Skinhead Trap

By Badgod69

Published on Apr 14, 2004


If you've read the first part of this recollection you will already know that me and Choke -- my skinhead best bro and fuck buddy -- had tricked a freshman skin wannabe named Nick into hanging out with us one weekend. On this particular Friday night we had taken the little prick up into the hills, gotten him wasted on whiskey and Quaaludes, beat him up and then took him back to Choke's house so we could mess around with him.

Choke was 17, I was 16, and Nick was almost 15 at the time this adventure occurred.

Saturday morning at around 8 a.m. me and Choke woke up cuz Nick was beginning to make some noise and move around on the floor where we had left him the previous night. We had both thunder-fucked him, nutted all over his face and chest, and then pissed all over him after we threw him onto a pile of Choke's dirty laundry before catching some zzzs ourselves. We had fed Nick 2 Quaaludes and they knocked him on his ass. He had never had them before and their effect on him - along with the whiskey - assured us that he wouldn't remember exactly what we had done to him. We'd played this game before.

Choke woke up first and then woke me by slapping his half-hard cock against my face. At first I couldn't recall where I was but after a few seconds I remembered.

"Hey, fuck-face, wake up!" Choke was singing at me, giggling and snickering as I tried to focus my eyes.

I smacked his cock away from my face, then reached under the covers to grope my own dick, hard with morning horniness and the need to take a piss. I could smell the slightly sour smell of his cum-stiff sheets still warm from my naked body as I rolled over and tried to ignore him so I could go back to sleep. Choke pulled the covers off me before he flopped heavily onto the bed beside me.

"Wake up, dick-wad!" he continued barking at me, "I got something to tell you about little Nicky."

The previous night came flooding back to me all of a sudden and for a second I got nervous.

"Fuck, did we kill him?" I asked, trying not to panic and sounding like I was irritated more than anything else.

Choke laughed. "Nah, the little prick's OK, just fucked up and sore and bloody some. He's moving around though and I thought maybe you wanted to know before he's fully conscious."

We were always considerate about making sure we each had lots of chances to mess with whomever we had subdued for our games. We both hated missing out on a good opportunity.

I sat up and tried to shake the hangover out of my head but it wasn't happening. I stretched and yawned, my skunky pits acting like an aphrodisiac to Choke. He pulled me down onto him and raised my arm up so he could smell me.

"Damn, bro, you stink!" His eyes were red but frisky looking and he was grinning like a fool. My hard-on wasn't going anywhere but up.

I pulled his head down to mine and we sucked each other's lips and tongues, groping and stroking anything that got in our way. I loved fucking around with him in the morning cuz he was always horny as hell when he first woke up. And I liked the way he smelled, like a locker room and a dive bar, all rolled into one.

He laughed into my ear while he was biting and licking it and purred, "You gotta look at him, bro, it's fuckin' hilarious!"

I threw him off me and got up to take a look.

The sight really was funny. Nick was half covered in dirty, piss-wet laundry. The left side of his face was pretty thoroughly bruised, his upper eyelid puffed up and purple, his cheek red and lavender, his lip swollen and scabbing over where we split it when we pounded on him. The superficial gash I had made on his forehead didn't look bad at all but the area around it was bruised and raised from the mighty head-butt I had given him the night before. As my gaze traveled over him I noticed that his side too was bruised where I had kicked him good with my steeltoed boots.

Other than that he looked fine. Slimy and sticky with stale piss and cum, but generally OK. I knew so long as we didn't mark him anymore before we turned him loose we'd be able to explain how he got so messed up with no problem. We always came up with good excuses and alibis.

He looked OK but he stank. The smell of our stale piss was fishy and rank and it totally turned me off. I shook my head and told Choke that we were gonna have to dump Nick in the shower and get him cleaned up before I was gonna touch him again. He asked me why and I told him Nick stank too bad to make me horny. Choke just laughed and called me a girl.

He joined me at Nick's side and for a minute we just stared at him. I started laughing because it reminded me of how new parents stand over their baby's crib lovingly watching their new little brat sleep.

"Don't he look sweet, honey?" I whispered to Choke like a doting parent, snickering and giving his muscular, hairy ass a hard grope. Choke guffawed and clamped his big rough hand over mine and directed it under his ass so I could fondle his heavy ballsack. He bent his knees some so that he was almost sitting on my hand as I stroked his hairy butthole. Nick was moving around again, so I pulled my hand away and told Choke that we really did need to get the punk cleaned up before Choke's dad woke up and wondered what the hell we were all doing in the bathroom.

Choke just sighed and nodded, so we hoisted Nick up onto his feet and he groaned. His skin felt slippery and the stench coming off him almost made me gag. The punks's skin was covered in goose bumps, I guess from lying on wet clothes all night. His eyes (or eye, actually) fluttered open and his brows furrowed like he was in pain. He managed to croak out "Fuck..." as we maneuvered him out the bedroom door, across the hallway, and into the bathroom. After we had the bathroom door closed Choke turned the shower on and the water quickly got hot and started fogging up the bathroom. We adjusted the water temperature so it wouldn't scald the stinky little bitch and hoisted him over the bathtub edge and gently dumped him into the tub while the water cascaded down over him. Nick gave a deep sigh and moaned as the warm water washed over him. Choke told me to get him washed while he found us something to eat in the kitchen. I nodded and he left the room. I locked the door behind him and climbed into the tub.

