Skinhead Lovers

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 1, 2009


SKINHEAD LOVERS by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on August 28, 1998 translated by the author English text kindly revised by The Australian


"SKINHEAD LOVERS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Aaron found himself accepted without problems, especially after Jeremy said he loved him too. A new trailer was bought and abutted to the existing unit, making an L shape around the sun deck and the pergola. A new entrance was built in the triangle that joined the short sides of the two trailers. The new addition had three bedrooms making five in all, one for Sean and Jeremy, and the others one each.

Their skinhead appearance changed a little. Jeremy never cropped his hair. His clothes became those befitting his generation. Aaron and Mark adopted short hair styles rather than shaven. Aaron wore leather clothes, but without the skinhead's symbols. Derek too adopted a short cropped hair style like a skinhead, but taken to wearing jeans and checked shirts. Robert and Sean had continued to dress like skinheads, but their attitude contradicted their appearance. They were now just an assorted bunch of young men. However, downtown they were still called as, and considered as skinheads.

Aaron found work as mechanic at the bike retailer in their repair workshop. He was adept with engines and loved the job. The other five continued at their work. Sean was planning long term. If they succeeded in buying the piece of land bordering their place, he would be able to increase the number of their chickens and rabbits and to start his own business, leaving the farm.

One day the sheriff paid them a visit. Robert and Mark were the only ones home at the time.

"What's up, sheriff?" Robert asked with a hint of mistrust in his voice.

"Nothing special, I just was doing the rounds and thought I'd pay you a visit."

"Like a beer?" Mark said playing the host, but slightly worried.

"A coffee, perhaps... no alcohol on duty, thanks." the man said. Then sitting in the living room, said: "There are six of you living here, right?"


"And no girls..." said with a sly smile the cop.

"No... why?" Robert asked sipping his coffee.

"Nothing, just... it seems quite strange, people have noticed that you never have any girls here at all. At your age...are you all gay?"

"Careful...the law is not allowed to discriminate." Robert said curtly.

"Yes, right, but mine's not an official visit. The visit has nothing to do with the law. I mean, just..."

"Anyway, don't you think you are asking very personal questions?" Mark asked.

"They are personal, but there is a reason. The fact is, the real reason I'm here, is a kid..."

"A kid? Who's kid? What do we have to do with kids?"

"Don't get alarmed. Nothing's wrong believe me. As I said, I'm here on an... unofficial visit."

"We are not alarmed. We don't understand. What do you want from us." Robert said, still tense.

"You see, a sheriff has lot of problems, he has to care about community problems so that everything goes smoothly. I know that you don't like cops, but..."

"That's true, especially me. I haven't had the greatest of time with them." Robert said.

"Yes, I know, but that's an old story." the sheriff said, then, caressing his moustache, said: "Coming back to the reason of my visit... I asked you if you are all gay because... you see, if you are, you might be able help me with a serious problem."

"Do you need a blow job?" Mark asked sarcastically.

"No, thank you!" the sheriff burst out laughing, "That's not the reason. It is for a colleague of mine."

"Ah, are you changing your job? Are you becoming a pimp, now?" Mark asked and Robert kicked him under the table.

"Don't act the bully, boy. So, are you gay or not? This is important, believe me, and you telling me won't get you in hot water, so can we get serious here?"

"I'll never believe a cop..." Robert said in a low voice, then added: "If it is so important for you to know, just explain to us why."

"OK. I've a colleague about eighty miles from here. In fact I was his best man. He has a son who is giving him lot of problems. He's just a kid of seventeen, but it seems he's a born troublemaker. Well, to make a long story short, the kid is gay, and he is fucking around with every kid in town, and not just the kids. He sexually hyperactive. His father has no control over him at all. So, before the kid gets himself in serious trouble, he's decided to get him away from the town. But where do we put him? In a correctional institutions? No. YThe boy herar no reason, no menace. Punishment doesn't seems to work on him."

"So, what's this got to do with all of us?" Robert asked, but it was clear he had become interested in the story.

"So, I thought that if you are all gay and if the kid comes here to live with you, perhaps he could calm down a bit. You live far enough away from the town."

