Skinhead Master

By Iain Bell

Published on Feb 10, 2023


Skinhead Master CH 7

Please remember that NIFTY is a free web site and is in need of constant donations. Please give what you can, even the smallest amount will help keep this site free for us writers and you the reader. I have had some interesting feedback on where to take this story. I have incorporated some of this in this chapter and others that follow, please tell me what you think and any other ideas you want included and I'll see what I can do

As soon as we got in "Go to the gym Jason you need to work out." He went upstairs and changed and came down to see my bitch licking my boots, they got a little messy from the walk home. Jason being a teenager got hard in his jock strap, like me he only wore that and trainers to work out. He smiled and left for the gym, bitch continued working on my boots.

The door went and bitch looked at me for permission to move, I nodded and he jumped up and went to see who it was. It was the delivery man apparently, I heard a laugh and bitch bought the parcel into me. "Why did he laugh?"

"He took one look at my tiny dick and burst out laughing Master."

"Mmmm I'm not surprised, now open the parcel bitch, it is for you."

Bitch opened the parcel and took out the things inside, a couple of catheters, a huge metal plug, a large rubber paddle, a contraption with set of weights and 12 bottles of poppers.

Bitch looked at me "These are some play toys for you. I will insert at some stage the catheter and will therefore control you even more when you piss. The huge metal plug will replace the rubber ones and when I take you on holiday I want to embarrass you my making you wear it as you go through departures at the airport, it will make the scanners go mad and cannot wait as they inspect you. The rubber paddle is for me to use alongside the cat. The weights, well I want to see if I can stretch those tiny balls of yours, nothing I can do with the dick but the balls, well I want to see how much I can stretch them."

Bitch gulped "yes Master."

I got up and took the weights, they were extremely heavy but would start easy. I read the instructions "stand up bitch." I attached the device to his balls and added a couple of light weights. "You will wear this all the time indoors, the only time it will come off is in bed or when we go out. I will add more weights in time. When you feel pain sniff some of the poppers that will take the pain away and keep you high."

"Yes Master."

Jason appeared from the gym after his long workout, he took one look at the bitch and the weights attached to his balls and he burst out laughing "I love it" and he swung the weights making the bitch hurt in pain, he quickly opened the poppers and took a large snort. His tiny dick went immediately hard giving him a little more pain and he snorted the poppers again, what the bitch failed to realise was that the poppers were making him horny and making the weights hurt even more, he was in a never ending cycle.

"Go and lick Jason bitch, clean him up from his workout in the gym. You know you love that."

Bitch walked over to Jason the weights swinging in between his legs, he sniffed the poppers nearly all the time now trying to take the pain away from the weights hanging and pulling his small balls lower, and I could see he was sky high. He licked at Jason's bulging muscles taking in all his sweat. I have to say I was getting fucking horny watching the scene before me and I needed to fuck. I walked over to my bitch who was licking Jason still and bent him forward and entered his arse still wet from the last fucking.

"Take me in your mouth bitch" yelled Jason. Bitch took Jason into his mouth and slowly down into his throat. As I fucked his arse I was pushing the bitch onto Jason dick lodged deep in his bitch throat and as Jason fucked his throat he was pushing the bitch back onto my dick.

"Cum bitch" I yelled and felt the bitch shoot his load all over the wooden floor, he also tightened his arse as he shot which send me over the edge and I yelled as I filled his arse with my cum. Jason moaned out and filled his former Dad's throat with his hot and muscled teenage cum. "Fuck that was good."

"Yeah" said Jason "It was fucking great. Nothing like using your old Man for getting off." He said with a snigger as he pulled out. Bitch looked up at Jason but rather than get embarrassed he licked at the last couple of drops of fluid at the tip of his dick.

Bitch looked at me and instantly knew he wanted to speak, I nodded. "Thank you Master for using me and giving me your precious load in my arse and thank you Sir for allowing me to take your hot cum into my throat."