It took a bit of doing, but I finally got the fucker standing and propped him up against the wall of the shower. Ivory soap in hand, I started lathering him up, being careful of his wounds so they wouldn't start bleeding again. He winced when I ran the bar of soap over his cuts and bruises and I hissed at him to shut up. I don't know how conscious he was at that moment but I figured he'd be more-or-less awake in a few minutes. He was able to stand without leaning on anything after a little bit and just stood there with his head under the water as I continued soaping him up. I turned him around to face me and he looked at me out of his good eye. He still had that tell-tale drug hangover in his eye(s) and I smiled at him all fake and friendly. I ran the slippery soap over his chest and under his arms to make sure the piss smell was gone before I started rubbing the bar of Ivory all over his crotch. Nick's head shot up straight when I did that then gradually drooped again as I lathered his pubes and ran my fingers through them. His dick was starting to thicken and harden involuntarily under my touch and I wondered if it felt as awesome to the kid as it did to me. I pulled his foreskin back and ran my fingers all over the red head of his dick. It was throbbing in my hand. All of a sudden his dick erupted and at first I thought he was cumming. But when the stream picked up force I realized that the little bitch was taking a piss. I leaned out of the way of his piss stream and let him get it all out.

I continued getting his hot little jock body lathered up, crouching down and running the soap over his hairy thighs and calves and then down to his feet. He raised one foot up, supporting himself by holding onto my head, and I got it good and soapy, even getting between his toes. I was hard by now from the intimate contact with his messed-up body and I don't think he much cared who was doing this to him so long as the gentle touching continued. I have to admit that my dislike for the punk was turning into a slightly more tolerant attitude, mostly because he wasn't making a big fuss and seemed to be taking everything I was doing to him in stride. And because he wasn't being a fucking loud-mouth bitch like usual.

I told him to turn around and he did. Still crouching, I ran the bar of soap up and down his ass crack, then spread his butt cheeks and washed his black-haired asshole thoroughly. Nick groaned when I touched his shithole, probably still sore from the furious pounding me and Choke had given it the night before. The idea of raping his ass right then and there flashed through my racing brain. He rasped out, "Where are we?"

I said quietly, "Don't worry, we're OK now."

He didn't say anything else, just let me continue washing him down. I stood back up and turned him to face me again so the water could rinse off his backside. His eyes were closed and he looked super hot to me: bruised, pale, and still slightly wasted, dusted with black hair in all the right places. I reached up and tweaked his nipples and he softly gasped. My cock jerked upwards. I grabbed his cock firmly in my hand and slowly slid it up and down in my fist. I looked down so I could see the head slide in and out of its skin glove, and the fucker was liking it against his better judgment. With my other hand I was cupping his balls and gently fondling them while I continued jacking him off like I was only trying to make sure I got all the soap off his dick and pubes.

"Just about done, bro," I whispered to him and he leaned back against the shower wall and sighed, eyes still shut. I figured there wasn't any reason not to jack off, too, so I started in on my own hard prick.

The doorknob rattled, followed by a sharp knock on the door. It startled me and snapped me out of my trance. I called out, "What?" and Choke answered me, telling me to open the fucking door. I climbed out of the tub, not giving a shit about getting the floor soaked, and unlocked it. Choke barged in, a donut half-hanging out of his big mouth as he shoved the rest of it inside. His eyebrows shot up, wordlessly asking me how everything was going. I just laughed and waved my hand casually at him, silently saying that there was nothing to worry about. He slapped me hard on the back and started shucking off the old sweatpants he had put on. His massive dick looked like a club under the fabric of his sweats, hanging thick and long, and when he got the sweats off I could see that he was a little more than half-hard.

We laughed and both climbed into the tub along with baby fuckpig who was still leaning against the wall. Choke took one look at him and wrapped his arm around the prick's shoulder in a tender, brotherly way. This was all part of our routine, and we knew it would work like a charm. Nick groggily looked at Choke and yawned, then closed his eyes again and murmured, "What the fuck happened to me?"

Me and Choke exchanged a quick glance and stifled our urge to laugh.

"They fucked you up good, bro. Good thing we were there, too," I answered.

"Thanks, man," Nick slurred.

Choke winked at me and smiled wide, still chewing the last of the donut. His mouth was full and there were little white flakes of frosting glaze at the corner of his lips. It looked sexy as hell to see this masculine, homemade-tattooed fucker, naked with a hard throbbing cock, chomping his way through the remains of the donut, just like any normal teenager on a Saturday morning. The flecks of glaze looked like dried cum and it reminded me to make sure I came all over his face sometime soon.

Choke leaned back against the wall beside Nick and looked him over hungrily. Nick's dick was still half-hard from the stroking I had been giving it, so Choke reached over and grabbed at it. Nick was getting more and more aware of his surroundings now and when he felt Choke grab his prick he looked at Choke with a new consciousness on his mug.

"Just a little helping hand, bro, don't get queer on me now," Choke joked and Nick closed his eyes again and let him keep stroking his cock.

I took Choke's horse-dick in my fist and jacked him off hard, the way I knew he liked it best. He grabbed my prick in his other hand and masterfully jacked us both off. After a minute or so I turned the water off and reached out to grab the towel so we could get ourselves dried off.

We helped Nick climb out of the tub and sat him down on the toilet. He leaned forward and held his head in his hands. We were just staring at him while we dried off, both of us just itching to fuck him over some more. But we both knew it wasn't safe yet so we didn't. Choke started humming a tune and dried off like there was absolutely nothing in the world that could touch him. I loved that quality about him, the arrogant sense of entitlement that skinheads have.

When I was finished drying off I used the same towel to get the punk dry. When I first started toweling him off he yelped and tried to bat my hand away. My impulse was to bash him in the mouth but I squashed it and handed him the towel. He started making feeble attempts at rubbing the towel over his tender skin, but after a moment he shoved it back at me and moaned again. I laughed at him and told him he was a faggot bitch as I lightly ran the towel over his body. He grunted out what was probably an insult and leaned back against the cold porcelain of the toilet tank. When it touched his skin he sat up straight and shivered as I continued drying him. I was kneeling between his legs, rubbing the towel lightly over his black-haired calves. I told him to lift his leg and he did. I lifted it even higher and told him to rest it on my shoulder. He was still pretty out of it and just did as I told him. Choke was crouched down beside me now and was watching me as I covered Nick's foot with the towel and gently rubbed it dry. When I lowered it and got the other one onto my shoulder Choke pointed at the kid's asshole which was now clearly exposed to us. I had to giggle cuz it looked red and a bit inflamed and I knew it was gonna be aching for days by the time we were done with it.