"You are asking us to fuck a minor? Are you completely crazy or what? Do you realize that what you are proposing will get us nothing but trouble from the law?Ó Mark asked wide eyed.

"Well, let's say that... seeing that I'm the representative of the law here, there will be no problem. If you could just succeed in... neutralizing the boy. He's coming of age in a year anyway."

"And what guaranties do we have? If we admit we are gay and accept the boy what's in it for us?" Mark asked.

"Guaranties? I personally, as will his father, will make you a declaration that WE asked you to take care of the kid, and of his sexual problem. His father will give you a monthly allowance for the boy's expenses for lodging, food, clothes and any other necessities. You'll also have two very grateful and friendly cops. But, again... are you gay?"

"Well, three of us think we are, the others think they are bisexual." Robert said slowly looking the man in his eyes to see his reaction.

"Good, very good. So, would you consider my request?" the sheriff said, seeming relieved.

"Well, not right now. We have to hear what our friends have to say." Robert said.

"Yes, of course, I understand. Will you give me an answer in the next day or so? As soon as possible?"

"Yes... sheriff." Robert said.

When the others came home, they discussed the matter at length, then invited the sheriff around so that he could better define the guaranties he said he would give them. They discussed the matter again and at last accepted the proposition.

It was Sunday the 19th of April 1998 when the kid, Chuck, arrived, accompanied by his father and the sheriff.

When the two men left the trailer, Chuck said with a provocative air, "So, my father said you are all gay. So I suppose you all want to fuck me. But I won't to be your whore. I want to choose who I fuck and who fucks me. Who, when, and how."

"Sit down, Chuck and let's talk... without the attitude." Mark said.

The boy sat and glared defiantly at the six young men.

"First of all, let's introduce ourselves by firstly telling you our stories, then, if you want, you can tell us all about you, what you want, what you hope..." Sean said.

The boy nodded. And they started to tell him all about themselves.

At one point through their stories the boy interjected, "But, that means that you always fuck together? Orgies? Every night?"

Jeremy laughed: "Haven't you listened to a word of what we have said? We are lovers. That means that we love each other. We don't just fuck each other."

"But you fuck, right?" the boy insisted, intensely interested in the fact.

"Of course we do, but not all six together. In fact you can say that we are three couples. Sean and me, Derek and Robert, Aaron and Mark. We normally sleep together as couples, but we are not the traditional couples. All them are my lovers, so fairly often I sleep with one of them, but just one at a time. We sometimes have threesomes, but it's more an exception than the rule."

"Oh... so, no orgies..."

"No. Are you disappointed?" Aaron asked to Chuck with a smile.

"Well... I never had an orgy. It could be fun."

"But weren't you just saying that you wanted to pick and choose who and when you'd have sex with?" Mark asked.

"You are nuts! I never said that! I just said that I don't want to became your slut. I want to have my choice."

"Nobody in here ever forces themselves on another. Sean, as he said before, for example likes to have sex with Jeremy only, so none of us forces him to come to bed with either of us."

"And you're telling me honestly, that there is no jealousy, no rivalry amongst you?"

"No, because we really love each other."

"Love? I never known men saying that they loved each other."

"There are plenty. Here you have six such men, not just two."

"I don't know. Love? I just know sex, but I love sex, that's for sure."

"But you haven't told us about you yet."

"Didn't my dad tell you?"

"We prefer to hear your story from you..."

"Well... This all started when I was eleven. A schoolmate of mine showed me how to wank. I liked it. Then after a few months, he told me that there was a jerk off circle in our school. I asked him if I could join. There was about a dozen boys aged from about eleven to thirteen or fourteen.

"I was still having dry orgasm, but I liked the meetings very much. We were jerking each other, and I loved to touch the others and to be touched. The fact is that the older boys were leaving the circle one after the other as soon as they got a girlfriend. Yes new kids were joining, but I loved the older boys best. I loved their big cocks with lot of hair. When ever I jerked off one of them I was happy.

"One day, just before I turned thirteen, I had started to cum. One of the older boys from the circle, Jock, asked me if I still was part of it. I said yes and he asked me if I wanted to go camping with him and become his jerk off boy. He was grown up, about sixteen and I thought he was gorgeous, so I accepted straight away. He said he would show me something that was more fun than just jerking off. Well, I'd heard about sucking and fucking, so I asked him if it was that. He smiled and answered me: sure!