Jason reached over to the rubber butt plug and handed it to me and I shoved it into bitch's arse sealing off for later. Jason and I rested on the sofa with bitch at my feet. I felt bitch licking my booted feet, I lifted my feet off the floor urging him to clean the soles, I didn't ask, I wanted to see what he would do. He looked at me and got to work on the soles of my booted feet. He looked up and his eyes never left my gaze. I smiled and nodded and bitch grinned and got back to licking my boots and the soles. Jason got up "I'm off out, I may bring back a bitch to use." He went upstairs and came down dressed in his tightest and best fitting skinhead gear. His 13 year old muscled body looked great with muscles popping out in all the right places and looking down at his dick that too was on show.

"I've done a great job on you Jason, you look great, see you later." Jason smiled and went out the door. Bitch just moaned in lust as he watched his son go out the door. "Still horny bitch?"

"Yes Sir."

"Well take the plug out and sit on my lap facing me." He jumped up, pulled out the plug and sat on my half hard dick taking it into his arse all the way. I grabbed hold of the back of his head and pulled him towards me, his tongue entering my mouth as we kissed. I felt him tighten his arse round my dick, causing me to moan into his mouth. I looked into his eyes as we kissed and his eyes were smiling. I pulled away from his mouth. "You bitch, are one horny fucker and know how to turn me on." He smiled and leant in and kissed me once more.

I picked the bitch up in my arms and carried him upstairs to the bedroom my big dick still lodged in his arse, I lay him on his back and engineered his legs over my neck. I started fucking him properly. "Mmmm that's better" I moaned as I fucked my bitch long and hard, in and out. "Yeah I can feel your arse full of cum bitch and it feels fucking great. Think I'll add some piss." I stopped deep in my bitch and started pissing. I was in full flow giving him all of my piss. I started fucking once more and I could feel my piss slosh round my dick as I fucked.

I sped up my fucking and felt myself getting close. I pushed his legs over even further the ball weights I rested on his chest, I kissed my bitch as I unloaded cum deep in his arse. "Good fuck bitch." I pulled out and put another plug into his arse this one was new and larger than the last one, my bitch smiled as it went in not making a sound until the last inch when he moaned as I shoved it home. I presented my dick to his mouth and he took it in eagerly sucking and licking away the last remnants of cum and his anal juices.

Bitch was all smiles as I pulled my dick out of his throat. "Happy bitch?"

"Yes Master, I could not think of anything better than being used by my Master and serving all his needs, you will never understand how much I wanted this when I was married, how I wished that I was the one getting screwed hard. I used to daydream whenever I saw you passing my window. Sorry Master." And bitch looked to the floor.

"Embarrassed?" He nodded. "Don't be." I pushed him to the floor and he landed on the mat by the bed with a thump. "I need a snooze, we are off out to get you some more dick in your arse later and I don't want to get distracted. Go and lay in your bed by the window. I saw bitch crawl over to the window and lay quietly on the cushions looking at me lovingly. I soon dozed off.

I woke a few hours later and bitch was still looking at me, he smiled and I looked down at my dick, he came crawling over his weights still hanging "Mmmm I must increase them later, you have got used to those bitch, and now have a drink." Bitch took me into his mouth and I pissed long and hard bitch revelled in taking my waste fluids into his mouth and down into his stomach. "Right bitch let me take off your ball weights as we are going out to get your cunt filled." I took off the weights and his balls were hanging lower than they were but they needed a lot more work until I was happy with my bitch. "Dress me bitch." He selected my jeans and brown boots with red socks and laces. He took a while and finally chose a red checked Ben Sherman shirt with red laces. He dressed me and stood back taking me in.

Bitch smiled and his dick which was hard all the time got even harder from looking at me in the clothes he had chosen. "I see you approve then bitch?" He fell to the floor and licked my boots for me. "Right let's get you dressed." I selected his black knee high boots with yellow socks and laces. "I want everyone to know you are a piss bitch." I flung him a yellow jock strap that was well used and stank of piss and cum, it belonged to guy I used to fuck occasionally and he left it here one day. "Put it on bitch and fucking stop sniffing it." He put the smelly jock strap on. I gave him a rubber T shirt that had PISS HERE and an arrow pointing down.