"Those fucking pricks really did a number on you, bro," I said to Nick as I continued drying him off. He mumbled something that ended with, "...thanks." I wanted to hoot with glee but instead I just shook my head and made soft tsking sounds. Choke had his face buried in his arm, shaking with silent laughter.

When we had him all dried off I hauled him up and we went back into Choke's room. Choke had brought in a six-pack of Coke and a bowl of donuts for us to eat. I pushed Nick onto Choke's bed and asked him if he wanted a Coke. He nodded and looked around blankly at the room.

"Where are we?" he asked softly.

"It's OK now, bro, we got you back to my house last night," Choke answered him, flopping himself down hard onto the bed next to Nick.

"Good thing we did, too," I added, "those fucking Portagees were going nuts on you."

Nick looked at me and then back to Choke and then back to me. I wasn't sure if he was even hearing the line of bullshit we were feeding him. Maybe we were putting on the act for nothing yet. Choke handed him the bottle of Coke and winked at me as the kid proceeded to slop it onto the bed. I righted the bottle for him and helped him take a few chugs. Choke asked him if he wanted a donut but he just shook his head, burped, and clutched the Coke.

"Yeah, well, we'll tell you all about what happened last night when you're a little more awake, bro. Drink up!" Choke said it like he meant it, dark and kind of intimidating. He stood there and scratched his nuts before he tugged on his dick a few times.

Choke had also brought in a baggy full of ice to help make the swelling in the punk's face go down some. He grabbed it off the desk and handed it to Nick who accepted it and then just stared at it.

"Man, he's still fucked up," I snickered at Choke who nodded and took the baggy out of Nick's hand and held it to the side of his face.

"Hey, little Nicky, do you remember what happened to you last night?" I sort of whispered/sang it to him. I figured I would just ask him directly and save us a bunch of time. Nick shook his head after a few moments and sort of shrugged, then winced as if shaking his head hurt.

"Nah," was all he said. After a pause he added, "You guys jumped me."

Choke and me just laughed like it had all been a joke and I said, "Self-defense, bro, all's fair in self-defense."

"Yeah, you were wasted on that whiskey and started brawling with us, man. You were out of your head, you little prick!" Choke cackled away when he said that. He had his arm slung lazily over my shoulder and squeezed it.

"My ass hurts," Nick said and that did it. Choke and me tried not to laugh but it was just too fucking funny, and we busted up loud.

"No wonder, after what happened!" I shot back at the kid. "You really don't remember that??" I asked with mock incredulity.

Nick might have blushed and shook his head again. I knew that Choke was breathing a sigh of relief, just like I was.

"Bro, that's what they fucking do if they get one of us when there's a fight. Winner takes the loser's ass, bro, the ultimate trophy. They stick a baseball bat up your ass. We do it, too. They tagged your ass last night, bro, but it's cool cuz we saw it go down and we'll vouch for you with the crew that we got jumped and were way outnumbered." Choke and me just stared hard at him, open-mouthed and waiting to see if he bought any of it.

The kid nodded heavily like he was wasted on heroin and was nodding off but still it was clearly a nod. All of a sudden he started crying and I involuntarily giggled and Choke fell backwards laughing his ass off and burying his face in one of his cheesy pillows.

"Hey, bro, it's OK. They got Choke once and fucked him and he's still the most rad skin in the crew." Choke flashed me a mean look and I grinned broadly at him. He scowled at me again. I was making all this up.

"The thing is, it wasn't fair and it's happened to some of the other guys but we never talk about it. That's the code we go by. If you do talk about it ever with anybody except whoever saw it and rescued you you'll get your ass beat and all sorts of nasty shit will happen to you. You got that?"

"Yeah," Choke jumped in, "Plus you'll get shunned by all of us. Completely shunned off the fuckin' map, bro. I seen it happen before, man. It's harsh."

We looked at each other and shrugged and waited. I went and sat next to the poor sap and put my arm around him. He didn't move so I pulled him into me and he leaned against me. I rubbed his scalp where it wasn't hurt with the flat of my hand and then gave him a big ol' smacking kiss on the forehead and laughed. I licked the side of his head.

"Buck up, bro, you wanna be a skin you gotta behave like one. You're OK now, it's all cool, nobody's gonna know a thing except us and you so just keep your fucking mouth shut. We deal with shit like this is our own way. If you shoot your mouth off to a cop or your parents or anybody at all, that means you're fucked and not one of us. We handle these things like skins, not like pussies." I squeezed his shoulder and then lightly nipped his muscular arm with my teeth.

Choke told him, "You know, you never did jerk off with us like we told you you have to if you wanna belong. It's a ritual with our crew. New recruits have to beat off with whoever sponsors them."

"Yeah," I quickly agreed.

Nick looked at us like he was confused.

"Remember? We talked about this last night before you got so fucking wasted, you stupid shit. You agreed to it then so what's your problem?" We worked well together.

"What for?" Nick asked.

"To prove that you're not a fuckin' pussy, that's what for. All skins love their dicks and so we all have to show what we got and what we can make it do. You got some problem with your dick, bro?" Choke was pressing it, too.

Nick actually laughed. He sounded kind of embarrassed. If only he knew what else he had already done with us.

"OK," he mumbled. His mouth curled into what I guess was a feeble grin.

"Look," Choke said affably, "We're gonna go take a shower, so just lay here and watch cartoons. When we get back we'll tell you what happened last night and then we'll just hang out and goof off, all 3 of us. OK?"