"We went camping together. No tents as the weather was good. We arrived on the spot in the evening and lit a fire and prepared the meal. Then he spread the blankets near the fire and told me to undress. Was he beautiful! His cock was already hard, pointing straight to me. His bush fascinated me.

ÒHe told me to kneel in front of him and I took his cock. He taught me how to lick, suck, service it. I was in heaven! I loved the feeling. I loved his strong cock. I was an eager pupil. He was less than four year older than me but he seemed like a real man.

ÒHe took my head and fucked my mouth until he filled me with his cream. I loved that too, the taste, I mean. Then he wanked me, and said it was time to sleep. I wanted more, but he said that the second round would be next morning and he would show me even better things. I didn't sleep much. I was too excited.

"The next morning he woke me up with his glorious hard-on for all the world to see. He didn't need to tell me what he expected from me. I just plunged and sucked his wonderful piece of hot meat. He turned around as if to get ready for a sixty niner, but instead he started to rim my little hole. I understood then that he wanted to fuck me and he was just preparing me. I was more than eager to try that. While I continued giving him head I enjoyed his rimming. His fingers were entering in my wet hole, at first one, then two, then three. Finally he pulled out his cock out of my mouth, made me lie on my side, grasped my buttocks and spread them and started to push. I relaxed and pushed back on his cock. I wanted it badly.

"At last, after some steady pushes, he entered me. Finally I had lost my cherry. He sunk inside me fully with a few more pushes and started to fuck me in earnest. It didn't hurt me at all. There was just an irritation in the beginning, but as I wanted it badly, I put up with it and little by little was just pure pleasure.

"Well, he was just the first of many. He introduced me to some of his friends who liked boys. That meant I could have a good male to fuck me every time I needed it.

"But it happened that my father discovered me with a boy. Can you imagine that? The son of the sheriff being fucked by the son of the pastor? That started the fight. He tried all he could to stop me but I tried all I could to get even more.

"My impression is that my father main effort was in trying not to make it known in our town that his son was gay. I didn't give a shit about that. All I wanted was to have sex. So, he came up with this plan, sending me here with you. The sheriff of this shit hole, told me on the way down here that I have to be careful not to go downtown cruising. The thing is, I want to find my own mates freely, so, be warned, don't try to stop me." the boy said, belligerantly.

"Nobody of us wants to stop you, Chuck. We understand that you want to find your fuck buddies and that's ok with us. The only one think we can say to you: be prudent. This is a red neck town. They don't take kindly to gays. So, just be careful. We can't always be there to protect you from a sound bashing. Not if you provoke them." Rob said.

"And if I find a friend, can I come here with him to fuck?" the boy asked studying their expressions.

"Sure, in your room you do as you please." Mark said.

The boy seemed quite surprised. Then asked: "Where is the catch?"

"There is no catch to it Chuck. Here we are like a big family. We help each other. We have everything in common here and we respect each other. That's what we ask you if you want to live with us. Try to really become one of us and everything will work out just fine." Jeremy said.

Chuck looked at all of them, one by one, then said, "Well... let's try... but don't think I'll be a easy buy. My old man and you decided for me. It's not my choice, even though, I have to admit, this solution seems to be not to bad after all."

"Good. So, let's us show you your room..." Sean said and guided Chuck to one of the rooms.

While Chuck was unpacking, Mark, who was sitting on his bed, asked him, "Were you attending school, at your place?"

"Yeah, but not too happy about it." answered the boy with a grimace.

"You don't like studying?" Mark asked.

"Not what my old man wanted me to study."

"What was it?"

"Accountancy. Me an Accountant. Can you believe that?"

"And what would you like to study, instead?"

"I don't really dig studying but, if I could choose, I'd like to become a web-master. The net fascinates me. Do you have a computer here?"

"We don't even have a 'phone."

"That's a pity. On the net you can find lots of good sex sites, gay sites, I mean, and gay chat-rooms. It was the only amusing thing I could do at my school, using the computer."

"We have courses for computing at the county college. Wouldn't you like to attend the courses or would you rather find a job?"

