. And by the way you asked, I think may be done for at least for the next hour or so, Besides, I came when you did. First time in a long time I came without touching!"

I know it's silly, but that made me feel real proud, for some reason. David asked if I wanted a glass of wine, which I did, so he told me to go out to the patio and he'd meet me there. Then I realized I didn't know where my shorts got to, but what the heck? He'd just blown me, I didn't think he'd object if I went out naked, Eric had been out there naked earlier.

I was sitting down when he got there.

"Good. I'm glad you're comfortable enough to come out here naked. Now let's talk about you modeling for me."

He filled me in on all the details: $100 bucks for a two hour session, and he'd probably use me once or twice a month for the rest of the summer. In addition, he'd give me weekly art lessons during the afternoons and I could leave all my art stuff at his house and use his studio to work in. Then he got real serious for a second.

"Sean, you notice I didn't touch Eric tonight. And you didn't model. I don't mix sex and my art. When you come over to model, there will be no sex between us. I don't want there to be any doubt in your mind: you are being paid to pose and nothing else." Then he laughed. "Of course, when you're not modeling, guard your virtue."

When he said `virtue' I pointedly looked into my lap, and he roared.

"I'll tell you what, I'll drive you home tonight. Your bike will fit into my truck. You've had too much wine to cycle home."

We made an appointment for me to pose for him the next Saturday, and 20 minutes later, I was standing in my driveway.

As I put my bike in the garage, I was smiling to myself. I wasn't a total virgin anymore. I'd sucked a giant dick and a good looking, successful guy had wanted me enough to gobble up my dick. And he obviously wanted to do it some more. Come to think of it, Eric wanted to get together with me too, and I didn't think he just wanted to shoot the breeze! This was going to be a REALLY interesting summer!


Your comments are always welcome, and I will respond. Bryan at

Next: Chapter 3

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