Nick just nodded and sank deeper into the nastiness of Choke's stinky bed as we got up and left the room. Choke turned his TV on and Saturday morning cartoons started blaring out their craziness as we shut the door behind us.

When we were inside the bathroom Choke sat down on the toilet and started taking a dump. I asked him if he had a razor I could use cuz I wanted to shave before I showered. He told me to get one from the medicine cabinet and I lathered my face up before starting to shave.

"What'd you wink at me for, dickwad?" I asked Choke.

He started cackling like a nasty schoolboy and I looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"I dosed his Coke with 2 more 'ludes, bro!" he laughed.

"Whoa! He's gonna be out of his fucking head before we get back in there."

"Oh, hell yeah. I thought maybe we should wait till later to dose him again, but I feel like fucking his ass now. We can always give him some bennies if he gets too out of it."

Choke always had a small pharmacy of drugs on hand to make our fucking around more intense and fun. "Bennies" were what we all popped back then, little white benzedrine pills that were also simple to score. Choke had a jar full of Quaaludes under his bed, too, along with an envelope of "reds", or Seconals, another powerful tranquilizer/sleeping pill. We never got into psychedelics or hard drugs, just whatever we could score easily and safely from people we knew. Weed was amazingly easy to find and we had at least a dozen contacts that could supply us whenever we ran low. But our favorite drug was simple alcohol, something we never paid for because it was so easy to steal. We drank just about every day for a year or so, until Choke moved back to the East Coast with his family.

I was finishing up shaving as Choke spooled off a handful of toilet paper and wiped his fuzzy ass. The stink of his fresh dump hung in the steamy air. I could see in the mirror that his heavy cock was bloated and already mostly hard. My dick was sticking straight up, my mind concentrated on images of Choke thunder-fucking the punk's raw asshole again.

Choke stood up as I leaned over the sink to rinse off my freshly-shaved mug. All of a sudden I felt his strong, hot hands on my hips as he pulled me into his groin. His red-hot cock poked at my asshole and I adjusted my stance so he could keep playing with me. As I tried to plant my feet more firmly onto the cool tile floor, I accidentally stepped on Choke's big bare feet. He swatted the back of my head and told me to stand on his feet. I let my weight fall completely onto the tops of his feet and it felt good to feel them under mine for some reason. He didn't shove into me, just kept poking at my hole with his enormous cock.

"C'mon, let's get washed up, bro, so we can get back to it," I said. "Besides, now I gotta take a shit, too."

When I finished taking a dump we hopped into the shower. Choke asked me if I wanted to take a couple of 'ludes, too. The morning felt cold and probably overcast. We didn't really have any plans for the day so I figured why not? We decided that as soon as we were back in Choke's room we would each take 2 'ludes and then play with Nick for the rest of the day.

We showered fast, eager to go back to his room and start fucking around again. I could tell that Choke was horny as hell cuz he kept absently looking at our dicks and touching my ass, a sure sign that he wanted to fuck.

By the time we were dry and ready to play we were both sporting major boners. I couldn't get enough of looking and feeling his hard dick. It jutted a little to the right, just like mine, but his looked like the older brother of my cock. Mine was nice and thick, almost 8", but Choke's was even thicker and longer, a little over 9". His balls hung much lower than mine, covered with a silky matting of soft golden hair. I bent down and kissed his hard prick and he laughed at me.

"You are such a fuckin' queer, bro!" he spat at me as he slapped my face hard with his rigid prick.

I grabbed his nuts and squeezed hard, making him yelp and jump back from me.

As we scampered back across the hallway to his room we heard Choke's dad moving around in another part of the house. Choke told me it was cool cuz his dad knew better than to bother Choke on weekends and he would be leaving soon cuz he worked on weekends anyway.

When we opened his bedroom door we saw Nick sprawled out on his stomach on the bed, legs spread a bit; he was unknowingly showing off his black-haired asshole, just inviting us to rape him hard and brutal. My cock throbbed with the agitation that always went with horniness, aching to throw a few punches and feel the peculiar glee that boiled my blood whenever we had someone at our mercy. Choke just leaned against the closed door and sighed out his lust.

"Aw fuck, bro, can you believe that? Look at that ass! He's all ready for us!" Choke was giggling and already stroking his fat dick. He went to the jar of Quaaludes and got us each 2. We swallowed them with the our Cokes.

"Hey, Nicky!" I shouted at the kid as I walked over to him and slapped his ass so hard it left a red impression of my hand on his pale flesh. He murmured and tried to roll himself over onto his back. I flung him over and he almost fell off the side of the bed. I was laughing at him, eager for some contact. I climbed up onto the bed and hauled his body back into the center of the mattress. Choke was beating his monster cock as he watched. I climbed on top of the naked, little freshman cocksucker and ground my hard, wiry body all over his. He was moaning low in the back of his throat which only made me hungrier for him. I was nose-to-nose with him, smelling the 'lude-laced Coke on his breath as it huffed out and beat against my face.

"You fucking cunt, we're gonna mess you up good, asshole," I panted into his face as I slid around all over him. My cock was pumping out precum so fast and strong that in no time his belly was slick with it. As I squirmed around on him my dick kept slipping and sliding all over his tummy. The punk was well built even though he was so young, quite a bit of muscle on his hot jock body. But certain things gave away how young he was, mostly his stomach. He still had a bit of that little-boy tummy that made all the shit we were doing to him seem nastier and more taboo to us. I hauled myself up and scooted forward so I could bang my dick against his open mouth. I hocked up a huge wad of spit and sent it crashing right smack in the middle of his infuriatingly homely face. His zits looked more inflamed and red then usual, probably because his skin was so pale from all the dope we had fed him. What I really wanted to do was pound on him so I could see some fresh blood and bruises, but I reminded myself that we needed to not mark him up anymore if we could help ourselves.