"If I could become a web-master... I'd like that kind of job. But tell me, you're Mark, aren't you? You fuck with Aaron?"


"And... are you a top or a bottom?"

"Both... why?"

"I'd like to try it with you. Trying once with you, being your bottom. Wouldn't you like a piece of my arse?"

"Possibly. You seem like a hot guy that stacks up pretty well. Just a little too cheeky perhaps, but..." Mark said smiling cunningly.

"You have a good basket there. I think you might be well hung. I'd like to try your tool." the boy said with a lecherous glance, then drew nearer to Mark and fondled between his legs. "Mmmmmm, it's becoming hard..."

"You want it?" Mark asked caressing the boy's small butt, "You want it here?"

"Well, I'd like to give it a try. It's a while since I've had a good fuck. I'm getting more and more horny, you know..."

It seemed like only moments before they were stark naked on the bed. They started giving each other pleasure, feeling more and more aroused and horny. Then Chuck lay on his back, pulled his knees against his chest offering himself to the young man.

"Fuck me, Mark, let me feel all of it deep inside, make me scream with pleasure!"

"Not without a condom!" Mark said.

"Who cares? I need you now! Come on, fuck my sweet arse, nail me down to this bed with your piton! Hammer me good!"

"Aren't you a horny one? Wait, I'll be back in a moment." Mark said and rushed to his room to fetch a box of condoms and some lube.

The friends saw him dashing out from the boy's room, naked and aroused, then flashing back with the condoms and smiled.

"Mark is giving the boy a warm welcome." Derek whispered.

"A very hot welcome, rather." Ron corrected him with a smile.

Mark got back to find Chuck in the same position but wanking himself making sure he didn't lose his erection: "Come here, fast, I really need you fucker!" the boy moaned.

Mark wore a condom and started to lube the hole of the demanding boy.

"Don't need lube, man, just ram it in!" urged the boy.

Mark mounted him and drove his iron-like hard cock inside the boy's chute, sliding inside smoothly and fast. He felt it clenching, hot and quivering, around his strong tool. He started hammering the boy, who smiled the smile of utter contentment. The boy gently teased Mark's nipples.

"Go on, man, fuck me good. Wow, I really needed this... go on, deeper... Oh yeah, that's good. Bang it inside me, make my hole white-hot."

Their wild intercourse made the bed shake and the headboard banged against the wall, accentuating the strokes Mark was giving to the greedy boy's small, round arse.

The other friends, outside, hearing that rhythmic noise, chuckled and made some witty remarks amongst themselves.

Inside the room, the two were moaning louder and louder as their orgasm was nearing. The boy squirted between their bellies first then Mark came inside the boy. They relaxed, one on top of the other, Mark still inside him, heavily panting in their satisfaction.

"You're a real man, man!" the boy whispered. "This was something worth trying, after such a long dry spell."

"Yes, a good ride, Chuck, a very good ride."

"But now, I'll like to have a taste of all the others." the boy said with a mischievous smile.

"Right now?" Mark asked, half amused.

"Well, no... but soon. I'll try all of them."

"I doubt Sean will. He is so much in love with Jeremy."

"Don't you think I'd be able to seduce him?"

"No, not Sean. He is kind, but also a very firm man. I don't think the others will refuse giving you a good ride. Seducing them shouldn't be all that difficult."

"I've never tried a threesome. Do you think we can?"

"Try. Just try to make it happen. It just happens sometimes, but not all that often. We are just basically couples."

"But didn't you say that you are all in love with Jeremy?"

"Sure, we all are."

"So he is a kind of... your boss?"

"No one is boss here. If it came to a point, Sean would be a leader, not Jeremy. Jeremy is more the cement, the binding element of our little community. It formed and grew around him."

"Is Jeremy that special then?"

"Sure he is."


"You'll discover that for yourself. Better him than our words."

They put on their clothes and joined the others.

Sean told him: "Chuck, we discussed your position here with us. First, like all of us, you have to assume your role in maintaining the house and property. Then you have to decide if you want us to find you a job, or take up study. Either way you will need to have transport, so we'll go downtown and you can choose the bike you'd like to have."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 15

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