"Mmmm you look good bitch" and I threw him a pair of shorts for decency's sake, I would love to take him out looking as he did but I didn't want him to get arrested. "Come on then bitch." And we left the house.

We went to a pub in London where the owner lets anything go on as long as he is involved.

As soon as I got my drink, I took bitch to the back of the pub "remember bitch" I said so anyone could hear "the only drink you get is my recycled beer." And I looked to the floor. He got the message and dropped but not before taking off his shorts and getting down to my boots and licking them "get your arse up in the air bitch." He moved quickly and put his arse in the air and continued to lick and worship my boots as I drank my pint.

Several guys looked on taking in the sight of a Master with his bitch at his feet. The owner of the bar came over. "Can I fuck your bitch?"

"Sure. He needs constant fucking and filling to keep him calm." I said not really meaning it.

He smiled and hauled out his dick from his denim shorts. I noticed he was pierced and this would be a new experience for my bitch as he had not been fucked with a pierced dick before. He knelt on the floor and offered the head of his pierced dick to my bitches arse. He pushed inside nice and slow.

"You can fuck harder than that, he loves it rough." He took me at my word and fell on the bitch shoving the rest of his substantial dick inside.

"Fuck, this feels good. Nice and tight." He grabbed hold of his hips and power fucked my bitch until he stopped deep and unloaded in his cute arse. "Sorry it was quick mate" said the bar Manager "but I needed a fuck so badly, my BF is away at the moment, thanks."

"You do not need to thank the bitch, his place is to be used my real men and is only happy when being filled with a real man's cum and piss." He went back to the bar and continued serving.

My bitch kept quiet and returned to licking my boots. Bitch looked up at me wanting to speak. "What is it bitch?"

"Master, I cum in my jock strap and without permission, I am so sorry Master for cumming without your permission but the piercing turned me on rubbing against my prostate, although that is no excuse." He looked down at the floor again not wanting to meet my gaze.

"Look at me bitch." He looked up "you have done well bitch, thank you for being honest and admitting to your failure, I hadn't noticed. You will of course get beaten when we get home but you will only face 5 with the cat and not 10, you know that they will be very hard don't you bitch?"

"Yes Master thank you Master." And bitch got back to licking my boots.

A very muscular guy walked over wearing nothing but tiny but extremely tight denim shorts with a huge leather studded belt and short DM boots. "I need a piss, can I use your bitch's man cunt?" I noticed that my bitch had raised his arse in case, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Looks as though my bitch has answered your question for you." The guy looked down to see his arse upwards ready for another fuck. "My bitch knows I like him used and full of cum and piss." The guy smiled and took his denim shorts off and got behind my bitch, he put the head of his dick to his arse and pushed the entire length into his arse. The guy moaned in delight as did my bitch, I knew him to be filling my bitch with his hot piss.

When he finished pissing he spoke to his mate standing in the background "pass me your butt plug Andy" I saw Andy drop his skin tight skinny jeans and turn round and pulled out a large plug from his arse. He passed it over. The muscular guy pulled out of my bitch's arse and shoved the large plug into him "that'll keep everything inside until your Master wants to use you." He turned to me "thanks for allowing that, my brother Andy won't allow me to piss in his man cunt" he smiled and walked off carrying his shorts.

"Come on bitch time for home, I need to fuck that piss and cum filled arse of yours." I deliberately didn't give him his shorts as I wanted to see what he would do. He looked up at me as we got to the door "anything wrong bitch?"

I saw him gulp as his Adams apple bobbed up and down "Nothing Master."

"Come on then" I said with a little firmness in my voice, and we walked towards home, everyone looked strangely at us or at my bitch, after all he was nearly naked. We got indoors and he dropped to the floor and licked my boots clean of the grime from the walk home. As he was licking my boots the door went and Jason came in.

A man came in behind him wearing running shorts and trainers. "This is my Head Master he is staying the night, I've only fucked him four times and need to get more of his arse before morning."

"Okay Jason, no problem" and they went upstairs.

Bitch looked up at me smiling "you approve bitch?"