Choke put his big mit on my shoulder and it snapped me out of the spell these situations always seemed to cast on me. I turned to look at him, automatically snarling at Choke like a territorial animal intent on protecting its fresh kill. He shoved me hard and I toppled over next to the punk as Choke took my place straddling the naked kid.

Choke was using that mocking sing-song voice of his on the kid, a tone he used whenever he was taunting someone.

"Hey, little Nicky, stick out your tongue for me, bro, I got something here for you to lick." I thought he was gonna feed the kid his cock but when Nick finally managed to stick out his tongue Choke turned himself around so his ass was right in the kid's face. He looked down behind him to get his aim and squatted lower so that his asshole was pointed right at the kid's tongue. He lowered his butt down and squealed happily as the little prick's wet tongue touched Choke's hairy shithole.

"You fuckin' freshman bitch, lick my hairy hole. I just took a shit a little while ago. Does it taste as good as it smells?" Choke was red-faced and starting to sweat. I knew his asshole was clean cuz we had worked soap up each other's butts while we showered.

"Fart," I told him.

Choke's face reddened even more as he grunted and squeezed out a nice, juicy fart right in the kid's face. I knew that he had liked watching me do the same thing last night to the punk and now I knew why. It looked totally hot and humiliating and I started in on fingering my own asshole, shoving a finger up it and working it in good and deep, then holding it out for Choke to sniff as he continued bucking his hips back and forth over the kid's face. He inhaled deeply and his eyes flew up to gaze at my face, his expression contorted with lust and sex-fueled rage.

"Fuckin' nasty prick," he hissed at me, smiling like I had just told him a great dirty joke.

My body was beginning to feel warm and happy, so I hauled off and slugged him in the face. I didn't give it much power, just enough to hurt and send him reeling off the kid. Choke looked at me with eyes on fire and grinned like a demon.

"Hey. Did you notice that I got my laundry outta here while you were in there washing the little freak?" he asked me calmly. I could see his body trembling with adrenaline. I wondered what he was up to. I knew this was gonna hurt.

"Oh yeah. So what?"

"Come here and breathe. It doesn't smell bad anymore," was all he said.

I got up, knowing I was gonna get thrashed somehow, but it felt exciting and sort of like a game.

"Come here!" he said, half-laughing.

When I got close to him he grabbed me in a choke-hold and flung me as hard as he could into his closet doors. One of them buckled in the middle and flew off its track before toppling to the floor. It actually didn't hurt much at all, so I got up and he tackled me before I was even balanced on my feet. We crashed into the back wall of his shallow closet and he slapped me hard in the face twice before I could get my bearings. He was calling me names and spitting in my face, cackling like a madman. I was swinging wildly from the side, making a few good contacts with his jaw. The more I swung, the more excited I got. Finally I threw him off me and rolled up and away from him. When I was up I jumped onto his back and wrapped my arm around his throat and pulled him backwards. He fell onto me and we lay there panting and gasping before we went silent. Then we started to laugh.

"Fuck, I'm getting wasted," Choke giggled. I liked the weight of him pressing my hard dick against my belly. I was fondling his cock.

"Yeah, mine's starting to kick in, too."

"Let's have some fun," he said after a few seconds.

We pulled ourselves up and floated over to the bed. Everything was beginning to feel effortless and heavy at the same time.

Nick was trying to keep himself up on an elbow but without much success. Our racket had been loud enough to rouse him. As we got onto the bed Choke belched a long, loud burp that made me snicker. I grabbed a donut from the bowl where Choke had placed it on the desk. When I grabbed Nick's cock and threaded it through the hole in the donut Choke's face lit up with childish delight. It looked hilarious, the kid's soft, red, hooded dick sticking straight up through the donut. We both immediately shoved our faces into his crotch and began nibbling at the sweet thing. Soon we were tearing chunks out of the donut, swallowing them half-chewed. By the time we had ripped the donut to shreds, Nick's cock was hard and sticky with the white glaze that frosted the donut. I started running my tongue up and down the shaft, sucking the sides and probing my tongue down into his thick, black pubes. I could still taste the sweetness of the frosting, combined with the headier tang of crotch sweat. Amazing.

Choke was sucking the tip of the punk's foreskin, drawing it up into his puckered lips and extending it until he let it free and the skin slowly collapsed onto itself. Choke got up on his knees and positioned himself so he could pull Nick's foreskin out and stretch it over his own engorged cockhead. It looked sexy as hell, Choke and the punk, dick-to-dick, the punk's foreskin covering half of my best bro's huge purple helmet. Nick was writhing around, moaning and licking his swollen lower lip.

I brought my face down and ran my tongue all over their combined skin, feeling two swollen knobs under the thin, tender skin of Nick's fleshy dick sleeve. Choke held the foreskin in place and was slowly jacking it over his and the kid's dicks. When he withdrew his cock Nick's dickhead poked out of its sleeve, like it was searching for the intruder cock that had been sharing the same skin. Both cock heads looked shiny and slippery and I knew that Choke had pumped out a lot of precum, getting them both lubed up and ready for action.

Choke was out of his mind with lust by now and he roughly rolled the kid over onto his stomach and told Nick that he was gonna rape his faggot ass. Nick was so out of it that I don't think he even heard what Choke was slurring at him. I was laughing and saying all sorts of mean, nasty shit to both of them or to myself or to nobody in particular. All I knew was that I liked saying it.

Choke fell on his ass when he got off the bed and I remember howling with laughter as he disappeared before raising himself back up on his hands and standing up again. He looked embarrassed and cowed, like any teenage boy who gets embarrassed over something, but sort of crazy-drunk, too. It was sexy as hell cuz he looked so normal and vulnerable, while I knew that Choke was a deranged sex-fiend without a conscience when it came to getting his nut.

