Skinhead Master

By Iain Bell

Published on Dec 23, 2022


Skinhead Master – Chapter 2

Please remember that NIFTY is a free web site and is in need of constant donations. Please give of you can. Please do send feedback good or bad as I find it invaluable in deciding my future writing. I may be trying an experiment after chapter 6 is posted – I want you the reader to tell me how the story should develop from that point, it may work and it may not, I'll see what happens.

I went upstairs and showered and dressed in my skinhead gear as I knew that Jason will round after straight after school and probably didn't know his Dad is already home.

I made a few phone calls, dealt with my emails and had a light lunch. I don't usually drink lunchtimes but today I fancied a beer so I raided the fridge and sat on the sofa drinking. I must have dozed off as the next thing I heard was the front doorbell going. When I opened it Jason was standing there with a huge smile across his face. "Come on in." he went into the lounge and stripped off his school uniform and knelt on the floor in front of the sofa "Somebody is eager."

"I have been thinking about sucking your dick all day, all the teachers wondered what was wrong as I have had a grin on my face all day." I sat down on the sofa and opened my skin tight skinhead jeans. I took my dick out which was half hard and getting harder.

"Shit, that is huge. How will I manage that?"

"Practice Jason and plenty of it, if you want too. I won't push you to do anything that you do not want to."

"Oh I want to, I have known I was gay for ages. I mean I know I am only 11 but whenever I see boys and Men I get a tingle that just does not happen with girls. Besides I know Dad is gay too but he doesn't know I know and he wants me to grow up liking girls."

I pulled Jason to my dick "Now lick it all over and when you have done that take the head in your mouth." He got to work and began licking my balls and working his way up towards the head on the underside of my long and fat dick. He got to the tip and licked at my piss hole before licking his way down the other side of my dick. "You sure that you have never done this before?"

"Never. But I know Dads passwords for parental restrictions on the internet." He said smiling, I smiled back "I have seen videos and know how to suck a dick but this is the first ever try. Do you think I could get fucked by this monster?"

"If you want to yes and I would be pleased to take your cherry."

"Good, I can't wait." He got back to work licking all over my dick before taking the head in his mouth and licking all round, he slowly took more into his mouth and had 4 inches before he stopped, his small mouth was full and could not take any more.

I could see he was annoyed with himself. "Don't get annoyed Jason, you are doing fine, with practice you will slowly take more and more as I want to be balls deep in your mouth and throat Just as much as you want it." He continued his work, I was enjoying the feeling of an 11 year old boy sucking my dick, I had never been interested before but the feeling of this young boy sucking me was turning me on and I was soon getting close to shooting my load.

"I am going to cum soon Jason, you can pull away if you want to but when I cum in your mouth you will have to swallow." He looked up at me and didn't move, I smiled back at him and nodded, closed my eyes and shot into his young mouth. I felt him swallow every pulse that shot from the end of my dick. When I had finished he continued to lick away cleaning me.

I pulled him up "you have done a great job Jason. Thank you."

"I enjoyed it, I love the taste of cum, I can't wait to get some more, I want you to show me how to take more of your dick into my mouth as I want it all."

"Good boy, I am glad you trust me to teach you and I would be only too happy to be your teacher. Now I think it is time for you to go home now. Come round tomorrow after school if you like."

He stood up and kissed me but this time on the lips, I gave him my tongue and he gave me his. "Thank you." He quickly dressed and left, I saw is Dad looking out of the window as he left.

I rang his house and his Dad picked it up immediately "Get your arse round here now, I have cum in your sons mouth but now I need your arse" And put the phone down. 2 minutes later the door went and Jeremy was standing there in his running shorts. I could see Jason looking at us from the window. As Jeremy went in I waved to Jason. Jeremy pulled his shorts down and took off his T shirt. He stood naked and I noticed for the first time his pathetically tiny dick.

"How the fuck did you manage to Father a beautiful boy like Jason with that?" I saw that Jeremy was getting hard as I had worked out rather quickly that he liked being dominated and humiliated.

"I don't know Sir, just lucky I guess." He said looking at my knee high steel toe capped boots.

"Get on the floor and worship my boots with your tongue." He hesitated "That wasn't a request fucker." And he fell to the floor and started to lick my boots. "Come on you pathetic piece of shit, you son does a better job than that. He looked up at me and I could tell he was horny and in need of a fuck "if you want me to fuck you do a good job on my boots first."