"Yes Master, I am pleased that Jason has turned out to be a Master like you and not a pussy like me. I hated the thought of him turning out like me, I will be eternally grateful for what you have done for him."

"That's okay bitch, now go and get your cat. You still need that beating." He ran from the room and arrived back in double quick time passed me the cat and lay over the arm of the sofa waiting. "Good boy." I raised the cat and bought it down very hard on his arse. He squirmed a little "move like that again bitch and you will get double" I shouted. He stayed still as I bought down the cat once more, I knew the bitch was hurting as he still had the plug in his arse. I had not given permission for him to remove it. I hit him three more times extremely hard and after the fifth had been given I put the cat down and rubbed his very red arse.

"Mmmm, so sexy bitch. Just look at what you have done to me."

Bitch turned and looked at the huge bulge in my tight skinhead jeans. He looked up and smiled at me. "Bitch I need your arse."

"Thank you Master." I pulled down my jeans and my rock hard dick bounced out pointing to my navel. I heard the bitch moan in pleasure as I pulled out the huge plug from his arse and put the head of my dick to his arse lips and pushed inside. Unusually for me I went in slowly as I wanted to savour the piss and cum filled arse first. By the time I was balls deep bitch was trying to push back to meet my dick deep in his arse.

"You're an eager bitch." I grabbed hold of his hips and pulled the bitch up to give me better access to his cute arse. I started fucking hard and fast "your arse is so full of others guys cum and piss it feels fucking fantastic." I kept up the onslaught on his arse pulling all the way out before falling on him and going balls deep again. I managed to keep this up for a while until I had to explode inside my bitch. "Here I cum bitch." I yelled out and filled my bitch with a huge cum load.

I rested for a while staying inside my bitch whilst I came down from the orgasm. I pulled out and grabbed hold of the plug and shoved it back inside his arse. "Fuck your arse is still red and so hot bitch. Get me a drink will you." I patted his red arse and he went off to the kitchen.

"Bring some beer up here bitch" I heard from upstairs. Bitch ran back to the lounge and handed me my beer before running upstairs and handing Jason 2 beers. "Thanks Dad." I heard Jason yell out.

I knew that Jason wanted his headmaster to know that my bitch was his Dad. I had redressed myself and was sitting on the sofa and bitch placed himself at my feet caressing my boots. We rested until I heard a commotion from upstairs. Jason appeared still in his skinhead gear pulling his headmaster by his dick, Jason opened the French doors and kicked him with his steel toe capped boots out into the garden. "If I tell you, you are staying here with me for the night it is not open for discussion. It is about time you realised that you fucking do what you are told and stop answering me back." He spat on his headmaster and closed the French doors leaving him in the garden, naked and crying in the chilly evening. "Why can't he" he said pointing outside "be more like you bitch. At least you know how to behave in front of a real man."

"I think you should let him in Jason, it is a bit cold out there." I said a little concerned.

"Fuck off, do I tell you how to treat your bitch?" My bitch left me and crawled over to the French doors and went outside. He hugged Jason's headmaster and I could see that he spoke softly to him.

After a few minutes they both came crawling back indoors. "I'm sorry Sir, please forgive me. I will of course do as I am told. Please forgive me Sir."

Jason smiled at my bitch and dragged his headmaster back upstairs. "I should fucking think so, you fucking stupid faggot bitch. You getting sick of serving me or what. You know you love by teenage dick filling your sorry cunt arse." And we heard the door to his bedroom slam shut.

"What did you say bitch?"

"I just said that my son" he looked to the floor.

"Okay bitch, no problem. Carry on."

He looked up smiling "I told him that he should feel very lucky that my son wanted to fuck him so many times and keep him overnight. I told him that my life was complete now that I had a real man look after me and control my life. Why not go with the flow and see what happens, as long as you do as you are told, my son will look after you and lookout for you."

"Good bitch. You have done well. Come up here and drink my piss as your reward. Oh and by the way your weights will be going back on also." He looked to the floor in submission. I got my dick out of my skin tight skinhead jeans and my bitch took me into his mouth and I let go giving him what I know he wanted, to drink my piss.