I helped him hike the punk's ass up in the air so he could ram home. Even though I was getting wasted from the 'ludes I knew that we had to loosen up the little prick's asshole or he might make too much noise. I leaned down and licked his hole with the tip of my tongue until he was squirming from the sensations I was sending through his hard, little worked-out body. Images of Choke's sperm spurting out of the kid's raw asshole, squirting onto my face, into my opened mouth, were flooding my mind and for a few seconds I couldn't tell what was fantasy and what was actually happening. I pulled my face back from the gummy moistness of the prick's swampy shithole and shoved my middle finger - my "fuck you" finger -- all the way inside him. It went in with no problem, so I stuck another one in. When we were ready Choke jacked his dick a few times to get it to its maximum hardness, then slid into the kid's gaping hole. I was standing behind Choke now, watching as he slowly inched his way into the kid's bowels. His balls looked like 2 small onions in a sock, hiding what was happening to the kid's dick. I staggered around the bed so I could see the action from the front.

Nick's head was resting on the mattress, right on top of one of the more spectacular cum stains on the sheet, a crusty white sunburst extending several long, sloppy rays of stiff, white light. It looked good and nasty. His brow was furrowed like he was hurting. Choke was clutching the kid's flanks as he pumped in and out. I could smell so many odors, all of them having to do with hot male sex. Sounds of sex filled my head, Choke grunting like a boar, the kid panting and groaning like he was being tortured. I was surprised by how raspy my own breathing was. I was as amped as Choke was and I wasn't even touching myself yet. I moved to get a side view and saw that the kid's cock was stiff and had a bead of precum dripping from the head. I laughed and might have mentioned it to Choke but I can't be sure of that. What was happening in my head was not necessarily what was happening in the room.

I couldn't figure out what to do first. The 'ludes were fucking with my head and I let them take me away. I stumbled over to Choke, standing behind him, watching him tear into the kid's hole. He was fucking nice and slow; Nick's ass sounded wet and ripe, making those soft squishing sounds that always drove me wild. I ambled up behind Choke and reached out to touch the spot where cock met asshole, feeling the greasy, slimy ooze under my trembling fingertips. Choke was growling like a bear, and when I touched his sensitive cock as it plunged back inside the kid's ass he turned his face to look at me. Choke's eyes were shiny with 'lude-fuled glassiness and his lips curled back into a fearsome leer when he finally saw me. I leaned over and forced my tongue into his mouth and we made out for what seemed like the rest of the day. Probably it was only for a minute or so, but it felt like forever.

I hocked a wad of spit into my hand and lubed up my boner, then another one that I plastered Choke's asshole with.

"I wanna fuck you while you fuck him, bro," I slurred at Choke while I fought to keep on my feet. I was starting to have some problem with my balance, something that always happened to me when I took 'ludes. Sometimes it was fun.

Choke just threw his head back and laughed drunkenly, then looked at me and gave me a mock-bashful expression and said, "Be gentle."

I got into position and felt-up Choke's ass some for a little while first. I loved feeling his ass. Choke's body hair was a light golden brown and his butt was dusted with it. I loved his fuzzy ass, especially how it smelled after a night out or when we'd been rough-housing all day. I got down and spread his hairy cheeks so I could loosen his tender, pink hole. I lapped all around it and sucked on it between exploratory probes with my tongue. When I shoved my tongue up it Choke shivered and moaned and bucked back hard into my face, reaching around so he could grind my face deeper between his cheeks. I held my head still letting him fuck himself on my tongue as his movements from fucking the kid made us into some sort of crazy sex machine. It was awesome.

I stood up and told him to get ready and pushed into him. Choke stopped fucking for a few seconds while I got inside him. When I was all the way in and started slowly pumping into him he slowly started back in on fucking the punk. I was all over him, slapping his ass and grabbing his balls, licking and biting his shoulders, rubbing my face and hands all over his shaved head. The scratchiness of his buzz cut felt so fucking masculine and merciless that I could feel it's coarseness all over my body. I was moaning and grunting loud and Choke was panting like a horse. The kid was doing whatever. He was beside the point, other than being a good semi-animate sex toy. The harder I fucked Choke the harder he fucked the kid. I could tell that Choke was almost overwhelmed by how fucking blissed-out he was feeling. I knew that I would cum soon if I didn't stop fucking him, so I pulled out fast and Choke gasped and lurched when I did. I liked pulling out fast because it sends a shock through whomever you're fucking and I liked having Choke pull out the same way.

I stumbled backwards and laughed while I jacked my slimy cock a few times. The image of Choke still fucking that kid was making my imagination get even more nasty. Plus my vision was starting to go double. I lumbered back to them and scooted my groin between Choke's legs. He giggled and asked me what the fuck I was doing. I told him I was gonna fuck the little bitch's ass, too. Choke brayed out a cruel, malicious laugh and maneuvered himself so I could get in. The kid started jerking and moaning when I started forcing my cockhead into his already amply filled asshole. Choke reached a hand around the punk and clamped it over the prick's mouth. This time he did start to make a fuss and Choke had to force him down with one hand while pressing a pillow over the kid's head with the other. I went slow but relentlessly into him, not really giving a shit about how much noise he might or might not make, thrusting deep inside his incredibly tight hole. The pressure of Choke's huge cock pressing down on mine felt awesome and when I started sliding in and out of the kid's shithole like a madman Choke picked up his speed, too. Banging away at the punk's ass with both of us inside him felt like nothing I had ever felt before. The tightness of the kid's ass meant that one side of my cock was sliding against his guts while the other side was sliding against Choke's huge prick. I felt like I was fucking two things at once. Both of us were talking all sorts of trash talk to the kid, basically treating him like a whore, like an animal.

I could hear someone almost shrieking as they gasped in air and then realized it was me. Choke was bellowing like a fucking bull and started spasming his ass into the kid's guts. When I felt my cock being bathed in a warm cum bath I roared and sent what must have been a spectacular fucking load hurtling up the punk's intestines. My head was reeling and all I could smell was hot male sex. Ass, sweat, feet, and dirty sheets. I felt like a god.