He got to work and he learnt very quickly "better. Now lick harder, I need to feel your tongue through the leather." He got to work and was actually doing a good job. I let him lick both my boots for 15 minutes and knew he must be getting tired.

"Good job" I said looking down at my boots. Now get on your back with your legs high in the air." He moved quickly and was soon ready for me. I felt his arse "Oh I see you are already lubed up, I like that. Ready for a real man to use you. I can't call you a man with a tiny thing like that" as I swiped his tiny dick he shot his load all over himself. "You stupid cunt, you need to learn restraint. From now on you will only shoot your load when and only when I give permission is that clear bitch."

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir but you turn me on so much."

"I should fucking hope so, but if you cannot learn restraint I will lock your tiny dick away in a cage." I lifted his legs higher and put the head of my dick to the opening to his arse and fell on him, shoving my entire dick into him. "At least you are good for one thing." And I started fucking him hard. I kept up the relentless hard fucking of his arse enjoying his tightness and stamina as I do like to fuck hard and long but I soon felt myself getting close. I pushed into him as deep as I could and leant down and kissed him as I shot my load deep inside him.

"Mmmm that was nice Jeremy." I stayed deep inside him and when my dick went a little softer I pissed deep in him.

"Oh fuck, you are pissing in me, please Sir Can I cum?"

I thought for a moment "No." he closed his eyes and I guess thinking of anything to stop himself from shooting his load, whatever he did it worked and he didn't shoot. I pulled my dick out and reached over for a butt plug that I keep handy just in case. I put it his arse and pushed it inside him. That will keep my essence inside you, never take it out unless you are cleaning yourself inside or taking a shit. If I find you are removing it I will lock it inside you and you know I will don't you."

"Yes Sir. Thank you for fucking me so hard and I am sorry for cumming earlier without permission, I will try to learn not to." He moved away and looked out of the window at him house.

"You'd better." I said with a little menace in my voice and noticed him get hard once more.

"Come here cunt." I said pointing to the floor in front of me. He came over and stood hands behind his back and his head slightly bowed. I moved in and lifted his head and kissed him giving him my tongue. "Now fuck off, I'll ring when I am horny." He dressed quickly and left.

I sat down on the sofa thinking about Jeremy and Jason as I rested. I needed a pint, so I went out and into my local gay pub. All heads turned as they looked me over, my muscled build and big fat dick hard inside my skin tight jeans and tall black boots gleaming. I saw nobody I knew and got my pint and sat watching, I love people watching.

I little later a guy came in with cropped hair and motor cycle leathers cut tight. He went to the bar got his drink and looked at me and just stared. I pointed to the floor in front of me and he came over and got to his knees and looked up at me. "I like a boy who know his place. Lick" He got to work with gusto and I could tell he enjoyed licking my knee high boots.

I could tell he loved it as I could feel his tongue through the leather. Some of the other patrons in the bar looked over at the lad worshipping my boots, some with disgust and some with a little envy. I finished my pint and pulled the lad up from the floor. I gave him a tenner "Go and get a couple of pints." He walked over to the bar and got two pints and came back and gave me my change.

I noticed him staring at my dick "That doesn't need attention at the moment." He looked up at me disappointed. "But give me your number, I'll ring when I need you." He thought for a moment "you took too long boy, fuck off." And I pushed him away.

I finished my pint and left for home. I looked over at Jeremy's house and pondered for a moment before going indoors smiling to myself. I busied myself for a while getting a few things done before changing into my shorts and vest and going for a nice long run. As I left the house I noticed Jeremy looking at me from the lounge window and Jason looking out of his bedroom window. I waved and ran off wondering if the other knew that they were both looking out at me.

I went in and made myself a light meal. I ate that and watched television for a while but I was a little restless. I rang Jeremy, he picked up immediately "been waiting for my call?"

"I hoped you might Sir."

"Good boy, but not tonight. Before you go off to work tomorrow post a front and back door key to your house in my letter box, when I get horny I will come over and use you as I see fit.

Oh and by the way get you hair cut tomorrow, a number one crop will do for now, we'll see about shaving totally in good time."

"But Sir."

"Shut the fuck up bitch and just get it done."

"Yes Sir." And I put the phone down. Happy with what I had done I undressed and got into bed. I slept better than I had done for ages. When I got up the next morning I found two keys on my doormat, I smiled happy that Jeremy was following instructions. I walked round the house naked as I always do, the front door went, it was Jason "I thought I'd look in on my way to school as My Dad was on edge all morning. It was you who rang last night wasn't it?"