When I had finished pissing, bitch went over and got his weights and handed them to me. I put them on for him and added an extra one weighing him down even more, I gave him his bottle of poppers and he opened them and took a huge snort from the bottle. He got instantly horny and his tiny dick rose upright. I could see he was in a little pain from the weights but he kept on snorting the poppers and he soon didn't care about the pain from the weights.

He moved to all fours and the weights were hanging down and he was actually swinging them between his legs whilst snorting his poppers. I couldn't help but laugh at my bitch who went red in embarrassment. He looked up at me laughing at him "It is fine bitch you carry on, I love to see you enjoying yourself." I crossed my legs to raise my boots off the floor "Now lick my boots whilst swinging your weights.

He started licking my boots in between snorting his poppers. He continued swinging his weighted balls as he licked. "Do you like your weights bitch?"

"Yes Master."

"Do they keep you horny?"

"Yes Master."

"Do you like being horny and snorting poppers?"

"Yes Master."

"Stand up." My bitch stood up and I followed him. I pulled him towards me and we kissed, I gave him my tongue and he pulled it into his mouth, he knows I like a little pain and really pulled in hard in his mouth. I grabbed hold of his pierced tits and gave them a huge twist, really pulling them hard. He snorted his poppers once more. "Fuck bitch, you don't even moan in pain anymore. You must like the pain I inflict on you."

"Yes Master."

I kissed my bitch one more "come on lets go upstairs." As we walked upstairs I heard the headmaster moaning in delight, I opened the door and Jason was ramming in an out of the headmasters arse whilst pulling and squeezing his tits. I winked at Jason and closed the door.

"He's having a good time bitch." I saw my bitch smile. I closed the door to my bedroom.

I fucked my bitch four times during the night and each time I shot my load we both heard Jason next door still fucking as well. Nobody got much sleep that night.

The next morning I was awoken by my bitch with his mouth round my dick sucking it. "What the fuck do you think you are doing bitch?" I said very angrily. He stopped and looked up at me "What the fuck is wrong with you, I tell you what to do and when to do it. What the fuck give you the right to take it upon yourself to suck my dick and more to the point why do you think you deserve to suck my dick?" he stuttered a few time looking very scared. "Well.

Answer me bitch."

"I, I, I." He said stuttering, with a very scared look on his face.

"Come on bitch, all you have managed to say is I three times. Fucking speak."

"I thought that you might need a piss Master."

"Well maybe I did but I am the Master round here and as I said I tell you what to do and when to do it."

"Yes Master. Sorry Master."

I kicked him out of bed. "Get out of my sight you fucking useless cunt." He left the room in tears. I went back to sleep waking around one in the afternoon. I had a shower and dressed in my jock and trainers and went downstairs and out to the gym, I heard bitch still crying in the lounge and I ignored him and went for my workout.

I came back after a hard work out and had got rid of most of my pent up aggression. Bitch was not crying now but didn't look at me and looked at the floor averting his gaze. "Look at what you are missing bitch." He looked up and sniffed "yes I had a fucking hard work-out and I have to waste all that on a shower just because my bitch put himself first." He looked up at me with a sorrowful look on his face. "I cannot beat you as it turns you on, how can I discipline you eh?"

"I don't know Master."

"Let me give it some thought, I'm sure I can come up with something to make you learn your lesson. I'm off to the shower and get dressed as I am off out, I need a fuck." I saw another tear form in his eyes as I turned to go upstairs. I dressed and came down in my tightest and best fitting bleached skinhead jeans, black boots and white laces and socks and just to wind my bitch up a bit more I decided against a shirt and wore white braces across my tight muscled chest. I went back downstairs where bitch took one look at me and shot his cum everywhere. "You just can't do anything right can you bitch?" I picked him up by the collar and dragged him into the lounge and took the balls weights off. I then proceeded to put on his cock cage locking him away "That'll stop you getting erect and shooting your fucking useless cum everywhere."

I turned and left but before closing the door "I have decided what I am going to do with you and you will find out later." I shut the door and walked up the road knowing my bitch was looking at me and probably crying.


Next: Chapter 8

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