I guess we must have passed out for a few minutes because the next thing I recall was coming to long enough to realize that I was cold. I was still buried to the hilt in the kid's ass, just like Choke was. The punk had stopped thrashing but was still whimpering softly under the pillow. I was cold because I was drenched in sweat, mine and Choke's. We were slick with it and the room smelled just like our school locker room at the end of a long, active day.

When I pulled out of the kid's ass there was a soft, wet popping noise. I tried to take a step backwards but my feet got tangled up and I fell heavily onto the floor. The great thing about 'ludes was that you never seemed to get hurt if you fell down, I guess cuz you were already so relaxed that nothing seemed to register. Until later. After a few attempts I got my eyes focused long enough to get a more-or-less clear view of the bed. Choke was still in the kid's ass, still bucking into it every once in a while, but mostly he was just collapsed on the kid's back, too fucked-up to withdraw. I giggled and told Choke to pull out and fuck me, now. I had to say it 3 or 4 times before Choke understood what I was telling him. With a huge effort he roused himself and pulled out fast from the kid's stretched asshole. A few tiny drops of blood were beading up from where we had torn the skin around the prick's hole. Cum was dripping out of it too, and when Choke hauled his cock out of the kid's now-smelly hole a gluey rope of it was still attached to his dick head. It looked hot as hell.

I fell to my knees and propped myself up on my hands, ready for Choke to rape my ass good and hard. I was out of my head, telling him I wanted him to fuck me so deep that his sperm would come out of my mouth. All sorts of crazy shit like that. Choke got down on his knees and kissed my ass. His hot breath was beating against my cheeks as he worked it over. When I felt him spread my ass open I was ready for the sharp pain of feeling him plow into my hungry hole. He surprised me by eating out my ass first, growling and slurping, before he rammed himself home. I remember thinking it would be fucking hilarious to take a shit while he was down there and I think I even grunted hard a few times trying to force out a turd. But I didn't need to take a shit so nothing happened. I was laughing my ass off though, not sure if it had happened or not. I got a harsh awakening when it suddenly felt like his arm was roaring up my asshole. His cock was hard as a rock by now and he plunged it in so fast and so hard that I nearly blacked out from the pain.

Choke really went to town on my ass. He was smacking my head and shoulders, punching my butt cheeks with his fist, slamming into me like he wanted to climb inside my ass. I remember yelling at him, calling him a faggot bitch, a queer-ass cocksucker, a cum-eating skank, anything and everything I could think of to keep him furious. His sweat was dripping onto my back and it felt like fire every time a new drop hit my skin. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and rammed my face against the frame of his bed. He fucked my ass like he wanted to kill me, slamming my head into the bed frame with every thrust 'til I was sure that my head must be cut and bleeding.

He hauled me backwards and forced me onto my back. Then he lifted my legs up into the air as he stood up, using my legs for support. He lowered himself down and punched his hard cock into my ass, fucking me while he was standing up and I was basically lying down with my legs being help up by him. The room was starting to spin and for a second I thought I was gonna puke. Actually, I thought I was gonna explode from every opening in my body. What would come out I had no idea; I just knew that everything in my body felt like it was coming to a boil and would soon be spewing everywhere. Just when I knew I wasn't gonna be conscious much longer Choke found new reserves of horniness and fucked me faster and harder than he ever had before. It shocked me so bad that the dizziness and nausea disappeared and all of a sudden I was totally meshed with Choke, almost like me and him were the same person, like I was fucking myself. I remember opening my eyes and looking at his contorted, grimacing face, beet red and dripping with sweat. He looked like a monster, inhuman and intent on destroying the entire human race by fucking the universe into oblivion. Everything was so awesome.

I swear to god, I thought he was turning into the devil. My head was totally fucked up with crazy ideas, thinking he was gonna kill me and then eat me. I started laughing cuz the thought was so terrifying and hilarious at the same time, and I knew what I had to do. I pulled my legs back towards the floor, Choke still pounding into my tortured asshole, the stench of hot butt sex filling my nostrils and lungs, so pungent that I could taste it in my mouth. I kicked him in the face as hard as I could. Choke staggered backwards, involuntarily ripping his pulsing cock out of my shithole, still bucking his hips, bucking into thin air. I rolled over onto my knees and scrambled up, clutching the bed for support. Now that I was up and he was out of me, everything seemed normal again. The room was still spinning and I was helluv dizzy and shit, but at least I didn't think he was a goddamn monster intent on eating me anymore. I was so amazingly wasted.

There was a trickle of blood running out of Choke's nose and spilling over his lip. His tongue slashed out and tasted it. I started laughing so hard I had to sit down on the bed. Choke was completely stunned. He just stood there for a few seconds, wiping at the blood dripping from his nose, looking at the bright, happy, red on his fingertips, confused and uncomprehending. Even being so fucked-up, I knew I had to act fast or my ass was history. I lurched forward and wrapped my tingling, sweat-soaked body around his, rubbing my shaved head over the blood on his face, licking it off him and then shoving my tongue in his mouth so we could savor the taste of his blood together. I know that sounds fucked-up and bizarre, but when we got really frisky and wasted all the normal rules went out the door. That's just how we were. No apologies.

Choke was raking his fingernails hard down my back, so hard that it stung. I knew the bastard was gonna leave tracks on my back but for some reason it just made everything even better. I was enraged but delighted, just like Choke was at that moment.

I think I had my eyes closed for lots of the time because what I remember most are the incredible smells and tastes that engulfed us. I remember hoisting Choke's arms up so I could lap away at his rank, hairy pits. The sharp tang of his sweat tasted bitter and salty, nasty enough to make me wrinkle my nose and choke back a gag. But it was exactly what I wanted at that moment, the stink of his b.o. all over my face. His big dick was pressed so hard against my belly that when I did look down at it I couldn't tell where his stopped and mine began. It looked like they had melted together, like 2 cream-filled candy bars left on the dashboard.