"Yes it was me, why was he on edge. I only told him to get me spare keys to your place and get his hair cut." I showed him the keys.

"Ah, he loves his long hair as it is his pride and joy, he hasn't had a cut for three years."

"Tough, now you are here you might as well have some more practice. I warn you I haven't showered yet so I might be a little ripe." He looked at me not knowing what I meant. But too me into his small mouth and gently licked and sucked. I know he tasted me but to his credit he didn't complain he just sucked harder. He manged another inch today before he gagged. "Good boy, another inch today." Being a fucking permanently horny bastard I was soon giving him my seed in his mouth.

"I shall enjoy myself at school today knowing I have a belly full of your hot cum." He turned to leave but before he did I gave him a key to my front door telling him to come and go as he pleased as I trusted him, he thanked me and left. I had a quick shower and dressed and went into my home gym and worked out. Actually it was more than a home gym, it was a large building at the bottom of the garden full of everything you would need from a major gym. I worked out for a couple of hours and felt pumped by the time I had finished, I had another shower and dressed in my skinhead gear and went out for some shopping.

I was going for food but decided that I would first go into the sex shop and get a cock cage in case Jeremy needed locking away, the threat might do it but if I showed him one that might also work. If it didn't I would enjoy locking him away. I got to the shop in good time for once the underground was working at full capacity with no delays. I told the assistant what I wanted and size of his dick and he smiled and pulled three different types for me to look at. I chose the stainless steel tube that would show in anything he wore. I would just love the embarrassment it would put on him. I looked around before paying and picked up a couple of jock straps for myself and a couple in extra small for Jason. Happy with my purchases I did my food shopping and back home.

I looked at the time and of was around 2pm, so Jason would probably be round in 90 minutes. So I stripped off put one of my new jock strap on put my boots back on and sat on the sofa listening to music. The door went and Jason came round the corner saw how I was dressed and smiled and stripped off his school uniform and got to my feet and started licking my boots. "Suck me Jason, I need to get off." He looked up at me, smiled and moved to my jock strap. He pulled the pouch aside and released my monster, it reared up to full hardness and took it into his mouth.

He descended until he started gagging "now Jason swallow as you gag." He tried a couple of times and was a little hesitant and resisted, I didn't get angry I talked him through and eventually he took more of me and was soon balls deep in his tight throat "Fuck Jason, well done, you deserve a present for that." He was I admit a little uncomfortable but he soon got the hang of it and was breathing nicely and bobbing up and down.

He pulled off and jumped up on my lap. "I am so happy now that I have taken all of you in my mouth and throat, does my Dad take you all too?"

I smiled and nodded at him "Now get back on me as I need to cum in your cute throat. He smiled and went back to the floor and took me in, this time he knew what to expect and he was soon all the way down on me. I shot my load deep and as I was deep my load went directly into his stomach. He pulled off to taste the last drops.

"Mmmm" he said licking his lips "that was wonderful I love the taste of cum." And he sat back on my lap feeling my big dick resting nicely on his arse.

"Come on Jason let me suck you now." He stood up and I took his dick and balls into my mouth and sucked away. Like me he was a horny fucker and was soon shuddering and dry cumming. "Lie across my lap with your arse upwards." He did and I reached for the lube and coated a couple of fingers.

I used one finger and played with his arse pushing slightly "relax Jason, completely relax now." I pushed the smaller finger inside and felt him tense slightly, I moved very slowly but purposefully. Digging deeper and deeper until I found his prostrate. I wiggled it with my finger and I felt him jump.

"Wow that feels nice."

"Thought it might." I continued with the one finger pushing in and out and occasionally playing with his prostrate making him squirm from the feelings I was giving him. I tried a second finger and that too went in but he was in a little pain so I stopped. "That's enough for today Jason." I smacked him lightly across the arse and he got off. I pulled out the jock straps I got for him and threw them at him. "Get rid of all your underwear and wear these from now on. Never wear anything else."

"Yes Sir thank you Sir." He pulled on his school uniform and left. I stayed as I was as I would call Jeremy as soon as he got home from work as I was in need of a fuck, playing with Jason's arse got me extra horny and besides I also wanted to check he had his hair cut.


Next: Chapter 3

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