I guess Choke just didn't realize I had kicked him in the face cuz he wasn't exacting any revenge like I thought he would. I snickered when I knew I had won that little battle and told him I wanted us to jack off on the kid. His half-closed, drugged-out eyes flared with glee and when he tried to say something all I heard was sounds, something like human speech but not quite. I loved it when Choke got this wasted cuz he was sexy as hell. Unable to do anything but fuck and spray out huge loads of cum. Not even able to talk intelligibly. So fucking hot.

We tottered over to the bed and I whipped the pillow off the little asshole's head. He was out like a light so I shook him hard and started smacking his face a bunch of times. Choke was giggling and I think he told me to lighten up on the bitch. I guess I was hitting him so much cuz it made my cock harder and my appetite for him even more greedy. I yanked the prick's arms up over his head and turned him onto his back. He moaned and gurgled when I flipped him over so I hocked up wads of spit and blasted that shit all over his face. I began fucking the kid's armpit fast and rough, rough enough to tear some of his pit hairs out by their roots and plaster them to my slimy dick. Choke leaned over and aimed a spitwad right at the kid's pit. When it hit it splattered over my aching dick and slicked up his pit really good. This seemed like a great idea at the time and I laughed before I spit into the kid's other pit, the one nearest Choke. As soon as my spit hit it Choke started fucking it. We climbed onto the bed so we could get better leverage fucking the creep's skunky pits. Choke was twiddling the kid's dick, trying to make it come to life, but he was too out of it. My hands were all over that bitch's body, rubbing and grinding and pinching 'til I left red blushes all over him. I dug my fingernails hard into his nipples and tweaked them like the sadistic bastard I was, hoping for a little blood if I couldn't get any other reaction outta him.

I kept clubbing his pits and face and chest with my cock, like I was battering him with a billy club. Choke was going ape-shit. I could feel the cum start to boil in my nuts. Choke started gasping and swearing, a signal I knew meant that he was tantalizingly close to blasting off. I started fucking the prick's underarm again, ready to let loose with the load I'd been hoarding all morning. I reared back a little and with a teeth-clenching yowl barked out that I was gonna nut but Choke was too into his own scene to even hear me.

All my focus was now concentrated into my dick, intent on only one thing - getting my nut the way I liked it, overstimualted, wasted, merciless, and primal as an animal. I aimed my dick and felt the first molten rope explode out of my cock. My body was glazed with sweat and spit and the geysers of jizz I unleashed got all over me, too. I was pounding so hard that my cum went everywhere and my balls were literally jumping up and slapping down so hard that it hurt some, which only made me shoot harder. Bullets of hot, creamy cum were shooting into the kid's black-haired pit, gumming up the lush hairs and dripping down his side. It was all over his chest, too. Choke let go and a major blast shot up into the air. In my fucked-up condition it seemed to hang there, suspended in midair before it crashed back down and slopped over the kid's shoulder and neck. Choke's aim was better on the rest of his shooting, and he sprayed more cum than I did into the little fucker's pit and on his torso. I felt drained, totally empty, both physically and emotionally. Blank and wasted. Bliss. When we were done we swiped our cocks all over the kid's face and lips, smearing the remnants of our sperm over his eyelids and even sticking our dickheads in his ears. I knew we both felt the same way cuz we had discussed in detail before what we felt like after a great orgasm: satisfied and dreamy and nice. Nice as opposed to mean. We thought that was funny as hell. That niceness didn't mean we weren't still total horndogs after we busted our nut, though.

We just let the kid lay there while we took a break and got our breath back. I wanted a good shot of whiskey to boost the 'ludes so I asked Choke if he had any. There was a little more than a 1/4 of a fifth under his bed that he wasn't expecting to find. When he found it we hooted for absolute joy and felt like a miracle had occurred. We were such fuckin' drunks back then! We each got several good swigs out of it and just left the empty bottle on the bed cuz we couldn't figure out what else to do with it, we were so nicely toasted. Choke rolled a fat joint and we smoked that, too, almost like we both knew we were gonna be passed out soon and wanted to get as many fun drugs into us as we could before it hit us.

I had been playing with the kid's pits, paying special attention to the one Choke had unloaded in. It was fun squishing the cum into his pit hair, getting my fingers slick with it and then finally smelling it and licking it off my fingers. It tasted fucking amazing, bleachy and sharp, warm and vitaminy. I loved the taste of Choke's cum and I wanted some more so I got down on my hands and knees on the mattress and ran my tongue all over the skanky mess in the kid's pits. Choke was blearily watching me, softly laughing, beginning to play with his nuts again. Then he leaned down and went to work on the punk's other pit, greedily lapping my jizz up with his thick tongue.

The first big tongueful we each got we fed to the kid, forcing him to eat our sperm. I ran my tongueload all over his teeth and then frenched with him so I could coat the rest of his mouth with Choke's strong nut. Choke was licking even more up from the kid's face and then shoved it all into his mouth after I took my turn. We went back to Nick's pits for another load and then swapped it with each other, sucking on each other's tongues to get every little bit we could.

I flopped down on the bed and lay there spread-eagled, more satisfied and drained than I had felt ever. Choke followed pretty fast and we nuzzled into Nick. The kid was murmuring stuff and moving around some but we knew he'd be out for a few hours still so we let ourselves pass out and get some sleep.

I thought I'd be able to finish writing about this particular adventure in this installment, but it's too fucking long again. One more writing should do it.

Next up, we take the little bastard outside to play in the backyard, then make him call his house and say he'll be back that night. What a sight he must have been when he stumbled into his house. Hah!

Next: Chapter 3

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